HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-11-09, Page 2I STAR,.THURSPAY, NOVEMBER‘4449 , 1978
EUt..s....Tid. Bit
Q. • Tid
ary Green, son of Mr.
Mrs. Harold Green of
erich, has suc-
sfully completed the
emit Training Course
the Canadian Forces
e, Cornwallis and is
enrolled in. the Tele-
munications Course
e C.F.B. in Kingston.
othing will harm a
d lawn more quickly,
n a layer of fallen
ves., says Bob
ieming, Ontario
istry of Agriculture
Food horticulturist.
is layer of leaves will
other the lawn and
ease the chances of
ter injury.
`Instead of jeopar-
ing your lawn, rake
compost the leaves
',use in the garden next
ing," he says.
eaf composters are
ilable at most garden
tres. However, you
make one at home
g a three -metre piece
ncing joined to make..
ing. Chicken wire or
in link fencing is
eaves and other
den wastes inside the
poster break down
ing the winter -to form
' us. This valuable
:anic material can be
ded to the garden in
ly spring.
`If the material is
'ken down into fine
icles, apply it as
lch," says Mr.
ming. "Otherwise, dig
material into the
eaves can also be used
provide winter
otection for tender
es, shrubs, and
rennials. Hard leaves,
ch as oak, beech and
d maple, which do not
post well, make ideal
lch, says Mr.
ming. Apply a layer of
se leaves around the
se of tender plants in
fall 'to protect there
ainst winterkill.
+ + +
will present prizes
totailing. • $1,5.00 at the
annual awards ceremony
for the Dorothy
Shoemaker Literary
Contest on November 24.
The ceremony will take
place at the Cambridge
public library and con-
cludes this year's contest
in which more than 600
people submitted prose
and poetry entries.
The contest is spon-
sored - by participating
libraries in the Mid-
western library system
including those in Huron
County. Names of win-
ners from this area will
be announced in this
column at the end of this
The Ontario Ministry of
Health .has -started "'a
$350,000 dental health
"We are launching a
new campaign that will
instill long-lasting
preventive health
habits," Health Minister
Dennis Timbrell said.
"The program employs
creative methods for
involving all age groups,
but half the concentration
is directed toward the
younger age groups
because that is when
habits learned are more
likely to endure."
The program for young
people has been built
around the cartoon
character Murphy the
Molars who„__ will, be
promoting good dental
habits through Murphy
buttons, Murphy stickers,
a Murphy the Mighty
Molar story book and
several specialty items.
All the materials will be
distributed to the schools
and to the public across
the province through the
Public Health Units in
each district.
"There is not a readily
available figure on how
much Ontarians spend,
each year on their teeth.
But there is no argument
that the cost of treatment
far exceeds the cost of
prevention,” Mr. Tim-
Braneh,, Ontario Ministry
of Health, Hepburn '
Block, Queens Park,
Toronto M7A 1S2 or -phone
Ministry of Natural
Resources crews, aided
by regularly -occurring
rainfall, fought 843forest
fires this year - the third
lowest number of out-
breaks during the- annual
April -to -October fire
_season in 60 years. Our
wet weather has at least
been good for something!
The $1,000 winner In
this week's Goderich and
District Community
Grandstand lottery Is
John Lester of Forest. He
held lucky ticket number
s ul
For your dinner enjoying*
nor itu#.fat nva, fonture
The Goderich Post
Office will be open for
regular' Saturday service
on Remembrance Day,
November 11 and rural
mail service will also be
in operation that day.
However, the post
office will be closed on
Monday, November 13
and there will be no letter
carrier or rural route
service that day. Mail
will be collected and
dispatched in accordance
.with the Sunday
November is being
recognized nationally as
Immunization Month in a
concerted attack on
vaccine -preventable
diseases that are a threat
to an estimated 20 per
cent of the children in
Canada. Ontario Health
Education Director
Michael- O'Dwyer is
prepared to give you
more information. Write
to: Communications
Vote for
Your Choice:
* Sppre,ribs
. *Roost Chicken r;
*Seafood Newb
Which includes:
Salad bar, Soup Or Jui..'
dessert, Garlic bread.;
(a full course dinner) _.
$595 Reg:
• av
Hwy.2i.N,- lances
Colborne. •
We Apologize,'
for any inconvenience to anyon
Park Ad of Nov. 1. The ad shoo„
Sunday Specials featuring yo
Spareribs, Irish Stew, Roast
Newburg instead of Sunday B;;
Special is '5.". This price does
Brunch which begins Nov. 12. '
The Ki"
Mathew Affleck of Harrow, Ontario and Lorraine MacDonald of R.R. 3
Goderich are doing field placement work out of the Goderich Police Station
for a month as part of their Criminology and Law Enforcement course at
Conestoga College in Kitchener. Both students will graduate in April from
the two year course and hope to become police officers eventually — Mathew
on a small town force and Lorraine on a city force. -.(Photo by Joanne
Crime students here
Two Criminology and
Law Enforcement
students from Conestoga
College in Kitchener, who
are bothaspiring to be
police' officers are
presently in Goderich
working out of the
Goderich Police Station
and trying to put school
theory into practise.
Mathew Affleck of
Harrow, Ontario and
Lorraine MacDonald. of
RR3 Goderich (and a
former graduate of
G.D.C.I.) say they are
finding their field
placement experiences
very worthwhile.
Mathew started
working at the Goderich
Police Station on October
17 and Lorraine started
on October 30. Each will
be at the station for four
weeks. While here, they
attend court sesions; go
along on regular patrols
in a cruiser with police
officers; help with in-
vestigations; fill out
reports; learn about
routine charges and gain
knowledge of general
police duties.
The criminology course,
at Conestoga is two years
long. Both Lorraine and
Mathew will graduate in
April. After that, they
i lti t,acquire a job at a
po Ice department
(Mathew wants a job on a
small town force and
Lorraine wants a job on a
city force) and then at -
Turn to page 3 •
Civic Corner
The Goderich Airport
Committee will meet at 8
p.m. on Wednesday,
November 15 in Goderich
Town Hall.
The Huron County
Planning Board will meet
at 10 a.m. on Thursday,
November 16 in the -
Council Chambers, Court
' Board of Education --
Colborne & Goderich
Benmiller Inn
We are pleased to advise
oted Canadian
hors Harry Boyle (a
ive of St. Augustine)
John Smallbridge,
are being served daily from 2:30 - 5:00 p.m. in
the Woollen Mill Lounge
4') •x%76 `r1
7n�,ds !s.,I14o Alv.,
After Tea visit
The Hollow
for an unique shopping experience
*placemats, runners & mats, by "The Country Weaver", and "Country S;
*handcrafted toys & dolls, *candles, *handwrought sterling silver,:
*hand -blown glass lamps, *Quilts *Pottery *Hand -painted Stone Cat'
Stephens *Rheo Thompson Candies *gourmet foods & preserves by
Evelyn" *''A Taste of the Wild", from Blanche Pownall Garrett *Antigll
reproductions''China *Glass *Silver *Stained Glass *Dried flowers *
Mirrors *Hasty Notes