HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-11-09, Page 8GEDC suggests members become more "expert'. BY JOANNE BLJCHANAN A recommendation that each member of the, Qod•er*ich Economic Development Committee (GEDC) be assigned a specific area of interest in order to act as a liaison person when necessary and that the committee's terms of reference be followed more closely, was made when the t3EDC met last Wed- nesday. ;,This recommendation will be passed on to the new GEDC formed following the municipal election. It was made followiaag a discussion prorated by committee member Elsa Haydon who said she had felt .frustrated and unef- fective for the two years she has served on the committee. The com- mittee's terms of reference are often ignored and nothing "seems to get done unless someone comes before the committee with a, specific proposal, she said. "She went on to say that she felt the committee needed a goal to work towards. "It has only been this Lake Huron shores receding year that we have even been able to get regular meetings going for this committee," she said. She urged the other committee members to come up with a purpose for the GEDC and to perhaps do some thinking about its restructuring and its future. She said the "active policy" of a similar committee in Stratford "makes my mouth water." Haydon asked the other members if they felt the Goderich committee was serving a useful and necessary function. Committee member Dave Gower said he felt the GEDC was an im- portant committee from a fact finding and in- fomation flow point of view. He suggested that maybe the committee could expand its borders beyond industry. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Committee member Ben Hey said he had always been disappointed that Goderich did not have a Chamber of Commerce. He said he would like to see a Chamber of Commerce become a part of the GEDC. He said he felt the town missed a lot by not having a Chamber of Commerce and that he had served on them in other. towns where they were the focal point and served a useful purpose. Gower said he worked on the Goderich Chamber of Commerce for one month before it disbanded about 17 years ago. "Perhaps the time has come again to try and start another," he said. Huron County Development Officer Spence Cummings said he had tried to promote a MVCA helps cottagers with erosion BY DAVE SYKES resources manager, Cottage owners near lot explained that such 27, concession 1 in erosion problems are not Goderich• Township uncommon along the became, alarmed when Lake Huron shoreline but the -eroding banks of the explained that this Lake Huron shores began particular gully was recycling near their front perhaps small enough to doors: be saved. In fact the shoreline was erod'uig at an alar- ming rate, as much as five' or six feet in a bad year, and threatened the 10 or more cottages along th e'shoreline. So to save their shoreline, frontyards and cottages they turned „t a Goderich Township stnaller vers_,Lon and xhe- o coltIicir r ''Delp ` who m cost'of the project was turn directed them to the estimated at $28,000. Maitland Valley Con- Work crews have already servation Authority. Now installed the pipe and will the MVCA is currently tear down part of the involved in a project in gully wall that is destined that area six miles south for collapse, naturally, at of Goderich, to help any time. negate the rapid rate of Deslauriers explained erosion: • that changes in the land The erosion problem can be attributed to many factors including soils, land use and run-off. To solve the problem the MVCA installed a 36 inch culvert along the existing gully floor to safely carry the run-off to the lake. The 36 inchculvert replaced - the existing' use of - the area aggravated the erosion situation in the gully and upon request of the landowners the MVCA undertook a study of the situation. The township agreed to help the cottage owners with the project providing they- paid the municipality's share of the costs and the MVCA was then able to take on the work as an authority project and apply for Ministry of Natural Resources funding. The completed project, the cost of which is estimated at $28,000, will be used as an erosion control demonstration site by the MVCA. B.M. Ross and Associates of Goderich completed an engineering study on the gully which included an • .assessment of .. -the af- fected watershed area, identification of the nature and scope of the problem and costing of the remedial measures. Once the proper slope grading has been com- pleted at 'the site the Authority will complete landscaping and seeding. Deslaurier cautioned that not all gullies along the shoreline can be rehabilitated but claimed the Authority would consider similar projects if ' the " benefits out- weighed the costs. At least for those Goderich Township. cottage owners, it beats watching the shoreline nip at the cottage door. Gn eroding gully „ on. lot 27 of Concession 1 in oderich Township threatened several cottages •long the shoreline as the banks continued to recede !at a steady pace. The Maitland Valley Conservation Authority (MVCA) assisted the cottage owners by stalling a large drainage pipe to the lake to handle runoff. (photo by Dave Sykes) BUYING CANADA SAVINGS BONDS? Get yours to -day from RON ALLIN 8 ASSOCIATES Sub -agents for Merrill Lynch Royal 'Securities. Numerous other investment facilities available. puny -and beat the Nov. 15th deadline to buy at'par value. 41 see aL:cw ti tOlN A9f11. Its o104 514.4211 Work crews are completing work on a project in Goderich Township sponsored by the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority to help stop erosion of this gully. The erosion of the gully banks threatened several cottages along the shoreline and the MVCA sponsored a remedial project that included the in- stallation of a 38 -inch drainage pipe to carry ruhoff to the lake. (photo by Dave Sykes) 1/2 PRICE TRAIN SALE 3 DAYS ONLY November rill 1011 a SALE PRICE 799 Reg. 16.00 SALE 1 49 PRICE Reg. 3.00 SALE 299 PRICE Reg. 6.00 Choose from a wide variety of pre -selected stock. Now at this special '/o -price sale, is the perfect time to complete or expand your model railroad. Don't delay! Stock isjimited and is sold on a . first-come, first-served basis only'. Available at LEISURE WORLD Suncoast Mali GODERICH_ Fincher's LEISURE WORLD Lambton Street KINCARDINE Chamber of Comtnerce but had never received any_ response to the meetings called. Town,Clerk Larry McCabe aid a Chamber • of Commerce, would have to be created by an interested group of people outside the town council and its com- mittees. He said the letters addressed to the Chamber of Commerce now were usually sent to town hall and answered from his office. Haydon said since the GEDC could not start a Chamber of Commerce, the members should be' looking at their own committee and trying to find ways to improve it. She said she felt that more work should be done by the committee. Cummlings _ the.n. suggested that each member of the corn- mittee be given a dif- ferent area to study and become expert on. Some of these areas of interest could be industrial land, commercial land, the core area,harbour development and recreation. The com- mittee then decided to .make his suggestioninto. a recommendation for the new committee _ to consider. Gower said that right now, discussions' by the GEDC were often too general in nature and that perhaps specific presentations made once Y.a month., an. the .specific areas of interest would be helpful. • HU.CKINS PAVED Commissioner 'of Works Ken Hunter gave a report t� the committee, saying that the final paving of Huckins Street in Industrial Park had been completed that morning with some of the money set aside in the GEDC budget for Industrial Park Improvements. Next. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, I'TOV1MMOER 9 1197$.4%0 7 year, he said, he hoped that the ditches could be - put in the correct locations on that street if there was money in the budget. Committee members decided to recommend to the new committee that some of their budget be set aside for suggested areas of improvement and development in the Industrial Park. Mrs. Haydon made a motion to also put aside for the construction of an impressive entranceway to the Industrial Park to be incorporated with the widening off Highway 21 project. SAVE ENERGY and Insulate U.F. Foam & Fiber Insulation Serving Huron County 15 years COMPARE,..CONTACT STEWART'S ALUMINIUM & INSULATION 207 Huron Rd. Goderich 524-8821 R®ELECT CAYLEY HILL FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION A business man and experienced Trustee who works for- • A good education system for students • Efficient administration • Good communications and relations with all staff • Best use of your tax dollar. RE-ELECT X BILL CLIFFORD FOR REEVE "KEEP EXPERIENCE WORKING FOR YOU" • Chairman of Finance Committe, Town of Goderich. • Member of Goderich Planning Board. • Member of Executive Committee, Huron County Council. • Member of R.D_O.P. Advisory Board, Guelph University. • Member of Housing Committee,_Assoc. 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