HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-11-16, Page 42• •• !Doges ' " ' • ••• • • • • • , • • • - • . . , . EA TO IN OVA V/ POI'S SAVOR WATT MODEL usual eq,ih &iarrY.-.1:06e is 14:09 so you -save 4.00 on '--*-mostat fits oneend. *.•• ••iietallic cable when you in.. 7.730;"“I',7•"'S.r4' ' it, • MODEL usual cash & carry price is 36.99. so you sava, 7.40 on' this model. Comes inbeige. :enamel finish.• • •••• • 4-, ..• . . SAVE $7.40 • ' ATTZHEATg, On the 1500 -watt heater by Chromalox ilf $4 00 by.chroffiato...... On the 500 -watt heater • 4 7 • et,SaiitiggrntiptherAini4 •-•• • u vsu few:x5' - dkvitArr Hte.‘,1•E THE 'Jur inguep arip11401„ ' 0 0.§.% • -oz,"'t- Remember you con ii! -:.';'----1.‘''-ii&W,.:-,"-4-e-----"-:-.---t,=,-,_--••••,..,,,-,.., -____ .,,--~-44*,',,k,•-'7-.= --,, •-':~4•-•••'''-:,.-•---:•:7'W--L.....-W7-,-T--- ---.~'- - X4* ---,,...,__1_.,— •-•••-•-•---••• - - - --...7.' 3i.s.:,..,• ,....-. 34, "r•••••3 -....,..,.., , ,..- ..-•,-,._••-,,,,,,,,-,...,,,,- - -,%,,, • • • --",.,. - ...,......--.: :••_,.._W -V•41 E-." ....._•.,.. . .,-"" - ,z, . .- 2 : -.-•• ,-- - ! •.1. at, ••,.., ..,... . ,_...-• .. ,. - . 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EASY TO. 4 WAYS EASIER No longer do you have to buy instal!. connectors..4, ChroMaii _ psat BO1H ends, .0m110aapa'se new rear entry ajsem-wp.terL,:. boxes at 131701.ends„:04 1? can -*Ye the front pinettdourstig .•;.; ‘621 *itsuds tmost ny&here. And whP111yombrnp thenyst it cam ihnirtnst4.04 EITHER700:in TheijDD •• t,,566-47-4404Olvaltimodos, • . •600 Pages . . More Than Z000 Diagrams and Illustrations Tells you how to handle practically every type of household repair, from fixing leaky faucet to kaki -mg an extra room.. There's even o chapter DTI 11110w to • stalleleFtrical futures.. Writ1 en in simple um- teehnitn1 language sa the novice \Who - is nall thunihs— can u,se t with anfidence.. great gTh. ff - any ncrasian„.