HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-11-09, Page 17PAGE 16 - GODERICH SIGNAL-STAR,i'HURSPAY, NOVEMBER 9 , 1978 1. Articles for sale ' 18 CHORD ELECTRIC ORGAN, made by Orcana, approximately one year old, in excellent condition. Phone 529-7442.-44,45 GRADE A BEEF - hinds, $1.35 lb.; fronts, 95 cents lb.; sides, $1.15 lb. Cut, wrapped and quick frozen at no extra charge. Ripley Abattoir, 395- 2905 or 395-2979 evenings.-4546ar FOUR OLD GRAMOPHONES, floor models -plus 78 - records. $100.00 own choice. Beautiful condition. Phone 524- . 9223.-45 LLOYD BABY BUGGY. Phone 524-7490.-45,46 1977 PROWLER, 31''`ft. trailer, equipped with storm windows, fridge and stove, forced air furnace; Maytag automatic washer, five years old; Maytag portable washer, suitable .tor apar- tment or trailer, new; gas barbecue. Phone 524- 7411.-45 FREE standing fireplace, never used. Electrohome humidifier. Phone 524- 2352.-45,46 CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles wanted 5. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real estate wanted 9. Accommodation 10 rent 10. Wanted to rent 11. Room and board 12. Help wanted 13. Wantedggeneral) 14. Employment wanted 15. Tenders 31. Cards 16. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales 18. Services available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal 22. Lost and found 23. Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunities 25. To give away 26. Births 27. Deaths 28. Engagements 29. Marriages 30. In memoriam of thanks DEADLINE , Classified Ads - 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY Ads cannot be accepted after 12 o'clock. for that week's Paper- CLASSIFIED - 13' per word, minimum '2.75 (excluding No. 19, No. 20, No. 28, No. 30) 1. Articles for sale SEWING MACHINES - Singer, White and other models. Repairs to all makes. All machines and repairs guaranteed. Morris MAN'S three piece dress Draperies, 36 West Street, size 38, chest 32, waist 31 inseam. Phone 524-6918.-45 STORAGE BUILDING, 12 x 14 ft., best offer for quick sale. Phone 524-9408.-45 NORTHERN SPIES, Red and Yellow Delicious, Macs and other varieties, fresh cider and potatoes. Bellview Fruit Farm, 524- 8011.-42tfar ONE DELUXE Franklin stove with screen. In perfect APPLES: Northern Spies, condition. Phone 524- 2395.-45 FOR SALE 1 - A.B. Dick -- Duplicator Model 525 and stand 1 - Minoltafax photocopier Model 1114 Equipment may be seen at the Administrative Headquarters of the Maitland Valley Conser- vation Authority, Wroxeter 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday Best or any . offer not necessarily accepted. Bids will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m. November 20th, 1978 Marlene R. Shiell, SECRETARY -TREASURER MaitlandrkIalley Conservation Authority, Box 5, Wroxeter,Ontario Maclntosh, Cortland, ' Ida Reds, Red and Golden Delicious. Fresh cider, potatoes and onions. Delivery around town. Gerald Bell Fruit Farm, phone 524-8008.-42tfar CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CYCLIST • New or Used Bicycles • Speedometers • Locks • Kickstands • Lights., • Safety flags • Water Bottles • Cyclometers DON'S BICYCLE REPAIRS 305 ONTARIO ST. CLINTON 482-9941 Ceramic Christmas Trees Ash Trays, Vases, Mugs, Pitchers BUY DIRECT or phone for order 524-4664 between 9 & 3 available at.... ADULT REHABILITATION CENTRE 185 Keays St. Goderich 524-4664 1. ,Articles for sale SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines vacuum cleaners, parts and, notions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. We also do alterations. and-Anstalt-2ip ' pers. Praft's,Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton -St., 524-8431, Goderich.-8tfar ONE pair of H78 x 14 black - wall snowtires on GM rims $40.00; one G78 x 14 summer tire on GM rims $15.00. Phone 529-7203.-4ltfnc FARM FRESH EGGS J. SCAMAN 1 mile S. of Goderich on Hwy. No. 21. Wilcox Trailer Sales TRAVEL TRAILERS FIFTH WHEEL MOTOR HOMES THEDFORD 296-9692 NEW MATTRESSE Everyday Prices Lower Than Most Soles 40 DINETTE SU ITES of Wood and Chrome C& E Furniture NEW AND USED Y. mile south on hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We Take Trades ....0(N A GOOD ko' 'RIGHT HERE! BU on single insert ads when you pay before Thursday of the following week. Put a fast acting classified to wodrk for you and save. Coll one of our' friendly, professional ad takers today. 524.8331OFFICE HOURS: MON.- FRI., 8:3 Godericht 1 *Check your yellow bill for savings. SIGNAL -STAR Hwy. No. 21 south, Goderich x21-$331 1. Articles for sale FRESH Brussels sprouts for your freezer, only 40 cents-- per entsper pound. Pick your own or call Dobson Farms 262-2822. Two miles west of Kippen on left. Open every day, Sunday only till 4.-40tf AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffn3eyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-1 tfar LAYING _HENS. for sale; for, NATURAL GAS space soup or relay. 50c each. W. heater Coleman, 55,000 BTU, V a n d e r 1 i n d e 5 2 4 - with blower. Phone 524- 6328.45,46x. 8534.-44,45x 1. Articles for sale FOUR PAIRSSKATESin- cluding - Playmaker, size 1; two pair Bauer Skates, sizes 5 and 6; complete set of hockey equip"ment.to fit 8 -10 year old boy. Phone 524-7157 after 6:OOp.m.-45nc FOUR WOODEN CHAIRS; 160 used brick. Phone 524- 2039.-45 NATIONAL ORGAN GTR, $75.00 or best offer. Phone 524-8400.-45 PIANO SELECTION. Reconditioned uprights from $395.00 and up. New pianos $1399.00 and up. New electric player piano at cost. Pulsifer Music Seaforth. Phone 527- 0053.-44tfar ORGANS WANTED - Now is th"e time to make that trade on a modern Gulbransen or Wurlitzer ,organ. We need used organs and pianos so expect a good deal. Treat your family to a Christmas gift 'that •,.lasts. Pulsifer Music, Seaforth. Phone 527 0053.44tfar SNQWTIRES -two AR78 - 13 adials"OW'Pinib' wfieefs: "O"n G78 - 15 belted on GM wheel. Phone 524-6230.-45nc MACINTOSH, Northern Spy, Red and Yellow Delicious, Ida Reds and Waynes. Fresh apple cider. No. 2 Spies $3.50' per bushel. Potatoes, cooking and Spanish onions, Cabbages and Honey at Art Bell's Fruit Farm, phone x524-8037.44tfar SNOWBLOWER for 6N Ford tractor; Freeman loader, 17 foot flat wagon, double snowmobile trailer, oil stove. Phone 524-6494.-44,45 CHROME DINING SET, five piece. Phone'524-9636.-44,45 ONE pair of H78 x 14 black - wall snowtires on GM rims $40.00; one G78 x 14 summer tire on GM rim $15.00. Phone 529-7203.-41 tfnc BAUER - Special Pro Skates, size 11, other hockey equipment; Dana acoustic guitar with hard shell case; Canora beginners guitar, with hard shell case. All in excellent condition. 524- 7143.44,45 KENMORE SPIN WASHER; Antique Victrola with records, both in good working order: Phone after 6 p.m. 395-5019.45,46 90,000 BTU oil furnace Complete with duct and oil tank; 2 gas- space heaters with blowers; eleven 20 ft. trusses.; large quantity used building material, 2000 ft. barn board and 1000 ft. 1/2 in. plastic water line. Phone 482- 9218.-45 ' ONE PAIR of boy's Bauer skates, size 11; 2 pair girl's skates, Wiffa size 2, CCM size 13. Please call after 6 p.m. 524-8679.--45 GREASE - GUN, air operated, plus 100 pounds of grease. Ca11524-8055.--45 20-85 FERGUSON TRAC- TOR with three point hitch and power take -off; 17 ft. fiberglas boat with 40 H.P. motor and trailer. Phone 524- 2730.-45 FOR SALE 1 Hobart Meat Saw with -- a number of extra blades, 1 Bero Meat Saw, 110-220 motor 1 phase, 1 (National) cash register, 1 Berke! meat slicer 12 inch, 1 Hobart mopft grinder, 1 sausage press, 1 Rorke! meat tenderizer, 1 cooling unit, 1 Hussman dairy case, 3 Compressor units, 1 table with mar- ble top 32-25, 1 Arborl3e cash. counter, 1 Berke! bar -b -q oven 115 volt, 1 Toledo platform scales, 1 2 door freezer, Wooden shelving, large amount of metal shelving, 1 freezer no fop with ccimprossor unit, _office. desks, Captains chairs, R & 'T ehalrs, Post office bins d. tables, office tables, over 300 metal shelves that are 87 in- ches high and 3 ft. wide and 17 inches deep. N. Hamilton Government Svirplus 19ataler 604111111004 524.842 DAOUST SKATES (N.H.L. approved), size 9, worn twice, in perfect condition, $25.00. Phone 524-9394.44 CAKES FOR all occasions. Special cartoons, Sesame 'Street and Fairy Tale Character cakes for children. Beautiful • Christmas cakes. Made to order. Call 524-2833.-45 UTILITY TRAILER, $125.00; sports pal aluminum' canoe, $125.00. Phone 524- 6676.-45 OIL FURNACE in good condition, has recently been overhauled new fan motor, t100A0:'Phone'tuck`now 528-2' 3128.-45,46 1978 ARCTIC CAT JAG, 3,000 c.c., asking $1300.00; Snowblower, asking $100.00.' Phone 1-526-7504.-45' DRY HARDWOOD for sale. Will deliver. Bob Thompson 482-7171.-45,46x •FRANKLIN STOVE with 8" pipes; firescreen and bar- becue grill included, $125. Phone 524-2413.-45 ONE NEW install -it -yourself bathtub wall kit; Lake house mural. Phone 524-7547.=45nc 8 YEAR OLD PINTO gelding,' half standard bred, 14 hands hi'gh,'complete with saddle, bridle and pacing harness. Very gentle with • children. $250 complete.i• Phone 524-446,6 until 9 p.m.-45ar 1976 CORSAIR 19' motor home. Like new condition, less than 6500 miles. 350 Chev engine, power steering and power brakes. Phone 529- 7203 after 6 p.m.--45tfnc ONE 20 gal. gas hot water tank - used. If interested call 524-6668.-45,46nc FOR SALE One Used Photocopying Machine Make: 3M. Model VQCIII. Copy size 81/2" x 5'/2 to 81/2 x 14". This table model photocopier is in excellent working con- dition, and may be seen at the - CLINTON TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE 23 ALBERT 5T. CLINTON 2. Mobile Homes MUST SELL - two bedroom 1975 Marlette set up at Huron Haven. Any serious offer will be considered on this beautiful home. Auburn 1- 526-7784.40tf - FOR SALE - Northlander 12 x 60 with 9 x 10 addition, carport, utility shed, double drive.Furnished or un- furnished. Priced to sell. Phone 524-2958.--45tf 68 x 12 ft. MOBILE HOME. Three bedroom, fully car- peted, drapes and sheers, 28 x 6 ft. debk and utility shed, located 3 miles from Dungannon. Phone 271-7476 or Dungannon 529-7637 or 529-7143.---45,46X 2. Mobile Homes FOR SALE - 12' x 60' Villager, furnished, back shed. Located on lakefront lot, Iroquois Lane Lot 51, Meneset Park. Phone 524- 7255.-42tf $700 DOWN deluxe MOBILE HOME Full price '11,900. Owner will hold mor- tgage.- Call or- tgage._Call 524-6018 3. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS for all occasions. Free style brochure, Rawson's Shop for Men, Goderich.-ltfar we can suit you for every occasion FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTAL Exclusively at CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Free catalogue FOR. REA. Y.. CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524- 6231. BARN 42' x 24' with ap- proximately 4 acres of land to rent. Phone Paul Cummings 524-9064 4. Articles wanted ONE SIX FOOT DISC for 3 point hitch. Phone 524- 6410.-4ltfar "• WANTED: Old brick buildings for demolition and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia.-35tf WANTED: old cars, radiators, batteries, cast iron, steel, etc. Phone 528- 5403 anytime.-43tf REFRIGERATOR, used second hand in good working order. Phone 524-2578.-45nc SPRING ROCKING HORSE and wooden rocking chair for child. Phone 529-7865 after 5 p.m. -44,45 WANTED - Registered male Siberian husky. Phone 524- 4466 until 9 p.m.-45ar 6. Pets SIX Walker Hound pups. Phone 565-2146 after 5:30 p.m, -45 BEAGLE Hounds for sale, good hunting stock, running rabbits. Plus puppies five weeks old. Phone 524- 6364.-45 TROPICAL fish, canaries, Complete pet supplies. Pat's Pet Shop, 350 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily and Friday evenings.-ltfar HORSES boarded, box stalls, $65 per month. Excellent riding area. 482- 9960. Call after 6:00 p.m.-4ltfnc 9. Accommodation to rent THREE bedroom house, oil heated. One mile from town. Phone 524 -7397. -45TH' BAYFIELD . One bedroom electrically heated four room house, large lot, one block off Main St. Available now. Phone 519-439-6358 evenings. -44x, 45 LARGE 2 bedroom house to share with another person - 11 i ake,.,„S tr. a et G;oder� c Available November 1. $140 per month. Phone 524- 4381.-42-45 ONE and two bedroom apartments in Lucknow and Teeswater. These are brand new apartments and are available immediately. Call Gerrie Glenn Inc. Phone 528- 3234.-43tfar FOUR bedroom house for rent - or purchase on easy terms, $222 month rent. Call Don Hoist Real Estate 524- 8951 or after hours 524- 8191.-42tfar THREE bedroom large mobile home with stove and fridge, immediate possession. Apply at Huron Haven Park, 524- 6384.44,45ar TWO BEDROOM apartment in Saltford available Dec. 1. No pets $140.00 per month plus utilities: Phone Seaforth 527-1032.--44,45x POOL HALL ROOM, 12'x 6. Windsor deluxe pool table. By the day or evening. Call Robert Cummings 524- 9624.45ar THREE BEDROOM HOUSE in Bayfield, carpeted throughout, large lot, im- mediate possession. Phone 1- 631-2808.45tf MODERN TWO BEDROOM apartment, adults preferred. Reasonable rent. Available December 1st. Call 524- 2748.-45,46 THREE BEDROOM mobile 5. Cars, trucks for sale home, with option to buy, $325.00 per month. Available immediately. Phone 524- 2748.-45,46 1976 GMC JIMMY, four wheel drive, automatic, AM - FM stereo, excellent con- dition. $6,200.00.Qa1l 524-8820 after 5 p.m. -45 1968 DODGE DART, ideal to restore. Phone 524-2980 after 5 p.m.45tfnc 1976 CHEVY - Chevette, low mileage, reasonably priced. Must sell. Phone anytime 529-7831.44tf 1973 IMPALA 4 door, power steering, brakes and win- dows, tinted glass, air conditioning. Certified. Phone 524-6494.-44,45 1975 CHEV VAN 3/4 ton, in- sulated, carpeted, good tires. Phone 524-6675.-45 1973 ASTRE GT, 34,000 miles. As is, $500. Phone 524- 2316.-45 Selling your car? ' Need a Safety'Inspection? Call 524-2121 Now only $ i 5 95 GODERICH 111111111.111111111.11111111.111 BACHELOR to share large three bedroom furnished home with two others, available November 13th, $30.00, per week. Call 524- 60'55.-45 LUXURIOUS APART- MENTS, 2 and 3 bedroom, Port Elgin. Phone Mavis at 832-9234.45tf ROOM FOR RENT, kitchen privileges. Phone 524- 2731.45x LARGE HOUSE on Highway 21, unfurnished or furnished, four car garage on one acre of land. Available im- mediately. Phone 357- 1343.-45- ATTRACTIVE 57- 1343.45- ATTRACTIVE two or three bedroom house, 'large lot, very inexpensive to heat. $285.00 monthly plus utilities. Call 524-6957.--45 Office TO RENT 5'24-8382 vs.osomor,- BENNETT" APARTMENTS One and Two bedroom apartments, includes fridge, "'stove, cable. TV and ufilitlos. Call: E24-2871 10. Wanted to rent WE NEED a 3 or 4 bedroom farmhouse to rent, im- mediately. Will help with' chores. Reasonably priced for family. Phone 529- 7934.-44,45 SMALL APARTMENT or bedsitting room, separate entrance, furnished or un- furnished, for semi -invalid lady. Must have no stairs. Required immediately. Must be in Goderich. Phone 524- 2206 after 5 p.m. -45,46 11. Room and board WANTED room and board until family can relocate. Please write Drawer 78, c -o Signal Star Publishing Ltd., Goderich.-45x 12. Help wanted APPLICATIONS are being accepted for permanent part time sales person, twenty to thirty hours per week. Must be available to work days plus one evening per week. Reply giving all particulars to Drawer 75, Signal Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ont.-43tfar ..EXP-E-RIENCED....: LEER= to. work two days per week. Apply in person to Canadian Imperial Bank of Com- merce, Auburn. 45 WANTED': Person for general housekeeping (Clinton area). Duties to include company for two children 11, 10 - five days a week. Live in preferred. Salary negotiable. Phone 482-7279 after 4 p.m. -45 12.' Help wanted REFURNISH YOUR HOUSE by working part- time. Earn the extra money -you need as an Avon representative: You set your own hours, sell quality products and meet new and interesting people. You'll never feel so good. Call today 1-527-0238.--44,45ar BABYSITTER WANTED to babysit in my home, Dungannon area. Phone 529- 7820 after -6 p.m. -45 _ PART-TIME Church Administrator for North Street United Church, Goderich - to commence December 4, 1978, bookkeeping and secretarial duties involved. Salary negotiable. Please submit written application by November 15, 1978 to Mr. Angus MacLennan, 247 Britannia Road West, Goderich, N7A 4A5.-45ar PART-TIME nurses aids for all shifts. Experience an asset. Apply Maitland Manor Nursing Home, phone 524- 7324.-45,46ar ONE s - _,.DRAFTSPERSON :,.: Minimum 5 years ex- perience in surveying field. A.C.S.T.O. cer- tification or equivalent preferred. One person to work on survey field crew Experience required Apply to: Drawer No. 79," Signal Star Publishing, P.O:,Box 220, Goderich, Ontario. ANIMAL HEALTH SALES One .of Canadak leading animal health product manufacturers has several openings for commission agents in S.W. Ontario. The people we are looking for should have a knowledge of or a background In, the livestock industry, pilus some sales ex- perience. These positions would work in well with persons now selling other non-competive lines. Above average commissions are paid monthly. , Send brief resume to Animal Health Sales, P.O. Box 1744, St. Marys,Ont. 3 Conestoga College of Applied Arts and Technology Continuing Education Clinton Campus Requires PART-TIME CLERK This position is open 'to both men and women. We require a mature individual to perform assigned clerical duties such as processing registrations, selling textbooks, answering telephone and other inquiries; delivering information booklets, teaching supplies and equipment. This part time position will commence January 1979 and will involve evening hours from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. one to two nights per week for approximately five weeks. The position will report to the Contiliuing Education Manager and the rate will be 84.56 per hour. Letters of application with an up to slate resume should be for- warded to: Employment and Benefits Officer 299 Doon Valley Dr., Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4N4 13. Wanted (general) 14. Employment wanted WANTED old wood niture, 'regardless of dition, phone 2725.-24tfar fur- con- 524 - 14. Employment wanted WILL BABYSIT schoolers in my anytime. Phone 8737.--44'45 pre- home 524 - TWO STUDENTS require babysitting work, both fully trained and experienced, ages 14 and 16. Phone 524- 2787.---45,46 TWO TEENAGERS seek work. Will babysit, do housework, shovel snow, etc. Prefer to work together. Phone 524-9042 or 524- 6246.-45