HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-11-09, Page 18r - f 1 OQA> >tt.0 SLGNA1,-STARt. T.H1,1R0# AV, NO,V MB :11178,!F ,4P1w 11' 15. Tenders 15. Tenders ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER The Ministry of Natural Resources has the following parcels of land available for lease by tender for the 1979 season. TOWNSHIP Stanley 4 Lake Rd. W. Hullett 8 3 Hullett 18 1 3 Hullett 7 5 Hullett 8 5 Hullett 19 & 20 6 Ashfield Port Albert 17 to 20 East & West 2 acres cropland of Arthur St. AREA & LOT CONCESSION DEIGNATED, USE 37 acres cropland 80 acres cropland 20 acres cropland 47 acres cropland 50 acres cropland 45 acres cropland and 2 acres hay Tenders for these properties will be received at the Wingham District office until 5 p.m. on November 24, 1978. Tender forms containing the terms and conditions of this tender can be obtained by contacting the Ministry of Natural Resources, RR 5, Wingham, Ontario: Phone 357-3131. Ministry of Natural Resources . . _. • -_ __..-,•.•=�„ter: >.- 1# Public Works Travaux public, Canada Canada_ INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the projects or services listed below, addressed to the Regional Manger, Finance & Administration, Ontario Region, Department of Public Works, 4900 Yonge Street, (12th Floor), Willowdale, Ontario M2N 6A6, will be received until 1500 hours on the specified closing date. Tender Documents can be seen, or obtained o11 paymentof the applicable .deposit; , through the office of the Director General, Department of Public Works, Ontario Region, Tendering Office, 12th Floor, 4900 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario, and the Department of Public Works, Tendering Office, 457 Richmond Street, London, Ontario. PROJECTS No: 008055D9000 - South Harbour Wall Repairs, Goderich, Ontario CLOSING DATE: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1978 Deposit: $500 Tender Documents may also be seen at the 'London Construction Association, 280 Maitland Street, London, Ontario, and the Toronto Constuction Association. 1 Sparks Avenue, Willowdale, Ontario. Enquiries: 416-224-4240 INSTRUCTIONS - Deposit for plans and specifications must be made in the form of a certified bank cheque to the order of the Receiver General for Canada, and will be released on return of the documents in good condition within one month from the date of tender opening. The lowest or any tendep not necessarily accepted. TOWN OF GODERICH TENDER FOR • Demolition of Buildings Contract 7803 Sealed tenders on forms supplied by the Town of 'Goderich will be received by the undersigned until NOON local time on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 197.8 for the complete demolition of four buildings. Two buildings being- brick houses, one building being a block service station and the last building being a block commercial building. All four buildings are located on the same site at the corner of West Street and Waterloo Street, in the Town of Goderich. Specifications and tender forms may be obtained from the undersigned. A certified cheque of 55,000.00 must accompany each tender. , The lowest of any tender will not necessarily be ac- cepted. Larry J. McCabe Clerk -Treasurer Town of Goderich 57 West Street Goderich, Ontario N7A 2K5 woe 16. Mortgages CASH foryour mortgage. Call us first 524-2747.-33tfar 18. Services available MAN with truck will do light delivery and pick-up. Phone 5'24403.-- 2tfair • ' 18. Services available FURNITURE. refinishing - and caning. Phone 524-7490 or 524-2725.--43tf RELIABLE . people will clean your home or office in Clinton, Goderich and Seaforth areas. Huron Dod estic Services,. 482,, 3636.---44045 15. Tenders 15. Tenders St. Joseph's Parish - Clinton invites TENDERS FOR REMOVAL OF TWO-STOREY STUCCO HOUSE located on Lot 302, Plan No. 7, Victoria St. Clinton. All materials from above men- tioned home shall become the property of the successful contractor. The site shall be left in a clean and acceptable manner and the work shall be carried out to Insure the safety of both contractor and the pubiIc. Alt permits for and fees to disconnect existing utilities shall be the responsibility of the contractor. A '250.°° deposit shall be made payableto the Parish (cash or certified cheque) and shall be refunded in full upon 100% completion of the work. Closed ten- ders shall be received no later than 12:00 noon, Thursday, Nov. 23, 1978. The Parish retains the right to refuse any or all tenders submitted. Mail, in an envelope marked "tender”, to St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church Box 86 ClIn4On'= _ -t ar O 10 " - r n AUCTION SALE SAT., NOV. 11 at 1.1:30 Of fine china, crystal, antiques, glassware,. oriental rugs, furniture and Appliances for Mrs. Mary ' Pyle with ad- ditions ' • - In the Kincardine Room, Community. Complex, Durham Street E., Kincardine, Ont. Partial 'summary in- cludes: 62 pc. Limoges; 24 pc. Limoges; 22 pc. Royal Doulton; several pcs. Royal Grafton, Royal Chelsea, Royal Cauldon, Royal Bayreuth, Rolra-I— Crown Derby, Dresden, Coalport, Minton, etc. Queen Anne tea pot, 6 cups and saucers; Adderleys Cocoa set (pot and 6 cups and saucers); 2 Waterford decanters; a barge assortment of crystal jugs, bowls, compotes, etc.;, dozens of pcs. pottery, wood, brass, copper, glass, pewter, silver; oil and gas; lamps; all the books of the home library, old and new; oil paintings, old picture frames; steamer trunks; 5 oriental rugs, approx. 91/2; 2 oriental rugs approx. 6-7; ham- mered copper fireplace coal box and set of tools; 1812 bayonet \ with sheath; Beaver quart jar:. `R.C.A: Victrola works good; lamps; pictures; odds 'n ends. 'MANY PIECES MODERN AND AN- TIQUE FURNITURE: beds. wash stands; dressers; chests; tables, large and small; •wood, leather, easy,occasional; recliner; _needlepoint; chairs; Andrew Malcolm cherry dining room furniture with oval table, extra leaves; china cabinet; buffet; 6 -chairs; other dining room table and chairs, buffet and odd pieces; 3 pc. settee set in walnut blue velvet, odd sofas. Siegler furnace type oil stove; HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS: dishes, electric appliances, etc. like new Westinghouse 2 door refrigerator, PLAN TO ATTEND THIS SALE: COME EARLY: LUNCH BOOTH IN HALL , TERMS CASH OR CHEQUE WITH PROPER I.D. Selling by number, please pick up netmber on entry •of hal) Auction 'held second Saturday Of each month starting time 11. WE HOPE: 1O SEE 'YOU SATURDAY MORNING NOV. llth. DORNE McLELLAld'D Auctioneer 17. Auction sales -EVENING AUCTION -SALE for Mrs. G. Pinkney and other consignments Fri.. November 10th at 7:00 P.M. at the Auction Room, Goderich Included are:. divider cupboard, electric stove, couch and chair. and stool, colour TV, two freezers, modern china cabinet, modern dinette chairs, modern bed and dresser, chests of drawers, picture frames, wringer washer, Quebec heater, 9' x 15' carpet and un- derpad, small oak table, interesting brass items, antique oil lamp, quantity of interesting glass including depressio,n glass , and pressed glass, 'antique wall telephone, Franklin fireplace, plus many other interesting and useful articles. Terms - Cash Auctioneer Mike Cummings Phone 524-9064 18. Services available —WILL BABYSIT in my home. Phone 524-4309.---44,45 FOR INSTRUCTION on , accordion, piano, organ or ' guitar, phone 524-2711. (Instruments sup- plied) .—I tfar 17. Auction sales. 18. Services available 1.8. Services available 18= Servi-ccs available 20. Public notices CUSTOM BUTCHERING - cattle, hogs, lambs. Curing, smoking, sausage and headcheese „making, lard rendering. Reasonable rates. Call Rlipley Abattoir 395-2905 for 0p- pointrrent:38-52ar PHIL'S REFRIGERATION & APPLIANCES SERVICES Phone 1-887-9062 or Granger's TV 524-8925.-4L tf AUTO BODY OILING - Maclyn Manufacturing Ltd., 11/4 miles north of Amberley, west of Hwy. 21. Phone 395-- 3352, look for our sign. Opening Sept. 4th. -35-48 REPAIR TO all appliances, refrigeration service. Lucknow Appliance Centre, Lucknow, phone 528- 2946.-43tf PAUL HUTCHINS PAINTING •Interior decorating .Finishing Drywall •Sprayed Ceilings 524-6488 HOFFMEYER Plumbing & Heating Ltd. APPLIANCES 55•KINGSTON ST. ELECTRIC Inglis washers, dryers. refrigerators, dishwashers, ranges. GAS. Ranges, barbecues, lights,. ranges. MATHERS LANDSCAPING LAWN MAINTENANCE • SODDING - • SEEDING •, ROLLING' - . • •AERIFYING --_„•GRADI q•TOPSOIL • FERTILIZING y • PATIOS • TREES AND SHRUBS • VERTICUTTING Phone 524-2401 Or 524-7044 Backhoe -Bulldozing Public and private sewage systems Govenment Licensed Excavations of all types Free Estimates Gaetan Jacques Construction RR 2 GODERICH 524-7104 Big or snioll we do them alll nsulspr yy FOAMED;IN-PLACE INSULATION • Saves healing, cooling costs 1 • Stops drafts and cold walls! Lowers noise level! • Easy, fast epi plication NEW HOMES, OLDER HOMES, COMMERCIAL STRUCTURES For Imo estimate, call BLUEWATER INSULATION LTD. f�i�rcor a 565-2633- Inst ispray rs A registered Trademark of Borden. Inc 17. Auction sales REAL ESTATE AUCTION SALE 2 bedroom bungalow at 121 Orange St., Clinton, Ont. for the Estate of Mrs. Frank Walters to be held at the site SATURDAY, NOV. 18 at 11 A.M. Property consists of an attractive two bedroom bungalow situated on a large lot with full basement, central forced air oil furnace, attached single car garage, completely covered with new aluminum siding, soffefs and eaves troughs.Main floor has porch, kitchen, bathroom, living room and two bedrooms with most floors carpeted. This home is situated on a. paved street in a quiet part of town. This is a neat lodlking wekk-kept home suitable for a young couple, small family or retired couple. For information on viewing of i property phone Richard Lobb auctioneer at Clinton 482-7896 or Executor Allan Campbell, Seaforth at 527- 0445. Terms 10 percent down day of sale, balance in 30 days. Being offered subject to a reasonable reserve 'bid. NOTE: FurOtero and contents to be sold at Richard Lobb's Barn, the'same ' day, Nov. Teat 1:00 p.m. AUCTIONEER Richard Lobb 482.789; CONCRETE FLOORS Laying and finishing concrete floors for basements, garages. patios, driveways, and foundation coating. Call George Barralclough. Phone 524-8158 or 262-5341 BERE BROS. CONSTRUCTION Homes, Additions, Cottages, Farm Buildings, Renovations DUNGANNON PHONE 529-7894, 529-7915 For Your Home Repairs, Additions, and All your car- pentry needs CALL ALBERT MIDDEL 524-9686 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED M'tstl'erreequl"pment. Two trucks to serve you. Phone H.T. Dale, Clinton 482-3320 and Seaforth 527-0284. Paper Hanging Painting Small. Repairs 523-4320 or 526-7523 - BACKHOE SERVICE BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS DUMP TRUCK BULLDOZING SEWERS Septic Tank Installations Government Licenced FREE ESTIMATES Sid Bruinsma Goderich 524-8668 Paper Hanging AND Painting Reasonable Rates Neat, clean work CALL 524-7961 AFTER 5 P.M. PROFESSIONAL CARPET CLEANING WITH "STEAM" • Steam gets the dirt other methods don't reach • Removes old shampoo • Carpet dries quickly - I• Steam Machine Ren- tals, '10.00 per day. CARPET CARE 216 Wellington Street S. Goderich 524-2440 ART'S Landscaping -Nursery and Garden Centre 116 Bennett. Goderich FERTILIZERS SEEDING -SODDING TREES -SHRUBS Complete line of Everything needed for INDOOR & OUTDOOR GARDENING 19. Notice to creditor NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having ctaihis against the Estate of ESTHER PATTERSON HUME, Retired School Teacher, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died on or about the 6th day of October; 1978, are required to file the same with full artic u1 r p a s with the unde:,s p d.,b• . t1>P, 2nd of December; 1978, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this. 6th day . of November, 1978. PREST and EGENER; , Barristers, etc., P.O. Box 218, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. —45-47ar NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL persons having claims againstthe estate of. MARY WESTLAKE late of the Township of Colborne, in the County of Huron, Married Woman, who died on .or about the 25th day sof September;- '1978, .. are required to file the same with full particulars with the undersigned by the .2nd day of December, 1978, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, this 6th day of November, 1978. PREST and EGENER P.O. Box 218 Gpderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. —45-47ar 20. Public notices TREE PLANTING ASSISTANCE Those wishing to have land reforested in 1980 are requested to make - application by May 1st, 1979. Since nursery stock must be ordered a year in advance of planting, we suggest your order be placed now, as applications will be processed on a first- come - first served basis. Contact: Marlene R. Shiell, Secretary -Treasurer Maitland Valley Conservation Authority Boxy Wroxeter, Ontario Phone (519) 335-3557 18. Services available WAYNE A. YOUNG "Small Appliance Repair Centre" 351 SUNCOAST DR. GODERICH 524-8165 MOBILE PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM CONTACT WAYNE YOUNG 351 SUNCOAST DRIVE 524,8165 60610104- 20.. Public notices THE BANKRUPTCY ACT NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF FIRST MEETING IN THE MATTER OF THE BANKRUPTCY OF DOUGLAS JAMES ROULSTON OF RR6 GODERICH, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, WAITER, FORMERLY C.O.B. .UN- DER THE NAME AND STYLE OF ROLLIE'S MEAT MARKET IN THE TOWN OF GODERICH, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, IN THE PROVINCE OF ON- TARIO. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Douglas James Roulston, of RR6 Goderich, Ontario made an assign- ment on the 30th day of -October, 1978, that the first meeting of creditors will be held on the 20th day of November, 1978, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock in the af- ternoon, at the office of the Official Receiver, Robert Kaplan, 217 York Street, Third Floor, London, Ontario and that to be eligible to vote, creditors must file with me, prior to the meeting, Proofs of claim and, where necessary, proxies. DATED at Kitchener, Ontario this 1st day of November, 1978. E. B. FEICK, CERTIFIED ADMINISTRATOR GLENN B. DIEGEL & COMPANY INC. 151 FREDERICK STREET, • KIT.CH.E N -E R,. ONTAR IO. WHEELCHAIRS - WALKERS 25. Togive away Humanitarian Service Committee of the Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah TO GIVE AWAY - six Lodges have equipment for friendly, nine week old pups. loan. Contact " Amos preferably to country ry hoNme., .Osbalde,>5246623,oct4Phr�ne-524n11`15 -_F`ed'--rertiTey,.524- 7217.-35eowar WOULD. THE PERSON seen taking a blue ten speed bicycle from 85 Elgin Ave. W. last Friday night please return or phohe 524-4581 as to its whereabouts before further action is taken. -45x Treasurer's Sale. Of; Land In Arrears Of Taxes COUNTY of HURON -. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a tax sale will be 'held in the Council Chambers of the Court House, Goderich, On- tario, on Tuesday, December 5, 1978, at 10:00 A.M. re any unpaid taxes still outstanding at that date, as shown on the list published in the Ontario Gazette on September 2, 1978. NOTICE IS HEREBY FUR- THER GIVEN that if any of the unpaid lands remain unsold. an ad- journed sale will beheld on Tuesday, December 12, 1978, at the same hour and place. Lists of properties in- volved may be secured at my office in the Court House, Goderich, On- tario. Bill G. Hanly, Treasurer. County of Huron 21. Personal HURRY - HURRY: Free set 'of '.large beautiful •topical stamps to the first 100 collectors answering this ad. Approvals will accompany free stamps. H. Smith Enterprises. Dungannon, Ont. NOM IRO. -44-47, ARE YOU SgPARATED, single or divorced? Meet that special person. Apply P.O. Box 104, Owen Sound; N4K 5P1. Please state age. -45-47;1 22. Lost and found LOST man's reading glasses, dark brown frames, vicinity Triangle Discount. Finder•, please phone 524- 8605.-45x ' LOST: TAME CANADA GOOSE north of Goderich. Contact Ruth Walker, RR 3 Goderich or phone 529- 7147.-45x FOUND - One black and white female cat. Found in the vicinity of Caley St. and -Wellington St.Call 524- 6668.--45nc SMALL six month old dog. Phone 524-4391.-45 SMALL DOG, Cock -a -poo, 1 year-old. House trained, good with children. Phone 529-7865 after 5'p. m.-44,45 26. Births - BARKER To Mr. and Mrs. Ted Barker of Espanola, Ont. a daughter, Tanya Louise, born September 27, 1978. A sister for Brian. Second grandchild for Mrs. Fred Barker, Goderich and a granddaughter for Mr. Claude . Fortier, Cappreol, Ont. HANSEN To Mr. and Mrs.. Gregory , Hansen, Goderich, Ontario, on November 1, 1978, at Alexandra Hospital, • Goderich, Ontario, a son, Douglas Donovan. HUMMEL John and Annette '(nee Rehorst) are happy to an- nounce the birth of their son Michael Leonard, 7 lbs. 7 oz. on Oct. 20, 1978 St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Brother for Bryan John. Proud grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Leeh Rehorst Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hummel, Clinton. MCDOUGALL At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, Ontario, on November 6, 1978, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman ,McDougall, Goderich, Ontario, a son, Eric Norman, 9 lbs. 10 oz. McGEE Bob and Brenda are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Heather Joanne, weighing 9 lb. 153/4 oz. on Oct. 3, 1978 at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich. Proud grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Maize, Lucknow and Mr. and Mrs. Fred 'McGee, Wingham. 28. Engagements SERE-CULBERT Mr. dnd Mrs: Howard Culbert and Mrs. Mary Bere, all of Dungannon, are pleased to announce the , forthcoming marriage of their children, Dorothy and Dave. The wedding will take place at Dungannon United Church ,on Friday, November 24, 1978 at 8:30 p.m. -45 scut? - FERGUSON Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ferguson, Mississauga are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Dorothy Marie, to Robert Wayne Scott, son of Mr. Kenneth Scott, Auburn, and the late Mrs. Mildred Scott. The wedding will tak16 place in the First Baptist Church, Goderich Ontario, Satin•- day,November 18th, 1,978, at 4o'cicLck.--45x ' . , LOST - Pair of boy's glasses, brown frames, in. Victoria • School vicinity. Reward.. Phone 524-9193.-45 •