HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-11-30, Page 10PAGE 10—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1978 Homemaker speaks to Tiger Dunlop Tiger Dunlop Women's Institute November meeting was held in Colborne Township Hall on Thursday, November 23 at 1:45 p.m. President, Mrs. R. Buchanan, chaired the meeting and after welcoming all present, opened the meeting with a poem, "Today". After this all joined in the opening exercises with Mrs. Ila Bean at the piano. The roll call, "What did you growl about today?" afforded humour and the minutes of the last Holmesville news by Blanche Deeves Church news Communion was celebrated in the Holmesville United Church on Sunday morning. Hugh and ,Marty Lobb sang a duet and Doug -Yeo and . Bill Crawford received the offering. Next Sunday White Gift Sunday will be celebrated. The services will be held at 1 p.m. with ,Rev. John Oestreicher in charge. --Social notes- - Alvin and Barb Betties spent Wednesday visiting friends in Hamilton. The UCW group of the Holmesville Church are reminded that they will meet on December 5 in the church. The ladies are asked to note the change of meeting date. Rec dance The Goderich Township Recreation Dance was held on Saturday night at the White Carnation with a good attendance. Everyone enjoyed dancing to the music of the Country Companions. The door prize was won by Rod Johnston, a former township ,resident. He won a bushel of apples, donated by Lassal'ine Orchards. Euchre party An enjoyable evening of progressive euchre was held last Thursday in the Holmesville School by the Goderich Township WI with nine tables playing. The winners included: ladies' high, Mrs. Cummings; men's high, Bruce McClinchey; ladies' low, Blanche Deeves; men's low, Stan Bradshaw; lone hands, Mrs. Cummings. The next ,card party will be held on November 23 (tonight) at the same place and time. Ladies are asked to bring san- dwiches. Brookside happenings BY JANICE POLLOCK AND MANDY MILLER Brookside School teams participated in the Volleyball ---Tournament at Goderich on Saturday. The boy's team lost in a game with Colborne School, won a game against Kingsbridge, but were put out when they lost to St. Mary's team. The girl's teams were unsuccessful in -their games. Teachers Ross Errington and Vianne Tre- size accompanied the Brook- side, pupils. The girl's teams had. school hockey a .practice at Lucknow Arena on Friday; November 17th. In the boy's game on meeting were read and adopted. Correspondence in- cluded a thank -you from Mary Luanne Clare and also a letter from the Cancer Society. Mrs. K.00p deGroot read the motto, "I have pride'', which was an interesting clipping from the paper, an article by a senior citizen in a nursing home. Mrs. James Horton, delegate to the area convention gave a splendid report of the 64th area convention bringing to members' attention the highlights and valued information interspersed with bits of humour. She informed the members that South Perth had extended the invitation to, have the area convention in their district in 1979 with the dates being November 1 and 2. Mrs. G. Kaitting in- troduced the guest speaker, Mrs. Gonie-Tak, Development Officer of Homemaker, who gave an informative talk on the service Homemaker can and do give citizens in need. By means of slides she showed different homes in which they are really at work. There is a great need for this service and it is rapidly growing as people are urged to shift for themselves if possible in their homes with the aid of a homemaker for a period after they have been hospitalized thus cutting the health costs to the government. An open question and answer. ; p_errind informed-_ members of several problems they were concerned about and Mrs. Gonie-Tak left the Colborne Council meets Colborne corner Gertrude Kaitting, phone number, 357-3222 (Wingham) if anyone needed homemaker care in. their home__ Mrs. Ralph Jewell thanked the speaker and presented her with a cheque from Tiger correspondent, 524-2076 Dunlop Institute as a donation to Homemaker. Donations were received for the Family and Children Services (Children's Aid) Christmas parcels and if any - have further Airport development discussed At the November 7 Colborne Township Council meeting, ac- counts totalling $50,573.80 were approved for payment. Fordyce Clark, Township drainage in- spector discussed with council the John Allis Drain which was being cleaned and repaired. Clark also reported to council regarding the finishing of the Feagan Drain Extension and also the "stop work order" regarding the former Gledhill house. The Clerk was instructed to call the Ministry of Housing for their advice and recommendations. Dick Wright, Elect council for blind The Bluewater Canadian Council of the Blind held their final meeting of the year in the Orange Hall, Albert Street, Tuesday evening, November 21. Following a short business meeting Brock Olde, local CNIB Advisory Board representative, con- ducted the election of officers. Bert Soothern, newly appointed president, introduced his executive and highly commended past president Gwen Watson' and the retiring executive for "their dedicated efforts of the past two years. Miss Rachel Johnston, entertainment convener, ., requested Mr. John Watson of Bayfield to introduce the 'speaker of the evening, Rev. Alun Thomas, rector of Bayfield United Church, who gave a very in- teresting and instructive talk concerning his first ,pastorate in the northern portion of Newfoundland. His graphic description of .the kindly --and- - hospitable people he encountered in his widely separated parishes was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Following his discourse, he treated the members to a number of folk songs of that portion of Canada. Wednesday the Flyers with captain George Alton won over the Flames (captain Jamie Bere) with a score of 6 - 3. Goderich Pet -and Hobby Centre Phone 524-2883 THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL - BUY NOW fdH'CHRISTMAS . us Complete *.OUR , 5 GaI.,Junior Hagen Aquarium Starter .Kit Only $ � ge And Get A Gift Certificate far s ; So On Tropical Fish: FRU representing the Sky Harbour Airport Com- mittee, discussed with council, Section 35 and 35A of The Planning Act in regard to Colborne Township _Secondary-.. Plan.. . Council ` decid-ed that council and the Airport Committee should meet with Gary Davidson to discuss the development of the airport. John Clark, Township Road Superintendent, reported that con- siderable work had been done on the Hugh Feagan sideroad, gravel would be put on the Black Hole Road and the road sides were being prepared for spring seeding. Some discussion took place about the large culvert on Concession 9 and 10 west of the Division Line at the Van Oenen property and it was decided to order a new culvert and install it if the weather permitted. A report from B.M. Ross and Associates, Engineers, Goderich, about the Benmiller River Mill Bridge was read to council and as the necessary repairs for 1978 had been completed, it was left until next council meeting to arrange for a meeting with Mr. Ivey, owner of the Benmiller River Mill, regarding sharing the, cost to permanently repair the bridge and dam. Leonard Fisher, Cemetery Manager, reported that the carpet had been installed in the mausoleum. Tile Drainage Loan number five, 1978 was approved. A number. of building permits were approved subject to certificates of com- pliance being received from the Ministry of the Environment. NOVEMBER21 MEETING`"" At the November 21 council meeting an ap- plication fora $30,000 Tile Drainage Loan was discussed. Ben Straughan, township . accountant, discussed with council the Interim Financial Statement of operation ending October 31, 1978,, and he estimated a surplus for the year as provided for in the budget. Council was informed that the 1978 building permit fees more than covered the building inspector's charges. Due to a number of assessment appeals, tax write offs totalling $94.04 for 1978 taxes were ap- proved by council. Council discussed the John Allin Drain Clean- out, Clarence Allin's culvert which .required lowering and the head- wall for the Feagan Drain Extension. A questionnaire from the Ministry of Housing regarding a subdivision development plan presented by Springbank Developments Limited, London, was examined and left for the new council to consider and process after the clerk had contacted the County Planner. and Maitland Valley Conservation Authority. A petition for subsidy in respect t6 the 1978 municipal road ex- penditures was presented and signed by the Reeve, Road Superintendent and Clerk to be presented to the Ministry of Tran- sportation and Com- munications. Carlyle Bannister's Bluewater Truck Sales long-delayed building .. permit was approved by council after receiving written notice, from the Ministry of Housing of business zoning approval. A letter received from the Ministry of the Environment approving the sale of the former Township Land Fill Site to Walter Daer to be used for agricultural purposes, specifically livestock pasture, was discussed and the Clerk was in- structed to ask the township solicitor to proceed ,kith ,the sale of the property, Part L'ot 1, Concession 2 Western Division, rborn , Township. A council . member recommended that a by- law be prepared limiting the time a mobile home could be parked on a separate lot. Councillor Bogie reported on an airport meeting in regard to the Colborne Township Secondary Plan and the Big Brother meeting he had attended. Deputy -Reeve Durst and Reeve McNeil, as retiring elected officials, thanked the members of council for their co- operation and Reeve McNeil reviewed some of the projects ac- complished during his term of office. Councillors Jewell, Kernighan and Bogie thanked Reeve McNeil and Deputy -Reeve Durst for their leadership after which Reeve McNeil adjourned the council meeting. Heat for less _- --Now-Th -Win-#err-te-y- fingers have- began to poke theft way in to your happy home and the oil, hydro and gas companies into your pocket. Let us show you how you can save some• money this heating season with a super efficient airtight wood stove. We have the,best selection of stoves from the budget priced Tempwood to the very elegant Petit Godin or maybe we can introduce you to Reginald, Ashley or the best cook' stove, around,Stanley,all at discounted prices. There are lots of people, selling wood stoves but we were first in this area and we use Phone 523,-4 03 one every day as our only source of heat. We believe in what we sell adding credibility to good prices. The Pottery opposite Milton's Old Mill in Blyth, donations, they are to bring them to the December meeting. Tiger Dunlop Institute's. December meeting will be a Christmas party on Thursday, December 7 in the form of a pot luck luncheon at 1 p.m. and an exchange of gifts will also take place. The Institute agreed to cater to the Dungannon Institute Christmas party on Friday, December 8 in Colborne Township Hall. The meeting concluded and all enjoyed a social half hour with lunch served by the committee of Mrs. E. Reaburn, Mrs. Tait Clark and Mrs. James Thompson. SCHOOL NEWS Colborne Central School staffand students are busy and this Saturday, December 2, r - I they are entering a float in the Goderich Santa Claus parade. They plan to present their annual Christmas concert on' Tuesday, December 19 mark your calendar or that date: The girls' a boys' volleyball tea made a fine prese tion last Saturday GDCI when they wen runners-up 'in the district in the volleyball tournament. SOCIAL NEWS Remember the euchre card party this Thursday, November 30 at 8 p.m. at Colborne Township Hall. Admission is 75 cents_ Ladies please bring lunch. Colborne Town- . ship Recreation Corn- mittee sponsors the card parties. Remember the paper drive on Saturday, December 2 by the When you're looking for that Something Sp-e.cial... bers Benmi er United Church Girl Young Peoples° gr p. If you are not on heir pick-up list, phone Mrs_ Ken Fisher at VA - 7627_ Mrs_ Ha Bean aid son Donald Bean and his son Kent were guests on Saturday, November 18 at the wedding of Mrs_ ean's granddaughter, Heather Hawthorne and Jaynes Nivison in Eastnnount Presbyterian Church, Hamilton. Heather is the daughter of Elaine and Charles Hawthorne, well-known in the Goderich district_ She was married by a former Colborne boy, the Reverend Peter Walter, formerly of Saltfford' Heights and also well- kanown to many_ Ted Brindley of RR6 Goderich met with a painful accident on Monday when he got can tin fire cora picker. He was rushed to Alexandra Marione and General Hospital and later removed to University Hospitals London_ Mr_ and Mrs_ Hugh Ball, Airport Road have returned home from a bus trip leaving Montt Forest tr, New Orleans_ They report a pleasant trip_ It was marred somewhat when & eir traveliliimg companions. Mr_ and Mrs_ Wilson Broadfoot of Goderach_ had a misfortune as Mr_ Broadffout became till and had to remain behind Ru- a time_ Word has been received that his health iiS improving and his many friends look forward to his return to Goderich_. Guests from Shakespeare and district visited with Mr_ and Mrs_ G_ Kaitting on Sunday_ ...for that Someone Special... 'Let 101 years of professional experience in Clinton help you select the perfect gift " Helen MacLean Helen has been with us for 24 years. She has taken extensive sales and display training courses, and is presently enrolled In gemological courses. John Austen 33 years of professional jewellery experien- ce_.the last 28 of them in Clinton. Certified Watchmaker. wasp Amo *we BSB Bair In-store certified Wat- chmaker. Dili has 27 years of service at Ail - stern's. -David Anstett On -staff Registered Jeweller (AGS) and Graduate Gemologist (GIA) with 13 years ex- perience. David has bad extensive gemological training in Switzerland. New York, and Los Angoles. Pat Anstett Currently enrolled in Geinological courses, Pat has taller sales management and display courses In Swit- zerland. Pat has been on staff for 3 years. Paul Anstett On -staff Goldsmith and Engraver. Now with over a year's experien- ce, Paul has rapidly become on expert In his field. gifts with, love come from NOVIallianimart STET Diamond Experts since 1950 11 Albert Street, Clinton Walkerton Mire Anstett Graduate Gemofogist (01A). Mike has been on staff for 4 years, during which time he has taken conthating and counagement training courses in Haw York and Los Angeles. 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