HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-2-9, Page 7GUARD YOUR H ewHEALTctIre f°r.LeP17sY- H • Winn RAIU).oiDARy
• Ns- that many leperen cared bY
chaulamegre 'oil, have he liberated
The winter season is a hard one
the baby. He is more or less -confined
to staffy, badly ventilated rems.
is so often stormy that• the mother
d":$ net get him cut in the fresh air
as often as she should. He catchee
colds which reek his little system; his.
etotnach and bowels get out of order
and he becomes peevish and eros. To
guard agairet this the Mother should
keep a box of Baby's Own Tablets in
the house. They regulate the stomach
and bowels, and break up coble. Tbey
are sold by tnedieine dealers or by
mail at 25 cents a Lox. from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville.
en, from the colony of sufferers on Mole-
YOU Coo Do Tills by i „ Neeihng we kat (Ita.walian Islanetn awl returned
Blood Rich and Bed. to the oompaulensitip of eeltY fellow -
beings, excites much ,s2,mtrathetic in -
It is useless to tell a hard working tereet.
woman tO take life easily and pot to It has not been expielnetl, howeven
svorry. Every woman at the head of that ttese perecns, tuppoeed to be re -
home; every girl in (aces, shoddy covered from the dread malady, have '
and factories is subjected to more or been set free cult- anpart.le and with
4eSS worry. Thee worries cannot be the understanding that they are to
avoided. But it is the duty of e.very remain uuder eltemvation. So far, 8
woman and every girl to save her per cent. a them have relapsed, with
ttrength as muct as possible, and to reeurrenee of symptoms. and have
build up her system to meet unusual . been sent back to Molokai for further
1,omends. Iter future health depends treatment.
capon it. Ta guard against a break- The ecnclusion of the U.S, Pubile
dov.'n the blood must be kept riot, red :Health Service:, which Is had claire
and nue. To keep the blood in this ! of the experlmeres, is that du-mimeo-
eteitlition Dr. WilliamsPink Pills wilt ; eer, oil cannot ie relied to as a
be found most uzeful. They strength- ; "cure for leprety. An "ethyl ester"
en the nerve, restore the appetite and, derived from it in now used, by lintte
bring the glow of Health to pallid ; (telltale lujection, end tee prove.' much
cheeks, and renewed energy to HAIM., more efficient Then the oil itself. With
people. Women cannot always rest young perple, or teeteret in whom the
when they should, but they can beep diseaee has mit pregres,d far. the
ina their streagii through the rem- treatment seems, at least in satiny I
slonal use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pille. eaees, to twomise fleet care. Lepreey
This is shOwn by the eaee of aim Mint is undoubtedly of Oriental origin, and
tfie Swielt. residing Leer SillieDe, Ont. Leant- re:termite:1 to it are Made m;
who says: eA few year ago 1 was la anelent literature. 113 earlier times t
a deplorable state of tante My blood the afflicted were requireil by aw,
was weak and watery and the eircula- when they appearee on the etreets. to
Lion poor. :NV appetite was peer ami ring a bell and e"y "rtaeleen! 1111-1'
what food I did take distressed me- eleatit" This, of eclurse, beenee the
1 wee not able to do my holleeworla diaeate was suppestel to be eerizegieusn
and often my nighte were sieeplese. Receut inveetigatioet iteve proved
aud headache and Want:tette addee to that It Is both eentagieue :tea Mee.:
My misery. 1 was finally persuaded tutus, U readily epreaae wherever the
to drop other medicines and take Dr. sufterers are net fseettee. During tbe
Williams' Pink Pills. This I did, and last few yrear u it has iiPread alarmingly
after taking the pills for a couple et in Cuba, and in Calumbin its ravages
months I could do my boaseworlt With are a cause of inereasiug ittutiety, The
ease, eat well, slept well and had gain - malady is attributable to a bacterial ;
ed in weight, From my own expert- gi-tbi, Bacillus leprac, whlt,li late been
mace I cannot praise these pills too ieolated awl satiefactorily Identified
by scientists.
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
from any dealer in medicine, or by
mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes tor
$2.50. from The Dr. Williams' Medi
eine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Never use water which has been
standing :overnight in the tealtettie.
In the morning fill it with fresh water,
boil and
Surnames an
Variatione—Hammonds, FitzHamond,
Humpson Amundsen
Recto! Origin—Norman French, :also
Source—A given name.
littre it another grow of family
112MV.3 Whieti traceback to the un -
e en tu t gv n ", "
or "Auntie," though it should he re-
memberea that the groupings In this
article. the one that preeesied it aud,
the one Which is to fellow. are more or
less arbitrary. and ter eenvenienee of
diecuelion, rather than ae evinente of
rigid ,courees of develepment
As stated in the preview,: article. the
Normans brought the mime into Fenn
land as "Hasno" and "Hanlon." It
waS not long, hoWever, before the
given name began to develop new
ferneg. such as "Hamm!" and "Ham-
mond,'" the LAW', quirlay becunang
mese widespread. in many cases tin'
patronymic., or tandly name, wile term-
ed by the prefixing of Normau
"Fitz," meaning "son of." In •others,
the surname was termed by the addi-
tion of the ending "eoti." But "Ham-
niondson" was a little- Ice clumsy for
the average British tongue, and eo did
not endure tong, being shortened
variously ' to Hammond and Ham.
monds..• In mere .tnceern •thnet there
has been a very general teudeuey to
add final "e to such namee. so that
the name of Hammonds aemetime4
still anether lee:ante:Ong tram the
term ottlianamon•d.
But the given name often developed
the, diminutive forms, in Norman fas-
hion. of "Hamonet" and eHamolet" or
"Httmelote"Hamoret" quickly be-
came "Hamnet," producieg the sur-
name "Hamnetson" or "liamnettnt,"
Way of Life..
To swieg along and sing along
And keep the vision clear,
How many in the moving throw;
Can come so very near
The measure of tat mighty love
Atilficb snakes the way of life
A blessed way, a happy way,
A betterment of strite?
Mother! Move
Child's Bowels With
California Fig Syrup.
Hurry mother; Even a sick child
loves the "ffultY" *ate of "California
Fig Syrup" and it never fails to open
the bewels. A teaspoonful toelay may
prevent a sielt child to -morrow. It con-
stipated, bilious, feverish, fretful, Lae
cold, colic. or if stomach is .sour,
tongue coated, breath bad, remember a,
good cleansing of the little bowels is
often all that is necessary.
Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali-
fornia Fig Syrup" which 3 as directions
for babies and children of all ages
Printed on bottle. . at .er. Ton snust
say "California" or you may ,get at
Imitation lig syrup.
She'd Learned.
The puppy bad been punished and
was culling in a corner. To him came
the email daughter of the house to
administer, net comfort, hut advice.
may just as well be good first
which has iluaily been twisted into the ;_ t lasspa:. she adminietered.
modem Hampson. Hatamet has oleo
Their Origin ou
gt usnMettle Mee ms
- "Everybody that belongs to mother
Always say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin.
Unless you see name "Bay% -e on tablets, you are not getting
4spirin at all. Why take cl-.ces?
Accept only an Unbroken "Bayer" p which contains directions and dose
worked out by physicians during2 jc.xs and proved safe by millions far
Colds Headache 'Neuralgia Rheumatism
Toothache Neuritis Lumbago Pain 1 Pain
liandy °Bayer" boxes of 12 tablet 14 ti,tzt‘g of 23 and 100 ---All 61ruegi-ts.
Menet to 010 nage MOIrk re g 04'104 e`ITIPl2t1), et 'nee r afo%*'-'•rr? M0414^ac."*Acac113.0=t' r 0.;F, saneYlleae.1d- While 1. 11
1111;14own that Mania means 13ay,-r mamas; tare, to -en.' '2„ ; • to its te..:6:e. meat:eat est .atetts }er 4,ersaariV
LAI ha stamped wIth their general trade a -ad:. the "kL..•.,4r
-33.• .1.330.a..r.,,!•33,31TansOPOPOrroP.P.13.0•PPMPOicl.00-.3
,. ItIrs. Worth Lan jun .6 ei PI that
Her Marted Creed. aa.s - egl Advertisemr,i-.
• .7g• - • lxx.alimuNIAL. I-,...u.zal.
' her celerel wathwcaees Aunt Diaab, era 'so oat= xee. A. eteeeeere.
I GAINED 35 pouNDs Lad at the age of seventy xnarried
tents Wilt1141 PO +0:1{;4` 11'1.'.1.17.
I 4 ? • the feurth time.
let Aunt Dinah," she exelaimed, e ; tt.".:tft ¢:::4ae.v6e6:11'. . ' ""Ita'' t'; 4 '
Not4TZ44 Ifir 471140.11-4C4,1 Vill.`4.741 1 1, i "141SR2Ulp heney. 1 hes," vms Aunt
row y Aim- f rillvor, 11.,TTior.rwir i YOU 4,11.k ..:4' letten t niatieel seta. a -----,7tGaN
POUNDS WHEN SHE BE. i DIr''4.6 1/1'1“Ig "14' .4f s'' ''''' ''''`Vell .0,V/•"lot'S'NTS WANTKI0 I's ••,t,
eitatt-Zr seiling iar.us•ohoki neeeK-itt), s.
GAN TAKIi%1G TADILAC. I as de lewd taaes era, so w . 1.,.el,“.4 vrelers ae-r,tirt A, t tt, s. ••,,:•••
--- .....c... -------. tatUlm:3 tor :-Jtto :013(1;0' in 2.-”:;•' f.• ••: a/
MONEY ORDERS. lesere 433 PrlikAKit-3, Selb 1::03“t1,, ,„.,:. .', ,
t H "II t"
! at@ and I know. Dozniniou Expreet Motley Oreer SELTI FOR SALE
as go to mind. I've been thrOligh it
to have stopped at giving Ise Shake-
iSpeare's "Hamlet," Was So Weilk, and 111 fro for five dotiore coets three sent., 1! kuttts nn. ttotr. nt,t..t7.0
totting. pUlleye. Eawa. vable.hte
aer 0 .4.. - ete,„ ertipre,d t,uti1oettoatTro:.:', ;JAWS'
les We eometimes see R. Antontloon and After the Honeymoon. Stomach. Troutio Life Was • ,
The ara ly name e Ames sen,
trees in Cannes,. ' I E .• -E
A11101;4808, ti neI44% 4
atly alwaye traceable • "Well. wen." he ~lamed, na birrow t 0: Mr. Filtl:Ziff, k"*.V.;." 115 Tong,. sTacET.
• a Ettreell.
to 1. levelt ea of 1 $ II ' nonclee her first meat pie "where did ;1"-i:hail:est.; lite! 11114 he haf- them •
3 ,1 k nal, an "Taulae has built me up Iron a mere both or e
i form of this ancient given name.
011 get Ihtis " frame weighing old:. at;:aely 1*.tuidE•3 to
"I made that of Mr SI a
. . outs. .un er'„s
e . , co'oltery book," replied the young wife.
II:4 ft------"
"Alai" he broke in. "ThLs leathery
Racial Origin—Norman French. , part le the billeting, 1 suppose?"
Source ---A given name.
I These family names are real'thScientific Proof,e .:
same word, as our modern words pagan :' One day a teacher was having a first
and peasant, and their evolution has . grade class in physiology. She asked
been a peculiar and intereeting one. .: thein if they knew that there was a
i At a peried before the Norman lu- • burning fire in the -body alt the time.
, vaeion of England the toot word had . One little girl spoke up and said:
the same me:inlet: as Cer lunderlt peal. gres*m; when it is a cold day, I can
ant; that is, muntlyatca a,4 owned : 8(v the Wake."
.. to townsman. This was in the days
when the early Normans first were hi," Good Verse.
; trodUced to :Christianity. It hammed ; A young fellew, who in given to yen,
among them us attune many other run Mf3'ingereeently asked his fleece:
tionatities, that Christianity made ' "Dear!, dial you like the poent 1 sent
I naore• rapid progress in the towns and : Soul 1)10 it seem toe sweetly tender?"
i more •congested centres of population "Oh," she said, "It was lovely. I
! than it did in the outlying districts, a got $1,50 for it at the church fair."
plteaomenon undoubtedly lamely due ........... .s.. — ...W.. I
to problems of travel nee i'onanurica. In the Dark. • ;
; tien, • • Piofees•or---"Every day we breathe '
But grenually the word pagan, de-, oxygen. Now, 11,tillie, what do we
eotiug a countryman, came to denote, breathe at night;?"
as well, 011 who refused to accept Willie—"Initregen."
Chtietianity, and in the defiant stand
Iof these who resisted the new religion
• was aceepted as a term et honor So
such an extent that they began to give
it to their children as a given name.
In the end. of ceurse, Christianity
ttiumplied, but the given name SU)e
I vived and rmaind popular, probably
as the result of hely lives led by some!
ot the converts of that name. At any
rate, the Normans brought the name
to England in the forms 'Pagan,"
"Payn" and "Pain," and there it be-;
came a family items in the normal
eourse. •
One third of your life is allotted
to sleep. Do you get your share?
The most important period in the
process of applying nutrition to the
repair of the body is while you are
asleep. For the most favorable trans-
formation of digested .food into nerve
and cell tissue, so doctors tell us, sleep
is absolutely essential,
Is it any wonder that those who,
suffer from lack of proper sleep are
weak, pale and lacking in energy or
One of the causes of insomnia is
nervetirritation from tea and coffee
drinking. Tea and
coffee both contain
caffeine, which has
a tendency to cause
undue stimulation.
The irritating effect
of caffeine often
results in insomnia, depression, and a
weakened nervous system.
You can easily overcame these
troubles by drinking Post= instead of
tea or coffee: Postum is a delicious,
satisfying cereal beverage, and it is
absolutely free from caffeine, or any
other harmful substance.
Ask your grocer for Postum. Drink
this delicious, refreshing beverage for
ten days. Then see if you do not feel
better and more clear hea.ded, and if
you do not sleep better at night—as so
many other people have proved for
Postum comes in two forms: initant Poems'
tra tios) made instantly in the cup by the
addition of boiling rvater. Poston- Cereal On
packages of larger bulk, fot those who prefer
to make the think while the meal is being pre.
pared) made by boiling for 20 minutes. -
Postum for Health
"There'..s a Reason"
?/ide by C,,riadia7.1 Pc:stun:1 Linlited, Windsor, Ont.
a etrong woman ttenlaie' casae hundred
and twenty-five p'r' is. awl my gra*
unbounde4." said
.1'W:op, 12 Ramtay Lane, Torouto, Onto
"My etettrivh treabled me ria =Sit
divine the past three years that my
life woe a perfect burilf.I. My appetite
was gone entirely, gas would form and
nenrly set me wild with pain in the pit
of my stomach. The gee nearly .moth -
IOP and my heart acted eo queerly
that it alarmed 4n5. 1 could get searce-
ly any sleep and W0 tiree and dull and
worn out all the risne. I often turuel
so deny I could hardly stand up, and
at times my orad hurt like it would
burst open. I- bot weight until my
elothes were entirely too large and I
was so weak I could hardly meve.
°One day I saw a etetemeut about
Tannic and I determined to try it. I
have now taken ten betties in all and
my appetite has PC200 beeli. I rat
6mything I want met as emelt es I
want at every meal without peel ov
any uncomfortable feeling afterwanle
I do not have Leasiaches dine spells
any more, 1 sleep soulolly every night
and get up feeling fine and strong in
the morning."
Tani= is sold by all good druggiste.
Instruments That Measure
If an earthquake takes place at the
other side of the world, it writes its I
own record on the delicate instru-
ments kept in the observatories in Bri-
tain, says' a London magazine.
Next morning Yen will see in the
papers that our instruments have re-
corded an ;earthquake of great violence !
which took place in South America.
It may be days before news conies
through by telegraph from the scene
at the upheaval to :confirin the inetne
ment's message.
The seismograph, as the earthquake
recorder is. called, consists of a re-
volving dram and a tiny mirror. The
latter is balanced so delicately that
theslightest treinor of the earth's I
crust will set it dancing. The drum,
whieh is turned by clockwork, is cover- '
ed with a roll of sensitized photo-
gratthic paper. The mirror focuses a
little pellet of light, reflected from a
brilliant lamp, on to the paper.
So long as nothing is happening the ;
mirror remains at rest, and as the
drum revolves a perfectly straigliV line
i1. traced on the paper by the point of
light. But as soon as a shook occurs
the mirror is agitated and the line be-
comes' :a zigzag,
• A stone thrown into 4 pond sets up
ripples which reach the edge. An t
earthquake prorittees he nine result,
eXcept that the ripples are fanned iu
the •earths hard hut slightly elastic
rOitunately, serious earthquakes are
'rare, but - huilfireds Of =all shooks
take Place every day, and .seismo-
graphs of the most delicate. type re -H
cora them all. !
Evely broken promise left -bele ad
e arse s ibrolx:e n, .bridge ahead.
W,t11:,..1.1; 'yeti tan d;. t3 11 w
depe.ncl oil what 'you have(11
Lisirnent for G- -get In COwt.
Bulk Carlots
Deol: on
and now to Dead
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
IL Clay Mover Co., Ino.
118 West Slat Street
New York. U.S.A.
- IrCrimmtrancaohnmrs-.-04.1.•.-1,1•Ma
Blistered Beet,Sere Beet, Wired Beet,
Burning- and Aching Beet.
After hovel dazes viork. or a long tramp
and your feet are completely used up, •
bathe them in hot nater, then rub tnem
wili T.:theve you and you Ivan never be
32.1th,•-tt a bottle.
LITTLE aches grow into big pains
unless warded off by an applica-
tion of Sloan's. Rheumatism,
neuralgia, stiff joints, lame back won't
fight long against Sloan's Liniment.
For more than forty years Sloan's
Liniment has helped thousands, the
world over. You won't be an excep.
tion. It certainly does produce results.
It penetrates withoutTubbing. Keep
this old family friend always handy
for instant use. Ask your neighbor,
At all druggists -35c, 70c, $1.40.
Made in Canada.
If Headachy, Bilious
or Stomach is Bad,
Take "Cascarets"
Get a le -cent box now.
Furred Tongue, Bad Colds, Indiges-
tion, Sallow Skin and miserable 1 -lend -
aches came from a torpid liver and
clogged bowels, which cause your
iit•omacit to bt-Totne tilled with nada:-
gested food. shiest Senn .and. ferments
like garbage in a bar...01. That's the
t step 1.,.1 nut citi misery --indiges.
tion, foul gai,es, bad breath, yellow ,
skin, everything that, 10 sickening. A
Cascaret Lo-niglit will give your con-
stipated bowels a raw °ugh cleansing
and s•t raight e ti you outby E.uorning.
They work w11.1;1.e you sleep. Millions
of" Men and W011W11 saltie a Casearet,
now and then to keep their Stoinaeli,
lit or and b:)v,-(1ls regmlatati, and never •
1 Sh7 41) 15111 Doti 1 1.01‘
g Ot. thetlie hilcirtql their little 1,1 ole-,
3.I.ut-?0 a good, 4,l"1111 c1 1411i4ing, too.
st persens are net .fruesel ef their
time. They use it in a mos: -wasteful
Minorcra t.Inlment tor Distemper.
or Fifty Year
Mother Seigel's Syrup has been the
world's remedy for indigo
audit is still the best and cheap-
est of stomach end liver tonics,
The medicinal extracts of varied
roots, barks and leaves restore
the natural efficiency of the die-
estive organs and it has banished
numberless cases of pain after
eating, headaches, flatulexce,
acidity, biliousness and constipa.
tion. Sold in 50c. and MOO
bottles at drug stores. o
Stops Hair Coming Out;
Thickens, Beautifies.
S5 -cents buys a bcttie of "Danderine"
at any drug store. After one applica.
tion you can not lin.i a particle of
dandruff or a falling hair. Besidea,
every hair shows new life, vigor,
brightness, more color and abundance.
Cuheura ileils.
"It had been troubled witheczerna
on toy face which took the forrn of a
rash. Later it broke out on my
limbs and they itched very much,
Causing me to scratch them until
they were bleediag. The rash would
often keep me awake at night.
"1 tried some remedies, :width
failed, and Ilea thouL.ht 1 vfould try
Outict.ra Soap and Ointment, 11
was not long till.the rash began to
disappen, and I used three (4::• -•.co of
Soap and four bo .s of 01:f.4...10114,
which healed me." (Signc-d)
Hymers, Paris, Ont., Sept, 12, 1919.
CULittlra Soap to cleans._.,., Cuncum
Ointment to soothe and heal.
Sorel) 2Se, Ointncwnt 25 and 50c._ Sold
Ldariass,I.itnItaa, St Paul 5 TOorIttee1.
entitzurA,S6ap shaves withput =rag,
• •
UE No, 5-22.
• .1.