HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-11-30, Page 11GODERICk1S$GNAL-STAR, THURSDAY,NOYF 3% 191160t0 Card party successful; another Manned for December T e - rrzfalg StaiLly iniattalay quietly bald a card party a¢ the Sant anvs %Chia Mtn and on Wedneney as within Mfrs_ Graham McNee_ there weee &lett tats The i insi u b titin her sister and d gripes were as t ? vssc 6naPrer-i flaws, Mr_ and Mrs_ nen- hide Ms- &v.ei el Err- Les ntetaisten, Nie and ti's FTF _ Charles nraniiiiiiiinhtter Mrs_ Joy !4lTt i'.•hjc d tea_ Mrs_ Venn. Seaftorth. Joy spent t -rends G,aw_ the weekend at the Mdtiee Tenni lawn- The rime the bane need attended e Bene_ was won by Genas Ste_ Cutl'aert wedding on Friday Over hem& these in attend- evening_ te weed rna iannira+^ionsiii in i4 istters on lifts- slay with of lta'%i g another- Mr_ and Mrs.. Graham Mc- aaLtti pens as the Fr>nI!t on Nee er<ese Mir_ and Mrs_ Elton. Wesiesdav December th_ O. and Mr_ and Mnw Bob A speaker Erect Wiattanie is Orr loam near Winl'.ey_ to he pante= az the natindito Mr_ and Mum Ban Ecdw. meeting of the Agrientezerai Jennifer. Megan and Tiamramy Wetly the ionh area Monday off !Mississauga suet die eiie"”ing. "t rice *,.,fuer irftln_ mend ccialn Mr_ and Mrs_ Ce,.- n ,7'. rni co Mir_ k*vtuere li mlvr_ Mts. Bin Rinke acne P Congrastriaaicnurs to Mr_ Ram) of Cys _ ace on the and Mrs_ David Bete (nee tat agin a Salon- Daman Cuthbert)) who were tom_ e Feer 25_ a vee mauled on Friday evening. sites far Bei and Kara_ a '_ oaeaaitier Nth in Dungan - ern Turin Mtn_ CCd! rain linked CT iutadu with liFnke and Tet- EW_ mod Mrs_ bevffet supper and reception Eenene Rwa _ G4udcticla_ thinoning ar Sandford Hall_ Mrs_ Ross nifeNee absent- They %sill reside in a anabRe Friends gather home ea the east side of Deingaennen_ Mr_ and Mrs_ Gordon Neabell and three children of Catednn visited Mr. and Mrs_ Howard Colbert on the vieekend and attended the Bere-Cullben wedding_ Mts. Neabell is Doris' sister. Mar- Congratulations to Mr_ and Mrs_ Crary Dauphin ((nee Heather Park) EMI the birth of a son. noro-ftael,, oa November laTth, a brother for Holly. Sarah. and Rebecca_ hits_ Eldonn. Austin has had a very amnions time the lase few weeks as her father- Joe Finleeea. is gravely ill 111111 Vc inghatn Hospital' fallowing a stroke and her brother. Torten F•enfeen. was hospitaliz- ed in Goderich_ Mr. and Mrs_ Jack Erring - tea visited Evelyn -s sister. Mrs_ Melinda Nevins in Clin- ton at the home of her daughter, Ruby. Mrs_. Roes Pickard. on Sundaes_ Melinntla is making a good comeback. Surprise Van D'iepenbeeks Mrs_ Lorne Luther spent the past week visiting her s seers Ridge: t wn_ Mrs Gt •dost F 2imtlayso n spent the past ss -eek En Toronto with her faranJily there_ M]r. and Mrs_ Niel MacKenzie were Pr -Hoag moony who attended the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto dewing true past week_ Aho and Mrs_ Frank Van Diepeaheek wee plonnantlY surprised oa Wedxiay evivFnt[rnE last ehea friends on the Itith Con_ of Redd. along %goals the members of the Van Diepebeek awed its a group and surprised Franck and Annie,. bring? -ng with them orrinein lovely gid both arra a geed evening, of fr-oicMtip and _ AteAnending"ehe annual Ripley and District Hordetalturafi dinner a the Leggin Final Riplley_ Lochalsh !neon Mc'barles correspondent_ 528-2822 Tuesday noon time 'were Mrs_ Warren WVI yllds, Mrs_ Errn�ille Mac Lennon, Mrs_ 011i' er McCharles and Mrs_ Ewan MacLean of this area_ Oliver and Marion McCharles are happy to ataarotaance the arrived off amdr-Br61d number six -a son Rvaan Allnrn born to John and Mary Asan McCha les of Penicillin oat Thursday_ Nov_ 23 at Petrone Hes it_al_ Mr- and Mrs_ Doug Martyo a...+ti family were guests at the Carruthers Farrell wedding at St_ Andrews United Church on Saturday. Wonder . of there are those who would like to contribute to a story of Loch aIsla and its - beginning? How about sean:ei'n,g along or calling inn soase • of the stories associated with this community? The Goderich Garden Club recently presented the Bluewater Centre with a three tiered Grow Light plant stand, a welcome addition to the Centre's greenhouse gardening facilities. Left to right are Mrs. Edith Millar, vocational training instructor at the Centre, Mrs. Frances Worsen, member of the Godericth Garden Club and Mrs. Janet Kalbfleisch, president of the club_ The ladies all commented an the improved appearance of an African violet after a week on the stand_ (Photo courtesy Bluewater Centre) Centre gets Grow Light Hats off to the mem- bers of ' the Goderich Garden Club for their thoughtfulness toward Bluewater Centre residents! The Goderich Garden Club contributesto the horticultural betterment of the community not only through their ex- pertise in this area, but also by means of annual donations of plants, bulbs, equipment or tabour to various segments of the com- munity'_ This year Bluewater Centre is tine proud recipient of a three tiered Grow Light plant stand. The stand is a welcome addition to the Centre greenhouse gardening facilities in that it provides residents with a marketing area readily accessible to staff. The resulting increase in sales of plants adds immeasurably to the sense of achievement and accomplishment on the part of the residents_, At the present time there are five residents working in this program, under the direction of Mrs_ Edith Millar. They are' learning valuable, basic new skills, in plant propagation, soil mix- tures, watering techniques, hothouse vegetabile production, house piant production and merchandising. Volunteers with a knowledge or interest in gardening, are needed to assist with this training program on weekday afternoons. For further information, 4flntact the Volunteer Services Department at 5247331., after a tong illness during the past year_ Mrs_ Les Schutt is a patient in Wingbamm hospital since early in the week_ Congaatutations to Mr_ and Mrs_ John Limon. ((nee Karen Dawson) of Edmon- ton. on the birth of a son, Colin Arthur, tan November lith. a breather for Aliso and Mark. a grandson for Mr_ and Mrs. K. K_ Dawson_ Visitors on the weekend with Mrs_ Mary Bere and with Kathie and John Stan - bitty were Mars -belie and Dwight Aidham, Johnny. Greg and Larissa of Imgie- wood; Marlin and Juhn Bete, Karen and David of London; Ruth Bere Austin off Toronto. Mr_ and Mtn_ Bob Irvin attended the wedding of Mel Ritchie and Jane Watson in ,Blyth on Saturday_ Congratu- lations are extended to Mr. ungannon doings L Mary Bere correspondent 529-7915 and Mrs. Mel Ritchie_ Mr. and Mrs. Percy Blundell visited the Irvin on Sunday. Mts. Jim McFadzen of Guelph called on her cousin, Mel Jones. on Friday_ UNITED CHURCH Sunday was observed as Missions Sunday in the Unit- ed Church and Rev. C. G. Westhaver preached on the topic. "Our God is a Mission- ary God". The children's story was entitled, "A Day with the Cheng Family". The choir sang the anthem, "The Advent of our God", directed by the organist. Mrs. Jean Elliott. The United Church publi- cation on Stewardship, "Pe- ople, Living Love". was dis- tributed in the pews to help the parish become aware of how givings to Missions are being used in different parts of 'the world. Special envel- opes will be circulated later in December for World Out- reach donations. Beginning next Sunday the church service at Dungannon will be at 11.00 a.m. as a new schedule takes effect for the winter months. The Willing Workers are still accepting donations of appropriate articles (good used clothing, children's toys. games, foodstuffs, etc.) for their Christmas Tea and Bazzar on the afternoon of Saturday, December 9. Please contact Mrs. Penny Hodges or Mrs. Joanne Whitney if you wish to donate. The annual "Birthday Par- ty for Jesus", for the child- ren of the Sunday School will be on the evening of Dec- ember4.21 st. Sunday, December 10th, is White Gift Sunday with pack- aged White Gifts and dona- tions of money going to Family Services (Children's Aid) of Huron County. The loose offering at Dungannon on that Sunday will go ' to ' White Gift, also. Next Sunday is the first Sunday of the four that make up the Advent season, Christmas carols will be sung on all four Sundays. The lighting of the Advent cand- les by the children will begin on Sunday, December 17 and will be restricted to two Sundays. DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH The M.Y.F. group had a banquet on Friday evening at the home of Murray and Ruth Martin. After the meal. they were entertained by the showing of two films. The teachers and pupils of the Sunday School are busy preparing for the Christmas program to be held on the evening of December 10. Special renewal services are to be held next weekend Friday through Sunday with Lester Kehl from .Floradale as speaker. Saturday night is Ybuth Night. 'CHRISTMAS T�'FINCHER'S SHOPPERS SQUAR GODERICH Open Every Night Till 10 p.m. Sunday till 9 p.m. SELECTION-SOMETHINGFOR EVERYONE TILLEY LUXURY IN LEATHER Ladies' and men's matching billfolds, and keycases. Also pass cases, ladies clutch purses, men's utility cases. MARY STYLES & COLOURS TO CHOOSE FROM TOYS FISHER -PRICE • Play Family • School • Sesame Street • Children's Hospital • Activity Centre • Garage • Play Gym • Chime Phone • Molly Moo Cow • Many, Many More MATCHBOX • Speed !Gags 53-75-57.98 • Super Kings 55.98- 59.98 • Super Fast 51.10 IDEAL FOR STOCKING STUFFERS GIFTS THE BUNNY FAMILY HANDCRAFTED stONEWARE-WOODLANDER-TRIO' MADE IN ENGLAND ATTENTION Start At 5.95 Prices GOOD TIME TO START COLLECTING THESE NOW CANADIAN MADE WALL PLAQUES MODERN DESIGN . SMALL AND LARGE IN WALNUT, COP- PER, PLASTIC - A DECORATIVE PIECE FOR ANY ROOM SPOON RACKS _ LETTER HOLDERS _ BAR MIRRORS BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS AND GIFT WRAP by CARLTON SMOKERS ACCESSORIES • Combination Pipe Stand and Humidor • Pipestands for 2 or more pipes - remarkalbe styling in imported feather - Brand Name Lighters FOR TABLE, PIPE, CIGARETTES BUTANE OR REGULAR GAS RANGING FROM 5595 5495 2 J. to • The (Flame fo Pipes 3 of 37 shapes Exclusive maple rater Cr thesmoothest, driest smoke Brigham's patented maptewood fitter,. it eliminates "tongue bite", the most common complaint of pipe smokers. And by capillary action. it traps emparnties• leaving the smoke fresh- coel and dry - MEDICO PiPES MAN'S SHAPES Pismo( ALL FITTED WITH FILTER $95 • up We haae a large selection of merchandise for your Christmas needs! WHEN IN GODERICH.... SHOP FIN:CHER S E at FINCHER'S, Shoppers Square, Goderich BOOKS GALORE w .E and at LEISURE WORLD, Suncoast Mall, Hwy. 21S WITH TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU I c 'f"R iia MACUNNANI C. "l DYNASTY TheRothschild T- heRoths`hikis of theNewVibrid. 2000 INSULTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS onotifinit • FAMILY TREE - FAMILY ROOTS BOOK - FAMILY HISTORIANS HAND BOOK - HOW TO TRACE YOUR AN- CESTORS - All the books you need to help you trace and record your roots. • THE COLOUR OF CANADA - Text by Hugh Maclennan. FulLcolour photographs as rich and magnificent as the land they portray. • THE WILD FRONTIER by Pierre Berton - More tales from the remarkable past. • BEN WICKS' WOMEN - His newest nostrum of wayward wisdom and unmasked - for advice is sure to prompt gleeful responses. • GIFT SETS - Our choice of gift sets is extensive. • BEATUIFUL CANADA CALENDAR 1979 - 12 colourful scenes of Canada for only '1.99 • JUDITH by Aritha VanHerk Judith, a fiery young woman born In the country and fed up with the city, returns to a rural domain to redeem her past and forge her future. In the course of doing so, she singlohontdedly works a form, fends off bar room full of irate men, makes her first real female friend and finds a lover who can stir her womanly passions too wdy she'd never thought possible. • 2000 INSULTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS — compiled by Louis A. Safian. This is a very funny book which is also a hand refer- ce tool, providing source material for speakers. writers, and entertainers. Alphabetically arranged ac- cordng to the targets of. its pointed arrows. • BRONFMAN DYNASTY by Peter C. Newman. Thelntimate story of the greatest, most powerful em- pire of them all. Even though its various branches con- trol assets worth an estimated '7 billion, the Bronfman clan is constantly in flux and flight - a feuding clutch of hot-headed drearners with wounded eyes and hyper egos. The Bronfman dynasty holds a commanding position in the two liquids that fuel the modern world: whisky and oil. • GREETINGS FROM CANADA by Allan Anderson and Betty Tomlinson. An album of unique Canadian postcards from the Ed- wardian Era 1900 - 1916 - (Includes a postcard of Goderich) • THE COMPLETE BOOK OF SPIRITS AND LIQUEURS by Cyril Ray Though it includes explanatory diagrams and a long list of recognized drinks: it is more the story - lovingly mapped and illustrated - of how spirits and liqueurs come to be distilled and devised. COMPLETE SELECTION OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS • DICTIONARIESddeal forth° young reader • NANCY DREW, HARDY BOYS, FAIRY TALES and many other story books •URING ACTIVITY BOOKS • CUT-OUT and PRESS -OUT BOOKS • Lots to choose from for all ages, COLO and . For Selection - Service e Savings SHOPPERS SQUARE, GODERICH 1