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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-11-16, Page 9
Little Dennis Hogan thought cookies and juice were the best part of Playtime, part of the community school program held at St. Joseph's School in Kingsbridge. He is just one of about 30 pre-schoolers who takes Part-in—Playtime, a program organized by a group of young mothers and held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. The program serves a dual purpose. It helps make maximum use of school facilities and also helps the pre-schoolers to get used to a school environment. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) -- Nile girls star BY DOROTHY CLEMENTS CHURCH NEWS The Hi "C" group ,of Nile church is having a Variety concert tonight, Thursday, November 16, at 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome. Come and see what happens. The Reverend C. ' G. Westhaver chose as his sermon on Sunday, "Mystery is God',s Glory", taken from Proverbs 25, verse 2. Modesty was hot Solomon's glory. Things of God are real. The message of God is not some kind of flying saucer, but is hidden and. is amongst us all. God is being of life and light:- -• God's reality is there and stditnetitnes breaks through. "Kathy Kerr and Patty Brindley received the offering as the Young People have been helping in the service this way. 4th Goderich SCOUT BOTTLE DRIVE Sat. Nov. 18th. Advertising... lets` good little products compete with the Piggies! f INFORMAL BALANCE by Carolyn Porter 'our on -staff interior design consultant. ;trsood balance Is essen- .tial to a room. Nothing bn one, side should out- 'ilvdgh the other side. In- fortnal balance also called asymmetrical or pccdl,i bolonce involves ar$hie balancing of varying sizes. weights :find forms. Those are placed at unequal ollitav+cos from the con - ;Udine and are balanced ly the visual weight of lithe grouping. The larger Object placed nearest to•, Ow center of the :.,grouping balances the {teeallwr object. Ball & Murch Ltd. Ili, Furnishings UNIQN • 9 If any of the Young People or anyone of the congregation wants to join the choir, there is a paper on the downstair's door, on which you may sign your name. The congregation would like to see a choir in the church. EXPLORERS The Explorer group has started and any girls from 8 to 12 who would like to come are welcome. It will be seen that they get home after the meeting -if the parents are unable to come and pick them up. The meetings begin at 7 eina. and are over at 8:30 p.m. U.C.W. The regular U.C.W. meeting was held in the church an Thursday, November 9. A dessert lunch was served by Mrs. Girvin and Mrs. Kerr. Theme of the meeting olbor The municipal setting is over for another two years and in Colborne Township the percentage ,of residents voting was very discouraging_ Approximately 35 per cent of the residents voted which was an (ex- tremely xtr ernely low average. In talking to various people of Colborne„ I am inclined to draw the conclusion that this was partly dace to the fact that the can- didates did very llittle, if any, soliciting of votes by personal visits_ < The new cinmall wet teen- over at the inaugural meeting an Tuesday, December 5 at 11 a.m. It will consist of: Reeve- Wrn. Bogie; Deputy - Reeve -Bob Jewell; and councillors -Russell Kernighan, Glen Ribey and Grant MacPhee_ In Colborne and Goderich Township the representative to the Board of Education elected was Shirley Hn'litt. CHURCH NEWS The general LLCM_ meeting of Bentreller United Church was held at the church on Taiesday, November 7 with 114 members present. - Mrs. Geo_ McBride chaired the: meeting and opened devotions with a poem, "Who Would Not GOD1 Cl SIGNAL—STAR, THtSAY,, NO e aM ,n Kaittttieng„ tt„ 524-2076 Lowe our Bade", tlt.11anaaveet all jointing in a Ani_ She then gave a u ding,, "The Bread of Life B'i hags Gladnness". which was followed by the s _ IC 'R . Mrs. Wm. Fisher rel Psalm and the a was received email dedicated b Mrs_ Leonard Fisher_ The business for the meeting was ,them disused.. This imcluded gentile for the Smiley sahaoi sapper and tree Which WWM be Sn 1 nrday, De* nn mar 16 at&i:10 pen. Plans were ailso made for the U.C.W. pot luck dinner to be held at the Explorers was, "Stewardship"_ The meeting opened with one minute silence followed with hymn "Faith of Our Father's." played by pianist, Mrs_ E. Sher- wood.. Mrs. Girvin read the scripture taken from Matthew 18, verses 1 to f. A reading by Mrs. Kerr, "A Soldier Surrenders" was given followed by a poem, "To - Morrow" by Mrs. Girvin_ The poem was written by Eldon Buckingham_ This part of the meeting closed with prayer by 'Mrs_ Kerr_ Mrs. Kerr then welcomed everyone and roll call was answered by, "A good book you have read and it s author." Twelve members answered roll call and 13 sick and shut- in visits were reported.. . Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Correspondence was church at Ile: oe Wednesday December 6_ Aemua t merits were ta;wen tl;,;, the Umiits_ Mans_ Jam Fcr I::amn awe the sent -elan -27's reppmhrtt zed Mrs. Wm_ Jew ,.11 Wwe the tressiater"s repscmatt.. Mesittion was rade of the fact Il, 1 iht ere beam a dl en rat m tuy the Ittimistee, Rev_ Johin Wand at the Sunday n u rming service on October Mi of 66 new Wrenn bodes dam tee lie the Ma-tittfalma1J Unit 'i music :.t ntld li; yam 3 r i ks for the choir demoted by Mrs_ ..:tph Jewell fin memory of I,,; r hash 7, Rakein JeweEp„ which were ell were much appr>ecia I3 0 rend and dealt with_ Reports ffl ohm the dif- ferent committees were read. A Christmas gift ex- change is to be held at the UU_C_W_ naeett ung meet month and the members are plee nnlnlg on hawking the ladies of in e congregatiam This is not for Secret Sisters, they are done isn Febettary_ The Christmas party starts at 12.30 pm_ with a pot lack dinner on December 14 at the church.- If wee bring a friend, don't forget a gift or someone may not receive one.. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. EXPLORERS On October 2 seven Explorers and their deader, Mrs. D. arindley went' on a ,liege down tto Point Farms and walked along the beach to the .6 II golf tcmaarse 211 and back them bush to Point Farms_ glia ;piIn to :1 111 way all e Fiomm there, nlney went downto Itiwersnla:- Park mid b aarrik to nlll • «±I 1} .h ff©r a mice sae n,i -r ofr scallop enl eel a ttoes, peas, relish tray, tn,. mm" tltne and ice amain., wh,ilch heel been broil ht by the Explorers and made ready il: Arlene and Kathy Travis_ Thanks a minion girds and app "'nose who help= -:ll in any way.. The regular mmeetnm::. for tbee Expflorers was Radii on i s oneilayy��ewg with filie girfls altem Jttlllllg. The meeting with the "Alligator game" followed by the motto and tine 1 urpose_ Hyhnnm, "'This its i,,lty Father's World"' was swung follow ;-,I by prayer_ The story —The Twins" Vacation" was read by Mrs_ Clements followed a poen, "The Owl and Turn to page 11 • f1 "11 Your Bonus with $7.5° purchase of Biotherm Products this beautiful cling kit cin 1 !alit visage ckansingm and 1 bydroc4e tot_ ctF . Something .quite special is waiting youGO for at our cosmetic counter from: NOVEMBER 13 — 25 Our Biotherm cosmetician will help you to plan a program designed for your particular skin needs — Biotherm has an answer to each problem, face, body or sun care:, Besides, with any purchase of 7.50 or more of Biotherm products, you will receive as a bonus, this beautiful cleansing kit containing 1 lait visage cleansing milk and 1 hydrocure toner (dry skin or oily skin). IRICK SHOPPERS SQUARE GO»ERJCH Phar 524.17241 The meeting °based with aI seranal the Mantled Unit steed as delicious Iluncie The. B +nnmi111r U_C_W_ trepan t a weer sn,ccessfti rtl fowl sun Pew an Wed - n ey„ Newennther 11 and *eek tee public ffet` their pearenage. 4-H NEWS Tiger Develop 4- -1 grumps to we commpEe ted 4-H project and eepoy, o. Ae:hneweememmt Day omm T'huarsday„ Noweed er 9 at Breaks:Ede School. Et was a ?nosy ewennneg of seeing skits amid nk m icastrattnens put inn by tele warily gleams_ Tit r`I Dualticep Group Il .pruned a skit„ ""Nava Mate's What II Can Break- !fast. rea - i tt._ Tiger Dunlop Group 2 presetmtted a 44ntt, "We"re ete„ We"re Humngry""_ Senn %peck of Group 2 reccenwed lerowiumcnall Homers and Beaters of these two groups, Helm aired Namccy ::rnndlley„ Mrs_ Brenda Thompson amid Mrs_ Fielder, recenwed their awards and trecogennittienn off a task wee atnrwe_ .1 11 .CnM1lill.rAl WA_ Ti er Dr mlop Wommen"s Ease—tete meeting well be s Fnefld Thursday. Nave:I:then 23 at I :'gyp Mors_ Margeneriee Horton attended the W_ L Arra Canngenttioniat the Banseeetterem leaden on November 11 and 2 as a ateIegafe and wile gee her revert at the canning meeting. SOCIAL NEWS Me_ and Mrs, John Routledge erre array have mowed Fromm Celhorae Township to the Lucknta+Gw District_ Michele Buchanan suffered a painful ac- cident past week vrhem she Emmet her knee. The sympathy of the community is extended to tthe:• famines off several former residents of C•ollbarne Township. Mrs_ Wm_ SazliEows" who for many years was Colborne Towelship Clerk passed away_ Mrs_ A_ Atke son" wile of the Date Dr. Attkinsonn who was chnrnpracter mm Goderich ffor many years, passed away. Mrs. Dorothy Swims, wife eeff the pate Howard Squires who farmed ® CoRtornne ffor many years„ also? passed away_ Remember the euchre card party in Colborne Township Hall tonnightt, November 19 at S pen. S A'lmrieeion is 511 cents and ladies; please bring hutch. The party is under the auspices of Colborne Township Recreation Committee. Thank you to the voters of Colborne and Goderich Townships. Thank You To all the ratepayers of Colborne Township. for your support. Sincerely Russel Kernighan Dresses for the festive season 4 wide Se-@a-ation of the mot delightful styles awaits our decision_ (:hoose today and be ready for the festive season that's now begun_ You'll look your list. feel your best in the moderately priced dresses from Irene Hill Be sure to check out the selected rack of dresses we are offering at a very special price,'25. Gift Certificates Lay -a -way pion LADIES WEAR truster charge Su'ncoast Il'iall OPEN: Mon., to Fri., 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. /Sat., 10 a. m. to 6 p.m. Qr