HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-2-16, Page 5( SCHOOL REPORT OF S, $. N. 12, Stephen, for January. --Sr. IV„loop Disjatz+diese, Pearl Webb, Stella Webb. Femmes Winds, I,ottee Johnson; Jr IV., Claude Gallus, NQsanatt Devine:, Elmer Webb, Lawrence Mason, Ti1Le Mason Sr, III. Donald Disjardlebe, Alex. Din- Jardine, Thompson :Disjardine; Jr, III,, Greta, Bakei•, Howard Disjardine, Mil- dred Masan, Alex. Latta; Sr. IL, Melia Mason Milton Webb, .,A,.delbert Mason Ray Mason; Jr. II., Harold Webb, Oval, Mases, Millie Webb; Pt, I, Lloyd Marson, Wallet Latta, Robert Diis]axdin e ; Primer, Velma Baker, Lu- elle, Devrine; Regknter, Freda Mason, E. Brooks, teacher, SCHOOL REPORT OF S. s, No weekly atr teens ear ua based a s work —Sr. 111., Izre Heetteres 81, Ma Mit- ch -11 63, Jr. IV„ Lulu Hurter 90, WA- freed .A-fr d Bet—gent .1; Sr, 1II., Marjorie. Hunter 74, Edith Hunter 70, Hubert' Bunter 63,; Sr. I1,, 141y Hunter 85 George Thomson 83, Marjorie Wes -.t . tt 83. Doreen t•Westcott 77, Gerald Ford 76, Harold Miee?feU 40; Jr. 11„ Nears. hunker; Wiener, Ile. Htuater, Roy Hunter. A.r beee Thomson, No. oaths” rood 17, average attendenee 16.1. L. M. Davis, teacher. CLINTON,—:art old resident, Wm, elefeoww°n, passed affray in Toronto ort Feb ,5th at Abe age of 66 yews. The body evas brought here for interment Qia Friday, the Oddfellows conducting the ceremony,—R. W. Cole. who was reeent15- married there to 'etre. Moge ridge:, died jast wve41C. a'L California from the effects of a cold con,trect-, -d Ogle here in. De' embea: Ile wwes el rare at age, Mrs. Cleghorn, wid- ow o1 tit': late James; Cleghore, .lied here on Wednesdaay, e,ge i. 72 years. MITCHELL—Martha Rogers, wife of Wm Vivien, died on Feb. 8th in her 42nd yeer, She bed been :ll for some months, but was aroun:1 then house Irl the afterntoon. Prior to two years ago sier res; led is Legere Tpi MITCHELL ---ti bbert Township lost nnotb,r old anti li thly respected resi- dent ani tine peesieg o: reus;ur,nah Fret .:h male of Robert Jackso i, iri.]ier 66th 'year. Tier e lne•ss 912:1 extended over several ?,easy, Hes .husband, three daughters nue. fouler son..erwdva. AUCTION SALE SALE OF BUTTER MILK. The Butter milk es Exeter Cream- ery will be sold by nubile auction on Sarurda5 February 77„, 1912, at 2 7a.m, Tee. Cam ron, auctioneer. SALE OF BUTTER MILK. The. Butter mill; of Winehelsee Craaunerwr will ;be sold by nubile a,ue- ti0'a t>n \1' do stl:ty, February 22, r922. at 2 0 clot k pro. Timor: fe asurron, Au.tiencer. AUCTION SALE NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK Important Events Which Have Occurred During the Week. The ,Busy World's Happenings. Vire- fully Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the headers of Our Paper :— A Solid Hour's Enjoyment. TUESDAY.. Irish, leaders Confer with British Ministers. Plenary Conference ratifies treaties at Washington. Rural short course opens at Uni- versity of Toronto. Farm work begins to absorb city's unemployed men, British delegation leaves Washing- ton en route for house, German Communists aim to .over- throw Ebert Government. Gandhi sends letter to 'Viceroy of India containing ultiwaturn, W. F. Nickle elected in Kingston by majority of less Chau 600. Hamilton's fsrst bonspiel iii thirty- Ave years eommenees tomorrow. "Curley" Wilsltur defeated 13enny Gould in ten rounds at Toronto. Discovery of still in schoot at Syd- ney. N.3., is made by authorities, Saskatchewan Legislature told ex- periinelits with lignite nearing sue- eess. Hamilton controllers decide tel co- operate with Governments in relief measures. Premier Norris introduces pro- posals to cheek speculation in Mani- toba lands. Toronto City Council adopts day labor principle in work "te relieve un- employment. Airplane carrying pilot and me- chanic leaves Coehrane on #.light to Hudson Bay. Ontario Lacrosse Association bas effected reduction In the price of Ia- crosse sticks, Ingersoll and U. of T. inter- mediates lost their A. H.A. second round games last night, Cardinal Achille Ratti. Archbishop of Milan, is eleeted Roman Pontiff under name cit Plus KI. Oxford, University lacrosse team plays University of Toronto at To- ronto on Ainril 17 or 24, ►t;"1.DNSD..Y. Railway strike in Geranaauy is cabl- ed off, United States suspends work on Pacific forts. Ulster's Premier says be stands by the act of 1920. New York power president favors St. Lawrence project. League Commission will seek to halt manufacture of munitions. Premier Lloyd George reviews Bri- tain's home and foreign poilsle . A speetacular fire in Windsor men- aces residences over a wide area. Ontario fruit growers discuss the need of a national organization. An extensive* a evil service probe is planned. according to Ottawa rumors. il, itisli Colt:.hien legislation against Orientals declared ultra Vires.. A concrete plan for union was laid before Veteran Congress in Win- nipeg. Startling allegations are made by woman witness in Brantford police probe. Sun at Sen's army is in a peril- ous plight in China, owing to lack of funds. Seven highly -bred English stallions have arrived at 'Toronto for breeding purposes. John Smith, a Chippewa Indian, said to be 137 years old, died at Cass Lake, Minn. Sir Alfred Bird, M.P. for West Wolverhampton, was killed by an automobile. A coroner's jury in Toronto is hot convinced that James Buchanan took his own life. Liberal M.P.P.'s in caucus ask Wellington Hay to continue leader- ship of party. St. Mary's juniors beat Hamilton C. A. C., 6 to 4, in the first game of the second round. Benny Leonard and Jack Britton will be > matched to meet within a couple of months. Mrs. Ellen Dealy, a woman in her hundredth year, was burned to death at Smith's Falls. Saskatchewan Government pro- poses drastic amendments to tighten up Temperance Act. Galt O. H. A. intermediate cham- pions were beaten in the second round by Kitchener, 11 to 3. Hon. Duncan Marshall, former Minister of Agriculture for Alberta, has been appointed Federal Commis- sioner of Agriculture. PERCHERON AND CLYDESDALE HORSES, CHOICE DAIRY COWS YOUNG CATTLE, HOGS AND POULTRY,, On Lot 14, Cosi, 15, Vtizornet, 2 r miles North of Kirkton., on THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1922 At 1 o'clock sharp, the followeng:— Iorse — earn greyPea:beron w eas- ing a-ing 4 and 5 years old (fill and, gelling) team C1y4lezdate fillies, rising 4 }ears old. These .volts are broken and ready for work Cattle—Durham ::ow with calf at side; Durham know, due time of sale; Durham +'ow, due Is/larch 21; Hol- stein now. due Marchi 1; Holstein cow, due Marsh 15. Fat Cattle -2 fat steers, rising 3 yrs. old; fat heifer, rising 3 year old; fat mow. ' Young Cattle -5 steers rising 2 yrs. ojsi; 5 heifers, rising 2 years old; 5 calv:s, alsing 1 year old. Hoge—Sow with jitter of nine, six zreek sold;; Sow with litter at foot, two weeks old; 4 Sows due in. March; $ Chunks about 100 lbs.; a Pure-bred Yorkshira Hog ten months old. Poultry -5 Single Comb :White Leg- horn Cockerels,. Terms—Fat .rattle, cash; The other stock—Nine months credit on approv- ed joint notes, or 5 per cent's;tra;ight stiff for wash 1n bleu ‘of notes,. • Positively 1no reserve,. Everything ill be sold to to thighest bidder, EILAS •SHIER WM. E. NAIRN "Proprietor Auctioneer THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTe Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled, dining car service Sleeping .cars on night trams and Parlor carp 041 principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunks Ticket Afoot, or C. E. Horn tag Distrkt"Passenger Agent, Toronto N. J. DORE P310t0e 46w Agent, Exeter Display Advertising -Made known on app/cation, Stray A.sicaals—One insertion 50d., three insertions thio. •Miscellaneous articles .of not ' more than five lions,. For Sale, To Reale, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found aocals 25c. an insertion. _ Local reading notices, etc„ Dfc. -per [i a per insertion No notice legs 0' khan 250', Card „*f Tbank^s 50c. Auction Saylf✓s. $3' for orae insertion and $1,50,,.for each subsequent • in-- ertr,on if under five inches in length. I advertising 10c. and 5c' all "Fartfi;.or. Recut Estate for sd➢e 50c: earth inserts for tine anomth 'af foul. insertions, , brother Labor members ' apostates from workers' cause. The Merchants Bank shareholders - agree to accept the offer #4 merge Dashwood T.h2 first , arnjvel of the season was with the Bank of Montreal,held at Gainer' arena on Thursday ev Count Admiral Sulteneri Kabaya ening, Feb. 9, and was a decided sue- nia, former Minister of War for cess. O1v;Mng too 'the mild weather the. Japan, is dead, aged 85 years, iwe ww' zar a pots coed tion Th�erY "The Mrs, E. $. Eddy Chair of was a splendid display of costumes Industrial Chemistry" will be the willeb was observed with much inter - title of a new foundation at McGill est by a great +craowd of speatee;,rs•.' University. The late .Mrs, EddY made F�o11ow+,ng ar: the Prizew:;,vers, be - a bequest to the. university. ing in order of merit. --Ladies' Fahey, b"RIIIIAX. Aria Fassold, Gypsy Qu:en; •Gna-ace Field Marshal Wilson will act with Kellerman, Dotty Peas:1i Blossom; Lad-' �ssNationel, Marra Ehlers, Ireland; Mr& Ulster. T. Klempp, Canada; Ladles' Comer, linea. Bton. Thistles won the Ontario idents klofiteere Aunt Jemitna; Cora Tankard, Truemner, Squaw; .Girls under 15, Cardinal Begin of Quebec arrives Laura AIaY Reid, Topsy; Grace Gum_ at Rome. tier, Sunflower; Gents' Fancy, Sally Premier King hae take* to horse- Bettchen, Colored gentleman; ;Harold back riding. Trusmner, leek Tar; Gents' Natioltal, British, embargo on Canadian cat- :Melvin Guenther, Fiji Islander; Mer - tie to continue. vy,p, Tiernan, Uncle Sana; Gents' corn - France seeks postponament of 1; , Lloyd Edighoffer, Mutt; Alsr;.n Genoa Conferenee. Kellerman, Jeff; Boys under 15, Har - Retail Clothing ,nen will hold a ry Hoffman, Johan Bull; Louis Ziruuier convention in Toronto, jndian Chief. Plans are issued for a new Gov- ten tg to tine road: on. of the zee ernm. ens of Palestine. tl>a Lad;C.t IIo. ke same was cartce The Indian Government has order- - - Y a fil- ed the arrest of Gandhi. e.;} and tee pr�iue for it was given as Qattarie Ilortitsultaral .4 . oeiatton a sp'4al 1>r=ze torr the best dreamed kegins annual convention, g1r1 a'a tins i e, nett i to ludin; those .rico Ulster bas Placed forces along the `had t e -a ed prizes, Pearn Tine tiara boundary to resist invasion. wwas stno a °Sul in szeu^reg &itis a� e. It is proposed to form a new Atli - Rey. ween i i He nt Ruth - tette club lin St. Ctttharilaee. R. W J Yager M . L. T. Ruth Do Valera says. Lloyd George erford rand Dr 'I reeloe a•: te,i es Judges. menoeuvreil Irish conference, 6l, s It<,, nuiraner tis Ilea;tnzt ii nis H. 1i. Howatt, K.C., addresses tete Wing wa t'- It , pme Liberals of Southwest Toronto, In I,, -s" Ail: the I;v4�e1i.a1 Canada will send delegates to the Economic Conference in Geltoa„ Church held a quilting bee :at the Convention of Retail Association a: Mrs. R A Goltz on Thursday. will promote "Made -in -Canada" pro- qtr Seatit'a Br'ntier sacs *.tied the fun- eral a.t a relak ve 1n Ian lraa last w4CCk ducts, say juniors von the round by three .1 -td eeif:s, Pay*' brant i few days I3y beating Cobourg 5 ti3, Lind- lats`sviIazda Routledge oZunih griala. Mr.G a`Ii t •r hl s returned from'', Bell Teliserate Co, Mr. refuted eon- a.ra �wten1ed visit with relatives in sent to rause rates, Carvell din- 1It. til=mens, ;ti;,lt. senting, 11r. Blaurngarc:n. had the in sfo: •,•a voices oppose. Preoiier extending f u itun n a f»1: on day last week~: and dies - tion to extending franchise to sane- ht shoulder - bee women.tl,,, J,>t.s o Exeter was a visitor Niagara Falls wean the first of the linne of asks. J, :>whxo,zit r last home -and -home games from Osgoode Hall, 6 to 3. The two Brenuers are found guilty E. 114-'41-a +clnroeder was AR S'YOU AWAKE THA' IP 311111-4116 Natural Leaf' Green Tea is put up and sold- in sealed pac ets in the same fora as the famous Black Teas of i4Salada" brand, Get Pi cket ae ra lit Ale u You wild. URe ',�n1yFour Wheel Motor Vann in the of conspiracy to defraurtd the pule. '' ta. ma passtaag »e, rnus;c exam Moan pn 1� erde ;and Ada Faasso]d are AttY lie by a Toronto jury, this we,'" attend the naaimnery P. 0. 'Iatrkiu, as High. Com miss- enartgs ant Londtara stoner for Canada in London, 't o have wider powers of action. Vatican to discuss extendingtime for (holding papal conclaves. so as to a allow all cardinals to particip te. A suni. of nearly £1,500,00 'will be required to compensate the Irish Constabulary and £1,130,000 ill be;s granted to the Irish Prov[ Iona£ Gov'rninent for eompensatio for Ca'iminal injuries, SATURu e.Y. 0 0 w n Two more outrages occur on the £vlslt frontier, Wedding gifts are pouring las for Princess Mary. ss la5 Plans are completed for opening of the Legislature. Liberal League seeks financial laid from medical men. . l A. C. Hardy of Brockville a n Pointed to the Senate, Germany allowed to Import ma- terial for civil aviation. Street car manufacturers are look- ing for a site in Toronto. Mr. Justice Riddell sentenced Harrl to hang for murder. Brantford Police Court probe will continue for another week. President Harding submits trea- ties to United States Senate. n r An international senior hockey series will be played in Toronto. Benny Leonard defeated "Rocky" Kansas on points in 15 rounds. McMaster University debaters de- feated by Rochester Seminary. Hamilton bonspiel closed. All tro- phies were won by visiting rinks. District Cup and Ladies' Tankard. THURSDAY. Japanese stop work on. ships. Berlin Government pays repara- tion instalment. Many loyalists in Northern Ireland have been kidnapped. .A British ship was seized by Greeks on the high seas. Ulster pollee patrols were ambush- ed by Sinn Fein soldiers. The strike deadlock in South Af- rica continues unbroken. Sudbury was put out of the N.O.H.A. running by the Soo. There were seven- defaults in 64 entries at the Hamilton boitspiel, Unionists in British Parliament charge Premier with breach of faith. A speaker before the Fairs Asso- ciation lauds electrification of rail- ways: Airmen arrive at Hudson Bay to find the weather mild with little snow. Queen's and Aura Lee won- their games in the O.H.A. junior second round. Hamilton beat Ottawa and Cana - diens won from St: Pat's in the pro. league . A i}roniinexit 'Toronto, oontractor describes industrial depression as empty cocoon. " Brantford police .officers vehement - 13r deny allegations of women wit- nesses in probe. John: B'odard, wanted in •Guelph , on. a murder eha rge, . brought back curlers will play finals in Toronto. Bell Telephone Company will re- new application for rates increase. Dominion. and Provincial police harry moonshiners on the border. British Columbia will have ze team iii the Allan. Cup elimination series. Hon. Mr. Fielding will probably float bonds in Canada for $400,- 000,000. 400;000,000. Bishop Fallon of, London address- ed an audience in Toronto on the rights of separate schools. MONDAY. German ship owners back. St. Pat's tied Ottawa 4 to 4. Storm ties up Toronto traffic. Pope Pius XL is crowned Peter's. Big textile convention Toronto: Granites defeated Aura Lee sen- iors, 4 to 3. ' Genoa Conference is likely to be postponed. Russian Soviet demands recogni- tion by powers. Valera's adherents repudiate Ring as Irish monarch. Boys' Council holds inaugural meeting in Toronto. Irish Republicans turn machine guns on Ulster patrol. Sterling closed at Toronto $4,62,. at Neve York ;4.33%. Ontario Agricultural College won the U. of T. assault -at -arms. Queen's beat the University sf To- ronto senior basketball team. Overseas Settlement Committee urges inter -Empire emigfation. Four Northern constables kilted. by Sinn Feiners at Clones Station. Cabinet and department officials studying program for immigration. Unemployed at Halifax appeal to Lord Byng when paradeis forbidden. Unexpected counter -protest will be made by Conservatives at Kingston. Ray replaces Braid on team of the British pro. golfers for United States. Saskatchewan farmer s in conven- tion .will debate politics and wheat Pool. The Genoa Conference will prob- ably be postponed till, the second half of April. The Lady Superintendent of the Hospital -for Sick Children, Toronto,; resigns poeition. •s,• 'Ahrens`-nurder trial is only criin ihai case to come beforetheWaterloo Assizes this weeks, George Halcroww+, M P,P, calls iris get vessels Senators, street car in St. opened 11 FIRE 1N GODERICII HOME On- frail:riti:li, Feb. 14.—Tennant Dren- nan's house was badly damaged by fire. and water at noon to -day, sparks from a defective chimney evidently started a. blue in the attic. 'Ile firemen, after a, ctuiek response, soon had it out, but the lower rooms were badly damaged by went°ar. SEAFORTH—Mrs. Peek Webster, an esteemed lady, passed away sudden- ly here on Feb. 8. She had just re- turned from visiting her sister in Lon- don, sand was not long int tee house when she expired while eating at the table She as survived by her husband. CLINTON—Ciinten citizens were sho,_ked to hear last week of the death of Mrs. A G. Virtue of Lethbridge, formerly Miss Edith Torrance, (laugh - tar of Mr. and. Mrs. John Torrance of town, wi,i 1t occurred Wednesday morning, A. young husband and two little ,ones survive, onaa babe only a week old, GODERICH—Wm. Johnston, tai, or, who took palson on Friday morning did Saturday in the hospital. Hewes W w'dowv'er nm] lived with hie daugh- ter -en' -{lawn,. Two sons, Capt. Frank and William, both away, survive,. He confessed to staking the poison and ate inquest was not he1d, orde Sim The Mover Local and Long Distance Moving. Time and Any Where in United $tater or Canada, Call Us Up. Werhave Long Distance Pho]�ite Sim. J. Sweitzer, Proprietor 208 May Ave, Windsor Phone 3826w. The Advocate Newspaper Club List Includes All the Daily Papers and the Magazines Better Rubber Footwear at the ` egular Price If Ames Holden Rubber Footwear wasn't better—if it didn't wear longer—we would not support the iron -clad guarantee that goes with every pair. These facts hold good with Ames Holden Leather Tops. The finest chrome leather Look for the Ames Horden mark on everypair upper is sewn over, not inside the pure rubber bottom, sheds water and dirt and gives longer wear with greater comfort. There's an Ames Holden Rubber Shoe or Boot exactly suited to the work you do, backed by the unusual guarantee and sold by us. AMES HOLD;N} ER FOOT "Every pair of Ames Holden Rubber Footwear is guaranteed to outwear any pair of similar shoes of any other make, sold at tha same price and worn under the same conditions." , F. W. Morlock, Crediton, Ont