HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-11-30, Page 261 PAM: 6A-MGQDERICHS1(QNAL-STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30,1978 From Queen's Park By Jack Riddell, MPP (Intended for last week) Ontario's minority Conservative govern- ment was defeated by one vote (37-36) in the Legislature last week on an amendment to the Child Welfare Act. The amendment that would permit adopted children to discover the identity of their natural parents under a volun- tary system, was moved by New Democrat Ross McClellan (Bellwoods), during the consideration of a bill by Social Ser- vices Minister Keith Norton. to amend the Act. Mr. Norton said he opposed the McClellan amendment because it places pressure on the adoptive parents to give their consent when ap- proached by the ministry. At the present there is no legal right for a child to learn the names of his natural parents, and even if all parties are willing, tracing the natural parents is difficult. Attorney General Roy McMurtry came under fire in the Legislature when he tried to explain why not one of the 134 provincial judges in the criminal courts in Ontario is a woman. In replying to the question from Albert Roy, Liberal Member for Ottawa East, Mr. McMurtry said he found it difficult to find Jack Riddell MPP women who will accept 'dges' robes. During the („00,,,w past three years only one woman •- lawyer has submitted an application to the Provincial Cabinet for a judicial ap- pointment. The, ap- plication was later rejected because it ex- pressed no more than a mild inteiest. Mr. McMurtry said the prerequisite for the bench is several years' ex- perience as a lawyer and that judicial ap- pointments for many women in that category would mean a cut in pay. Provincial Court Judges are paid $42,900, although that is under review. Mr. McMurtry, said the° prospect of a drop in pay should not be too great a deterrent since "women may have a greater concept of public ser- vice." When he was called to the bar about 20 years ago, he said only 7 of 250 lawyers, were women. A spokesman for the Law Society of Upper Canada said its mem- bership includes 901 women and 11,402 men. Five years ago 49 women and 630 men were called - to the bar, while this year the figures were 193 women and 793 men. In connection with the deaths of 22 Hamilton foundry workers who died from lung cancer, the Minister of Labour, Dr. Robert Elgie, has described the actions of medf aI . Mitres in M ministry sand the Work- men's Compensation Board as "careless". The Minister stated that he had met officials from his Ministry's occupational health and safety division and the WCB and learned that the investigation was not carried out because of Turn to page 7A • Prices effective through Sat., December 2nd, 1978 at the A&P Stores listed in this ad. WHY BAKE YOUR OWN? Jane Parker FRUIT CAKE u)5.99 Use Christmas Seals. 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