HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-11-30, Page 151
Trait association conducts
An enthusiastic group
of 28 Maitland Trail
Association M.T.A.
members gathered
recently at Robertson
Memorial Public School
for their thi 1. annual
Chairman of the
evening, Heinz Hoernig
reported that the trail is
gradually being pushed
through toward Wingham
and the M.T.A. has made
considerable progress
this past year.
The dump at Clancy's
Bunk house on the
Maitland River has been
completely cleared, and
fill has been dumped in to
smooth it over. Posts
have been set into the
road so that vehicles
cannot reach this dead
Last year several ski
parties and a toboggan
party which were
planned by the executive,
were quite successful..
However, the same
people have been
carrying the work load
year after year and they
have experienced great
difficulty in getting
enough help, especially
help from people who
could come out and work
o'n the trails. This is a
marvellous fitness
exercise for any able-
bodied person, man,
woman or child.
In an effort to find a
way ofsharing the
burden of work, it was
agreed that the
Association appoint 12
dedicated hikers to form
a Board of Directors with
one, person and some
volunteer assistance to be
responsible for an ac-
tivity each month. These
events would include
work parties as well as
hikes, ski parties, etc.
Without such activities,
the Associatiop would fall
Kits will be made for
each person on the board
with everything one
needs to know to set up a
meeting. The group feels
also that it would
stimulate outside interest
to have more publicity
through the news media.
When the meeting was
thrown open for
discussion, Rod Lafon-
taine offered to organize
a ski outing in February.
Lynda Postill will
arrange a canoe trip
during the spring run.
Lorna Vincent offered to
look after newspaper
publicity and Tim
Elliott offered to help
with this. It was
suggested that the group
might meet during the
summer months for a
beach and swimming
Jim Bishop moved that
the directors for 1978-79
make a concerted effort
toward working out a
constitution for the
M.T.A. This was carried
by a majority vote.
Bishop chaired the
meeting for the election
of new directors and the
following members
agreed to let their names
stand for election to the
board of M.T.A.: Heinz
Hoernig, Eileen
Beauchemin, Margaret
Bushell, Don Grant,
Maurice Wilkinson,
Norma Hazlitt, Jean
Knight, Grace Sale, Bill
Wisser, Lynda Postill,
Shirley MacEwan and
Rod Lafontaine.
Since there were no
further nominations, the
above 12 were declared
directors of the M.T.A.
for 1978-79.
Twp, recreation
The November meeting
of Goderich Twsp.
Recreation council was
held at the township
office with the following
members present: Grant
Stirling, Doug Yeo, Hazel
McCreat, Joe Fritzley,
Alice Porter, Bev. Orr,
Marilyn Forbes. Also
present was township
treasurer Ben Whitely.
A long but interesting
meeting evolved which
included several reports
and enthusiastic
Approximately 145
crests- are still on hand
and still available as
Christmas stocking
stuffers from secretary,
Hazel McCreath.
Tickets for the town-
ship dance were reported
to move slowly at first but
a brisk' sell-out business
was expected just prior to
the dance night.
On behalf of the
township council, reeve -
elect Grant Stirling ex-
tended an invitation to
the rec. .committee plus
their spouses or friend to
the councilmens annual
dinner party at the White
Carnation being held
prior to the dance on Nov.
The search for the
missing soft -ball
sweaters has ' ended
satisfactorily with all but
one returned for storage.
The secretary was in-
structed to send a bill of
$15 to the remaining user
of the lost sweater.
After some discussion
it was moved by M.
Forbes, seconded by B.
Orr that D. Yeo be given
authority to order let-
terhead stationery, to
feature the Goderich
township crest, one
colour on white with
printing of his choice at a
cost of •$26.50 per 1000
sheets. Doug was also
asked to check prices on
A letter was re-t'ead
from Gbderich Figure
Skating. Club who were
asking assistance. Ben
Whitely, township
treasurer then presented
an explanation of the
grant system-.
After Otte discussion,
the secretary was in,
strutted to Write both the
Garderieh and Clinton
clubs asking them to
contact Mr. Whitely
immediately to obtain
info regarding
availability of grants for
figure skating. Also a
statement was needed for
the recreation committee
listing their expenses
plus the number of
Goderich township
children who are
members of the clubs.
This motion was made by
Doug Yeo, seconded by
Bev Orr.
Registrations were
received from the Happy
Hearts Round Dance
Registration fees of $10
were allowed to Doug Yeo
and Bev Orr who at-
tended the Lake Huron
Zone of the Ont.
Municipal Rec.
Association Conference
which was held Oct. 28,
A letter from the
township council re signs
for the lake side park
stated that council had
contacted the ministry of
Transport and Com-
munications and learned
that our park, did not
qualify for resort sign
assembly but did give two
possible solutions. The
letter continued in stating
that the council would see
that the signs would be
Because there has been
some interest shown in
volleyball and hockey
since the registration
deadline, a winter
program may be laun-
ched in the new, year if
there is sufficient
registration. Anyone
interested should phone
the rec secretary, H.
McCreath, immediately.
Further discussion about
this matter will take
place at the Dec. 13th
meeting to assess the
probability of a winter
sports program. -
A motion was approved
by Doug Yeo, seconded
by Marilyn Forbes that
copies of the recreation
board minutes be sent to
the three council
members not on the rec.
committee so all will be
informed of the various
The meeting adjourned
until Dec. 13 at 8 p.m,
when anyone is welcome
to attend.
.y Bishop tendered his
--resignation as vice-
president and newsletter
editor due to other
commitments but he will
continue on as an active
At the conclusion of
business, the gathering
adjourned for refresh-
ments and an animated
exchange of summer
Afterwards, the
evening was beautifully
climaxed with an
exquisite firm of the work
and wilderness wan-
derings of the well-known
Canadian wildlife artist,
Glen Loates.
Loates tramps through
bush and swamp, uphill
and downdale,
sometimes waiting for
hours to get a single
third annual mei
camera shot of a bird or
animal. Later, he cap-
tures it forever in a
painting perfect in every
detail of pattern and life-
like colour.
His fearlessness was
most impressive when he
tracked down a grizzly
bear in B.C. to shoot only
with his camera. He also
encountered many of the
less dangerous black
bears as well as all sorts
of wild animals in his zeal
to catch them on celluloid
in their native habitat.
Such a life must require
the stamina -of a trained
athlete as well as the
patience of Job. Glen
Loates does shoot with a
gun some specimens
which his dog retrieves.
These are used for a
study of every
anatomical detail to give
his work its perfection.
At the close of the
evening, the members
parted with a feeling of
optimism for the up-
coming programs.
Anyone who may be
interested in joining or
helping the Maitland
Trail Association in any
of ' their projects, may
contact Heinz Hoernig,
Rill Wisser or Jean
Knight The Association
needs people constantly
to help preserve wildlife
As an example, when
some members recently
hiked through the
Robertson Tract along
the Maitland River, they
collected a garbage bag
full of refuse left by
fishermen and others
along the trail_
This is what the hiker's
code is all about.
Dedicated nature lovers
try to enhance the lan-
dscape not deface it.
december 10
onep.m.to six p.m.
use your ....
master charge
• a
You are invited to a beginning ..._ a happening
.._. something totally new for you and for us .._.
Bill Clawson -,Gallery of Sarnia has, assembled a
presentation of works of selected professional ar-
tists and craftsmen who truly have a creative
edge — whose work has consistently appreciated
both -in artistic and investment value.
Individual, unique gifts. Graphics .... paintings
pottery ....sculpture __._ planters .... for the
collector and lover of art. Golf equipment and
apparel .__. for the doer and the patron of sport.
The happening .... quiet, relaxed, no lineups _._.
no hassle of last minute shopping when many
lines are sold out ._._ The happening .... at
Goderich Sunset .... browse at your leisure
through two rooms of gifts for you or others to
BILL CLAWSON ART, handcrafted beauty,
graphics,, paintings, pottery, sculpture...
together with our collection of golf equipment
and apparel, craftsmanship by the masters .... all
under one roof at Goderich Sunset Golf and Sports Centre. Where are we
.... four miles north of Goderich on highway 21, lakeside, near Point Farms
Provincial Park. We have now adopted our winter hours so please phone
524-7968 or 524-8047. We sincerely hope you will be able to attend the
happening .... a beginning.
If you're not sure .... give a gift certificate. OUR GUARANTEE .... hap-
piness is finding the right gift for someone you love. And you find the right
gifts here at Goderich Sunset. And'we want things to be right. If one day is
too short for a happening ..__ let us know .... we like to work and to keep
on working .... we want to know what you want and when ..._ and we
want you to know you
can rely on us to be here
tomorrow. We've
been here for a
while .... we're
here today . _ .. we'll
be here,tomorrow .... next
summer..... next Christmas.
At Sunset there will be a
happening .... a beginning
but there will be .._.
graphics beaulieu
paintings burger
ti ms
pottery arnold
sculpture block
f4 -