HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-11-09, Page 10Blanche Deeves, co Worship Service was held in Holmesville United Church Sunday morning with Rev. Darrell of Clinton, guest minister for the service. Mrs. Norma Grigg and Mrs. Charlotte Norman sang`a duet. Mr. Darrell, on speaking to the children, congratulated them on their mannerly. conduct on Hallowe'en,. night and said it was a joy to treat . them. On Sunday evening, a musical night was held in the Holmesville United.., Church, with a very good attendance. Ushers for the evening were Ernie Lobb, Murray ` Lobb, Harold Jantzi, Hugh Lobb and; Doug Yeo. The Middlesex Junior Far- mers.. ,Choir : performed under the direction of Mr. Bill Telfer and the Harbouraires under the direction of Mr. Lorne Datterer. The evening was enjoyed by all. After the performance the ladies of the church provided a lunch for the dboir 4:n4heehureh h4114- Personals Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Perdue enjoyed- a few days in Barrie recently with 'their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sefllwood and family. Pearl McAdam of Trinidad is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. McAdam. Mrs. Hazel .McCreath, Mrs. Bernice McIlwain and Mrs. Alice Porter spent two interesting days at the London Area Convention of Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario. The Convention. was November first and second at the Banqueter - Hall near London. rrespondent 482-3383 Women Institute meets The November meeting of the Goderich Township Women's Institute was held November 6 at 8:15 p.m. at the Holmesville School. Mrs. Hazel McCreath, president, chaired the meeting. Mrs. Alice Porter gave the secretary's report and financial statement and Mrs. McCreath thanked everyone for helping make variety night such a success and for selling tickets in the Mall at Goderich. Mrs. Betties spoke on the One Day Home Decorating Course held recently, which several members attended. Mrs.. Mcllwain spoke on the Huron Conference held in London. Mrs. Millie -Dempsey will be in charge of the card parties to be held this winter. Mrs. Porter will be putting these card parties in the coming events, so please watch for them. The meeting was then turned over to Mrs. Dempsey who introduced the,. guest speaker for the evening. Mrs. Barb Betties gave a• very in- teresting talk on the history of the postal service. Mrs. Dempsey thanked Mrs. Betties and presented her with a gift. The ladies enjoyed some games with nice gifts presented- by Mrs. Dempsey and Mrs. Yeo. The meeting was ad- journed and lunch was enjoyed by all. The first card party of the Goderich Township Women's Institute will be held : Thursday evening November 9, in the Holmesville School. GODERICH,SIGNAL -STAR , THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1978-- PAGE 9 Colborne candidates Monday, November 13 will be Polling day in Colborne Township when you, by your voting, choose three councillors, anda representative to the Huron County Board of Education for Colborne and Goderich Townships. It is true, that sometimes if people do not have to vote for a complete slate of officers, they aren't quite as in- terested in making an effort,to, go out and vote. But, the people who are standing for election, need your vote, so please make an effort. Wm. Bogie is Reeve of Colborne Township by acclamation and Robert Jewell is Deputy Reeve by acclafnation. The four candidates running for the three offices -of- council are Russell Kernighan, who is seekingre-election for another term; Grant MacPhee, who previously had served several terms as councillor and has decided to come back to council; and Glen Ribey and Ernest Sherwood, olborne rner Gertrude Kaitting, who are newcomers in seeking election. Also, at the -same time, Colborne residents will be voting_ for_ a Colborne. Township and Goderich Township representative to the Huron County Board of Education and candidates for this office are Mrs. Shirley Hazlitt, who is seeking re-election and John Westbrook, who previously had served in this capacity and is now seeking re-election. correspondent, errys married 50 Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berry who celebrated their 50th wed- ding anniversary on Satur- ,.- day0,dgelnb_er-4th-. 4recep---.. • tion was held in their honour for friends, neighbours and relatives at Dungannon Agri- cultural hall from 3.00 to 5.00 p.m. This was preceded by'a family dinner at which all of their family were present but one son who was unable to come. This was the first time so many of them had been together since, 1947. Mrs. Isabel Brennan and two children of London spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berry. Sunday callers with the Berrys were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Simpson of Kintail. Last weekend Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith attended the christening service for their granddaughter,, Jinny Ellen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lauzon of Stoney Point. , Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith of London visited with Holmesville 4-H meeting The seventh meeting of the Holmesville 1 4-H was held at the home of Debbie Harrison with five members in attendance. The meeting opened with the 4-H pledge. Members looked through their books to see what was needed for achievement day. The members judged, tea biscuits made by Mrs. Betties. Mrs. Betties read from her 4-H book guessing what was wrong, such as using too much electricity and meals not planned. Mrs. Betties made a loaf of bread for the members to taste. Booklets are to be handed in November 20. The next meeting is on v' November 13 at Bev Mothers. HAVE YOU OUT GROWN YOUR" PRESENT OFFICE? Newly renovated ground floor office, steps from the Square's busiest artery. Your own entrance, private office, washroom, lunch room and lots of storage. Terries are two year lease with .• ?: ,..deposit . Contact Jim Strong, 36 Kingston St. 524-6848 524-2076 Everyone on the Electors' List has a right to vote, and if you are not on the fist, but own property in,_ Colborne Township, you can vote on polling day by taking an oath at the poll. The four polling divisions in Colborne Township are Number 1 Forester's Hall, Ben - miller; Number 2 Salt - ford Valley Hall; Number 3 Colborne Township Hall, Carlow ; and years Funeral Home with inter- ment in Dungannon Cemet- ery. He was a cousin of Mrs. Cecil Blake. .. , The.:t)iiV' "visitors for" the annonmonth of November are Mrs. Donna Young, Mrs. Marina doings Mary Bere> correspondent Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Smith on Sunday. Mrs. Inez Howe, of Coul- tis, near •Ingersoll, spent a few days recently with her father, Frank Moulton, and Mrs. Lillian MacDonald. Al- bert McClinchey, of Ottawa, Mrs. MacDonald's brother- in-law, also visited last week. Sympathy is extended to the family ,of Milton Kil- 529-7915 patrick, of Goderich, former- ly of Ashfield Township, who died in Alexandra Hospital, Goderich o`n October'l'lst,'in , n his 88th year. He is survived by his wife, Clara Twamley, two sons, Clifford'and Harv- ey, a granddaughter Janice (Mrs. Mark Hergott), and grandson, Barry Kilpatrick. The funeral took place on Friday from the McCallum Park, Mrs. Helen Nicholson and Mrs. Mary Bere. Please let them know if you know of anyone who is ill or 'shut-in this month. Vera Clarke, Goderich, and Mrs. Jack Ladd, Goder- ich, visited Mrs. Ladd's aunt, Mrs. Thos. Park on Thursday. Mrs. Willetta McWhinney has been away more than two weeks •at Ingleside, near Cornwall helping in the home of her niece, Mrs. Iva Blair, who is in hospital in Ottawa since having; had a brain 'dperation 'ricti'tly. She has five children, ranging in age from teenage to kindergar- ten. Mrs. Bessie McNee, Mrs. Alma Black and Mrs. Winni- fred Girvin attended the Area Convention of the W.I. Turn to page 18 • Hardly. Because they tend to be inferior stones, often not worth the discount price. That's a "bargain" you can't afford. Instead, come in and see our collection of -quality gems, fairly priced. We base our diamond pricing on cutting, colour, clarity and cdrar weigght of the stone. As American Gem Society jewellers we guaran- tee the quality of every diamond we sell. You can be sure of getting true value for your money. It's a friendly way of doing business. N$TEU JEWELLERS LIMITED diamond experts since 1950 11 ALBERT STREET, CLINTON 482-3901 SEAFORTH - WALKERTON 26 MAIN ST, S., 527-1720 203 DURHAM E., 881-0122 MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY �."G'/ Number 4 Sunset Golf and Sport Centre. Polling hours are 11 a.na. to 8 p.m. If you require any information, call the Township Clerk's office at 524-9893 during office hours, Tuesday, Wed- nesday or Thursday. Make sure you go out and vote. EUCHRE PARTY If you enjoy a game of euchre, mark your calendar now for the Euchre Card Party to be held in Colborne Town- ship Hall, Carlow on Thursday, November 16 at 8 p.m. Admission is 50 cents and ladies must please bring lunch. The party is held by Colborne Township Recreation Committee; • , SCHOOL NEWS Grade 8 girls and boys from Colborne Central School were on a field trip this past Wednesday to study local history. Points of local interest on their trip were the Goderich Museum, Tiger Dunlop Tomb and Colborne Cemetery. Senior girls' and boys' volleyball tetfns are getting ready for a tournament on November 25 atG.D,C.I. There was a splendid response by parents to the Parent-Teacher night held at the school last Thursday evening. The teachers and staff sin- cerely trust thatthe parents found the evening as informative and in- teresting as they did and they appreciate the friendship and un- derstanding that exists. REI LECT Y.LEY ILL °FOR BCARD OF EDUCATION RE-ELECT X BILL CLIFFORD FOR REEVE "KEEP EXPERIENCE WORKING. FOR YOU" 2 Yrs. Councillor . -2 Yrs. Deputy -Reeve • 2 Yrs.' Reeve • Chairman of Finance Committe, Town of Goderich. • Member of Goderich Planning Board. • Member of Executive'Committee, Huron County Council. • Member of R.D.O.P. Advisory Board, Guelph University. • Member of Housing Committee, Assoc. Counties & Regions of Ont. • Vice -President -of Goderich Industrial Development Corp. • Member of Board of Governors, Conestoga College, FOR A RIDE TO THE POLLS . PHONE 524-7443 or 524-6710 On the 7th week before Christmas my true love had a great idea... { Sweaters. ,ests, pullo%ers. F:,ery style. shape-, colour and fabric ancone could ever want. (:hoose a mined slripe•d erst,'20. A eowl necked milliner in red or white. '22. (Tr a shawl-eollared,eardigan-'32. Our prices range from '13 to '32 and at these prices. you can spoil her with more than one kind. Lay -a -way plan master charge Suncoast Mall .P*one 5249449 OPEN: Mon., to Fri„ 10 a.m. to 9 p.m./Sat:, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.