HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-11-16, Page 11Sports night held at Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs. Mary Morris, Goderich and called around the village on Sunday. Dungannon, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Kil- patrick visited with Mrs. Cecil Blake on Sunday even- ® ing- Mrs. Blake spent the d oings afternoon in Wingham with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kilpatrick who were saddened on Satur- day bx the death of Anne's mother, Mrs. Atkinson, fol- isommasmiamsoinsiiimes Mary Bere correspondent A Sport's Night for adults in the school area was held at Brookside School on Monday evening, November 6. Mrs. Sheila Gunby led the group in exercise regime for a few minutes and then the group enjoyed a game of volleyball. The next meeting is on Wednesday, November 15. This group plans to meet weekly, usually on Mondays. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stir- ling, Darlene and Harold of Thamesville, spent the week- end with Betty's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irvin, and attended the 50th wed- ding anniversary party for Mr. and Mr's. Nelson Bay- nard at Brookside School on Saturaday night. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irvin called on Mrs. Gordon Rit- 529-7915 chie in Lucknow on Sunday afternoon on the occasion of her 80th birthday. Congratulations are ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGee who celebrate their SOth wedding anniversary on Saturday, November 18th. Friends are invited to "Open House" at the Harold Er- rington home, 7:00 - 9.00' ,p.m. Thos. Webster returned home from 'Y gham Hospit- al on Frida} . His • grand- daughters, Alice Bradley, Cambridge; Brenda Miller and baby son, Bradley, Kit- chener; Faye and Bruce Rodriguez of Hamilton visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Webster on Sunday. Mrs. Louise Anderson, Teacher found at Benmiller A London secondary school teacher who had been missing for three weeks, was found Monday in a sleeping bag on his property at Ben - miller. Ken Green, 55, was discovered by provincial police of the Goderich detachment and was taken . to Alexandra Marine and General Hospital in Goderich for Nil e •. • • from page 9 Pussy Cat" by Kim Miller. Vickie Vanderburgh then read, "I Heard a Bird Sing" and Lisa Feagan read "City Rain." These stories were all taken from the book, "Highlights" for. Children. SOCIAL.NEWS Canvassing for the C.N.I.B. was held in the Nile last week. The Village of Nile is really growing with all the new homes which have been built and another one is pretty well closed in now for Mr. Bud Mabon. The old road is really getting built up too. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Culbert on the arrival of their Baby boy, Christopher Charles and to Mr. and Mrs. Stan Dungale on the arrival of their baby girl, Tracey Lynn. Mrs. Don Dungale from Toronto has been visiting *ith Mr, and. Mrs. Stan Dungale and looked after Kim while Bonnie was in hospital. observation: He was not admitted. The Signal -Star received a telephone call Monday morning from GDCI teacher Gordon Johns who said he was a friend of Green and had advised police last Wednesday to search the Benmiller property. Johns was critical of the apparent delay between thetime hespoke to police and the time Green was actually found on Monday. Police said it is believed Green had been in a lean-to on his property for four or five days. Green was head of the visual arts department at Saunders Secondary School in London < and until August' 31 was treasurer of the London district of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation. young ladies received their County Honours According to... OSSTE-••-certificates at the Dungannon Area Achievement Day President Carl Silke, at. Brookside School November 9. Front row, left to Green had resigned right, Pat Barger, Donna Van Osch, Kim Cooke, because of i11 health. rookside lowing a severe stroke about a week ago. DUNGANIaIOP4 UNITED CHURCH • Rev. C. G. Westhaver spoke on the subject, "Myst- ery is God's Glory", takeh from the book of Proverbs. The children's story, "My Elephalnt - Our elephant" was on the need for sharing with one's neighbours. The choir sang the anthem, "Mansion over the Hilltop", under the direction of the organist, Mrs. Jean Elliott. The Willing Workers meet on Tuesday evening at the church to make plans for a Christmas Tea and Bazaar to be held on Saturday, Dec- ember 9. Donations of cloth - ug, children's games and toys will be welcome. A Bible Society training event is being held at the GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, NOV :AMR 1978"AGE 11 - School for adults Auburn United Church on November 22 in the evening. • DUNGANNON CHRLSTiAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH Marshall and Helen Law- rence spoke on Sunday con- cerning their work and ex- periences as translators In Papua, New Guinea. The Lawrences work under Wy- cliffe Bible Translators and are at present on furlough in Canada. A good number of inter- ested persons attended the evening service and were welcomed by Pastor Law- rence. Mrs. Ruth Johnston led in the singing of several hymns, accompanied by Mrs. Lawrence at the piano. Pastor Lawrence introduced his son, Marshall, and wife, Helen, and " Their youngest son. Marshall Lawrence then gave a most interesting and inspiring account of ( their work among one tribe of people in Papua, New Gui- nea. He explained how they try to take the people as they are, study their culture and find ways to relate the Gospel to what they already believe, rather than impres- sing on them a new langu- SHOP IN EXETER AND SAVE DURING THEIR GIGANTIC MIDNIGHT MADNESS age, new religion, new cul- ture. He cited some amusing incidents that happened- to him while learning the nu- ances of their language which has never before been written down. The Lawren- ces have spent ten years in New Guinea. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence answered questions after his talk. The meeting closed with prayer offered by Pastor Lawrence. ie Four Provincial Honours certificates were presented at the Dungannon Area Achievement Day for the Homemaking Course, Essential Edibles, on Thursday, Noveibber 9 at Brookside School. Recipients were, left to right, Joyce Dougherty, Annabel Stewart, Susan Pollock and Betty Errington. (Photo by Sharon Dietz), These Helen Brindley, left, and Elaine Errington, received Leadership Certificates for ten years of leadership service to 4-H Homemaking Clubs at the Dungannon Area Achievement• Day at Brookside School on November 9. (Photo by Sharon Dietz) Point Clark N Kincardine MACLYN Lake Huron AUTO BODY OILING MFG. Hwy 86 ,Ober% ey CV T Goderich *WE U S E NEW OILS MACLYN MFG. LTD. 39:53352': „ OPEN MON. ■O- SAT.,8r30 9;00 p.m. CLOSED WEDNESDAYS Shirley Scott. Back row, from the left, Kathy Robson, Glenda Park, Suzanne Kirkland, Lila Stewart and Debbie Kerr. (Photo by'Sharon Dietz) LAKEWOOD Spacemate The answer to the age old question. "Where to put the stove?" Only 16" square, with heat shield. Cast Iron grates. Optional mounted heat shield and blower. DIMENSIONS: weight: 225 lbs. W ld- th:16'/4". Height: 393/4". Length: 19". Refactory Lining: 1'/4" thick. OUR REGULAR SELLING PRICE IS '319.00 '$269. CASH AND CARRY • 'TIL THURSDAY NOV. 30 ONLY Join our Lakewood Hot Stove League...at the store with more VVISEWAY Home& BuildingCentre WI EWAY FIEDJ. HUDIE LIMI HOME & BUILDING CENTRE X30 g�lyfiold Rd., Clinton 482-3441 Why pay more in other stores when you can kick off your Christmas shopping in Exeter at their famous Midnight Madness Sale. Stores will be staying open until midnight on Friday, • November 17 and they'll be offering super low prices on hundreds of items. TRY SHOPPING IN FRIENDLY EXETER THE MIDNIGHT MADNESS VALUES WILL., MAKE THE DRIVE EXTREMELY WORTHWHILI g....04,POrtlCOVTIZILPOOCICRIw, a �� ,.� Pe SW Tcn, st3 A=s,a A Technics by Panasonic SA -800 FM/AM Stereo Receiver �■a'sIr 125 watts per channel minimum continuous "RMS" into 4 or 8 ohms, both channels driven, from 20-20,000 Hz, with no more than © total harmonic distortion, Technics..:one of the most advanced receivers you can buy. These two features are an indic®tion of Panasonics advanced engineering. Protection Clrcultry A specially developed circuit -protection Current -mirror loaded differential IC Immediately shuts off input to the Main amp If the speaker terminals become short circuited or a speaker load of . dangerously low impedance is connected. This remains In effect until the AC power is shut of. Should DC voltage appear at the speaker ter- minals, relays Isolate the speakers from the circuit. In both cases, a green LED goes out on the front panel, Indicating that the protection circuitry is operational. stage. In the differential stage, current -mirror I'gading doubles signal gain without in- croasing noise and distortion. A newly designed single -packaged transistor pair combines Important qualities of high voltage tolerance and precise thermal tracking despite changing am- bient termporature. All of these factors play an Important part In the distortion reduction functions of the differential stage. 34 Shoppers Square, Gddorlch 524-9432