HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-2-16, Page 8e 1 EXETER `AuvE G TE THUBBOXY, PB 1.is, 18e28 Exeter Markets CHANGED EVERY WEDNESDAY 1,25 Barley ,..,e. 48 to 55 Oats Wheat 34 to 40 Manitoba's Best Flour 4.15 4.15 i amily Flour Pastry Flow' .. Feed Flour Shorts 3 75 2.10 1.65 Bran c".4` 1.65 65 Creamery Butter a,.ry Batter. 34 to 43 37 Eggs Lard ,. . 16 to 19 Hay per ton $15 to $16 H lbs 12.00 It yuu n-,ve anything to sell .x! u warn to bu', try The Advocate Went Column SEED OATS FOR SALE. Weaverley variety, old oats; $teie a bushel HILTON FORD, Hay P.O. 1. pla • y 'll be given tauter tate auspices of the -Hurondale Women's lustttute♦ tt. the :iuroudale school some time i the near future. Watch for date an='. particulars. Local Doings nit', A. IT. 'Cooper of Clinton o cu pied the pulpit on Sunday 'rote gi Thiene teas no service in the evening, . St. Marys lies $4000 of unpaid taxed. Mr. G. J, Dow. shipped ai dear load of horses to /elonftret on tS tuleda};., \Ire, Wm. Ha,wksl>aw, Sr., is again confined to her bed in a rather seer- '111,\;: uondi,. 1It Wm tioBlack, M,P„ ,of near sea- Messrs. Werren & Son oef LVood- ferth s sur£# iag from a couple brOk sto.k, who tacet1y Sxxstalled atz .or- . r. ribs, the result of a fall w he gtin n James Street G'1tur: It, have just was loo 1 n' balled hay onto a tvaguat sh=tap d a $,gam o 1"otv Ottawa Tlte10atre,000 .andoralsotsigneden's Messrs F. 3. Deibridge• and P, Fttyne nentract with the Famous Players eat: made e deal in residence proper Co. for $15,,000 organ for theirs ens the former .getting the nropexty theatre 4.11 Vancouver, 13.C4,e, Union str_et and the latter the , Mrs. elanCrlivray :of I oro -.ilio and ;;,t On Albert street Brigadier Mrs?. Green, of Territorial 1 ell. George Spetton of Win. ham has Headquarters, Toronto, ,c ited .hese -i. r;el U::rt R. 1h Graln't ata wthe former's son, Capt. Ma..Git- 1,,c> the charge that he makesde- tivrstha}* over Sunday, Mrs. Green 1e.: e -it the let es last year ;increased the tured on the rescue work of i the I greet to S pe'ate ISehyols 'three and Army to eighty-five women an bion iaur fo'_d t compo -=son with those- of day after,ioon Good . roiyds tvere 1920. n wttendan e at ell sert^ices Sunday;. Capt. MaeGdlilxay and Lieut. Pam Councillor Fred 1=tlerin;td?;t ort 1. i• ;needled the Yount, Peoples' Cour. Afontwy lest comic into aposa session of ,*els Bite l emnee.sianer Sow ton 'tion _ da re•>,•ng and attended the preetice ct sltowuc:arta, pu hascd Fx m a than of Lc:LJott. I. Rand on Tueday, Tnts i " anl ;omin to Es=ter, June 10 n'ar SeaLorth. They are welt matet3, sr.. gh about 400 pounds. acid are not eed 11. eiesiey. With a eittle .fitting it. w,!I \lr, awe Mrs. John, C. Greig of Sea- take a :hair of ",crackers" to beat 'torte announce the engagement of thein, Fred has always an eye for ever daughter, Evelea Louise, to Mr, good choice horses, end usually has Re v, l~ coke beano >tl. Mrs. Samuel Martin received woad ties w'eek of the death at St,, John en SurtdaY of leer brothereite law, efe James K. Crockett, in his 73rd year, ' T,he funeral took place on Tuesday et Dorchester, Ont. An. tear °t''pmettt eel' triose Wht,c Layer Felt eftettreeses at $3.00, Just aneved Be ,etre you see them at R. N. Rain's. .A businc •s meeting of the V.F.O. will be bald in Senior''e ball Saturday afternoon a 2.30. The program com- mittee is eseeelaily requested to be present. HE IS COMING. -A. E. Almond, the noted eyesiz'.t speciaeet of Toronto will be at tee, Central Hotel, Exeter, Tourseiy, F b. 23rd. One day only. R.. N. R +.s . bass Fit.. bargie-5 :ti has a stock of high You should see t1 off erieg FM FOR SALE PR R1.NT 1.ot 1;'. Coe, 9, Hay Tp., 100 teens, ?'_rt Leta and part of Litt 9, Con„ F. 75 z - wall exchange for house rt 1=x •ere IierxsaP, Posse:4;0a at lfkaCt. Apply to T, J. ','4:1se^..Adver- tiser Office, Loddon. All furniture at R. N. Ro;we's going at rock bottom peen., Be sure and see his steels: before you buy. BUY LESS COAL AND KEEP WARMER. Stora the draft with Bronze Auto- matic! Weather Strip for Doors and Wirelow i. Sold and put on by Phone 21x2 N. OGDEN, .Exeter HOUSE 'FOR SALE. New two-storey house, all modern extent:en.ces, "for sale. Centrally to .meted in Exe:er. Imntedia.te possession C. 13. SNELL, Exeter Url an David Clark, 1). •. bf ti xt- som:thine to admitx3 lint:[;, seat Of \TC1 asci a\trs. David Gla - \Ir. tend Mrs, Jams Wa'll.er, whet for of Corntva?L Tare ,marrizae rtlt tape ,lair;, have been esteemed and dee quietly Fele 22.ntC many '}' p1" Ihighl}• r spe,;tcd residents of the Lon - :Messrs. Homer Bagshaw arid Alex.. don Road south, very fittingly eele- Reeder made a record ntd-winter trip brated ti -e ,fiftieth anniversary of their _e Toronto and return last week{, t wedding day on Tuesday last, The They covered the distance, going 340 immediate £anuli and other relatives doles it the fo rriter's truck .going were present. Mr, and Mrs, Walker nisei hours bringing bawl, 'w tb theta are enioying the best of heaath and a lead of furniture for :girt Patterson give promise :of en)oying many more who is moving to 'Hensall. y •ars tai . onnubfcta bliss, supported by the best wishes of a host of friends. \ir, H, E. Huston .re.;eived word this week of the death at Consort, Alta. FARM. $01 -1 -%of his little niece, 1, anon, daughter of \lr. and ".Irs, W"sley I-IustQn, at the "r lam: jre kcal has d po. ed dill te: of 9 years, 6 months. The tittle hip fiu hundred dared farm situated or, the London. (Rood north, in the township of Usbortte, to Ale Wm. iietery of the sante. township. The pr : paid was $12,000, Posseasioe to bt liven \larch 1st. This is an ett- eellent Sarna and is well equipped tiq very way, girl ;ta:i been ill for two years, hav- ing never recovered from the effects of influenza, which developed into diabetes* The friends here will sync vathe', with Mn and Airs. IiustOTt4 th:ie bereavement. Mr. Jams 13r ntnell has purchased the dot ,o` Mrs, James ,Bre tnett on - Iiuren Street, end is gob to ,erect CONDUCTOR RETIRING. ?:,use .of the bungajaw style, red br$1 lie will move the pres- ent res th t hP opeT property the That property, r> retttnell and onto bought from Mn W. T. Acheson Nat Anti Street. She will have both re- modelled and wired. Your Storage Battery needs special attention at this time of the year: We have spate equipment for properly taking oar- of batteries over winter. lea, us take are of yours.—W. J. °BEER. Exeter--- Tbe correct way and the easiest way to dispose of some property or sell' some small article, find a tennant for your house, or an article you have lost or help when you want it, is to insert a small advt. in the "Want Column" of the Advocate. HOW IS THE PUMP? New Iron Pumps and Fittings in Stock Iron or wood pumas repaired. Wells pumped out or cleaned S. j, V CANN. Phone 115 l.)lEle IN S 1' `I'lLOMAS, Rev. W. J. Ashton: of St. Thomas, a former pastor of Elimville, died in Urn city on Friday, after tan illness of two year's Of gaitrei He leaves a wife, sea and daughter. The remains- were emainswere taken •to Gorrie, Huron County, 1:=5 alarm i village, Tor interment, DR. JOHN WARD, Chiropractor & Optician Chiropractic and Electrical Treatments for Chronic and Nervous Diseases, Spectacles scientifically fit- ted. itted. Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4; and by appa'ntm at Office—William and Sanders Sts., Phone 43. CUT ARTERY: Ronald Witmer .of Exeter North ,net with a nasty aceident on Friday en at the store pushing he door n "Messrs. R. 1Zaekezie & Son his loft hand went through the window and cut ;the artery in the wrist, Several stitches were requited to .hoed the wound4 He will be, laid. off work far some time. If you want to gat the right furs- iter. at the right price go to R. N. Rowe's, Conductor Dan Corutnell of the Hu- ron & Bruce Branch, of the GI. T. R., one. of the oldest Grand Trunk . on- duetors of the district, is retiring ow - hie to ill -health. Ile has been on this line for 15 years, and his run is be- ing taken over by Conductor W. J. Weems of Winghnmt He was popu- lar ort the road, and bas seen. 53 years of eantinuous service with the G.T., R„ Irom water -boy ;to conductor. He was first appointed .:onductor in 1882. Mr. and Mrs: W. W. Taman spent the week end ;:n Detroit Mrs. (Dr.) Snell of Toronto is visit- ing Mrs. T. O. Southaott, Miss Maude Glenn of London spent Saturday :n .town with friends. Mr. Melville Gladman of Western University. London, was home over Sunday. 1 Mrs. J. A. IStewart left Friday to! spend two weeks :n Toronto and 13owmanville, firs. M. M. Doyle o Flunt, Miele is v.isitin; friends here, the guest of Mrs H. Ela orthy, tile. Sam'i F.r" b ere of Sarnia is spending a fe 5 dein with Mr. and Mrs. Esli Heywood. Mrs. F. A. Ceispresen las in London ---- last week attelirei. "` eaneral of en SALVATION ARMY SERV ICES unel'` G"`' Mel, Reusom 1; ere°,h Bey arrived In the Pul>,"tiv Library. s ere tat vii t =7 :I t 2:e..7 parents, Mr. n :dna, 1f, ;F, Bisset:. 11 aen—Heeiness Mee ting. p.m—Salt' taOn. 11Laettit?y. Nen,: eeengton. C+ +, Eaton. 'Nur- 72.30 p.m.—Sunday tSchool and B lei -,,,cg steer. a., ap?a:a- a few days at class and special nand tray for the t. rem: Of her .+Mr. Fred Primary Class. C o'tag:: meetings in North End on 7,47,...„R z, J. 's ra attr s - Tuesday might ; ited with ler mother, Mee John Sand- Ca,tt, vfacGillivray Lieut. Para ere, tree wen sister, *,yr; Geo. Welker, during. en week. FARM FOR SALE. The unelersigned is offering for sale that desirable .farm in the Township of Stteph en, being Lot 15, Con, 2, known as the Leathorn Farm, .cone Iambi; 100 acres. There is on prem.: ises a commodious two-story frame house and two good bank barns. The Baehr is well drained and fenced, has a nice orchard, spring creek with a Plentiful supply of water the year round; fine for stock; 15 acres seed- ed down, all fall plowing done, and there are 10 acres fall wheat, Pos- session given April 1st, 1922, For particulars apply to I. R, CARLING, Exettcr, So1ieiitor for the Adminstra- tor. Contracting We wish to call the attention of the public of Exeter and surrounding dis- trict that we are open to accent, or tender for contracts for all kinds of building We are experienced work- men and by strict attention to busi- ness we hope to share in the contract work of this disftrict. W kRES & PRYDE, Exeter, Y. P. C. A Ladies only on Wednesday night, from 7 to 8 p.m. All members from 8to11p.m. The fee on the Alley reduced to 5c. begins too -night for the next 4 weeks Dray and Baggage Anything you have to move we move i# reasanable Motor -Truck and Horse Dray at your Service: Auto Livery Horse Livery BAGSHAW & EASTON • Trivia Memorial Church 11 ann.—"The iFaith iof Jesus," 7 p.m.—"Christ Judging His Church' Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector, Mrs. Geo. Easte=b oek 455 town and Mrs. S. Thomas of Haan:, to:t spent the week -end with the former's sister, Mrs. Grace Hal at Creditor. Miss Curtiss, who has been. visiting at her her home in Bolton, returned to town the latter part of last week and bas resumed her rni livery duties. CA.VEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday school and Bible classes. Preaching services' as usual next Sun- day. The Minister Boy Scouts _ meet Friday - evening JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Willson, B.A. 11 a.m.,—"Four Life Rules." 3 p.m—Sabbath School and f3ible Study, 7 p.m.—``Play the Game," Congregation and Choir singing. All welcome. MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone 21r3 11,00 a.m.—"Nicod;en us, a I. R. Carling, B.A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor :or the Mol - sons Bank, Etc. INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bonds, all legal investment .for Trust Funds, At existing prices from 6 her cent. to 7 per 'centt, can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of initerest Office—Carling Bk., Main St., Exeter Auto Licenses and Markers are Ready. These are now ready for 1922, We have them in stalk and can supply you Ruler of at shortest notice. the Jews;,, 3 part, -Sunday School Classes. ` 7-00 p.m.—"In ,the' Bible stet Abbey." AT BETHANY 2.30—"T,he Oid Corn" and Bible Have your eePit: ation 'form proper- rrly filled in; W,eetrnise - W. Simms Express Officee•1 xete Jlttt(litl1111:1'I,iiti 1011 Fo of X C Come In and Let Him 'ra in eYour Feet and Advise You FREE If you. are tired of being bothered by hurting, tender feet, here is your chance to get immediate relief and permanent correc- tion, You are invited to consult this foot specialist While he is here He Will Be Here Tuesday, Feb. 28 Don't wait until the last minute and, maybe, lose your chance to get foot comfort. Corrie in any time during business hours and talk it over with the expert. Nen isa__ p X11 Scholl Applique orRenulyTvrEveryrcotTm le There is no need to suffer from any foot trouble, any more. Be it ever so simple or ever so serious this specialist, who is a member of the Staff of Dr. Wm. M. Scholl, the noted foot authority, can show you. the way to immediate 'relief and to ultimate Foot Comfort if you'll step in and give him the chance. He can tell just what the cause of your trouble is, and he knows the remedy. Improve Foot Appearance No larger sized or oddly shaped shoes needed. Wear the kind you like in perfect comfort. The Dr. Scholl Appliances actually improve the grace and beauty of the feet. Jones & May "Watch Your Feet" SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 PHONE 134 First Annual Sale From Feb, 1st to Feb. 28th. THIS IS OUR FIRST ANNUAL SALE. ALL WINTER GOODS MUST BE CLEARED OUT REGARDLESS OF COST, WE ARE MARKING NEW GOODS AT A VERY LOW MARGIN OF PROFIT. GOODS BOUGHT HERE THIS MONTH WILL MEAN A BIG SAVING TO YOU. LADIES' AND MISSES' FUR -COL- LADIES' & MISSES CLOTH COATS LARED COATS Last Year's Styles 535.00 and $40,00 values,— Saee Price $11.7( Salle Price $22.50 ALL WOOL SERGE DRESSES, Sale pride •each $1095 CHILDREN'S VESTS •& DRAWERS Regular 450. valwe. Sale price, each 25c. SPLENDID TEA TOWELLING Sale price' per yard 1:8c. COATES 200 YD. COTTON SPOOLS Salle, Price 4 foe 25c, ALL WOOL SERGE Brew.n and Blue Sale Prihe per yard 85c, ALL LINEN TOWELING Saye Peen per yard 32c. 27 IN, WHITE FLANNELLETTE Sale Prue per yard 25 cents 40 IN, FACTORY COTTON Salle Pri:.e, per yard 25 cents WALL PAPERS We invite you ,to see our large New Stoek of Wall Papetsl Lest Season's Papers are being offered atexa.:tly HALF PRICE, MEN'S SWEATER COATS "`' SCOTCH FINGERING YARN Salm Prude $2,90 Sale Prt,..e '$1;35 MEN'S RUBBERS, :test quality r ":Saye Prise $125. 50 Pales Boys Lace and Button Shoes ae DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly, attended to day oe night. 1 ;eel 1 LADIES' RUBBERS, Best qu ity Sale Price $19 Sade Price 95c!' 50 Pairs Ladies, Lace' and Button Shoes I ARIES' CLOTH itUBBERS Sete Price $1.98. s,5aels P.ra:e lg5c, MEN'S BLUE,& WHITE OVEZeALLS $6,00 MEN'S SHOES Sale Prix c h1.4$ Sale Prize $3.50 THESE PRICES ARE GOO:r) 0'4LY FOR THIS MONTH galley Other ,Lanes .at Reduced J'rc is, DON'T FAIL TO CALL, DR. A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDonell's Stables, John St., Exetee (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone' 26w Dr. G. F, Roulstost, L. D. S., D. D. S, DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. !KINSMAN, L. D. S„ D.D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto Umi v neity Office—over Gladman & Stenliury,e Office, Main Street; Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Fetes Stock. Sales a Specialty." Office at Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. FRANK TAYLOR'. Licensed Auctioneer ,for Counties of Huron end Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, Ontario. MONEY `O LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at' low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Soliei'tora, Exeter