The Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-11-16, Page 29• Susan More takes a quick glance at a Red Cross worker as she gets her finger pricked for a blood test prior to donating a pint of life at the Red Cross blood donor clinic held Wednesday at GDCI. Susan was one of 94 teachers and students that gave blood> after school at the clinic. A lineup like this lasted until almost five o'clock when the clinic was closed to permit workers to have supper. (photo by Jeff Seddon) Art Club sees special films r..;.«++,•..;...,.c•.>;-�tw+r�+crw•w.-,«:-.o-wc+wr:.,.,,,.-.F;.:.fr..,-«...,..w,rr.._...�, _..,..• Members and friends of the Goderich Art Club gathered at the public library recently for a screening of art films. Isabel Watson, librarian, who manned the projector is also a club member. The'first film on the life and work of Andrew Wyeth, world famous American artist and illustrator represented the school of realism. He is .one of three generations of well- known artists. Area deaths... • from page 8A Colborne Township. The late Mrs:"Sallows acted as clerk' and assessor of Colborne Township from the fall of 1953 until retiring in 1958, taking over from her husband who was clerk and assessor from 1933 to 1953. Her husband predeceased her in 1957 and she moved from Colborne Township to Goderich in 1958. She was a member of the Leeburn United Church Missionary Society, a member of North Street United Church and . a life member of the UCW of North Street United Church. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Harvey (Mildred) Baxter and Mrs. Franklin (Alma) Mitchell, both of • Goderich; one sister, Mrs. Ellen I. Wellwood of Wiarton; one brother, John Courtney of Regina, 'Saskatchewan; and three grandchildren, Gordon Baxter of Wingham, Ray Baxter of Brantford and Mrs. Scott (Betty) McTaggart of London. A funeral service was held at Stiles Funeral Home on Friday, November 10 at 2 p.m. The Reverend Ralph King officiated. Interment was in Colborne Cemetery. Pallbearers were Percy. McBride, George McBride, Wilmer MacKay, Leonard' Courtney; Gerald Courtney and Mado MacKay. Flower bearers were Bob Courtney, Allister MacKay, , Scott McTaggart and Argyle Lockhart. The . second film en- titled "The World of David Milne",reviewed this Canadian artist's unusual interpretation of landscape painting. He uses a sparse pallette of. colours thinly spread. Red, ` white and umber 'tones predominate. After the close of this educational program, the art .club moved on to the home of Dr. Bill and Gladys Watters who graciously hosted the business meeting for. November.: President Edwina McKee presided and plans were made for the club's annual pre - Christmas party. This year members 'and friends will gather at the studio in the basement of Mackay Hall on December 1. A pot -luck supper will precede a sing song, musical games and other entertainment. The nominating committee, Barbara McWhinnie and Mabel Young presented the slate of officers iibr 1979 as follows :i, Past president, Edwina McKee and Gladys Ladd; president, Gailya Maguire; vice president, Lu Legg; secretary, Edwina McKee; treasurer, Beulah Long; membership, Mary Howell; publicity, Lorna Vincent; studio convener, Mabel Young; Phone convener, Annie Fin- nigan. At the close of the business session, tasty refreshments were served in the Watters' elegant dining room while everyone enjoyed a, happy social hour. A meeting will be called by the new executive in January to make plans for art club activities during the coming year. • GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEP4BE t 16,1978--MGE,M New anorbig reason for big turnout at clinic BY JEFF SEDDON Red Cross workers were' tickled pink at a recent blood donor clinic held in Goderich when 340 donors turned out to give a pint of life. The workers felt the main reason the number of donors was that high was the 108 people that gave blood for thefirst time at the Goderich clinic. Joan Marchello, secretary of the Ontario Division for Blood Donor Recruiting for the Red Cross, said the majority of the new donors were students at Goderich District Collegiate Institute. The clinic was held at GDCI and Mar- " chello said 94 teachers and students took time after classes to give blood. She said the response was about the best the Red 'Cross has ever had from the school. The last clinic held at GDCI was in November of 1977 and 287 donors came out. A clinic held at North -Street- ---United Church. in-the'.spring had a poor turnout of students and Marchello said the Red Cross felt that was because many students have to catch buses home from school and couldn't get to the North Street clinic and still catch their bus. She said the'lresponse was very gratifying for the Red Cross and came at' a time when the organization needed it. She said supplies of blood were low across Canada due to outbreaks of colds and flu and because" of the polio scare that swept the nation in the summer. She explained that anyone who had received a vacinne against polio or tetnus couldn't gave blood for up to three weeks. She said the polio clinics held across the country caused blood donations to dwindle for '-up to a month. Marchello said that the recent changes in Complete Automotive Machine Shop and Radiator Repair Service Let US do the work.... IDEAL SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED 145 HURON ROAD, GODERICH 524-8389 WINTARJO BONUS w • Over 123,000 tax-free • 5 regular prizes of $100,000. • 3 big bonus prizes of $50,000, $20,000 - and $10,000. $1 still gets you in the game. Thursday, November 23rd at prizes* worth more than $5 million, • 123,000 other prizes- including: 101$10,000 prizes, 101 $5,000 prizes, 101 $2,000 prizes, 505 $1,000 prizes. Watch the 9th Wintario Bonus Draw live on TV 9 p.m from the Parkside Collegiate in St. Thomas. (N'UTARI()1()TlI f'li'(URI '()f ATI()N NOVEMBER 21, 'II.,„1 •nI ,. Ir.. k.• + .. a •' • regulations of the Red Cross which permit 17 year old girls to donate now with parental con- sent also affected the increase. She said the young women did not have as high a hemoglobin count as young men the same age and up until now could not give for that reason. She pointed out that doctors now feel that criteria is not as serious as believed and the restriction was lifted. The London branch of the Red Cross conducts clinics in the Goderich area twice a year and supplies about 1,200 units of blood a week to 32 hospitals in southwestern PUTlit ads via TO WORK FOR YOU Ontario. Alexandra , Marine and General Hospital is among those 32. The November clinic was sponsored by the Goderich Kinsmen and Kinette Club. GUAlE4L"..... .INV $TMENT ,c67.1001CATES adio 1 BRUCE ERSKINE 86 North 524-95515 Olson's Gravel Pit Dungannon, Ontario WHOLESALE PRICES PER TON C GRAVEL FILL B2 GRAVEL Bl GRAVEL STONE DUST, SAND CEMENT OR A GRAVEL SCREENED STONE ''/4 STONE 100 TONS .15 . 30 .40 .90 .95 , . 95 1.60 Prices include delivery up to 2 miles 529.7942 Compare our deUvery prices per ton 400 200 tons tons 100 Load tons Prices .30 .35 .40 .44 .40 .45 .50 .54 .50 .55 .60 .64 1.10 - 1.14 1.15 - 1.19 1:15 = 1:1.9:. 1.80 - 1.84 Add 10c per mile over 2 miles Dozer and scraper available for a Good leveling job D.B. Palmer Doctor of Chiropractic 73 Montreal St. 524-4555 H.O. JERRY LTD. Complete line of PAPER PRODUCTS PARTY SUPPLIES Products for every user. • H.O. JERRY LTD. "The Paper People" 185 Park St. GODERICH 524-2855 r i For FASHION RIGHT SHOES The Place To Go Is ROSS - SHOES ' The Square Goderich ‹c ecor,a+inc td 33 Huron St., Clinton Box 337, Clinton NOM 11.0 482-9542 .529-7939 Paints, Stains, Min Wax products, Wall coveOngs, Draperies, Floor Sanding, Texturing Interior & Exterior Contracting FREE ESTIMATES R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST, "Thnz5�glrrare' "" -7524L-7061-, 4k. THE Co-operators GEORGE TURTON INSURANCE Life, Auto. Residential and Farm 319 Huron Rd. Hwy. 8 Goderich 524-7411 THE • rilroPlorlgornm•r. OLD FASHIONED HARDWARE STORE -C.I.L. PAINT -WALLPAPER -WHOLESALE CABLE -FIRE EXTINGEIISHER SALES & SERVICE -SMALL APPLIANCES -SMOKE DETECTORS -HORSE SUPPLIES -GARANT HANDTOOES,. -MODEL RAILROAD SUPPLIES -SNOW SHOVELS, PITCH FORKS, ETC. Free Delivery in Town Competitive Prices PHIL MAIN HARDWARE For Home, Farm & Industry "rot c -herd•. 84 KINGSTON GODERICH 524-9671 Amommin R. J. 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GODERICH 524-8366 OPEN: Monday -Friday 9:00-5:30 Saturday 9:00 -NOON FULLY APPOINTED FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE TRAVEL Durst, Vodden & Bender ;a; c:.,.rm.�.:•>,x+am:-.cam,... CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 37 West Street Goderich, Ont. 524-2011 WEST ST. ,COIN -OP LAUNDROMAT & DRY CLEANING 54 West St. 524-9953 Open Daily 7a.m:-11 p.m. IA ,Drycleaning 8:30 to 5:30 p.m. Cards For All Occasions *Gifts *Books *Stationery Supplies *Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 EAST ST. GODERICH B & T ANTENNA SALES AND SERVICE 'Installation and Repairs VARNA • T.V. & C.B. Antennas TOM LEPPINGTON 565-5229 * Delhi Towers BRIAN McASH 452-7129 i MacGillivray & Co. MONTREAL HAMILTON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ST. CATHARINES PORT COLBORNE RONALD E. TAKALO, C.A• WINNIPEG CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER GODFRICH RESIDENT PARTNER 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH, ONT. 524-2677 Peter 5. MacEwen INSURANCE AGENCY Residential - Commercial Auto -Life 38 St. David St., Goderich Ph. 524-9531 or 524-2522 , Science and Fashion In Hair Care • M'Lady complete hair car. services • M'Lords hair cutting 8 styling - Tues., Thurs..v.ning • Semler citizens discounts Wednesday afternoons Pius • Nucleic acid a protein hair treatments Whore??-? AT The Beauty Lounge "Naturall'y" 81 East St., G©OERICH 524.8944