HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-2-16, Page 3Canada From Coast to Gust
Charlottetown P.E.I,--The number Qat prods tin amounted to 284,147,-
of industrial" est:'blishnieets in Prince 500 bushels from 10,819,641 acres;
Edward Island inereased from 484 to . barley, 44,684600 bushels from 2,109,-
539 :between 1918 and 1919, according 065'aeree ye 19409,700 bushels from
to recent figures of the 13urean of Sts, -11,688,228 acres.; and flax seed 3,945,-
tistiee. Industrial capitalization iii -I 700 bust-=els from 516,972 acres,
• creased frotn $2,867,035 to $2,886,062! Regina, Sask.-Au increasing; de-
and annual production. from $5,603,878 t inand for levier grades of wool, for
to $6,808,5$4. 1 which there had been no market for
Sydney, N.S.-There has lately been'soine years, is noticeable, declared G.
east at the foundry of the Dominion E. O'Brien, general manager of the;
Iron and Steel Company a winding Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers,
drum, conical in sliape, fifteen feet in at the annual meeting of the Saskat-
diameter, with a continuous groove fpr ehetva.n Sheep Breeders' Association.
1% -inch wire rope of 1,400 lineal feet. ; The public is beginning to demand a
The casting weighs 30,000 pounds and cheaper fabric, the said, and to fill this
is stated to be the largest of its kind; demand manufacturers will have to
ever made in Canada. It is intended; turn their attention to the Iow-prie.ed
for use at one of the collieries •of the wools,
l,)eminion Coal Co, f Calbary, Alta. --For the first time
Fredericton, N. B, --According to the C. P. Railway carried snow as
figure, published by the Dominion , freight, to be utilized in Calgary's
Bureau of Statistic's covering the year winter carnsvtd. The snow, -which was
1919, New Brunswick has made nat..: espeeialty needed for the sienjump,
able progress in industry. Whereas in was transported in freight ears from
1918 there were 1,304 establishments, ` 1-:ake. Lout=e.
there were 1,439 in 1919. The capital i Grande Prairie, Alta.-Indieations
invested inereaeP4 from $74,470,870 to are that there will be renewed activity
$89,953,822. Employes increased from, in this region during the coming year
19,888 to 24;210 and their weges and and carloads of easing and equipment
salaries from $14,247,388 to $18,923,..: ere going in regularly to the Tiouee
023. Prcdnetion in 1917 wee $62,417,•. Coupe oil fields, Syndicates -are con -
466; in 1918, $68,333;009, and in 1919,', sidering proposals from drilling eon -
$100,005,605, teals to der•elop Tenses on a r,,yalty,
Quebec, Que.--A surplus of $1,230,- e basis, A fifty pound shinp?e of iron
43;3 for the fiscal year ending. Jane' Nees brought in recently from a
80th, 1921, was recently announced by ' deposit: stated to be e::poaedover an
the provincial treasurer, New estiel area ten miles in extent, and is being. #�
mates laid before the House provide, analyzed•
for an expenditure of $1£0,323 284, New Westminster, B.C,--.Construe-
tion has been started here of a plant. '+Totts„Pal, Qua:-t-l.Isspite adverse
^onditions the production of newsprint'for the extraction of seed from iones.;e
n Camels ir. 111 showed a cies- are The plant is the most modern of its
cif or. • 8 per rent, compared wins: kind. It will catnliiire drying of the;
v:leen ;sc r :ting the sane cineol et+ne and es;t3'aa6�tion of the seed in a-
intiiE, lrni«c .1 S•tstee there was a ,de -s ``sss;A.(= latoce:s, ant will lnnndle half
etease of 1!l per c(nt, 'fetal a torr oaf cones ewe ty six beers. The : t
1 i' taI pr�due- - British Celuinnbia 1•'e•:restry Service has: con
` ' utntrtaslseta to folie.*. 1`.'.0 t,a .
against �1F"i.rla) tMni �tl it1'2°-tThe requir rens , itis Gov -i
*hip=sit:its in tibiad; totalle�I 808,101' t en t of the, British slay-
of seed of the Doaglae 1F°ir, 3,000
Toronto, Dine ..(j t11 k)..0 'i ebe Pro- pounds of Sitk 9prnee, and at smaller.
meso, t lest ;see' wee value! at 3'2fienqua'1tity of othersue4ee, yearly. The'
7744":17, or le Per osteo. aa: Canada's' lin cane• are voile:awl in the Fraser
Field Marshal Wilson to Serve in Northern Parliament- -=No
Reprisals Have Occurred. Within .Six -County Area Fol.
lowing Raid by R,epubli an ' .+cops.
A despatch. from Belfast says;
Rew outbreak of guerrilla fighting ar_
raids by well -armed Irish Republica
A raiders nova of there taken from 131
d ster bare been returned yet, In Ione --f
n• gal several reeeidents in the village of.
13allintraw are still being held as
Meanwhile, to prevent, if possible,
any repetition of the incursion into
their territos, the Ulster Governnlert
s • have instituted extensive precaution-,
n' ary measures. From Armagh he the
e; seuthw et to Derr}* in the northwest
ed, the whole of the winding frontier is
, i more or less patrolled. Tnousancle ot!
police -5,000 is the suer estimated
-.are engaged 1u this extraordirasee,
vigilance, and at night they oxer Ten'
inforeed by bands of part-time spm:
entre and. =alms, .xs, wasp from dusts t
,t' suneeee -'.. re nrat h . ie. their own
'lir my little town,'” saki o rtu n
#adorer, "we had 22 w ing•
atreetta tltrouglt tie ng11,t, all •anise
n- with modern rides and ruppliexl whir
plenty of aunts}unit on-rnen. who Iraq
been at work through the day and
who were eager volunteers fox thi%
e zip,"
The headquarters of the l ectal
eonstenular3* hummed with iRtri'tivity.'
o Offers of as aistanee, some on theme
r, from ex-nuxilaries, .,ave been receive*
from England. Co:. Wickham, thief
.1 of tl+i>f forme, is touring the entire tiffs•
tries, ateeompanied by an armored ear;
and the feet is emphasized tint, der
spite the proveeatien of the Repub-.
]nears army Olen -wet, no rep; Teale have
oe;urred within the six-c'eunty even.
fit a, + < ° zi'`� ' rf� rt : ' "` t army bands took Place over a hundred
miles of Ulster frontier early Wed
nesday morning, 'Sinxultaraous at
tacks were made on Pollee patrol
and the houses of leading Unionist
were stormed, both ,in: Ulster and i
the Free State. Nearly a hundre
police and: Ulstermen were kidnapp..
in the following counties: Ferxnain gh
Sligo, Tyrone, Leitrim end Donegal,
Thre,: police petrels were a2r_bueiwtl0.
sir: offhhers were shot, and over 20
ptured, together with a motor ten-
der, arms and an;xnn Pion
A later despatch from Belfac
says:• -Field Marshal Sir Berry
#lugbes Wilson, it was announced on
Thursday, will join the Ulster part
upon his retirement as Chief of .S
A ueeptsteh from Ottawa says: -s- dies to Rctitr :,s';i and Greece to the of the British Arany. He will be u
Canada will be representee) at then amount cif rc a::y thirty millions, and, aniinously endorsed Saturday. as the
Genoa Economic rend. I' nane'iu& Cort-, so far, r;c•at the interest has not been . Unionist candidate for i'atrliameut for
fexertee by Sir C}tarles (df'... t;f'paid. PTne fennel invitation to this -;North Down, it was state•.l.
confer n,e wire from the Italian! Exee, for the detention by th
Montreal, Asnociatecl with him will Government, and it is expe;.ted in `: Irish Republican army of an ambo
e Prof. Edouard Montpetlt cif thelOttawa every day now. Its contents lance carrying wounded special eon
11euaomioa Department of Laval Uni-R have been cabled. stalest to Belfast, there has been n
Mon.. -
Versify. These appointments aro It w:,s stated in ofilen-AI 'circles that development an the Ulster border
purely Canadian, jut as was Sir lob- request$ for credits had ben received This incident occurred ix: County Mon -
eat Borden's to the Disarmament Con -i from eeveral European countries, but aghan during the morning, and aha.,
£eseneu in Washington. F it had not been thought wise to aidi intensified the bitterness of feeling
These men will inquire into how far, them. Sir Charles Gordon is a Vice -,created by Wednesday's armed raz_(s
Catsada 'hound. go with er.•editei to' President. of the Bank of Mcntreal,E Notwithstanding the reported order
European c ountries in. addition to par- was Vice-Chairtnan of then i `of the Provisional Go�:ernmeen for the
l? 1 spertal. t t t
leipetis c; its the regular wont of the Muruitiens Board duringthe war, and1relefVe of the pt•isoners seized by the
ferenee. ;Crhasrann:tn of the Canadian Mission ate
i Present Reparations Bill
Against Britai
ERE PR ....gen t]ARV Witt. E MARR1
The High Altar in the Senetnary of West.m:aster Abbey,•eviiere the mar -
tinge ceremony will tale place.
ernnieni: at pre=ens are; 8,4160 pounds,
f.4:111 .124.1.)17, 1' (,thins- la the Provin- `',,l.cy anti the spruce! cones en the
:af lie;!=:ti'aeut c:f Lmi le and FM." (tucen Charlotte Islands.
tete. 1;ine nts feet;
amounted to \'ietetia, 3.C... -(inti would expect
, PullmoCd 240,282 that with the exception of a slight
rands cm! i iiw ev ties ; ,io t f ;9
;i t; -t F: Ten (�,.. i! tai+.. ie•> tttl
las (1ti z "� en ii. • .. •ay i tris a!; £ns! codeine mei] tje4y the.^acne
,.:; Pufn re=t.l
'Within tete pts:�nrc�,, ' s•.e astotrs...i is the itev regulations, c
the ebenging of the rule of the road, $
1t i, ,j a r•:e. Man. --The teen yield (f from left to right, would have little' 0
ebt was $2,302,723,018. The increase
n the year is, therefore, $69,862,071.!
Total revenue collected on aceeount'
f consolidated fund for the ten
ronths of the fiscal year ending Janu-
ry 31 was $318,489,889, as compared
with $383,835,567 hist year, or a de-
crease of $65,3455,678. This was large-
ly. due to a falling oft In customs re-
c9pts, which declined from $142,839,-
081 for the ten months' period in 1921
to $85,262,370 for the corresponding
period of the present fiscal year. The
decrease in customs rereip:s when the
two periods are compared, amounts to
The revenue from excise for the
ten months of the fiscal year 1921--22,
amounted to $31,006,842, as compared
the revious for a similarhe m of Princess Mary is establishing a style better, ,57 to 60e; aceordin Prints, 16% to lie. Shorteningtierces
in previous year. The .tam of in wedding rings by having; a simple, out -nide.
g to 1'r0ight-I1314r; tubs, 18nee, pails, .14t,,
$61,840,133 was realized this 3=ear° Z to,16e.
from inland revenue, as compared . narrow gold band. The ring is now
Buckwheat -No. 2, 7S to Std,*, p
with being made by Messrs. Gerrard, the Rye; -••\a 2, b6 to 88e. Chaise heavy steers, $7.fi0 to 8,
months'period last�yea the ten Rin 's made
who are beating it out' Man,taba flour ---First pats., $7.40; c� ie, good, $
0 to 7,, 7 to 0 last 3rer steers,
P of Welsh gold. The wedding ring he 75
se:.ond pats., $6.90, Toronto. tt, $6.25; els, med,n'' do, tg b(0$5da
Income taxation during the ten ?Ylani..oira flour -90 per cent. pat $n n ,
months of the present fiscal ear sembies that of the late Queen Vic 1ruIlc seaboard, per barrel, $5.10, eon'., $4 to $5; butcher heifer., choice,
t ee
which have elapsed, yielded 874,116,-
.:- torte rather than that of Queen Maine, Millfeed---Del, :Montreal freight, 36.50 to 7; d?- med.. $5 to 36; do,'
ro ' 487, as •compared with $26,3419,025 last Princess Mary is paying a delicate; bags n luded: Bran, per ton, Sees:. corn,, $4 to $=4.25`: autcher eowee
year. The sum of $19,267,571 was cal- compliment to all the isle; by having: Aborta, per ton. $"0; good feed flour, •choice, $a'.50 to fire: do, med.. 83.50 to
lected in business her tin made in 'Wales, her r e'.iin,= e't.70 to $1.80. $4.50; canners an 1 c•asters, $:2.50 to
profits taxes as colic mixed in Scotland end part of , Baled hey -Track, Toronto, per ten, . $3; butche,, bulle, gond, $4.5t1 to 855.;50;
against $29,708,795 thl in the ten-month her trousseau slide in Ireland. Al-' Naa, 2, 21.60 to $2': mixed, $18, do, tom., 3$ to $1, feeders, good, $5'
period of the last fiscal year. , Straw -Car lots 7 �r to $G; do, fair, $-3 to e5; :;to .leers, good,?
Total expenditures for the ten though hitherto Princess Mary has; , per tarn $12. $4 to;;v• do fair e3 to 4 n ,kers $60
The ;etc Govern neUt a simile:1 ere -i Washington.
Total Net Debt increased $69,-
862,971 in Past Year.
A despatch from Ottawa says. --
he total net dela. of Canada on Janu-
ary 31 was $2,372,585,984, ,ns compared'
wvith $2,306,861,252 at the end of De -
ember, 1921, This is an increase of .
5,724,732 in the month of January. {
n January 31, 1921, the total net
r , temporary inronvenieoee to polies
ww.l si •Ra t .: three.. prairie praviatces
et 1ienitoba. $askatehewvan and Al-
berta in 1921 is finally estimated by
the Dominion Government at 2811,098,-
000 bushels from 22,181,329 sown
acres, as compared with 284,133,300
bushels fled 16,841,174 acres in 1920.
eiieet, It has, hnwever, ceeasioneil• 'd
quite a .flutter in real i..tate and stores;
situated on whist are now walls -fox -the -i
ear eorners have been culvaimed in 0
rent. 80010 are frank enough to ae-.15
knowledge anin:reasc in business; a
since the new rule 08010 into effect, 1
University Entrance Require-
At the January= meetings of two
County Coune;ls there was a little ad-
verse comment regarding the new
entrance requinenents deei(le;l upon
by the four Ontsrio Universities to
take effect in 19.23. Sueh criticism
has arisen only because lull details of
the change have not, until now, been
made generally public. When the new
regulations are studied.it will be seen
that they are speciality framed so as
to benefit the smaller Continuation
Schools and also to provide that stu-
dents who come to the universities
shall be sufficiently well prepared to
take full advantage of university edu-
ccs ian. According to the new scheme
there are five different avenues by
which ane may enter the First Year
in an Ontario university; first, with
two honor matriculation subjects in
addition to pass matriculation; sec-
ond, with pass matriculation includ-
ing 75 per cent. in any four papers;
third, with pass matriculation includ-,
ing 66 per cent. in any six papers;
fourth, with a second class profes-
sional certificate in addition to pass
matriculation; fifth, as a student of
nature years with pais matriculation
only. th
Noted Boer ,Dies
General Christian DoWet, who led
the Boer forces during the South Afri-
can War, is dead. He had a very
notable career.
Scotch Wedding Cake
and Trish Trousseau
A despatch from London says:' -
A despatch from Berlin says:-
ussia will present a hill tai the Genoa
conferene.e for indemnity or repcera-
tictxt against France ar.:i Engkorel that
will probably equal, if not meet
Russia's pre=war debt to these pewee's,
That is the information in il7p10-
nnatie circle, here. The reparation or
indemnity demanded will be base;t
upon tate alleged British at -I French
financing of the Kole;hak, 1: udenieh,
Denekin and Wrangle counter-r,'voiu-
tionary campaigns against Soviet
Royal F. mid Oak Gone
From Central ''ark, N.Y.
A eleepateh from New erk
Resident:4 of G,,4i'ao: wl;n cling with
sentiment to objetti o la eteric- i nte•pR
est are regretting the .res!- el +afa the
iseeard of the two trees F, ,ren; near
a the Mall in Centtazl Pal.; in 1840 by'..
Kinr*, Edw er4 VII., leaf I;trglerd, then
Prise(: of Wales.
'l'he old fore't, r c ri r*'li, on !hair-
ielaan elan, huts just leen felled, having
died during the past year.
Its companion, an Englieh oak, a+so
planted by King E;1e.:ira.I, was
ped down ten years ager.
eddy Market Repor
Toronto. Honey -60-30-1h. tine, id?n to ]ac
Manitoba wheat --No. 1 Northern; Per lb.; 5-2%.4b. this, 17 to 18e per :b.
$1.431 . r Ontario comb honey, per doz., $5.50.
Manitoba oats -No, 2 CW., 58c: ex-! Smoked meati--3iam., prod., 27 to
tra No. 1 feed, 55c; N. 1 fedi, tine. 130e; cooked barn, 36 to 40c; smak d
Manitoba barley, -Nominal. '. roils; 24 to 25e; cottage rolls, 116 to
All the above, track, Bay ports.128e; breakfast b icon, 28 to 32e; spe-
American eorn-No. 2 yellow, (2e ; , cion brand breakfeet baron, 33 to 35e;
No. 3 yellow, 71e; No. 4 yellow, 70e; ;blanks, boneless, 32 to 36c.
track, Toronto. Cured meats -Long eieaar bacon, 16
Ontario oats -No. 2, white, miniistai.1 to 18c; elcar bellies, 17 to 19e.
Ontario wheat -Nominal. Lard -Pure tierces, 13 % t s 14e;
Barley -.No. 3 extra, test 47 lbs. ortu s, 14 to 14%e; pails, 14% to 15e;•
The New Pope, Pius Xl.
(cardinal Ratti, Archbishop of Milan,:
win) was elected Pope on the seventh
ballot of the Sacred College. He was
only created a Cardinal last June, and
it; in his 65th year,
worn the simplest kind of jewelry she' cheese -New, large, 20 to 20' c; to $8t)1 spr 3gei';y43",0 tel $90 ca?lrec'
is now likely to become the owner of ' twvins, 0;y to 2lei triplets, 21 to choice, $13 to $12S O no, mod,, : ells
some of the finest gems in the Ling- 25 e. Old. large, .5 to 26e; twins, to set do cons„ 88 to '9.
doss. Orders are pouring in to 'jewel- tons,tonew, 26%e' triplets, 26 to 27e. 5,11-rchoice, $11 to $13.50; do. eom.1. 6�to
25 to 26e. ,
ers for the finest emeralds, sapphires Butter -Fresh dairy. choice, ?$ to $7; d heep.�e:hoice, $6.50 fe $7.25_ do,;
and diamonds to be set in platinum in 30e; creamery, prints, fresh, faney, $ , $5.,at to $6; do, corn., $1.00 to
new and original designs forgifts. 41 to 43c; No. 1,40 to 41e; No. 2. .34 to $3 70, hogs, Ecol and watered, 312.25
g 26e. to $12.50; do, f.o,b , $11.50 to $11.75;,.
3Gc; Dressed
ng, 25 to do, country points $1125 to $11.50.
—,-._.._- Dressed poultry -Spring elkkens, :
months of the fiscal year ending Janu-
ary 31, 1922, were $269,313,250, as
compared with $313,809,278 during a
similar period in 1920-21. This is a
decrease of $44,496,028. The expendi-
tures on soldiers' civil re-establish-
ment declined from $27,985,317 during
e ten months' period last year to
market .Gold °� $12,709,600 this year. The total am -
A. despatch from London says: -Sir
Robert Stevenson Horne, Chancellor
of the Exchequer, announces] in the
}Tome of Commons, in reply, to a
question, that it: was the Govern-
ment's intention "to permit the re-
establishment or an unrestricted mar-,
jet for gold in London at the earliest';
date at which the state of exchange l
renders this courts possible and •de -f
Big Reduction in
Admiralty Staff
A despatch from London says: -As
a result of the Washington Arms Con-
ference and the British Government's
economy scheme; the administrative
staff of the British Admiralty is being
greatly reduced, Already about . 800
officials have been discharged,. and it
is understood 1,500 snare nave either
received or are about to receive notice.
30 to 38c; roosters, 20 to•2.5e; fowl, -2S Montreal.
ount paid in interest on the public debt German Government to 32c; ducklings, 32 to 38e; turkeys, Oats --Can. West. No. 2, 64 to`
during the present fiscal year is $114, -Meets Third Payment 50c; geese 30e. to 64%e; No. 3, 63 to 63tee. Flour -
79,577, as corpared.with $120,042,240
during the ten months ,of 1920-21.
Sir Robert Borden, Canadian •dele-
gate to the Washington DisarmamentConference, has returned to Ottawa.
Mr. P. C. Larkin of Toronto has
appointed High Coniniissioner cording to an announcement; by The
for Canada in London. Temps.
ive poultry* pi -mg chickens, 22 to Man. spring wheat pats, firsts $7.50.f
A despatch from Parrs sags. Che ducklings, 32e; turkeys, 40 to 45e;; $2.80._ Bran, $28.25. ,.shorts 3025.1
Gernran. ' Government has made its geese, 20e. ]lay --Nro. 2, per ton, ear ]oto, X28 to',
third payment of 31,000,000 gold Margarine -20 to 23e. $29.
marks to the. Allied Reparations Com- Eggs ---'New laid straights, 50e; new Cheese -Finest westerns, 17;E ton
mission, in accordance with the ten- laid', in cartons, 52 to 5.1e. 181ne. Butter -Choicest creamery, 33'
clay payment'scheduie recently adopt- Beans -Can. Band -picked, bushel, to 34c. Potatoes-exPer bag, ear lots,
ed by the Commission at Cannes ac- $3,30 to $3.50; prunes, $2.80 to $3.10, $1.20 to $1,25.
, Maple products_ -Sy up, per imp. Good veal calves, $10:50 to $11.•50
gal., $2.50; per 5 imp. gals., $2.35. eotn.. thin sucker calves, $8 to 810;
Maple sugar, ib., 19 to 22e. good veals, $11; hogs, selects, $12.75:
28c roosters, 18e; fowl, 20 to • 28c; Rolled oats -Bags, 90 lbs., $2.70 to:
JIM tet
Cite `isle's
Me.TNE, DIFi Resect
Bk-Nr-Ct. Atein -tel
REGLAR FELLERS—. 5 .. By Gene B •?ea
\sefoRDs neink`CiHtt
Telnet 5, 15ou6nT
- •hit:. eeunno,
1' l5 ` acct Wleane
`(OZ.) NiE.Ar-11
E. C e_pr
-Tt-1AC tic 4.5
CEl`l R! /