HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-2-2, Page 7KEEP LITTLE ONES WELL IN WINTER Winter is a dngerous season for the little ones. The days are ea ohangeable--one day 'bright, the next cold and stormy, that the mother is afraid to take the children out for the fresh air and exercise they need so numb. Iu consequence they are often. cooped up in overheated, oadly venti- 1ated rooms and are soon seized with wide or grippe, What is needed to keep the little ones well is Baby's Q.wn Tablets. They will regulate the stom- ach and bowels and drive out colds, and by their use the baby will be able to get over the winter season in per- fect safety, The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by snail at 25 eta a• box from. The Dr. Williams' liiedi- cine .Co., Brockville, Ont. Pat's Answer. A notoreet who was touring in Ire- Land one day met a native who wus delving a donkey and cart. Thinking he would •L^:ave a little fun at bis a-- pense, he began: "What is the ditierence. Pat. be- tween your turnout and xtliue?" The native looted at the questioner a entente or so. and then replied: "Not a great deal^ The donkey's in the stuns in the one, eucl :on the Seat in the other." The .motorist asked uo More VOltun- omnis. MONEY ORDERS.. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Vise foil re spats three cents. Clever Rescue of Workman 1$25.00.FORA It BITS' T e Her Marooned 1$0 Feet in �a.Heredity.ty. "" L3ux apisr� forebears al+ux BITS'�F MUM eu:°e-I:ianded, the to trees, While repairing, sg ^^--^- j �'� •� In times far antedatting'Fthese--•- • tap orf a smokesta:ek, 125 ft. above the 1 loot of a 30 -ft. -high building in the plant of the American Bridge COM" pony, Chicago, the workman let drop the kine which was his only means of n theu returning to the i^Cof , and ce to the ground. There was neo possibility of conveying a line to that height with. any appliance in the plant, awl so ale- ; peal was Inade for help front the are department which bee a line•tltrowiug gun in appeaxautce eaaetly lake a mili- tary ride, for use in such an emerg- ency. Several futile attempt's were made to fire the line watiun reach of the mareened wo.l:man,, and ftnall)• thio nietleze of rescue had to be abee- daned- leottuuately, as the stack had not been in use, it was cold, and final- ly a fellow workauan climbed from the level of the reef up the first 30 ft^ of the inside Gf the stink. Lo which height it was lined with asbestos. On a 3 -in. steel ring, ca the top of the as- bestos, the rescuer stood, with itis legs astride the stack. In the meantime some ler , light wooden scantlings, that lead been cut and drilled for tem - elates, as used in all structural work, were obtained and passel up to tine. IIe pushed upward, feat one of these scantlings, to the top of which a line was made fast, an:d to the batten) of that catantling he att3e1eil. with t11te aid of the holes, aaltotlter, and eo tae, sbaWing after scantling. moil the top Rae casae within reach of the strand- ed workman. ThiG dist trot happen un - till the poor fellow had spent our hours lu his perilous position. 150 ft. above ground, in the freety December atmesl:here. Once ate t;i'<isped the end ref the line, it was a 'matter of only a: ftaw minutes before be had hitched it to the top of the stack. and slid clown toafety. . Johnny Spills the Beans. Johnny was enteraiuing his sister's caller and said, `'Helen told ma rester• day you were a born politician." „Indeed:" sal/ the young man, pleased as he could be. "Why dues sloe think that:" "That's just what ma wanted to know, and Helen said it's because you can de sat Intuit talking without cora- minting yourself," Sure of it, ;firs, .Tones was entertaining some o her cart's little frier.es. "~.Billie," she seed, rt idressing a eix.ycateold, who nasi erjc;=lug a plate of cold beef, "are you sure y G°u can Cut your t wie ..teat?" I The culla. who was malting desper. ate etferts with his knife tine fork. re•. "Yee, ee, t1lanks. I've often bad It ais Laugh as this at home."' •, -mar Minard's liniment for Distemper. Surnames Their Origin ARBUCKLE BLYTHE Variations—Buckler, sulksmia. Racial Origin—English. Raciai Origin --English Source—A personal characteristic. Source—An occupation. This family name is also found in Theoretically, it would 1)e possible ties older forms of BB1,'thman and Blithutan. ,And its meaning really is bag the family name of Arbuckle with went youmight hesitate to suspect, ceeereseror ' Itaap3. the contrivance known as a buckle, It belongs to that classification of and assume that the firet :Arbuckles, family names which were originally er I3uclslera, were makers et these .con• descriptive of some personal ehuoc- teristic, 31t t11is case a characteristic trivanres, ot temperament. A study of those historical lists in Some people find it difilcult to see which so many of the names of the how such apparently "silly" nicknames middle ages have been preserved were so eommn or so well thought of (both those which already had become' that they later developed into regular .hereditary and those which were still fancily names The fact remains, how merely descriptive) shows that this ever, that they did No less a person- ., view would be in error, age than Jo: n, sister of King Henry True, one who made orsoldbuckles 'i -III. of Euglasel,'when she became be - might naturally have been called A trotlied to the Scottish monarch, there. °buckler " But for the moat part he by ending war between the two come wasn't. The records show that it was tries, was named "Joan !duke Peace".. the maker of "bucklers" who was call- by the Scots, and tine old records are ed first a "buolerer," ;shortened later full of such descriptive surnames an into "busier" or "bokeler." "Buckler "Goode," "?,Terry," „Gay," "Blythe," is a word almost obaclete to -day. it "Make -Bliss" and the like, In an old meant a .Meld. Wardrobe Account there appears It has been shown in preceding ar- 1297, Decembert26. To Mauel Make-' titles how just the 'ar" of "tarrow" is Joy, for dancing before Edward, Prince contained in the name of Arsanith. The of Wales, at Ipswich,' two shillings." same is the ease in Arbuckle, The "ar- The Norman tendency with such •st c1 de - feeder"' made a certain type of shield scriptive surnames to this was to use designed to ward eft arrows, and in the definite article, "le," with them. the course of time the name has be- But as the Saxon element began again oome shortened from ",Arbu:ekler" to to gain dominance in English speech "Arbuckle." "Bucksmith" was "bucler- the article came to be dispensed with smith." more often than not. to build up a good argument connect - Yew °wouldn't put on hobbles to run a foot race Then why load up on handicaps for the day's work? A good deal of food, unwisely chosen, does weigh the body down and, clog the digestion, and dull the brain. `" Why put on the hobbles? Grape -Nuts is a -breakfast or lunch- time dish for those who want food effi- ciency, and mind and; body efficiency. Grape -Nuts satisfies . and nourishes: It; delights the taste.- It is ready to serve whenever you are ready to eat. And :it digests easily, quickly and completely - leaving no handicap of ;heaviness and . drowsiness. Grape -Nuts is the food for health and action. 7'h'e S a. Reason Made by,,Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Ltd Windsor, Sold by goodgrocers ever .here 1 -r� • CAN YOU WRITE ONE? Thirteen Prizes to be Awarded In a Letter Writing Competition. Some years ago the Dr. Williau.s Medicine Go., of Broekville, Ont., of fered a series of prizes to residents the Province of Ontario for the heat letters describing the benefits derived from the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, either in the case of the writer of the letter, or some member of the writer's falily. Hundred of lettere were submitted iu this competition, and yet there must bave been theme - ands of other users of the pills who did not avail themselves of the oP- portunity to win a prize. To all these another letter writing competition is offered. There are thousands who have experienced great beneat front the use of Dr. Williams' Pink, Pills, whose eases bave never been reported. These will furnish the material for the letters to be written in this contest. There is no demand upon the iniagina- tion; every letter must deal with facts and 'facts orly. The Prizes, Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. of Brockville, Ont., will award a prize of $20.00 for the best letter received en or before the lath day of February, 1923, from residents of Old Province of Ontario an the subject: "Why I Recommemi Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." A prize et $10.00 will be awarded for the second best letter received, a prize of $5.00 for the third best letter and ten prizes of .2.00 each for the noun best, ten letters. The Conditions. Il ysau are describing the beuelits yaau have derived in your own case. or .bat of some other member of your family, the synlptome Of the illness should be fully descrtbetl. and the let• ter signet' with the full name and cor- rect post Witco address ot the person sending it in. If the case relates to some person other than the writer of the letter, it must also be signed by the person whose case is described, as a guarantee of the truth of the state- ments made. The writer of each letter must give the nano and date of the paper in which he ar she saw this announce- meat. Fine writing will not win a rize un- less you have a good. case to describe. The strength o£ the recommendation and not the style ot the letter will bo the basis of the award. It is understood that The Dr. Wil- liams' 'Medicine Co, shall have the right to publish any letter entered in. this contest, if they desire to do so, whether it wins a prize or not. This contest will close on February 15, 1922, and tate prizes will be award- ed as soon as possible thereafter. Do not delay. Write your letter now. Ob- serve the above conditions carefully or your letter may be thrown out. Address all letters as follows: The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Letter Contest Department. Gigantic A Armored Mammal (Ill a)! of Past Ages, Surely the strangest mammal that ever lived was the '•glyptcalo l," which carried its house with it, being ea - cased in a mighty shell somewhat re- sembling that of a turtle but far more. massive. The carapace, furthermaire, was almost dome-shaped, and all parts ot the creature's body, including even the tail, were heavily arnn~ared. This remarkable aminal seems to have been exclusively American, and until recently none of its fossil re- mains has"been discovered north of the Rio Grande, barring a few frag- ments • of bones. A big one was dug up recently, however, not far from Tucson, Ariz., ,by Dr. Gidley, a palaeon- tologist o? the United States National Musenm. It is a complete skeleton, representing .a specimen which -in life must have weighed about half a ton. The glyptcdon was so sluggish that a mile a month must have been just about its beet racing 'speed. It fed on herbage, presumably, and .possessing no weapon of defense, would have beeneasy prey for oarnivarous ene- mies if its aanior had not afforded ade- quate protection. When. attacked it had only to withdraw its head, which was covered by a heavy bony sheath, and to retract its legs., beneaththe shell, in order to become invulnerable. The a.seellant'might as well tackle a boulder. The specimen ftiuiiid"in`Ai•izbeee gob - ably lived not leas than 1,000,000.y::ears ago. Its tribe (oontemporary with the megathurtnni or giant sloth) has no descendants to°cbay, but is represented in •a way by the ; modern arrndelte, which is likewise an armored manan'ral and one of the curio:sitiet of neure. "•- ' The Floor Held: '"Old, your watch step noon it drape b. ped on the floor?" asked one maxi of his friend. e °Sure, was the reply. "Did, you thinl it would go through?'" Might Have Seen Worse. An Itisiimian masted Pat (uncommon panne, that) was malting a wood pig - stye, when lie missed ; a nail and hit his thumb, breaking it.:• After Laving it wrapped up he met ono of his friends, who naturally a,sked:. .Lil7S1 •what he had been doing. "Sure," said Pat, "I hit nue thumb with a hammer. It's: had drew,. but I'd had ea., thumb left' at all 'if' 1'd been t hikingwith, both hands." Tlsabbh is a jewel, the most wonder- ful' ia.l 1,.antr,'iier lknownLn: me.,ii : Guard it, wear it, love it,`beeauaoe wk;L out it, life i{;se ,i is the d'ceal ieet, et-uu eetgift you owns The Only Time, 'What Is a honeymoon, pa?" honeymoon, my son, is that time in a mates life when hie wife is MARY supplied with, all she wants to wear." The. Young Genius, Mother—"Willie, how is it that no matter how quiet and peaceful things are, as soon as you appear en the scene trouble begins?" Willie—" I guess it's just a gift, wetter." Must he Dr. Cupid., ¢`I dent like your heart action," said ' the doctor, applying his stethoscope. "You've load ,•-one trouble with an- gina peetor>, haven't you'.. "You're partly riga:, doe," an.awered the young man, eee`al,i hly. "Only- tact ain't her lanae.' Corrected. "Jannee, have you wltiepered Hetl,ay without permission?" "Only Wuust:" "Larry; should James Lave said wunst?» " Aon• leshould have saki twice' . ct At the Laundry. Laundiyran--•"I'm sorry, but en.. c your shirts is Wet." Customer—"But 1 paid for having 1t laundered." .1undryrau--•-"Tait..': all right. 'We did; it up before we lest It.' i Int steep would cling with beads apt toed, They wore no high heeled pumps nor So Darwin° says.- I guess he known, If they had lost their hobo, you d=oe,. And toppled down from out their tree, Wild animals were ail around To grab them when they hit the ground. Stith teeth all primed and set to gnash Through cutlet, steak or fresh ape hash --- Careers were ended with a ora l; :But 'Meese who wakerde3 wait a sa: ' Did not beeonte Ape a la carte. They locked their toes in tighter hold-- 'iles ftt survivors, we are told. I Laved tie became beth gray and a"ld. ; We dream of falling. shite is bei; We waken with a start ir:stead. ;. The instinct that cur forebears knew i, Is handed down tad nae and you. t We might have Wesel tee aerate Rae Show If Grandpa. Are, so fang ,zutt. llad Lot wa?.ed juet in tisne, in !:eaa-'a Velat itic'ga'Dut„di. Minerd's h,lniment Ter Carpet In Cowa. 1s A short i.n. rarely go to et t a lcrg ares: Every tli4 erl may lie ret atale i w a tient ;"b the great ((reit.°veer "o eaeeet one: :se:f to tl:e 1.;Jality of the iivi- ret'=e. Truth Will Out Ethel (to her dearest friend "I put my toot in it so drettalfully .wlaeu Fele Win preps seal. 1 meant to say. 'This Ls so sndldeu:' yeta lnnow, but. I was so flustered that inetead I exclaimed, '.".t last,' " Always Supplied. The son of a well-knowu phyelcIan loves to "play doctor." The little fellow sakes the rounds of neitb rir hs ea inquiring ng as to the health of the inmates. Usually he has with .nisi an assortment of dolls - his "patient.,•" in lieu of larger ones-, Recently he called at a home and asked. ".Anybody sick here?" He -was answered in the negative. "Qh, wen," be said with, professional nonchalance, producing two of his dells,- "guess I'll leave a couple of babies, anyway:" "Cascarets" To -night for Liver, Bowels You're bilious: You are headaehy, constipated, your eyes burn, skin is yellow; your stomach is sour, gassy, upset. No wonder you feel miserable. You need a thorough physic with "Cascarets" to -night to eleaaae the stomach of sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the ex4ess bile from the liver and carry out cf the system all the constipated poisnn in the bowels. Get a lt.cent box now and let ge an an g 5_ up. ACHES AND PAINS- SLOAN'S GETS 'EM VOID the misery of racking gr tat. have a battle of Sloln' .6tai- meat handy and apply va,c:.at you first feel the ache or pain. It quickly eases the pain and sends a feeling of warmth through the .aching part.Slean's Lir to tr"perp ratd:s wslhcrrl rtt5"sng, Intae, forrheumatism. neuralgia,, sciatica, spraineantistmin ,atiteeal ee, lame back and sore rnu,.c-des. For forty years pain's enemy. Ask yourneighbor. At all druggists -35c, 70c, $1.40. Matte in Canada. oa iniment Mother! Open Child's Bowels With California Fig Syria MINAIsle 4 I.INIMIele r: Your little one will love the "fruity" ilave used Minard's Liniment in any taste of "California Fig Syrup" even if years, andtmg and lumber caste for eeonstipated, bilious, irritable, feveri h, years, and the ma it the bestuwhite liniment on the market. i bud that it or full of cold. A teaspoonful never gives quick relief to minor ailments, faits to cleanee the liver and bowels. such as sprains, bruiees and all kinds In a few hours you can see for yourself of wound( Also it Is a great remedy how thoroughly It works all the sour for coughs, colds, etc. which one is bile, and undigested foci out of the Sable to catch then log drivira p and bowels and you have a well. p]ayfui cruising during the winter :aid spring months. i would.uwould.not be without child again. months.MIN4UW'S LINIM1;NT and cannot re- elillions of mothers keep "California eommend It too highly. Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea (Signed) Ellison Gray. spoonful to -day saves a sick child to - directions for babiesand children of a ,, .. ..,. morrow. Ask your druggist for genu Inc "California Fig Syrup" which has 3 . HALEY, 11 "let: feeling 1'1t: s4 nes,- elan learn Tan ee- eetalied and emelt up my Std m- ach anti for the the t time in easy twee e,an ea, a hearty (teat and : urier tee di-•t:e..i stfterv.,trds," was the re. In<ure:4We statement of petrels J Haley. ilei Pra,rneet A%''., Sera ,.•u"t', i.S'., a wt i -1:a<sr:•ss ;ran and nee: fi . "I;. tr'. "Oeds tbe,: a who have had stomateh 1, 1.111,• a d a had f'arii ean know what a 1&eied (luring ell those yr ars 1 a!)1. t a rte roti u eels, too, and fa., -car , i aiiln't know what it wa boa gi t a "coal sound steep at night. .•1giil new life and energy from a:4a•11 ?en:at' .snail now I'm a 14111 :oat tt 1•y' anon ire -toad of a slot;.a;;;'1 tura "In3d� eine, as 1 =a for so n lue c d .: 1'31 Watch for the merit of Tee - tae et tiny time." Tenlae i' eoid by leading draw: to everywhere, here, •3l • er1 dve'lkisel %P- LAN Mt 1Ti:Ia1ld;+at.11" fattier rte. tJedt7d, t.+)(t,. BEL.TING FOR SALE .+1 L KINDS , � . L)' b Q F SS 1a . ai:lY tdeltint- pulleys, raw:,rable,hose,gid %tae, ate.. chapped nubje ta, i.iniroral u' lusestd prices Canada, YORK UELTI lis YORK.STREET, TORONTO.tite co. One of the best known guides is p Nova, St'olia gives this teatiwonial of all ages printed on bottle. Mother' You must say -California' or you may imitati , fi yr "Caecarets" straighten you out by morning. Plain Facts ifl.a Stomach Sufferers I Digested food makes us strong, illvigorous, healthy. Dyspeptics are u invariably weak and ailing. All Mthey need to make them strong and well is the power to digest food, and that is just what Mother Seigel's Syrup gives. It helps the i stomach, liver and bowels to do their work efficiently. Sold in 50c. and $1.00 bottles in drug - stores. o�oai zi COARSE" SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO lmsrlce,'s Pioneer Dol^ 31em.UI Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Hailed Free to any AQ - 1. dress by the Author. H. play Glover 0o., m0. 118 West Slat Street New York, U.S.A. 4 WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you 'buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept 'only an "unbroken package". of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," v,rhicll contains directions and dose ,worked 'out by physicians .luring 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds• Headache Rhelllll� f ay Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis • , m-• ago Pain Pill L:a3'1C•11C I_.Ll b ,b, , ` 24 g Band ., `iia �er" bd�:es of 12 tablets—Also �1sot,tld3g of. and 300- ru '.eats. y Su Ana 4spicifl-t, the 'trails marl, (ragiatered in Canaan) of Bayer 1VI7,rini enure o,". •stono-. aootu•aeidostm• or S tics tt.^acid. While iota well known that A.cpttin means Baygr intrjufactiirc to a 5ti t til. (nubile against imitailonr,' the TabletsorBayer Comban'ir.- will be slenipnl with theiv a neral trade matte, the ' .L -Layer Cross,: THIN, FLAT HAiR GROWS LONG,'THiCK AND ABUNDANT -Danderine" cos: a only 35 cents a bottle. en. One apptication ends all _, dandruff, stops itching and falling hair, and, in a few moments, you have doubled the beauty of your hat:. It will appear a mass. . so soft, lustrous, and easy to do up. But what t. will please you most will be after a few weeks use, when you see * new hair --fine and downy at first—yes- . but really new hair growing all over the scalp. "Dander- ine" is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and streng•ibens them. This delightful, stimulating tonic helps thin. lifeless, faded hair to grow long, thick, heavy and luxuriant. • - Is so soothing and cooling for baby's tender skin after a bath with Cuticura Soap, Syp25e.Qintment'25+md5(1c. Tadeus2iic. Sold throughota theDominion, CanaddianDepota i^ tenni, Umtted. 3,,4 St. Put St., W. Montreal. Cuticura Soap shoves without mss. ISSUE No, 4-•22. 1 -444 1 J 4 4 1