HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-11-09, Page 35PAGE 14A-GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9 ,1978 FOR COUNCIL... James Magee 1. How valid is the claim by Goderich merchants, that they pay $% million annually in business tax - over and above property tax- .on , their . residences and a levy into the Business Improvement Area - and until this fail, have seen very little in the way of downtown improvements or beautification? The merchants' claim is valid. They have not as yet received value for their money spent. This is one issue that is still not settled. 2. If this town is to grow hi a progressively im- proving manner, what must town council be ready to do? Find new industry and establish a more secure emplonnent area and taCte'tltehe fir dTiffour' tax dollar. enough of municipal affairs to handle the job now? Council process will not be slowed by new members eatcept in the cases of clean-up work now on the agenda. This should be reviewed and considered by the new council before they can justifiably vote on such. 8> Do you have any pians or projects you plan to promote at the council level or do you feel that Is the mayor's job? Promotion of new projects is the duty of the council as a whole and in all cases any new projects should be of direct benefit to the present needs of the entire community. Stan Profit 1. How valid is the claim harts = arc e . %Ida a --logo-God Aril 3. Could you explain why taxes continue to rise? Do you approve? At the council table is where the mil rate is set and the tax rate is based on the mill rate_ That is where we control our tax rate_ We do not need to shift any rate setting on our provincial govern- ment. I do not approve of higher taxes to support needless spending. 4. The money spent on parks is always ' questioned by taxpayers and sometimes by members of council. In your opinion, is tax money wasted on parks in the Prettiest Town In Canada? Should spending be decreased (in- creased)? Why? At this point lit time we cannot afford any further development of new parks. We need, however, to properly maintain the parks we now have and do some alternation on vision lines so that we can see the lake from the areas that are near the banks. We also should trim and remove dying trees to maintain safety and aesthetics. _ 5. In your opinion, what is the single most important priority for town council - works, (roads, sewers, streets, lighting, garbage pickup), recreation, realizing the full potential of industrial park, tourism? Industrial park full potenial is top priority with me. Once this is developed we will have extra monies for im- provements throughout the town. In the interim we should install as many new sidewalks and streets improvements as money will allow. 1. How courageous should a town councillor be? A councillor who is not courageous and stedfast cannot serve to full potential. Experience has taught me to be courageous and dedicate myself to do the job totally. This I intend to do. 7. Do you feel council business will be slowed by the new faces at the council table or do you feel candidates with no experience are aware ELECT BRIAN KNIGHTS FOR COUNCIL e that they pay $1/4 million annually in business tax - over and above property tax on their residences and' a levy into the Business Improvement Area - and until this fall, have seen very little in the way of downtown improvements or beautification? In my opinion, no more valid than any other taxpayer claiming the same thing in any part of town. There are people in some parts of town, who have worse roads, and. sidewalks than the Square. That claim does not wash with me. 2. If this town is to grow in a progressively im- proving manner, what must town council be ready to do? First of all, I think this town is growing in a progressively improving manner. However, I think that we must set our priorities more clearly. A long time ago, an elderly gentleman told me that we should plan our work, then WORK OUR PLAN. That makes sense to me. 3. Could you explain why taxes continue to rise? Do you approve? Of course I don't ap- prove, who does. Coun- cillors pay taxes too you know. As years go by, costs go up. Just to maintain existing ser- vices, it costs more money. We could just conduct a housekeeping budget, but, if the town is to move ahead as your previous question in- dicated we must always be looking at projects which will be of benefit to the town. Having been on council for eight years, I have learned that it is easier some years than others. 4. The money spenton parks is always questioned by taxpayers and sometimes by members of council. In your opinion, Is tax money wasted on parks in the Prettiest Town ht Canada? Should spending be decreased (in- creased)? Why? I believe .that TOO MUCH money is wasted on parks in Goderich. In my opinion, spending SHOULD be DECREASED. The reason being that in my mind, and many others, parks are not' a high priority. S. In your opinion, what is the single most important priority for town council - works, (roads, sewers, streets, lighting, garbage pickup), recreation, realizing the full potential of industrial park, tourism? It is m'my- opinion, the industrial Park. We must reverse the 60-40 ratio in Tax contribution, if we could do this we would be in a better position to tackle my second priority on your list. That being Works (roads, sewers, streets, lighting, garbage pick-up). Third on my list is Tourism, then fourth in my mind is Recreation. 6. How courageous should a town councillor be? I really don't know if he, she needs to be courageous at all. What she he needs to be is honest, open minded, and willing to listen to something new. He she 3littst at : all'-ititnea be -- willing to accept criticism. I don't think these take courage. 7. Do you feel council business will be slowed by the new faces at the council table or do you feel candidates with no experience are aware enough of municipal affairs , to handle the job now? New councillors have come to the town hall and done some homework, in terms of reading minutes of past meetings, reports of committees, and been up to date in that sense. When I was new on council, I did this. However, there are areas in which new people will have to ask questions. Council may miss a couple of beats along the way, '" but I don't think council business will be slowed appreciably, by the new faces. 8. Do you have any plans or projects you plan to promote at the council level or do you feel that is the mayor's job? I certainly don't think that this job is the Mayor's alone, indeed, it's not only the job of council. I have always said that there are 7,200 people in this town, that means there is that many idea people. In answering your questions, I think that Phave made it clear 'bhat I think my job will e: To sensibly " set priorities, not be carried away with pie in the sky projects, while at the same time, make decisions which will be of advantage to the town. That is what I have done for the eight years that I have been on council. It may be old hat by now, but I have said before, that I have no fancy slogans, no catchy phrases, just the earnest desire to continue to serve on council, and make common sense decisions on behalf of the people in Goderich. For Council In West Wawanosh Township VOTE J. D. Durnin On November 13th . I have served four years as councillor and would apprecfate'yoursupport at the palls on Monday, November 13th, Jim Searle 1. How valid Is the claim by Goderich merchants, that they pay $1/4 million annually In business tax over and above property tax on their residences and a levy into the Business Improvement Area - and until this fall, have seen very little in the way of downtown improvements or beautification? I have no doubt the amount of taxes paid by the Goderich Merchants is correct, but the levy paid into the B.I.A. is of their own choice, not the Town of Goderich. As an employee of a major chain store I find it is not what you see on the outside that draws business., it is the price and service' you receive inside. I believe that no tax dollars should be spent on The Square project other ,than to repair and maintain the sidewalks. Under a Government program the B.I.A. can borrow up to $150,000.00 at one per cent interest over a ten year period for Downtown improvements. People in older ., homes in Town could sure use 'a deal „like that. 2. If this town is to grow in a progressively Im- proving m-prof Ing manner, what must town. council be ready to do? The Town Council must do away with the frills and wasteful spending and put more money into industrial land, plus give " more incentive to in- dustry to locate here. - 3. Could you explain why taxes continue to rise? Do you approve? In most towns o cities �. Turn to pax 1.5A -V" ON NO\/EIUABE#t'titli. VOTE: FOR GRANT MacPHEE FOR COLBORNE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL - s - 1 1 d' �. ftf 1171 i l l/ 1 1 I' IF. lig 'ALM IJ. aIke 11 I?' 4,. ..Lj„al% , CASHINAY"S THE. STORE. ALL CHOICES ARE IDEAL FOR DO-iT-YOURSELF INSTALLATION 9'x12 � CARPETING\$2748 )•e.N"di.Punch °th:rn 7" And Fice"%IAN= • e;ei.st* AS LOW AS SOMEOF THE MANY VALUES YOU wulrn r liY INDOOR!OUTD00R POLYPROPYLENE CARPET Plain back Needfspgnch Economy '_Starter" Carpeting that's serviceable for Roc Room, Deng Family Room, Etc., and 1, also popular for the Cottage. Check locally for colours available. For Indoor use only. 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NEW "VIVA" -CARPETING Recently introduced ... available soon et all our steroid Beautiful Cut Fr Loop Carpeting In subtle Prink Tak Colours on attached Super Foam ;leaking. Recommended for all "Medium Traffic" areas of the home. Ask about "Viva" today - it'e a selection we've vary proudly added to our lines. I95 SQUARE YARD 9'x12' '83.40 For country kitchen look of old-time quality in selected Red Birch. ,Beautiful Colonial/ Traditional styling. "SHERWOOD BIRCH Maple Red or Warm Spice Flniah. Styling that offers natural woodgrains to Import a Colonial effect. UPPER UNITS SQUARE YARD 9'x12' '107.40 KITCHEN CABINETS Available On Order Or From Stock To Your Kitchen Measurements. Cabinets available range from as narrow as 9" to as wide as 48". Self-closing hinges on all doors. Many Of The Upper Unit Shelves are adjustable. Door and Drawer handles ere included in our low prices or your Cabinets can be ordered undrilled for your own hardware. Birch framing in both Base and Upper.litiits. CHECK OUR PRICES! As a guide to the values available we're pricing 4 of the 9 styles using the layout and cabinet sizes illustrated above. Another arrange- ment or plan will raise or lower' prices to you accordingly. Please note that Counter Tops, Sinks. Faucets, etc., are not included in quoted prices which are confined to the cabinets only. NATURAL HAMPTON PIONEER SHERWOOD BIRCH STYLE RED BIRCH BIRCH #162,48 #205.35 #256.35 '283.95 =47.70 *61.65 '74.05 '78.75 '29.72 *39.75 '44.56 '49.50 FLOORCOVERING DEPARTMENT Featuring Name Brands That Include "FLINTKOTE", Vinyl -Ease, And Easy Care, "ARMSTRONG" Royelle and "OOMCO" Regalfloor Hard Surface Floorcoverings. Also famous "PEEL 'n STiCK" 1/10" Pont Thos. Visit Our Showroom and check our Every Day Low Prices For Values You'll Likel OPEN WEEKDAYS 8:30 A.M.-6 P.M.; SAT. TO 5 P.M.' THURS. it FRI. TO 9 P.M. Ik SOME AREAS, THESE HOURS COuio vliii SUGHi.Y. Pt!ASE CHECK. DELIVERY IS AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE RATES! BASE UNiTS TO BE FAIR TO OUR CUSTOMERS, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LiMIT QUANTITIESi CASH -WAY LUMBER GODERICH ATWOOD 1S5 ANGLESEA ST. MAIN ST. PHONE°324.$3 PH061E 336-2214 it ' Base Unit 36" Bake Sink Cabinet 42" One Base Corner Cabinet 36" Two Bass Cabinets TOTALS: *80.34 *99.43 *123.78 *130.82 #61.27 '74.99 '98.37 *104.68 '66.71 '81.05 ;95.00 *100.71 '148.72 '181.86 *227.48 '242.72 *596.94 '744.08 '919.59 '991.13 FREE KITCHEN PLANNING -SHEETS AVAILABLE AT OUR CENTRES . OBT/UN ON BR/NC US YOUR MEASUREMENTS AND WE'LL NEIL!' YOU N7fH YOUR NEW KITCHEN PLANT/ • INSTALLATION ARRANGEMENTS Some Of Our Centres Now Ars -Able Tr) Make Available Arrangements To Install The Kitchen Cabinets You Purchase From Us. POO patens And Charges. Please Check Locally. `,r