The Exeter Advocate, 1922-2-16, Page 2t
With Electricity
1 hul ix le
if has has
Repopulating. Farina
M the towns and eitiea, it has still been
found t� be eheaper than the elwa,peet
man power. When the distributing
system has been extended to all the
Hera M the Province of Ontario a rural parts a OntarioUthe east will be
mighty campaign has been launthed greatly lowered and electricity will
, to solve the serious question of revel make farming an attractive -vocation,
- ,
dress eeartmunteations te etipenemist. ea emceed se. w Toronto. , repopulatiou. The campaign is a eo- eat a repulsive Job,
Our Friend the Goose. bran, ground oats alia 'corn meal bait
operative movement and its objective
geese •.lure is the intreduction of electricity on
Since the wet of peoeteasork be,. weight is a good feed for
every tam in the province,
(lime more generally considered by ing the whiter and better than wieiasa
At Niagara. Falls at the presera time
ralticers of poultry many farmers grain. The crop of a geese is better'
1 •
Simple Ice Storage.
.ave been serprised to find that geese suitea to handle green feed and artash; a garantie devalopment seam -lee is Much waste M food products, more
ge•ain. Mange's, elove,,se nearing toidueletion that will supple- especially in cormeetion with dairying.
as a -sideline liave been oue .of their than laara !neat Ontario's .HytiroeEleetne power could be saved (luring the summer
best assets., The geese., is a graes chaff and a succulent vegetables hem/
oa1. by approximately 500,000 boree- months if the simple inetructions for
eater. Grass often grows en land of in feeding the geese. They are inuth; 1
little e-alee ler otiates perpeees, autea like a cow in their feed reeleireraente power. A huge canal has been (Mg storing ice which are described in
laud is a, greet rast3re for the geese. Sametimes geese are aed too lawn i that wel carry the of the upper Pamphlet No. 2, New Series, ef the
(ore during the winter and beeome too' leaagara river ten uulee. acroes the Department ef Agriculture, Ottawa,
highlands to the lower Niagara river, were generally adopted. Besides this Evea or. geed Tema farmers have
e . e • s- o. ases This vete
vepataeos proauteng 511,000 beree- gale, iflavery -country imam had its ern military terminology "general." untkoing-f Revers of. Damascusi, The
to prepare them for anaeket. They eaaioaal examination of 'ow geese 4-11r-'e4e
Elisha and Newnan the Spian, 2 Kings 5: 1-4, 944. Golden
Text -Ps. 103: .2, 3.
Time -Between B.C. 853 and 800. brews was a semi -religious act. See
PIace--Damaseus, &markt and the Lev., ch. 14. Seven times. The priest
was requirea to eprinkle the leper who
Connecting Links -The Book of , was cured, seven times, Lev. 14: 1,
Kings doe a not give a full biography! V. 11 Nartinan was wroth; (1) be -
of Elisla. Its purpose was to show cause he thought that Elisha was not
his iufluence as a prophet on the his- showing him the courtesy due to his
tory et Terael. high offiee M acting through an inter-
inediney; (2) because, aecording to his
L A King's Distress, 1.
aame means own preconeeptions, Ellsba's method.
V. 1. Naantan; the of cure was to be magical.
"pleas -aut." Captain a the host; not
found that the. geese will prefitably .a• 4 k ft ea, t where ten huge generativee s a captain in our sense but in the older
loved his c*Nen country almost to his
V. 12, The words of a patriot who
Imre-eat raest of their living uaitil time welts in limey infertile eggs. An 4 11 , .1 ; , * e plants, toed- and drinks would be more palat- sense et "head of the army;" ni mod -
region o Da- -Amescue le watered y two
know that the grass whieli produces ing the winter will determine their: power will be operated. A large por- own supply of ice. As the pamphlet
, tion of this power is to be distributed ' Syria. This was the kingdona ot the
points out, a very simple storage is tramean: ygo4-Ae capital city was rivers, the liana with seven brazthes,
g the Istriets a Ontario. necessary; any unereeupied corner of aniascue e remeans were no e
- t d one of which flaws through the city,
the goese meat is cheaper thae tee physic:a eoridition and then any meees-
1, "amon • th I el'. '
grain a:erase-are- eo arake other poultry Fal7 changes ille the ration can Pei Feeder bees are to be constructed a, shed will serve the purpoee. roug
_ A h as traders andearners and Damascus and the Pharpar, running nearly par-
allel to the Abana seine miles to the
/ s etar to a parte af the ptevinee board eneloeure 10 feet squere •and 8 t • ' south The waters of these rivers,
was an erneorium for the . caravan
meat. Oer friend, the is net itt =ado- thi - . 11 - •
ae meth aenietee as broilers and fat- rade. Like Israel, they formed a •
. land from these power arteries will go feet high will hold enough ice to pro- buffer state between the powerful siase theY eome frem the melting
hers. She ewes net lay winter egge. Points on Rog and Uat°n Mar4eIS" brarielit lines a• t• le 1 ' of ypt ar ss ma. y ‘,
, oneyeom lag- ne yr ,o.e yam fifty peunas per day for 130 days kingdome Eg -
d A • B snows of tile Lebanons, are pure and
spareang an contrast to the turgid
13.4z the that aize doe- bring ter Here are 20 points which outline country. Eleetricity will be available after allewirg for a reasanable am- him . , unto Syria. As yet Naeman
laze en ,nearo arm. ount waste- ge. Poles, even, may be, had net waters of Jordan.
• - euse preavicelen. ;, retirements,' of tae markete fez Caeed elipting neeettelea, d f • • 4- tb acanowledged that his vie-
breeasee gee week. at a compar-. the preeent pesitton ana the reale re- for every - Ont. • f
Na 13, Neaman showed his fine na-
^ re two prineleel outlaws. fey' ataate astrea- d e teries came trout Jebovah, the God cf ,
pping and an-, craven ireo ,e groundan me. up . of ture in rimming rebore -mates to re-
, ', ning mills. Mter carriers and hay -"d ' h ' But t1 -.e writer
monstrate with him. Their appeal was
• en the insde with roug lamoer or the Israelites'
tau ete„,ot_e-,e. tewee.e: Taere is. a goed 1. S.-..eet leacen heg,e =stet saelga forks will he operated by lads magic ter.aa leavinge s ace of abut three-- hfieTilialsh4nolf tint niiseurik..!e to (aeration senee Tr the simple
re-eel:Tea Emewitee aize are etzlying, tries Leg. p:ant (17e-220 liats. en tile farm); begs man be lightee by e,t,..ieity aral of the v.-.4 d the e I
an e ne osure eovered
boards poses. A mighty man in valor; a man; P ....P
TheneWPerntPliee The Jewith
setareest :ter hegkaaass re -bred stock been lae and 210 lbs., tit the raake energy. The farm bouees and build,' eights- of an inthP between tal1 ro osal of tin -: 'o• h 1
as a foaaameme f sr their flaare. Many' 2. Little more than oraeheif of the the farmers' wives' did; - all b of unissnal strength and -courage. Aral
• -ee va e .. with a roof to keep out the rain. It is cieet warfare depended upon the,. rabbis ueede to eay that although Geri's
ela !wear:ere wit! reea new Weal eel tetees ura ut,,,a atanta rg.„...,,,,,-,tel witian lightened in e . rattle,. Hemet ectmtaands were not always intent -
ties' gases a nierltet fer tin' eurpats tae weleattelimit tc, yield eertaana" alremat wee's; neeeeeary to provide tree drainage. atrength of th had. '3-1 '
alhela ef the (c.d druager.v will be Aretia a foot et sawdust should be 5 strouget' nien*70 p&a'.-el t th
1 ewe and faith. :seaman stood the
1 gible to man they were tests of (*beta, -
rat ler 5 tit tt ememiem over meet wetaitshire 5e,10e., eliminated and a new era of retell life pinealen the floor A epeee of one head of the army. !test of obealeeee and farth. The fiesh
pricea. I ..3. Taere is only stritt'y lirnited end rural devele latent will he intro- f t eito ld b 1 it beti.-vee'n tbe ice II. A Slave Maid's Advice, 2-4, 9. tee a little child, The -flesh ee a leper
Tau gete:ee is tize great halidaY marhet for the fat, lard -type of hog dueed. That is the bright future that end the 'seal) to be filled evitb eawdust. V. 2. Although officially at peace' is filled with festerieg, sores whieh
ane fires ready vale on the large et ee in Canada; that lint seems about loartis in the offing for Ontario and When the ehinkes between the blocks with Israel, the Syrians made mar- • become hard and ealted. Naaman's
maeltets at thet time. Orders eau he. reached, ! that is what will remove the menace, Lave been filled. with -crushed, We and eliding- expeditions an Israelite terra. fleelt became as healthy as a child's.
eatainea from leral dealers in aavarge 4. But there b an almost unlimited of rural depopulation for all time to tl h I f . . . tory, The object of these raids was Re was clean. So loathsome a diseaee
le w o e men together, the we
' to rob the Israelites of their erops, was leprosy that the leper was said
of the holaiay trade se that buyere reerlmt for leacon in Great Briteila' eome, the fartnera behind the mover ei id a d with b the
n . ere are 5-Nera tbtetnleSS of eawclust as is needed for V. D. Captives taken in war fre-i
outstanding working examples in the, the sides. The dryer the sawdust the quently Mtreeluced their religiani Application.
livery. ape trio of' breerliret birds. 5. Great Britain imports normalla province to bear out their prediction% better the iee will Iteep. The pamphlet among their captors. The Christian! 1. Naanian a mighty general -but
been fattened and prepared for de. consumer desires. 4 °at Sarn4' WWI to talte eeptives. ! to be unclean."
, ., mu.; e eovere wi
will lie as-F,lrev.: waen the gegew have provirled it is that whith the British' ment declare, A a there 0 , • 9 •
gives the farmer a (-hence to develop about 600 000,000 lbs. of bacon every; Hydro -Electricity has been in use also describes an ice well and shows Romarta in this way introduced Chris- a leper, No responeibility attaches
a large fa* of geese eaele year. 'Then year, roundlY 12,000,000 lbs. a weth. '„ in some eight prosgerou farming- ' • t" 't ' g the northern lei b ri ns ' to hint for this affliction. But the de -
e plans for the eonstruetem ae iee Iran y anion. tr a a
only a few of the best need be retainea; 0. In 1913, the year before tae war,' communities for the last four years hA.D.fecat . of heart and ch:araeter which
after the holiday seaeme and they imports from Canada evere ureltsr 24,-' and the results show that there has: ceases. - in the third and fourth centuries .
Would God, etc. The suggestion of spoil an otherwise well equipped man
tom the ' ennel among'2.
fer the growine of an.. 000,000 lbse Jueet two wea
eke' share ,,, been tittle tendency on tee pert of the 4. the slave-gial ebowe (1) that she was -these we must lament and repudiate.
other feirty *arge flees. direaeg aits next the normal import, ''' young men and young women in tbose • willing to do a kiudness to her mastThis hind ef leprosy is within aur
filtnney Efficiency.
7. A "Wiltshire siae" is a trade eorinnunities to leave the land during A round ehimitey, alaile not so easy (2)
a, kt le a
that Elielmas wondersworkitlig
:reechTielld is curable.
power was well highest in the land require
Gam win peel-abiy do the hest' term for the shape of the alt. h is that time* but there has been an np.1 to build as a square one, baa decease Israelites um that he was peendar the same cleaninN as the lowest, The
ar a -body ef weter as the Ieeation • practieally ene<half of the carcass preeiable movement of -urban dw 11 ' edventages over the iattea It greatly ,t4mong the people Ite id a . "steme clew:singe because it is of the
will brira much feed -that the meeee without heed raid feet. , back to those parts. The farmers in la'seaa
e ers • 4 , e wou recoser'aT a -s tl
the frittion beteeeen the wails at.. Leprosy was regaried as an in- heart. 4 aa Ma ‘Na' a general la le
a large floth. Howterer, fine sees - pickle in Cemacia. Tim smoking and difficulty s even e,f the elamuey and the rising gases. curable disease. The Hebrew maid SYrian armY" Mea at Fcell "d
m e lamp o Haig were generals in the Alliea arm -
lata. Waste Len wr , see ,
a .4 I e It, .al fOr , S. These sides ere otily given a light time districts bove experieneed little
t , . - e , ey ferm with a cutting for retell are done by Eng- labor and in retaining that lubor.
in securing desirable fa end has the emalleat wall surface in , was therefore light' g th f
ran •
ereportion to the (Tose area. Tlie et- hope in the soul of a despairing man. le -so and both are humble Christians.
ase pasture whiela is stet grazed too iisa, curers. • when other jobs were very plentiful. ticieneY of a round ebleauey twenty./ V. 4. The Greek version states that . , e that• -
realizine they were helpless
ean be chea'red we n ^
e 1 y ethel.;,. A large bodyt e, Domestle taste thews a teaidency In addition, they have been able to. four inches in diameter le almost ars it wee Nsaman'a wife who mammal w3 - '
thout the presenee of the Dunne
simple unselfishness of the
, te * I, ini can no prefer lean, streaky bacon very reduce their staffs of workers con -1 greet as that at a square ebinuiey !him of the child's suageetion Naaman 3' Tilt
" a- ' prophet. Nauman wanted to reward
but 1, 14 am, not
I • * • -I '-
,,g the genera near borate Thtese; similar to the prevailire. taste in Great i I abl • I I, • •t; -- t 1 ' the '
.0 5 i er e, 0 eI., MCI y, a mg e places ''"‘ ..“4 '
.„.,..„.,,‘,4,1u, moat aerase.„,„„scientme was too unlit' a servant for the wee ,.., ,,,,,,
btrd 111 vat leaten e pasture for other '
- . - e.Britain. This is due probably to an of many bired men. And, although tate' `"‘" Syrian king to lose if there was any ,-"I'" "a"a' - - '
eltance of his rerovery. The king eva r f le e i r d things.
a t a fic e. n s are And
emelv Ere, e •
eater nfeht even be et, -,a i I . t
s previding there is plenty of a increase in oer city dwellere. Ameriettn.
dently heard a garbled report of the besicles, lte did not want the Serial:
•• 10. One typo of hog will therefore maid's sug,gestion, for in his letter he to think thet the favor of Israelei (led
e to help in evoiding erowded'
; eater to both the domestie earl expo&
It is aesurned that the lireeder will' trades. This must be the bacon -type'
The Welfare a the Home
a. 0.. could be bought and sold like sheep ol
made no mention of the prophet, eettle. In any event he declined la •
His peremptory demand of the king
'present which Neiman profferel bine
consider re -silting hut pure-bred geese.' ace/aimed as best at the Ottawa eon.: Ieraol would indicate that Lsrael The Christian attitude toward
Grades wet paalueo nwat but the pure f
- erence. was «1LU thne in a state a vassalage! fort'igners. Canada 1"
Play Places in the House -13y Katherine Beebe to Syria. in we lave many
brode look better arti the carcasses' 11. The standard then set requiresi ar$ 9. Nauman, as befitted his high "foreign bern'" How :Elmil we regard
; lama It is hnown that the attitude
type waen the birds are marl:Owl. And bade and reek to tail evenly fleshed,•Bering the many dew, and hours But the ideal play plaee is the little, rank, was eecorted by an Impressive: that prevailed toward the natives of
'will be more uniform it* ctualitY and jowl and sboulder light and smooth,
waen children can not be told to "run and there often Is one of some EOrt, cavalcade.
the chanae of Felling hatthing egga side long, medium depth drcpping 'India who carne to our sbores twenty
t and la -" they must play in the Seth o spaee kept reasonably clean,
III. The King's Cure, 10-14. years ago had comsequences in Delia
and breeding stocar, cannot be negleeted straight from teeth, ham full, good ee P a '
leo , as e matter of neeessity. and havine its winloess moteeted,
' V. 10. A ntessenger; Galata, Me ser-, that were alarming. On the other
without eon* loss even if no advertis- general finish, no excess fat. let would solve many a houeelmal prob. vent. Sep vs. 20-27. Wash in the ;for- , hand if we evangelize the Chateau who
only sold tweasiorally to buyers in the ing conditions a d I -d g feed -
n mar cet emend for ` '''' - '
to spend visiting seesions in houses lem•
Time and again it has been my
The fact that the attic is mild dan. It is not likely that the mere are in Canada, there is a fine a
ing is done and tbe breeding stock is 12. In the 'United Statee he tz,“11Ce
is in its favor rather then otherwiee. asi washinge011 in. was
ld regarded
ricktlt fruits triglistni a ieffortstel. TIPaLbg
from those in . , play i ,
- where to all intents and purposes the
?deed while the thildren are playing ri
ed when Naaman. went to the JOrdan people from southern Europe who are
sectien. meats differ radieallv fr th
,s.r lemma. perly be made pro. au* p aces were under the visi-
tor's feet, on the arms and roeltere of T'l
should be open. There is no reason
A fine flock of pure-bred geese on' Cannel •-•
Canada and comparisons cannotiere the upper sash of the windows i f •ti 3 • h 1 . • t • •
n ai i. ewis ass required a limn , hying on our prairies. There is
They stand stand out in the field like a finely 13. As Cam;dian packers eau find t ir5 - lr t le e "eml ° ' aril 11
haa and ent• elv • the a • 'as 11
y 'gal a teats, sweaters, caps, and himeelf and the dip in the Arden! them to come to Ceetada and eve must
healed of leprosy to wash and eleanee 1 one thing to do. We have Invited
a farm is a constant aa --. t'
ists that only a limited market for lard-typee the grown people who evdie going -
even mittens on, the -children thould recommended by Blithe. would be the! give them the best we 'llave-a pure
paiuted signboard. The motor
through the VACUOUS form of -confer-
pass the farm are prospective buyers, they cannot indefinitely take them oft not be told to "run up and play" at rite of purification after the cure. ori Christianity. We must serve them.
n inue to produce such hogs. apologies were always forthsomine
ewe or conversation. The meal
and. til a good road this tattle is a the hands of fanners who misguidedly
math. time s o c n ake ou e e I e not exploit t tem.
s a rain r old 1 t- during it. Washing among the 1 - n ' 1
hoase door sport impossible. There being no -
constantly ineressine• -
, . , (hence to cash co t'
Geese do not need as 'limb busing scale to bold the B • '
ritual expcertaade 711
is so stria e
e weather is so bad!" -"The
1'1" "The 'children are so full
anti eltunsy rubbere ib el o an dvan
- - s a -
in on sidelatte erops. 14. Canadian hog production 1
o i a oecasion for putting on the despised Bordeaux Controls Potato r ----
as other poultry. Even durthet the' cannot e successfully done by drib- 1:1 e Leaf Hoppers.
b f lif 1" "'alley love to be with
tage. Wiee parents would see to it THE CHILDREN'S
severe winter storms they often seem lets, with a, glut at one season, nor in
mother!" and so en. . tbat k.11Ch 311 *eta, eantaitted an old Leaf burn or hopper burn an pota-
to enjoy resting cn their range headed the free-and-easY suPPly of many Now an A B C applicatien of melainuattress for -jumping on," ladaer, to plants Can be chethed and 'control -
Into the wind. However, it pays to varying types of carcasses. nary sense would ma e p ai
a eletheihne, same odds. and end* of ma by splaying with en eau>. . g
have ,an open shed or colony hoase 15. There must be uniformity in mother that consideration for
Per discarded furniture, wooden boxes:, awe. The Time I Had the Measles.
where they ean stay eights. This East ana West, and both mast furniall guest, for her ov.-ti comfort, for het. trestle or two, boards, hammer-, and; Eeperimente slow -conelueively that
The time I had the measles,
should be dry and on a well -drained exactly what the British consumer children's good, demanos SOH.e other nails, en old tarpaulin or other cloth' leaf burn is caused by the tmy leaf
feeding the geese during the winter the premium which packers agree to make one possible. Play is so vital
lay place, and alittle ingenuity would
with such toys as the children diose of four. pound.s of copper sulphate,
site. It serves as headquarters for wants if Canadian farmers are to get P for tentenaking enterprises, together hoppers. The same bortleaux mixture
and ean be locked at night if the geese , pay after alay lst. a part of a thild's life that a place to take with them. I four pounds of unslaked lime and
are in danger from thieves. 16. In the common interest thetor it, both indoors and out, is a neces-
I have seen many pores which' fifty gallons of water that is used to
Geese may be kept for breeders for breeding of fads must" be discouraged.
sty, not a luxury, . would make fine play Places on wet Prevent early and late blight will also
as much as ten years or longer. Most Their eareasse-e do net yield the riot one motber whom it 35 me' Priva days and wondered why none Of them, repo the injurious leaf hopper and
bream do not Iike to keep ganders esonformation for "Wiltshire sides". lege to know, following fee modern was in tree. I suppose mothers tion-' the& the extension of any leaf burn
more than three or four years. Thel 17. Conformation or shape is as hie custom of epenimg windows at night, sider the weather "too damn." But to the potato vine that may have
trios of breeding,. geese thould be mat- portant as weight. Two sides from has several little beds in a row in ma When I remember a neighbor's healthy' started.
ed up several months before the broed-1 differing breeds may apparently have room, -the smaller one, a larger one brood ef -children, who, equipped with i Tbe first spray Put on potatoes
ing season to insure geed reeults, +i,,proper length over an , but ie tyre being resevved far the neceesarY rubber boots, eo•ats and caps, played should be a standard lead arsenate se-
. .
I theught up things to play -
It eeemed so awful lonesome •
When Tenuity kept away!
I played I was a 'soldier
And had to lie in bed,
My wounds tied up with cool thing
y s
To help maching head.
And then I played the bottles
That stood upon the their
\Vela soldiers in the hospital.,
When onee mated the trio seem to ahoulder of ene is too thick the belly bure-aus, play space and playthings. out of doors -every day in the year, ex., Iution applied about the nerela of And; sick, just like myself.
think more of eaeh other than in the too tbin, or the back teto fat it will In another home the dining room is cept when the thermometer was' June. This treatment will kill potato
ease of farm fowls. Successful reduce the value 'of the parts from
rnatiags should not be broken up ex- which the high-priced, well-balanced,
eept when the birds he:merle old or it lean -and -fat cuts are taken.
is necessary to make sales. 18. Farmer -producers are mast
Goslings can he raised by feeding likely to get the right bacon types
tender bits of grase for the first two among well 'selected York..e.hiree, Tana -
days. Then feed a .neash four or five worths or the bacon sub -section of the
times a day, consisting of two-thirds Berkshire breed.
irniddlinga and one-third corn meal.
After the first week scalded cracked
MOM is goad. But the young geese
are great g-rass eaters and a grassy
eange • will furnish them with abun-
tit food for growth. Some breeders
ave raised goslings succesefully by
erst feeding dry beead soaked, in milk
Until pressed out. Manufacture and marketing of
A math ;consisting of equal paets of meat.
the betties. Early m July the bordeaux Mamma won't let me -Math them,
play place, and the very fact that twenty below and a wind blowing, 1
it must be put in order before meal am et the opinion that a few hours in
leaf hoppers that will now probably be Each had seine "catching" sickness,
sprays should be uee•d to drive off the And so I had to say
times is giving one group of little damp fi:e311 air would be much less..
invaluable lessons in neatness, .
feaught with days indangerous posoverheated roosibilitimsaany potato beetles are etila on the
e found in considerable numbers. If And I must keep away. -
folk!,-consideration and helpfulnees. than
„...e.... _ • . . . _ ....„,„ .. . . .s. e __ewe- I plants lead arsenate should be added Witch Hazel had the jaundice -
who. !
1 to “tAhte ibeaotrtrietaire:s sionlourteiosnp.
The Vaseline had nieaslee,
sprays of lam- Peroxide had the mumps;
1 deaux mixture following at about teen And leoked quite in the dumps!
week intervals are essential. 'When
hoppers are active and then they Had surely knocked him fiat!
the weather is hot and dry the leaf The Paregorlea fever
do the most injury. This kind of Old Castor Oil had smellpox--
weather also causes the tip le -an to I kept away from that!
spread rapidly destroying the entire
leaf.. 'During hot, dry Periods this And so I 'fought the measles
spray has to be wed eveey week ti Like. seldier breve and tree!
prevent the destruetion of the
vines," • Nor even make me bluel
Potato, It couldn't damn t my sprit,
The parkas of greatest numbers of
-these hopeers are ot three to four .Tim said to me the other day, "T
, year duration. These o6eur about every Wish I multi de eemething big" - Said
eight to ten years. There have been I to Jim, "What .c•ornaleint have you
many leaf hopeers for the past -three , heard most frequently?" He ifistana
years. Bemuse of the mild winter Mt- ' ly repliee, "Mollies says that the wood
merous holm et. e a te eepe c led to an- ,
, box is always empty." I came right
Pear UPea ansPraaed Pnes otato vituis back and said, "Sim veer big thing at
eummer; ithe present time -ie to see that that
Each year there ewe three genera-1wood box is kept filled."
-alone of leaf hoppers. The first is 1 , Boys aud ghee. I have teed the lives
hatehed it) June, and the second le , of neatly men and women wboni the
August. latri a that -lived third in i world ,ealled ;great and I have usually
September. The females of tele sec- • laved that thee always bankled -the
and generation live over the winter.
and slang fence lines -througheate theipetet? sere eat ee,
i little things that came ,atIong and au
Thee live under dead leaves and- galladi them as a matter of course, See the
winter months. These hoppera arathe i • Let's, keep the woad bee felled.
'thes which lay the reap ie the -saving.: • , , ,...e.p. ,:, ..e...„,_
eta) Clam which:the first "aenual gen- The outstamille • meelity of seccese-
. eratian- is b atohea. _. 1 Jul farm eta , es el eaate ,.
19. Other breeds are generally un-
suitable and the average farmer .ean-
not -afford to breed them.
20. The two inter -linked and, eesen-
tial halves of the livestock- industry
a. Preduction anl marketing of
farm animals;
The Fertilizing Value of Nitrogen aoeunatiated by the growth
Le -. of. legume crops is taken largely from
the air, -while the smell quantity eaved
A ton of alfalfa, or clover, or vetch by corn, oats or wheat roots is gath-
hay itiay contain as much as fifty ered from the soil. IT you can figure
pomade of nitatogen. The roots that out a roeation to suit your own special
gra with the alfalfa plants coveriug an neede, and have legame crops growing
.. re may contaip up to three hundred ttvo years out of four, there will be
}mends of eitrogen. The roots a the little need to worry about the nitrogen
ed clever or vetch plants, that cover ampler.
an acre, may •eontain as muck as one --te---•--
Watered stock is a poor ineestment
in business, but it pays profits on the
hundred and afty pounds of narogen.
The roots from corn, oat or wheat
plants eevering one were may contain
twenty-five pounds of nitrogen, With
"one minion dollar,e' worth of nitro-
gen" over every acre of Jails" would it
vat be good 'milieu to make sufficient
use of legtene crops and their paraeitie
'eon Vacteela to at least provide the
.11neede of a farm in crop preduction
Fireside planeing makes lese -eum-
mer exasperation and perspiratton.
and more relaxation.
ureose end persea era. -tee lzcget
p ower.
--a et ro it Ne -e, s