HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-11-09, Page 36facGillivray&Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS RONALD E. TAKALO, C.A. School Dave Gower The questionnaire reached me late on Wednesday evening: Due to a combination of circumstances I find myself unable to do justice to it at this time. I must be out of town 'on business until Friday, November 10. I am going to be available all weekend for answering questions and explaining -my views. In the meantime, please print this short message on my behalf. FOR COUNC Jim Se the tax structure normally 60 perc commercial and percent residential, in Goderich it is reve obvious answer la industry. Co members sh therefore take thi consideration and t hold down an necessary spend feel there have certain projects which were time and will definite an effect on creases, and th not approve. • 4. The money parks ,is questioned by and some members of your opini money wasted the Prettiest Canada? Sh be decr creased)? Parks essential munity, everythin overdone becomes pay ov spring t then I s We m parks c not co taxes. 5. In y the s priori work stree pie real of tou I im si a p board hopefuls expresstheir i As I said during an earlier public discussion, I am a competitive person who does not believe in sitting on the sidelines as a critical observer. I believe I can make a direct con- tribution in the actual work. The two Goderich school trustees whose term ends have done a fine job, They have held the positions by ac- clamation for a long number of years. New people bring new ideas and fresh approaches and this is what I am offfering. My work on the Goderich Town Council has been known to you for 10 years. In that position I • was always at the receiving end of'the Board _ of Education budget over which the Council has no control. Now I would like to ave an opportunity to approach that budget from the other end, with active input and positive thought contribution where it counts. As a parent I am concerned with good quality education. As a. II. arls..... .. p rusty - Adult"_be. lir is whatever area needs the ent most attention. 40 6. How courageous should but a town councillor be? rsed, • A Town Councillor lac of should be courageous n c i l enough to take. defeat ould g s into with victory and not gloat ry and on victory and hide y un- defeat. Politics is like ing. I life, you take the good been with the bad. Hopefully your honesty and ecess started determination will be ly have ry your biggest asset. tax in- 7. Do you feel council ese I do business . will be slowed. by the new faces at the council table or do you ` spent on feel candidates with no always experience are aware taxpayers enough of municipal tImes' by affairs to handle the job council. In now? on, is tax» As a new candidate for on parks in council I feel that this can Town hi only be proven at the ould spending council table. As a eased (in- regular taxpayer at- hy? tending council meetings - over the past year I feel I are nice and am well aware of all to our tom- major projects passed by but like council and ones coming g else can be up in the future. . When it necessary to 8. Do you have any plans ertime in the or projects you plan to o .plant flowers promote at the council ay it is overdone. level or do you feel that is ust remember the mayor's job? ost money and do If elected to Council I ntribute towards will make ' known my project or projects at the our opinion, what is . council table. I do not feel Ingle most important it is the mayor's job as ty for town council - mayor to use his position s, (roads, sewers, to promote projects ts, lighting, garbage which in turn might be of up), • recreation, benefit to him, but not to izing the full potential the Town as a whole. Industri l park, rism? n my opinion it ' is possible to pick one ngle priority from the bove, all are very im- ortant to the town' The 'John Blair The company I represent insures one out of five persons in Canada and the U.S. Don't you want to do business with a loader Too? JOHN BLAIR 247 Ontario St. Clinton 482-7703 0 metropolitan Life where the future Is now taxpayer I am finance oriented. As a candidate I offer an operf mind taking a good hard look how to keep quality education affordable. •CayIey Hill _ 1. Are you prepared to make the decision to close a school to permit the board off education to operate within the con- fines of its present financial position or do you feel wholesale cuts in a variety of areas such as staff and programs can be cut across the board to keep all schools presently operating open? If it can be shown that it is not practical to keep a school open then I feel it should be closed, either permanently, or tem- porarily. Closing of schools however must be considered as only one - nreans=,of•reduoing'costsF,' I' think we have to look very carefully at all costs, including some courses and programs. Those that are not at- tracting sufficient in- terest may have to .be discontinued. 2. Do you feel that the board is doing everything it can to improve its relationship with teachers and other staff" or do you feel that the present relationship is adequate? I believe that we have to establish a much'better relationship with our staff, particularly , with. the teachers. Generally I think . our position with the non-academic staff is pretty good, but certainly the whole question of staff relations is an important one. I would like to see a return to a position with the teachers which I believe existed four or five years ago. However, this takes co- operation., 3. How do you view the present financial position of the board and do you think everything possible is being done to prepare for financial problems being forecast by declining enrolment, cutbacks in provincial and federal aid increased salary and operating costs. Do you feel an adequate spending priority has been established by the board for the next five to ten years? Increased, costs and declining enrollments affect the board's financial position. I think generally that we have done almost all we could do to date. The most severe problems are possibly yet to come in this area. I would like to see a complete review of our operation, to see where we can save or eliminate cost, and develop a rolling five year financial forecast. In some accounts we should adopt zero based budgetting. 4. Would you support a board decision to close a school in your con- stituency if it clearly showed that it would enable the county system to . continue to- operate satisfactorily or would you oppose it just because the school was in your area? If it can be shown that it is in the interests of the system to close a school, then I would favour closure. This is not a situation that is likely to happen in Goderich. 5. Do you feel the board acted properly banning The Diviners from the list of approved textbooks for high school English classes? Would you support a move in the future .to have other books banned from I think that my position is well-known. I did not support the banning of the books in question nor would I support a move to take other books off the school book shelves. 6. Do you feel board of education trustees have a close enough rapport with taxpayers or do you feel the board has, over the past few years, allowed itself to get out of touch with the community it serves? Anything can im- prove . However, I think the board has tried to keep in touch with the community, and our meetings are opento the public. 7. Do •you feel the board does too much or too little business behind closed` doors or do you feel everything is being done W make everyone aware of the business handled by the board? The board does not do its business behind closed doors. There is provision for the board to meet in camera but only sensitive issues are discussed such as those items involving personnel problems. All motions must be passed in open session. 8. Do you envisioa any major changes In the education system in Hugon County In the nex t ten years and If so what are they? We have to cut costs so there may have to be some revisions, perhaps in options or courses_ Some of the smaller schools may have to be closed but this I think is not likely to happen immediately and therefore I doubt that people would be laid off. More probably normal attrition - through retirements, etc.., would be sufficient- We would under such cir- cumstances not hire as many people_ On the other hand if the decline of enrollments eases and more people come into the County, the situation is less acute. We may have to make some changes in our system of Administration_ But it should be emphasized that Huron is operating, I believe, with the second lowest in cost in the Province_ feel in a great may areas It is me y a rubber stamp for ad- ministration? Yes -I think the board does a' good job -much better than they are given credit for_ No -we are not a rubber stamp for anyone. D. Wallace 1- Are you premed 'make the derision closea to permit the board of education to orate Me. e - fines of its present financial posit of d A you feel w lesale cuts in o of areas such as staff and can be cart across the to keep all. sch epentsullpresently Fortunately this question is of only academic interest to the Goderich ratepayer since none of our schools are threatened_ I would vote to close a school only when every possible alternative had been explored and rejected_ However, f the choice were between closing a school (and busing the studeasts) and eliminating. vital programs, I would regretfully, have to vote to close the school_ to 2. Do yea feel that the to board is doing everything cas it can to improve its relationship with teachers and other staff or de yea, feel that the present relationship Is adequate? I the that no Board can ever do too much to foster good relations with its teachers and, having said that, admit that our Board is, indeed, to he found wanting in the Turn to page 16 • L ELECT WALTER McILWA1N for Goderich Township Council BUSINESS DIRECTORY 9. Have you any ideas or recommendations to maketetheboard n how-,._., it can cut costs or do you intend to rely on the board's senior ad- ministrators to come up with those ideas? Yes, I have some ideas. Also -I would hope that through co-operation wi." other trustees and the administration we as a board can continue to answer the public in the future -that the best use of the taxpayer's dollar is being maintained_ 10. Do you feel the board of -education does an effective job running the -education system in Huron County or do you D.B. Palliser Doctor of Chiropractic 73 Montreal Si. 524-4555 H.O. JERRY LTD. Complete line of PAPER PRODUCTS PARTY SUPPLIES Products for every user_ H.O. JERRY LTD. 'Wile Paper People" 105 Park St. GODERICas 524-2855, On November 13. 1978 Re-elect JOSEPH F. HICKEY West Wawanosh Councillor • eniL Photo & fin s e nice -' ul way to say Merry Christ ��sonal too! Choose your message y A 31/2 *3544 Inc rrd frorq rectangular negatives 0 a` this Nquare negatives P 10 instamatic negatives) and a happy new year) message ne.1 oIcLtf;Nolo egatives or le Win black %rt {r r.:. rom black and vv atives. .,Ire SEASONS GREEflI S 14 SO AvA1LA1 • - ,4 ,1Folder card holds ti 14T regular size colour or black and white prints FoldeP ype GreetingCards it I Let_ .PHARMACY message no. 2 524. '241 SHOPPERS SQUARE, GODERICH II islet For FASHION RIGHT SHOES The Plate To Go is ROSS - SHOES The Square Goderich 33 Huron St_. Clinton Box 337. Clinton NOM 1L0 482-9542 529-7939 Paints. Stains. Min Wax products. Hsi caverbs , Draperies, Floor Sanding. Texturing Interior 8. Exterior Contracting FREE ESTIMATES R.W. BELL The She 524-7661 THE Co-©perainirs GEORGE TURTON INSURAIO Life. Auto, Residential and Farin 319 Huron Rd. Hw v. 8 Goderich 524-7411 THE O1D FASHIONED HARDWARE STORE -CLL. PAINT -WALLPAPE -WHOLESALE CABLE -FIRE EXTINGUISHER sates& & SE RVIICE -S9tAH. APPLIANCE'S -SPAC CE DETECTORS -HORSE SUPPLIES . -GARANi HANCWTOOIS 400CIEL RAILROAD SUPPLIES -SNOW SHOVELS. PITCH FMCS. ETC_ Free Delivery in Town Competitive Prices PHIL MAIN HARDWARE Far H. Tana hodastry 14 KINGSTON GODERICH 524-9671 r R. J. NEPHEW FOR FINE PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY • PORTRAITS • WEDDINGS • COMMERCIAL *BUSINESS PORTRAITS • INSTANT PASSPORTS • COPIES & RESTORATIONS 65 MONTREAL ST. DIAL 524-2029 1. CLOSED MOHOATS sq FISHER INSULATION Specialists in: •Sprayed in place Urethane foam • CMHC approved Mineral wool • Milt approved Cellulose fibre Phone: WINGHAM 357-2687 HANOVER 364-2491 Out-of-town:Call Collect Insulation Doesn't east -It Pays. THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD DIESEL Pumps and hniectors Repaired For Ati Papular Mires .,ra:efdn{�rla�. E+`+ Bayfield Rd.. 403-7471 Ronald L. McDonald CIif7 D ACCOUNTANT 47 CHURCH ST_. 524-6253 Goderich. Ontario DECORATING P.Eeterrat & E Aterxa Decorators Kam Pa.ms Waarcover,rrgs ArerVirers Carpet- iraaax Shades FIRDEBRAF4ID PAINT AND PAPER Prrarre 527-16 t5 Mane St .Sestartrt THE COACH HOUSE TRAVEL SERVICE 59HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524-8366 OPEN: Monday -Friday 9:00-5:30 Saturday 9:03 -NOON FULLY APPOINTED FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE TRAVEL Burst, V►odden & Bender CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 37 West Street Goderich, Ont. 524-2011 WEST ST. COiN-OP LAUNDROMAT & DRY CLEANING 54 West St. °Pen Day 7 a.m.-11 p.m_ Li Drydeaning 524-9953 E:34 to 5:30 p.m_ Cards For All Occasions. Gifts *Books *Stationery Supplies *Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 EAST ST. GODERICH B & T ANTENNA SALES AN installation and Reepairs S AR A CE T.V. & C.B. Antennas TOM LEPPIijGTON 565-5229 - Delhi Towers BRIAN WASH 482-7129 RESIDENT PARTNER - 40 THE SQUARE GODERiCH. ONT. 524-2977 . • MONTREAL TORONTO RWAMP ON HAMMOfN ST. CATHARI ES vavrcouvortis IONNIEWEG CALGART EDMONTON VANCOUVER GOODRICH Peter S. MacEwen INSURANCE AGENCY.. Residential - Commercial Auto -Life 38 St. David St., Goderich Ph. 5249531 or 524-2522 Science and Fashion in Hair Care • M'Lady complete hair care servicers • M`Lords hair cutting S. styling — Tues.. Thurs. evening • Senior dtiaens discounts Wednesday afternoons Plus • Plus/etc acid i protein hair treatments Where??? A_ 'The Beauty Lounge "Naturally" 111 East St., GOtiERiclf sa4'i