HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-11-16, Page 31Shelly Fisher, Grade 6, was one of the big win- ners at Victoria Public School's Fair held last week. She won first place with her craft entry of miniature clothes pin furniture; first place for her art work entry; and an honorable mention for her entry of sewing. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) 1 GOD! RIt H SIGNAL -STAR, TI` URSDAY, NOVRM BR 16, 11,4 true Goderich effort unique BY JOANNE BUCHANAN This year's Trig @nr presented-at-G:D.-C-: -: last week, was unique in that it was truly a Goderich effort. Not only was the singing, dancing and acting done by members of the high school's drama club but the three one -act plays were written especially for Trigon by two of the high school's teachers. And once again it was proven that Goderich is not lacking in the talent department. Trigon opened with a dance number to music froth The Summer of '92. This dance was choreographed by teacher Philip McMillan and the dance troupe themselves. The troupe was incorporated as part of the drama club this year. Members of the troupe are Gillian Bain, Vicki Beattie, Julia Carruthers,' Cindy Clutton, Nancy Clutton, Barb Conlon, Karen Dam,' Melanie Dustow, Shirley Hall, Michele Harris, Karin Hoernig, Angela McDonald, Beth Morris, Laura Raithby, Lisa Roske and Debbie Shaddick. Later during the evening, the troupe performed a second number to music from Goderich Town CounQillor John Doherty (a,former seaman) and Mayor Deb Shewfelt laid a wreath on behalf of the town at the unidentified seamen's plot in the Maitland Cemetery last Thursday when a public memorial ser- vice was held to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the Great Storni in which over 200 sailors -lost their lives on the Great Lakes. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) join Our Club If you're 60, or more, you're eli- gible to join our Victoria and Grey "60 AND A DAY" Club. Just look at all the advan- tages that are yours free when you're a Member. Pre- mium Interest Rate earns you an extra y2 of 1% interest over regular savings account interest. Monthly Interest Payments ing. Free Chequiog Privileges lets you write as many cheques each month as you desire, without charge. Safety • from your Guaranteed Investment Certificates can be automatically_; credited to your account when you` have a minimum' of $5,000 In Certificates invested for 1 to 5 years. Free Cheques for the ask - Grease, dressed in clothes befitting to the fifties. -frrst•' -play presented was a modern drama set in a high school classroom. This play, entitled The Poetry Lesson and written by David Haslett, English teacher, had students exploring a poem and discovering that even love has its ups and downs. An additional plot had one of the students (Pat Murphy) discovering this for himself in a real life situation involving the break-up of his parents' marriage. Murphy had an appropriate hostile attitude toward his teacher- (Sandy Gauley) and the classroom at - Deposit Box for as little as $3.00 per year.' Deposit By Mail with free postage paid envel- opes. No - Charge Trav- ellers Cheques Drop in and see us today or if you tele- phone us, we can send you com- plete information. If for some rea- son you can't drop .iii to Victoria and Grey Trust, our Manager would be happy to come to your home. Contact our branch manager. •100 Kingston Street God`arich 5247381 VI] VICTORIA -AND TRUE Sincei844 mosphere. Jim Wilkin, was good as pile. . class clown. ' he-main-probiem with this play was that it was difficult to hear what the characters were saying at times. The second play, written by English teacher Warren Robinson, was another modern day drama en- titled Let Not Thy Right Hand. It involved a battle of wits revolving around the ultimate kind of conflict --murder. This play starred Dan Donnelly, as a retiring school master and Lucie Turcotte as an actress- mother. The actress returns from abroad on hearing_ that her son has been expelled from school and finds that he has com- mitted sgicide because of the humility he feels. Blaming the schoolmaster, who ex- pelled him in front of the whole school, she sets out to kill him and make it look like suicide. The schoolmaster fools her by not Ietting her know if he is righthanded or lef- thanded so she doesn't know which hand should be wing the suicide noted in which hand she should later place the gun. The battle of wits ensues with the at tress tricking the 'schoolmaster into revealing which hand he uses: Both Donnelly and .Turcotte _ ..• played- f.-e'their roles well. The final play presented at Trigon was the most spectacular. It featured. music, sword fights in the aisle, a versatile set and ex- cellent costumes. The play, a 15th century Spanish drams entitled Peasants, Warriors and Kings was also written by Warren Robinson and featured a cast of 38. It was set in the court of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella and revolved around war, treason and love. Jason Ainslie, who delighted• audiences earlier in the G.D.C.I. production of My Fair Lady, was a delight again as Frondosa, a love-sick villager who :wins •• a -bride-•• •- but not --without some tragedy. His bride, Laurencia, was ex- eellently 'portrayed by Anne Marie Murphy. Also outstandiiig in the play was Pam Lambert as Queen Isabella. She carried abort her a. regal air. Kevin Bundy as Ferdinand vias good and Rick- Todd . as the villainous Gomez was alsR gQodt Trigon Will be looked for*ard to by audiences again Pent year - THANK YOU To The Ratepayers of COLBORNE St CODERICH TOWNSHIPS For the support at the poUs JOHN WESTBROOK CASHWAY, S:_xTHE STORE COUNTRY RUSTIC RED OR SMOKE! 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