HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-11-09, Page 31PAGE 10A-GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY; NOVEMBER 9 ,1978 Candidates for councillors speak out FOR REEVE Bill Clifford... • from page 8A getting for those dollars? First we are getting a road rebate of $71,984. and an airport operating grant of 816,000., which effectively reduces our requisition to $281,707. In addition to these direct dollar returns the town also shares many of the county services such as planning department, social services, library, senior citizens units and home for the elderly, health unit, welfare. program, weed control, development department promoting industry, and the family and social services department. These benefits could not be provided by the town for , the price we pay through our county requisition. As well as,the financial benefits there is also an invaluable sharing of ideas and the strength of a united county in making repressentations to Federal and Provincial governments. 5..:In your opinion, what is the financial status of Goderich and how are major projects like the connecting link, Square beautification and similar major expenses, going to affect future growth? It has been suggested by some that Goderich's financial picture is not healthy. The 1978 budget reflected an increase to the taxpayer of only three percent. Compared with neighbouring municipalities, I believe a very enviable position. W� are well within budget, and could perhaps end the year with a small surplus. With regard to the future growth, it should be noted that various sectors contribute to the overall taxes collected, i.e. Industrial and Com- mercial Levies, Business Tax Levies, and in- dividual Residential property levies. In return, the council has an obligation to all these sectors. 'The council is, I believe, working in that direction. Industrial park drainage and roads have been -ungraded;, The B.Y.A. cost sharing is providing benefit to the business area. This along with the Highway 21 connecting link will, I believe, draw people to town to spend money _--Cvhich will have a radiating effect on everyone. The NIP program in the east end of town is, I; believe, a long overdue im- provement to that area. Improvements to these various sectors should encourage future con- trolled growth. 6: Is Goderich doing enough to promote in- dustrial„ growth here? How dq you visualize industrial Park in the 1980's? The Goderich Economical Develop- ment committee work hard to encourage out of town industry to locate here, but find that the greatest demand is from present Goderich in- dustries which are growing and wish to expand into the industrial park. I think this is good. However, some outside industry is being at- tracted. The Borg Warner deal has been Vote JOHN WESTBROOK for Board of Education In Colborne Z Goderich Townships finalized. They manufacture for the automotive industry and should locate here within the next two years. The committee have con- sidered a large scale out- of-town advertising program, but because of the, costs have decided. instead to spend the same money on providing services and upgrading the industrial park. As an example, Huckins Street has been built-up and paved. I am hopeful that by the mid 1980's the present industrial park will be filled. This would result in a decrease in the residential tax and a natural corresponding increase in the per- centage of taxes paid by industry. 7. Do you feel the steps. the town has taken to draw abreast of recent growth and prepare for future growth are adequate? Yes. As an example, we know, that there are going to be demands which will require expansion of the pollution control plant. The municipality has established a pollution control reserve fund through the P.U.C. monthly water and sewage billing. This reserve is expected by 1983 to be at a level which will amost finance ex- pansion of the plant when added to any Provincial and Federal assistance. If this results, the general municipal tax level will not increase because of the expansion of the plant. Expanded water supply, electrical demand, and' storm drainage are other areas which have been con- sidered by the P.U.C. and council and are being planned and provided for the future. 8. Are present roads and services a priority or is expansion a priority? The council in my opinion have an obligation to both. They are presently upgrading the older sections through . special projects such as the NIP program in the east end. Though total improvements will be $1.2 million, the cost sharing is as follows: for every dollar spent, 25c is paid by the province through the Ministry of Transportation and Communication, a fur- ther 25c by the province through a Community Renewal Grant, 25c by the Federal Government through Central Mor- tgage and Housing Corporation, and the remaining 25c from the municipal mill rate. I feel that council is adequately accommodating . the present rate of growth by developing a percentage of new roads annually. , Breckenridge 1. How valid is the claim by Goderich merchants, that they pay PA million annually in business tax - over and above property tax on their residences and a levy into the Business Improvement Area - and until, this fall, have seen very little in the way of downtown improvements or beautification? I have no knowledge of business tax, as the tax save differs on type wares or services of- fered. It is not true there have been no downtown improvements prior to 1978. The Lighthouse Street parking lot was provided in 1976 or 77. 2. If this town Is to grow in a progressively im- proving manner, what must town council" be ready to do? Council must be preparedto expedite planning and zoning further striving to im- prove sewers, water service including the proposed water tower, roads and sidewalks. 3. Could you explain why taxes continue to rise? Do you approve? Taxes will continue to rise due to increased cost or wages, equipment etc. I do not approve, and will work to hold any rise to a minumun. 4. The money spent on parks is always questioned by taxpayers and sometimes by members of council. In your opinion, is tax tmoney wasted on parks in the Prettiest Town in Canada? Should spending be decreased (in- creased)? Why? Most of the money spent on parks- is a beautification to the town however tax. dollars would be saved if council would solicit the help of organizations to plant flowers in the fall and spring, with markers in the park etc. areas they maintain. Spending should be held at its present level, lowered not increased over the 1978 budget. 5. In your opinion, what is the single most important priority for town council - works, (roads, sewers, streets, lighting, garbage pickup), recreation, realizing the full potential of industrial park, tourism? The most important priority is the industrial Public Memorial Service for seamen who lost their lives In the Great Lakes storm in Novem- ber, 65 years ago. TIME: Thursday, Nov. 9 AT 2:00 p.m. PLACE: Maitland Cemetery Unknown Seaman's Plot REVEREND ROYAL WILL OFFICIATE, WITH REPRESEN- TATION FROM SEAMEN AND THE TOWN OF GODERICH. Parks Department and Cemetery Board park zoning and storm sewer. Regarding tourism too much tax dollars are spent for services rendered due to the shortage of over night and weekly ac- commodation. 6. How courageous should a totvn councillor be? A councillor should be capable to voice his or her feelings on any question that comes before a meeting. Fur- ther voting in the best interest of good municipal government. 7. Do you feel council business will be slowed by the new faces at the council table or do you feel candidates with no experience are aware enough of municipal affairs to handle the job now? New faces on any board or council is a sign of progress. Every new member has new ideas good or bad and must have some idea' of municipal affairs or they wouldn't run. 8. Do you have any plans or projects you plan to promote at the council level or do you feel that is the mayor's job? Have no new project to promote at the , present, however will try to, see the completion of projects presently under construction or planned. Council members should promote new projects, if they are all left to the mayor the members become only yes or no voters. John Doherty 1. How valid is the claim by Goderich merchants, that they pay $t'4 million annually in business tax - over and above property tax on their residences and a levy into the Business Improvement Area - and until this fall, have seen very little in the way of downtown improvements or beautification? The businessmen pay approximately $220,000 annually in business tax, over and.: above their property taxes and B.I.A. levies. Until recently, there has been very little improvement in the downtown area. 2. If this town is to grow in a progressively Im- proving manner, what must town council be ready to do? Council must bring in more industry. A better balanced tax rate on industrial and residential areas is also needed. 3. Could youexplain why taxes continue to rise? Do you approve? I do not approve of the continuing rise in taxes. If council sticks to its budget guidelines this year, as it did last year, there should be no in- crease in taxes for 1979. 4. The money spent on parks is always questioned by taxpayers and - sometimes by members of council. In your opinion, is tax money wasted on parks in the Prettiest Town in Canada? Should spending be decreased (in- creased)? Why? l feel a great deal of thanks should go to Councillor Haydon for the Prettiest Town in Canada. To the best of my knowledge, she stays within her budget. 5. In your opinion, what is the single most important priority for town council - works, (roads, sewers, streets, lighting, garbage pickup), recreation, realizing the full potential of industrial park, tourism? Realizing the full potential ofj,,.industrial park is my priority. 6. How courageous should a town councillor be? A town councillor should have the courage of conviction, and when he feels he is right, stand up and be counted. 7. Do you feel council business will be slowed by the new faces at the council table or do you feel candidates with no experience are aware enough of municipal affairs to handle the job now? Everyone has to start - new on council at some time. If common sense is used, new members can be as beneficial as old members. 8. Do you have any plans or projects youplan to promote at the council level or do you feel that is the mayor's job? I think every councillor should try and promote as much as he can. Everything should not be left to the mayor, as he does have a heavy work load. Elsa Haydon 1. How valid is the claim by Goderich merchants, that they pay 51/4 million annually in business tax - over and above property tax on their residences and a levy into the Business Improvement Area - and until this fall, have seen very little in the way of downtown impro`ve-ments o'r. beautification? The amount is ac- curate, but rather on the conservative side, as the Town Clerk will confirm. The Square Area (Elgin -Nelson -Victoria - Waterloo) businesses pay at least $250,000.- taxes annually into the Town's general money coffers. In addition, the businessmen. pay the usual taxes on their homes like the rest of us. On top of that they pay collectively $25,000.- a year in special BIA (Business Improvement Area) taxes which go directly for designated improvements, starting on The Square itself and in stages covering the entire area mentioned. When a small group of people, including a few Council members, started to attack The Square improvements and emphatically and repeatedly talked about the "taxpayers" as if the businessmen were outiside that category, I found it so unfair, illogical and unreasonable that I went to the Town Clerk and asked for the tax figure which then became publicly known. In my eighth year on the Council I see for the first time this fall that a small portion of the -tax money is to be spent on the Square, surely -for our collective benefit in many ways. It is totally unreasonable to ignore all the facts and act as if The Square area mer- chants are asking for handouts. In my book the businessmen's group is a ratepayers' association under another name. They deserve the same fair and courteous treatment and con- -'sideration -as any other person or group in town. To my .:knowledge, they have not asked for anything else. 2. If this town is to grow in a progressively im- proving manner, what must town council be ready to do? If our political speeches mean more than lip service' at election time, let all of us remember that it is all very well to stress the importance of reversing the percentage of our residential and commercial tax base by attracting more industry and commerce to town; to --:make if 4' fruit'. evil=" vincing, let us start by treating our existing businesses with suitable consideration, respect and fairness. The Council must reduce doing things in. "spurts" by going from crisis to crisis when some event, person or group pushes us in a definite direction. The progress must be steady, with clearly thought-out projects and, goals, thoroughly planned but flexible enough to adjust to the changes we may face beyond our control. In addition to disposing of the day-to-day items on the agenda, the Council must take time for contemplation and general discussion in order to identify the expectations and match them with practical goals in any field in which we can make decisions. The Council must encourage individual and group initiative and seek effective co-operation in many subjects in which there is isolation which a man with experience... HARRY WORSELL FOR MAYOR For transportation to POLLS phone...524-8475. unwittingly promotes apathy. Council members should resist the in - Turn to page 1 1 A • IN ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP ELECT Finlay MacDonald FOR Reeve on November 13, 1978 Serving you and your township for - 5 years as Councillor 4' years as Deputy Reeve �jS( S TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE MUNICIPAL ELECTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given to the Municipal Electors of the Township of Colborne that whereas more 'candidates have been nominated than the number required polls will be held at the time and places stated in this notice. POLLING DAY:NOVEMBER 13, 1978 -hours-of. 11:Q0 A.M; 8.0411.M.: Polls will be open in the following places: NO. 1 Benmiller Polling Division is at Forester's Hall. NO. 2 Saltford Polling Division is at Saltford Valley Hall NO. 3 Carlow Polling Division is at the Township Hall. NO. 4 Dunlop-Leeburn Polling Division is at Sunset Golf 8 Sport Centre. Offices for which Poll will be held: A. Councillors - 3 to be elected. B. Huron County Board of Education- one(1) to be elected. ADVANCE POLL Date: Saturday, November 4, 1978 Place: Clerk's Office, Colborne Township Hall Time: 9 a.m. - 8 p.m. WILMER HARDY Clerk and Returning Officer ALL STAR TOURS PIONEERS OF ESCORTED MOTOR COACH TOURS "OUR BUSINESS IS GOING PLACES" FALL AND WINTER '78-79 Florida Circle Tour 14 days ... 11 departures . _ . from $409. Clearwater Beach and Central Florida 14 days ... 4 departures ... from $429. Nassau and the Sunshine State 15 days ... 3 departures ... from $735. Texas and New Orleans 14 days ... 4 departures ... from $469. California and the Historic West 23, days ... 7 departures ... from $819. Florida Relaxation Vacation Daytona Beach ... 21 or 28 days Clearwater Beach 21 or 28 days Homossas Springs ... 21 or 28 days P.T.L. Club and Heritage Village Tours 6 days ... 5 departures ... from $169. Florida Circle Christmas Tour 14 days ... December 18 ... from $439. Clearwater Beach: Christmas Season 8 days .. , December 26 ... from $309. March Break: Florida 9 days . . . March 17 . . . from $249. Reservations Through: The Coach House Travel Service 59 Hamilton St. Goderich N7A 3X5 524-8366 * * * * * * * * * *