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The Exeter Advocate, 1922-2-16, Page 7
WOMEN AND GI L. SCulinary Curios, Lord ryce's Hobbies. Visiting a Chinese restaurant recent- Among the prized trophies of th+ � rt c ly, the writer had a dish made of bite Viscount 13270e -were fishing rods WANT R Y balIt.* a+� chicken stewed with Tweet almonds, alpenstoe , ar 1 aeadentic !;owns. They Can be )pati by Keeping the Blood Rich and LGIt Pure, Every woman—every girl—wants rosy cheeks. Then mean net only beauty, hut good health, When a wo.. xrnan $ blood is scatty or anaemic Iter And, curious as it temede. the mixture Lord Bryce was always fend of axle was a very good one. ling. He rever attair.tid such fame in Has it ever occurred to you low pe- nab pursuit, of course, as LGrd Grey, culler are the mixtures of food which but he was a keen fisherman aeverthe- we find en our pl:a,tea every day of our iesa; sand bird e wettable coileetfau et lives? ii:=!rent; rods. Who, for instance, was the first per. ii'drenever Bryce saw a aver lie son to eat currant jells- with roast Hutt- fished in it, whether it was the Neva ton? Noone knows, and on the face at Petrograd. the Seine it earls. the color fades, she looks debe tated..is of it, it seem:; absurd to eat .jazn with 11ianzares in alatirtd, the Humber in short of breath, and iter heart palet- meat, yet no person can assert that Toronto or the Potomac in Washing - times this trouble is accompanied by Apple settee with pork is more na. 1`''ext in line to his fishing aces was severe headaches, or pain; in tbe back tura!, for the acidity of the apple .tor- his equipment for mountain climbing. or side's, Thies eorrditian is entirely rests the extreme richne a of the pork. It fs this hubby of Lord Bryce that _due to weak, watery biooq, atm tau 1n f:urope hem will tied stewed aper made hien a popular hero in the Rocky duly be cured by malting the blood eats .ervicel with pork and stewed Mountain district, and especially in rich, red and pure. Fo'- this purpose • Prunes with veal. Ain -mush both these' the city of Calgary. For two years x € RHEUMATIC ACHES QUICKLY RELIEVED HE racking, agonizing rheumatic echoic quickly relieved by an ap- �' plication' of: Moan's, Liniment. tt For forty yeas, folks all over the i world have found SS',oari's to be the natural enemy of pains arid aches. I6 pevefrafes iliikant rnOt rte, You can just telt by its healthy,, stimulating odor that it is going to do r' you good. Keep Storm's handy for neuralgia„ sciatica, lame. back, stiff joins, sore muscles, strains and sprains. 11t all dr ;fists --35p, 70c, $1.40. ure in Cr,mida. • try Dr. Williams' Pier !'ills. which act cQmbia tions may ;seems si artlin Bryce asaa3 president of the Alfiue xteetly -upon the blood, and in this- there is no doubt about their being Club. the ancestor of the Alpine Club— of Canada, 'way brie.„ new Health and•strength to good• sneak, sailing People. hies, Isaac W. In Canada erauberry jelly goes with As for university gowns. Lord Bryce Nowell, Petitcodiac, N.E., tells of what roast turkey, .and here again the result had an unequalle l collet;fon. He held 1)r. Williams' Pink Piles did for her as is all that can .be desired. degrees, actual and honorary, from col- follows:—"For some tine 1 had sot A real Indian carry, which we wan. legate and academies all cher the been fee/leg well. I had been gradual tiea•ily never see in V41.5 eounlry• is world• Pavane Oxford he had °owns et ly growing weaker, and towel it con- made with! trait as well as onions, Trinity and Oriel; gowns, too. from %tautly growing harder to do guy • mixed with meat. Try a. curry made lleide:burg, Tarin, Bru€cels, Nayles, 13Queewo -k.. I was very pale and had', with apples and currants, are4 u Witt ' Petrograd. Stoctchclrn, Toronto (Trini- treltueut headaches. ; consulted a , be delighted with the connbiva#don. ty Col.egej, .Rome, Glasgow, Michigan, doctor and took his ntedieise for some 40 roast goose 1 a peer thing wide.; Fdla:hrrrgla, Budapest, Harvard, Jena, time, but it did me no :sod. I found. t a staffing of sage and oedema, but' 1'rdneeton, Leipzig" Buenos Aires, Ade- ar.] sett growing weaker, aceta takimg the came of ete talented inventor of la➢ede, Brisbane, Faint and dizz), spells. �i frieatd ad, this Bomb:uatlon is lest to history. Thee gowns and hasirt3, 'were of winter". vgse4 me to _try lee'Mertes' Fink lava yoga ever tried cheese with yewevery- cetcr earl: shape. The weight of Fills, aria although 1 had nearly lest 7i athhe PleatThis t,, a Ts orhebbh dish, !! them. if worn all together« wi;rrl4 have faith in all utedteine. 1 get a supla'y which deserves to be more popular i; borne any men to the groutel, and the and began their use. .after a time I than it is. s colors rivaled those of the speetm. found they were helping me. mad i r, We all eat eueumber with coin sal- ape' mock. but how many are aware that Tl ;m I + fennel sauce adds greatly to the ex- 1111ltiljb, i .l � eelionco et not boded salinota. ""lit Mixtures of savoerites and sweets, arl • many of them are must delicious.iFory country bas iL9 own tecu1ia j (; LITTLE TI(�ES° ED :tlaal`;hal Foeh,Our ganadian winters are exceed - visit to the United g ' d on the health of little ones. during has a�ea:enm !ugly bard ted Stated, travelled The weather is often so severe that 25,000 miles, slid made 164 speeches tbe mother cannot take the little ones tQ 10,000 000 citizens. out for ar airleg. The consequence is that baby is contused to overheated, badly 'ventilated rooms; taker cold and becomes cross and peevish. Baby's Owe Tablets should be given w to koep the tittle odes henttit . Tiwy GRANT lure as rand laxative which reguiate the nd. 1 stomach and bowels aaratl triages prevent c4ttlsh; aiso Anglo. colds. The Tablets axe *old by me* cine dealers or by star at 25 teats a box from The Dr. Williams' Medtelue tY; alai) a character. Co., Brockville, Out. gladly continued taking them, and ulti- nsaately found that; the troubles that had afflicted me had welshed. I ally giving this statement in the 'hope that ray experience will be of benefit to where." You can get Dr. 1,'F'illtama' Pink Pills through any dealer in 1nediclue, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six poxes for $2.50. from The Dr. Williams' lgediciue Co., Brockville. Ont. Suras an Mact.AR.EN Variation—Maet,aurin. Racial Oridln—Scattleh, Source. --A dlyen name. Here is anotherSeottisdt family' $Ql name derived from a given name i' which the progenitors tit ft,,- bearers The must obvious explanation of thoz Why Clocks on Socks, brought to Scotland frotn Ireland in name of Grant is that it is a variation the ancient day:; when the Datrialla of Glued or "le Grand." originating as , What kat a describe today as as Gaels eroaaed ?leer and by c;,rtque st. a :;!briquet denotl superiority or Ing clock" e a .oak oro t tockinf; e , and settlement won the dominnace of seniority in Nornlan.Freuela days, and we h appe appears apiece of embroidery, pt I the Highlands. Hater beaming a fannily nanrti In l welch atplucaars to l►avQ been Alaeed In 1 Orirjin sraata. --A lean Tina MacLarenne se MaeLaj'ens are traditionally descended from **Learn" or ".Laurin,' who was tlia son tit Ere, one of tate 1)alrladtc chiertathe who settled In Argyle In the sixth century. This "Learn" Is this frame cblef who is said to have given the district of Lorn its name. natural growth et such ntcl►lr;imes.t le h si on m order to make the ankle of 11tnre often, hawlever, it . is traceable @ carer look more slender. Origin - More to a .F(iglnl,'aun Scottltll` .Staarr~.lt :as the ally It was designed to cover a natural name~, of one of the dance which de -detect in the weave. ~eloped from the canoeist Ian Api1In the days before the invention cit fit which group the MacGregors were 'the present type of naiaclrinary, which. !lett leaders. , works automatically and turns out a The name of the (`Ian (➢stunt I. ' completed stocking every few seconds, atoglert, was woven in two separate The elan, for the 3taeLarens onceq (*aeric. trot Norman, and as some- pieces. in'lten completed, the sock or. constitute<1 site et the teadteh clans in tenth has happened with the Scottish atockin war: joined the High1zuv s, wee for to lang time a Welk, names, but virtually never with R j ea processtogethe on either side of the anal©, a praeess which ua- big %,altar in Scattiah history. As ear- the Irioh, it i, derived from the names !!neatly lett aur aced nrnsfgiatly la• as. the reign of King Kenneth Mac- of a place. ems place was an eaten- ; In ardor to conceal this, aeseamdec.or t' Alvin it appears to have acquired ecn r. eine moorland ar Strathspey known of embroidery was placed n sae oz nt siderable territories In Stnathearrr anti aS "C➢aiasttach" +or "S1labin•(xriannaie:' the .yearns. The operation, on ace n. Balqubidder. In 11115 they played a The elan itself traces back in its oons . prominent part in the Battle of the ('hiettoleahip to Gregor Mor MacGre- t the stitch " , was stocking. to as Standard, !order the leatieeteth of gor. who, it Is claimed Fettledn. "clacking" a an the atoef this rhe ill ties! ruticessity Tor an ornament of this kine! "Malise," the Earl of Strathea.rti. rection about the tweltt1l century has long since passe;!, but the "clorate"' But the clan was reducers from the remain as a reminder of an old cut - status of praprie:on-!rip cvr its lana!' Gauge Needs No Packing, torn .A Swedish inventor has patented in in 1135, when the earldom of Strath. elfin beetnua tlet property of the Scat- seventeen eountriesr• a faucet which re- : Smallest X -Ray Machine, ilsli crc•wn, though they 'stained al:etnees no tacking, accurate grinding The smallest practical X-ray =- atom; m; ae perpetual tenant:;. of the fitting surface of thea ovalue pre. 'chine has been invented for pTiYe3icians But lei Fortunes received a setback renting leakage. • land cienttets, weighing but twenty pounds: Largest Carncra. trona"which they have never recovered in 174.5, when it- took part in titre up- rist'trg which attempted to put the 'The largest camera in the world has 1.Domeaatic articles which have the Stuart line, in the person of "Bonstie beet bulit by United States geological appearance of polished steel and yet Prince Charlie," back on the throne survey experts, weighing 3en tons and need no ;eleaning ave being made by of England and Scotland. making photographs a yard square. , a new 'Sheffield process. Steve the bird i Z hand -- The others may be hard to catch With enough money, enough time and enough luck, a man may get back the health he has Font ---or part of it. It takes patience, too. And then there may be no success, or Only a little. It's ' better to save what you have than hunt for what you've lost—as the most successful health -restorers will tell you. Muth of the loss of health is due to faultttecareless diet. Wrong meals at all times and right meals at wrong tithes load the long-suffering digestive organs with elements of destruction, or starve the tissues and glands of needed ele rents. ' Grape -Nuts is a delicious cereal food which has the qualities of scientific nutrition. It supplies 'the full richness of.those.splendid food grains, wheat arid malted barley, together with the vital mineral elements, so often lacking Front foods. Served with cream or good milk, Grape -Nuts gives full ' uourislurnent without over -loading the stomach. A splendid thought for- breakfast or-Iunch, for those 'who would keep health - .Grape Nets—the Body Builder "There's, a Reason" Mode bs, Canadian Poaftan Cereal Company, Limited, Windsor, Oztmcio itume Xmorii'e.'a7a tteet coir nesse se Boo!: on DOG DISEASES and Slow to Feed Mailed Free to any, Ad- "lresee by the AUtEior. S. C rsy Glover 113 West 31st Street New York. Classitiec' Advertiser eitl. ?NAM)fAN hIATitXM(iNIAL SGE,. No other tee. A,. bleCreerY. i;uatfaeo, <)mit. SEAMING FOR BALE ethos u,'hIty t i� i e atir:>;�..1,uL1r'5, aBa s. eable.hose.pa,klnK ,tF., e•asta,,:c i ,tib;ra to appio„ul at lowest 1;ra:ea is Canada. Y(.1U 13-tf.T,Nq i ,,5 S()ttZC. s'1`aalaz, '.roi1QN`3'O. - s t MMiee of Moon. Alter tal:itag mere three galena 1, ,..!{i i;t.ipliv la sg years a Prawns aterrette mer• has prepared what is be',ieveil to be the In ;;t coml:3ete map of the nta:on ever made. Min Liniment tor rJiatcropar. In Danmark we have a fine ➢eti on-- tt.ttvan of how eemn:on foika may be-' ea t.. enthttsiaastic fear the arts: of pians. RAY ELATED OVER -- FINE RESULT MONTREAL GIRL SAYS EVERY ONE OF HER TROUBLES HAVE DISAPPPEA.RED1.. , s Nerves eSteady, Eas$.. Anything and Sleeps Like a Log Since: Taking Tanlae, "It seas certainly a :,appy- 'stroma to me ~;hen I saw Tanicc was letter. last; my health," said Mita lvcimce Ray, 3 IJotel de Villex St., Montreal'. "For a year aid a half before i dot 'enlae my heaite was simply av,fta r .. , • y....a.•,,.4•..•4 . •,.•,,.. « .. ...... ....... l slept so fitfully I { P fu e,..:ue3 no real rest and 1 castes tele rrornir,,a feeing tur.&,Jysrtl j . - lapzired doandt. 1 31y wouervid jitmseri atteany ust 6etieo Iroise, I !reg/ea:l iy- zurued no dizzy rind Siris I voted hardy Pause ?:tie smell of feel i:f s.i:irg. My ceniliticn eet> sal to t r:e e �;”.:t tatty Gard I rrfe;l a13gc theewotine.s .Well. tre lira Valeta T ansae did far II me was to give_ ate a splendid ar,Y retie. i Then ail my tr^r ble. gradually des p. era€.awed, my ue ve-3 get better arid could a'r<joy- a ger.^3 atihlc's Iuep. 317 ! elsu:e sysiem la now in ;overlie:it con. Witton and l'tn enjoying rice best of health. Teethe is ee:taiely a wormier, fel medYc'ire ." • Taniae is i.oid by 41! geed druggr:at . --Advt. THlsv, FLAT HAIR GROWS LONG, THICK AND ABUNDANT U#4.4"4.0,0 "Dataeler"sre" con'., y 35 "tents a bottle, e nlil.aieattnn ends a l tetra, stouts itching tont falling `air, ,iitd, T., few momenta, you have doubled the eauty of your nal". > t will appear as mass, 1larA,l~1J so soft. lustrous, acrd easy :a do up. Rut what I+urtst�a�r• "eur31 1 t, rr mol ether l;3in will p?ee€e you most apply �linarer s l.ititm, nt it, the actainfiis t,� i h atter n ffewspot ani gat r.iw -h rcitef. Mtr,a:'d' the remedy y,.ar grandmother used weeks use, when :sou see There- ' utas tai a ZFalil it ? new !'Ilii fins and 4' Pat, $.\1.F; I F,lf 7i Wili.ttl:. ;downy at first—yes b t really new hair ee growing all over tae scalp. "Dander- N ire" is to the hair Whit fres?. showers, of ;sin And sunshinevegetation.' are to se�etation. It goes right to the roots, .uv -Haste€ and strengthens them. This, delightf^l, stint.➢atirg tone helpsthin., oteless, faded hale to grow long. tbie c, heavy A cermet little boy WO s always wo rying his mother with questions, habit little boys seem to we -nese le tanned degree. One day he svartetl to !mow why men were babe. antd leetiurirant. "I,ieeals_- •," said bis mother pntieut- ly, "thea lave eo much went to do that their belies get tire& and they lenge their hair." 0b. ,ail the young hape1ul. °"tbe►u 1 know why women don't wear w1)Js. kers!" -Why. dear?" asked rootlet-. " 'Cos ties have so mutt ~aari. tet the jaw." v a' the illumiratiug re1 Mother*, Quick! Give California. Fig Syrup For Child's Bowels Even a :,hh shin levee. the "fruity" taste el "'t"a:iterate Fig Syrup." It the little, !hugger is coated. or iii your child is Itoies.a, ewers, feverish, full of cold, or has colic, a teaspoonful will never fail to open they bowels. In a few hours you Can see for youraelt how thoroughly it workt all the eon stipation poison. sour bile and waste from the tender, little bowels and gives you a welt, playful 'child again. 141illione of mothers Jeep "California Pig Syrup" handy. They know a tea- spoonful to -day saves a etch elniid to- morrow, Ask your Unreel -4 lar .genu- ine "California lig Syrup" widely ha directions for babies and children of Itll ngea printed est bottle. Mother Ton moot say "C'alitorela" or yon may ;;rt an imitation fig syrup. ---- Phosphates in Nauru, Aemeting to an °Moia? estimate thti island of Nauru in the Scuth Perla. contains phosphate reserves sufricient to meet the demands of the world for 200 years, MONEY ORDERS. When ordering goods by umii send a Dominion Express Money Order. Topsy's Flock. Topsy, a half-grown shepherd dog, bas a Sock of her own. It is an unus- ual flock, tog, for every one of the members of it bas, not wool, but feathers! The mother of the fiock is a Plymouth Roek hen, but Topsy is tate shepherd. Whenever the chicks scat- ter she will run round them and grad- ually bring them nearer the clicking mother.- One other.-.One day some of them had wander- ed off, and Topsy, Hunch distressed, was making every effort to round them up, when a passer-by who thought she was going to hurt them struck her. with a folded paper. At once the dog set up an agonized barking, and finally her mistress hurried out to explain. Left alone again, the little dog brought the chicks into close formation and de- livered them t•a the hen in a fairly.com- pact group. Topsy was never trained to-do that sort -of thing and has never beet with. older shepherd dogs. Apparently "blood wild_ tell." • Making Bad. Worse. 'l'lwinas Fiddle was a very learned young man. At school he drone like at the stars and planets lumped to- gether. • A sixty candle-power lamp wu-sn't in it beside the burning itanie of his genius. But his friends were frightfully dis- appointed when he refer ed to -accept the degree of Doctorof Divinity, One of them tackled hien on !the sub- ject. ".Alt, weB," r•epliecl the genius. "it's bad enough to be name.a 'Piddle, with- out tieing Fiddle. D.D. • The child ,of a father over fifty years of age 'leas ten thyme' as good a chance of becoming eminent as he, 'would if Iris father verse a younger 'snare. ISSU5 No, 6--'2'1. CiNt I URA FOR HAIR AND SKIN For promoting and maintain- ing beauty of sldn and hair Cuticura Soap and Ointment are unexcelled. Cuticura Tal - curia is an ideal powder, re- freshing and cooling to molt delicate skids. Soap25c. Qtntaent2SaulSik. Waal 2Sr. Swed thmu>thoutt eDoininion.Canaaii:ni) pot: man", LieIlti, 3At St. l'aal St., W. Montrtal, Cuticura Soap shaves without wata ©ARSE SALT LAN ©'SALT Bulk Carlota TORONTO SALT WORK'S C. J, CLIFF TORONTO v n e'a in the v.-crld deperi:ds cess. d'a Liniment for Net In Caws.. It takes a vigerous and highly mares eople to make z great nation. OMAN T00 WEAK TO WAIF how'Work+s Nine Hours a Day.—'-' Lydia air Piukliam's Vegetable Compound Restored Her Strength UnionVillage, '4� wear: and oue and all run-down, I could not walk across the tduor without resting and had been that way or weeks. Isaw your dveriisement in the paper and after tak- gone di E, Pinkham'a iegetable Com- pound I felt the good it was doing zee and I took seven more in all. Before I finished I was able to work e bouts a day in a steam laundry. I cannot say too much in favor of your medicine. I trust all sick and suffering women willtake it. It hasbeen two years since! took it and I am strong and well." —Mrs. L. A. GuratANN, Union Village, Vermont. This is only one of such letters we are continually publishing ehowing what Lydia E. Pinkham has done for women, and whether you work or not Mrs. Guimann's letter should interest you. Many women get into a weak, nervous run down condition because of ailments they often have. Such women should take Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com- pound ompound at the first sign of trouble. Good health is necessary and this splendid medicine will help you to keep it. Lea For Constipated Bowels The nicest cathartic -laxative to physic your bowels when you have Headache Biliousness Colds Indigestion Dizziness Sour Stomach Ia candy -like C'aacarete. One or two 10 Bilious Liver to -night will empty your bowels com- pletely by morning and you will feel splendid. "They work while you sleep." Cascamets never stir you up or gripe like salts, Pills, Calomel, or Ott, and they oost only ten cents a box. Children love Cascarets too. WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy , Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept only an "unbroken". package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains. directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Tootha.cl-ie Earache Headache Rheumatism Neuralgia Neuritis Lumbago, . Pain, Pain Kandy "Bayer" boxes of. 12 tab1ets--•4,iso bottles of 24 and l.00 ---Druggists. aspirin is the triode mart" (registered in Canada) et Paye; M&nuaelure of :nono• - aoeticaCldes er of sanlayueteia. ';;rhilE7 it 13 welt known that Aspirin naeane .ElAyer niantt?abture, to assistiiia riulaaia 'against Imitations, the'1ablets ot'0syer"Coinpany will be sttampetn With taste teneral tvat5Q raster; alio ''BR; -8r Otrom," ►a�.1�Z