The Exeter Advocate, 1922-2-2, Page 5RAND TRUNK RAISTEMLWAY SY THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh. Between MONTREAL` TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor caro on principal day tra:as Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ing District Passenger Agent, Toronto N. J. DORE Piarme 46w Agent. Iltieter AUCTION SALE OF FARM, FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS on Lot 3, Cott'. 2, .Tucld_rsmtth Twp,. - i 1-4 mars east ref Heneell and third ket south, on, WEDNhSDA.X, FEIk. 15, 1922, At 1 o'clock sharp, the following Farm -100 ares, being above named lot; . good frame house, bank barn donee shed, henhouse ani lmogpe' ; 1 aar,s wheat, 10 acres plowed, 10 acre bush, rest seeded ta> grass; farm ;,s well drained ani m ed,, Horses -Bare, ruling 5; 2 aged mares.; mare r.5 inp 3; horse ri,rryg 6; dr . 'hors:, Catd,e-Thorn bred :Durham bull; 2 fresh cows, ,eow true 'a Apel; erne m lch cow, fat cow, 5 ju1i .(era rxs'ng 2; 2 si•.ers rising 2; three .pr.ne .:alv:s, 2 ,fall :calves, 'fogs and . Poultry-Thnri bred Yoek boar; 4 sows 'du t 1 :me of ,sale : 25 ..hunks; 2 E vele and 1 gander; 35 Barred Rock minces; 50 Wyandottee and Lghorns. Ion. m 1 men6s . Et. -I , m vl, cuts a e nearly all ¢mew ni.H. Weider, 7-fi;,^ut M.H. mower 51 2 enmti1; seed drn i, 13- cbse; rake, cu1L ator, roller, 3 -sec,, harrows; ivalk.na plow; twc eureaw plow; seuffler, manure spreader, wag - an, stock and hey racks; gravel box 2 set: sleighs, buggy, ~utter, grnd- stone, Craton fannl,ng meet, 2000 lb. s. ales, 2 lei double Iterness, set s•n- gle harness, 'burn, baiter bowl, sap pans and palms, 18 grape ba;s, .:rc•ss- •rut saw, gasalnee barrel, 2 oak bar- rels, separator, couch, table, hay stere rope and pulleys, shovels, wh;tilel-res: neckyokes and many other articles. 10 tan, timothy hay, ld ten, straw, 15 cord hardwood. These all cash. Terms -510 and under %rash;neer ,'that amount 9 ltnonthei cred t on, are. proved jo'nL .notes. 6 per ..rent per .Annum art dor cash on credit amotults Of Farm -;Bari.: kilrwn on, day of sale, FRANK HUNTER F. TAYLOR. Pnapr :tor Auetioaeer cAUCTION SALE EX CUTORS' OF FARMS FARM STOCK, AND IMPLEM1;NTS. an Lot 3, Cont. 1, Hay Townsh;zn, on TUESDAY, Flt 7th, 1922, at 1.00 o'clock, sharp, the 1'oilow:umg,- Real Estate -100 acres, Lot 3, Co,n 1, Hay, containing 100 acres, more or less, good frame house; two bank barns went element floors; drive shed; 40 acres ploughing done, 10 acres fall what, rest seeded to grass. Also S0 acre grass farm, Lot 5, Con, 4, Hay Township, Stock -Black ;horse 7 years; bay .hors:*, 8 years; ,horse 9 years; dr:ving mare 9 years; 2 fresh Bows 4 and 5 years, c,^.w due at time of sale, 2 spring ea1v. s, young calf, brood sow, 4) shoats 100 1bsz, 40 hens. Deering bider and mower, McCor- mick fertilizer ;d.rii1, new; steel roller, sulkey rake, cultivator, grinder; 4.11, gas eng•:ne, mounted; circular saw, eae:k, set harrows, 4 -sec.; set harrows 3 -sec,; bean cultivator, fawning rni11 1200 lb. scales, roof pulper, straw .:utter, 2 walking prows, 2 Maple Leaf gang plows, 2 truck wagons, wa- gon, hay rack, set bobsleighs, gravel. box, light sleigh, light wagoner acuffeer buggy cutter, grindstone, emery wheel, coal oil rank, pea bundler, 2 set .heavy harness, 2 set single harness, 5 a:ollars, 5 toms hay for cash, 300 buah. oats 400 bush. turnips, hayfork, rope. and puile.ys,'2 doz. bags, forks, shovels and many other articles'. Terms -A11 suns of $10 and under 'cash, ov r That amount 8 months' cre- dit on approved joint notes, or dis- .count of 6 par Cont,, per a!ne•um . for .casho,n credit aanounxs. Of Real Estate -Made known] on day sof sale or on applicai`ioar fo executors C. W. Robinson, ,Acct. H. Bierling, Ti. 'Wolper, • Executors Albert Willard testate Hensa,ii Mrs. G lo, Glenn and ,itle, daughter' art • ni p• eselrue v s&t1nee "T.151.'17411 I -..-a_ 'don„-lIr. ,Rob't IT.g1g'n l has !again lb. e,a appo Med ] Coea,ty Audi, Rev, G. W. Ree=ers a!sslsted Pie,. tier illsol of Penes Street ,Chu.' h, dieter with s caai E e e" Si p J s r m , la,� week ld s �s� bee -Jana whet has beenvesttit * l c* imar- elnJ s Mr. end.IMrsL W. J. a rI, ,nth, hays, me,turne.d to her hem2 at ,agara Falls,Mrs...Than.sk.P:ari, fell , -,111c sidewalk ori Wednesday of ter- illn,tL Mmn„Y 1s 5 g tt c,le t CroatOat of th. hotel, breaking' he 7•' n ;and suss 1.ni:m,„ 'othter afnju a.es. ;VI, and• MTS. Andrew Twat er cf Compeer, Alta wl-. 1m.l,tn be,e,avl,?al,l:v%, with Ali'. . and Mote U Beaver, 1ave g. in,e t o .LLner rCc) pavel .Mrs. Beaver. 7 -Mr. i Mrs, Hltl o;l' D trait Mie h.• who !kw,: bee,a spending. some, time berelfwr!ih Mrs. 1-116 's, llareats, YTr'.:a,nld i�Im s, W m 77>rht: t ', le:f t bas t week _ 1' et Lonolo, lut lvlaire They w'?1 v lat:-Vr. W. . .v *Sallee beem e i•esl.ntl,n th )fetropol:tan Lige, lnsuran,:e Co, is fLIrnalj, rfor the past yca;.rhas been trim.,, :_red too, Londoin., but, ev?ii still 'note eft 'r the Heytall'bus:nye s.,''• Th ,.. teeter. jwni)ors naoiored to Grua4um'06 Sa t ur d1 ' d .. _ gam e�;enryeine • town;'lltd t,,.ome r>.Iarg' J-4 uta• Ex ter: NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK Important' . EYents Which Harte' Occurred During the Week. - The Busy World's Happenings Care- fully Compiled and tut into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper --• A Solid Hour's Enjoyment. '1 t E.tiDAy. Pitchblende F eeted to be located north of The Pas. English in use in cenft•rence of Reds in Moscow. Annual vestry meetings were held in Toronto dteleese. President Harding approves the St. Lawreuce waterway. Viscount Grey t 'm .. s with Asquith against Lloyd George. United States will not send delegae tion to Genoa Coneerene . Eighteen thousa d ,..F zm me;:st, r<d as unemployed in Tor eazto, Yale has engaged two English glish coaches for its rowing crews, Osgoode Hall intermediates beat Brampton at Termite, 4 to 1. Railway Brotherhood ee eel on Monday to discuss wage mer„ ,.,:;ins_ Nat Ray's pacer, Tony the Hero, won feature at Mount Clemens races. Godfrey Walt, Swede, fatally hurt by fall down mine shaft near Hailey - bury, Philip Gibbs addrt' read large To- ronto audience an prospect of world peace, "Prof," Williams, twenty years physical instructor at University of Toronto, is dead, Ven, Arcladeaeon Collison, one of best known Atrstiliettu clergy In I3. Mee at Kineoiith. Mrs. Benj. intent/Ley of Niagara Falls, Ont., Riled in motoring acct- dent at Cleveland, Forel ' Forest mbee ue i Q n 1921 de- stroyed 1,000 swore nmillea of timber,. valuta at #10,000,000. Mrs. Fannie Radcliffe. aged 80, dies of grief four days after her bus - band at Windsor, Ont. Capt, Jos, Howe, to 9, grandson of the late ilon. Jos. Hov,:”. Nova Scutum statesman,, is dead at Mort itlamtBanti, IVEDNE$1)AY. Italian sure of election as Roman Pontiff. Crisis in India, is serious, Nortls- Governu ent stops the immense of ice -breaker. eliffe says. Eastern Canada suffering fro'n low temperature, The county councils of Ontario elect wardens. Poineare seeks French st errity in British alliance. High . speed obtained at Washing- ton Conference. Five hundred enthuelest, e'i'sinize to booth Toronto. Britain wants prohibition of muni- tions into China. Canadian customs receipts fall off during December. Med troops fighting in learella meet with reverse. llon, Severin Letourneau has been appointed to the bench. Social Service Council of Canada meeting at Winn €e pg. Arthur Nikisc;m, noted orchestral conductor, died v1 Leipzig. Shelburne are winners of Group 8 of time 0. H, A, junior series, New York police detect inter- n tional ring of drug smugglers, Dominion Government assures vet- er, ns of speedy aid for unemplotad. Senator Arthur Boyer died sudden- ly while visiting doctor at Montreal. Toronto judge rebukes counsel who says brother counsel 'iswilfully untrue. France will never entem'ain the thought of fighting her allies, says Casenave. Gen. Allenby stops attempted revo- lutionary movement in Egypt on Gandhi plan. St. Helen's intermediates. defeated University of Toronto in an 0. H. A. game, 4 to 1. THURSDAY. Shantung issue virtually settled. Newfoundland has a 24-hour bliz- zard. Police secure two stills in raids in Toronto. Pope Benedict's funeral was held at Rome. Crime wave ,sweeping over South- ern Ireland. C. P. R. postpones extension of Western lines. - Dublin Cabinet mobilizes Irish Re- publican army. D. C. Ross, .ex-M.P., appointed judge for Elgin. • There are nearly two million un- employed in Britain. Japan's' demand on' Shantung holding up settlement. Degenerate in Paris sprays wo- men's clothes with vitriol. • 'British shipowners will redude•the ages of seamen and firemen. Ontario Reform Association denies lique is running convention. • Canada's wheat yield in 1921 was hree hundred miIlion `bushels. Capt. George Black,. M.P., reports ayo shier camp most promising, English boxing promoters are bid- ing for Dempsey and Carpentier. The estate o f Thomas imul_ a , Tp - onto, is set forth as over (.165 000. German Chancellor proposes com- ulsory loan of fol•ty billion marks. Canada, for• the first • time, will avea vote at the election of 0 • PP C. Two fishers nen drowned hear Lir- rpool, N.S., by overturning, of Glory, Genoa 'Conference may be postpon- :T if United antes declines invite - ion, • inhuman treatment is alleged by u inmate of hospital for Incurables, Toronto. Charges that Aremicaii soldiers m • 1r rancr, 1wo.: hanged without trial ave failed. go"Ne .m�, •inions »lot -e. i exchange c of tonalW<e Week" between Canadanadaan ,, �, mited States. T;Irs. Sadie Wood is given Rona." :itlolic burial, in Protestant 'cem,e- ery at London, Ont. University PoronLo 3 of and d I-Iam.II•• tan ..ftlI. •A,:seni egive'at' O ruinut,. tivertime; score, 2 to 2. f A constable and a man nasuso w c t -•d r p e e it h t aus°, during an altercation at Ki- [ j 1� i 1 mtuso, Alta., slew each other. # u L .b'AfDAY _ GOLLSS Vienna Cabinet resigns office. " Scottish woollen men visiting this WhyA' f °culturatco 1 geata lents country: • Neeeti'Physical Culture. Atlantic liners ,reach port covered with ice; De Va]eraites would boycott Brit- arxswn 8n4 Itrain •InV°1.4 Wolf ish trade, Together --Students help to DI. Thele are two Liberal vacancies in rest In Sports-,,Buildiug Cp the the Senate. Doily for Later Usefulness. York county roads budget Galls for $800,000. lContrlbuted by ()ataxic) Department at Aura Lee senior defeated Argo- Agriculture, Toronto.) pouts, 11 Loa, T11LE'PICS at our College are Toronto man invents device for . „ improving ""movies." being revolutionized and W. C. T. U. start campaign to "dry placed on a more stable basis. up" Cuba and Mexico, than in the past, Premier Drury is not enthusiastic ProgremtotTe colleges are cowing to over 8 -hour day proposals, Bella B. Sehiefer, Montreal,, aged realize the supreme importance of 19,dies of opium poisoning, bringing physical training to the 'Senator Belth. noted. horseman, front in educational work. Collet* dies at Bow Manville, aged 79. Nukol shareholders ask Attor»Qy - authorities are realising that they General to investigate company. are respoaaible for the i orsnce Up to the end of 1921„ 27,371 re- among the alumni of the colleges, turned soldiers settled on laud. regarding Lire care of the body„ az it 1 teheo.er, Ont., inaugurates ideais a -tell known fact that eighty per of Junior Public Library Board. tea t* sept of graduates die from York County townships ask Gov- ernment for aid in school problem. thirty years before the age at wh-iele Roy AIeWhlrter won the 'fir. S, A. they should. They are also realizing national outdoor skating champion- that under the old method lees they ship. Quebec women writ dealde by bale 17ty per cent. 0. the students aa' lot whether they want the franchise engaged in any for.tn of systematle' or or not. organized exercise. This is due to time Andrew W. Bowiby chosen judge fact theft on et.Ngt'$ were, and some of Ilorde: Juvenile Court at Wind- are us yet, fostering two classes--- $or, Ont. oue class attends for social and ath . .Albert Hammond, son of Perth tette advantages, and the other P. S. ,principal, missing since mid- attends target; for intellectual oppor- December, tunities. The first class is inelined, Humb'brstde seniors defeated the to negleet' menta work and carry Parkdale C. L girls' basketball team, athieties to exees'. while the second. 11 to 10. aleex. is inclined to neglect physical Canadian Fisheries Association to 11 init,g and e'arry mental efforts to donate 10,000 the, fresh fish for un- r c e: s. Neither class lives strictly employed in Montreal, ty ;le>nie lives, An Oxford dictionary. begun in Now our enlleges are adopting new 1879 7 by the late t Sir James nm s Murray, enc+tho,ls t•• eliminate such conditions is now nearing completion, and are awakening to the fact that Rt. Hon, Arthur Meighen was physieal education leas a legitimate elected in Grenville by a large nia- leer. in the college curriculum,. jority over his Progressive, opponent, Some e of %twee methods are as fol- An Indian boy, aged 14, traveled lows, (1) Intra -collegiate sport and 30 tuflea and back to save his five :coreeatiort in addition to our inter orphaned brothers and slaters from collegiate sports, with the constant enduring hardships in wilderness. ,nsrposse in view et usefulness in after SATURDAY. rife. This draws in the spectators an Alleged campaign against Gasparri the side lines and promotes interest In Route, by friendly riralrY. (2) Organisation United States may attend parleys of actiirities on the basis of athletic at Genoa. sports, rather than on gymnatic Granites defeated Kitchener sett - basis, ;giring gatnes to the student if cors, to 3, normal physically, it not, remedial North and South .Ireland coating gymnatles until fit, It Is necessairyr closer together. to have a wide range of sports. 4Vmn, A. Guy, of London, missing plan eta encos and urageGmore geneal raln ar inc,,. Wednesday. ticapation in them. (3) Exercise tak- I•iauCllton writer honored by Wo- en systematically and at regular in- men's Canadian Club. terrain. (4) at,, subject with required It Wo- Guatemala: reported that Mexico and attendance. (5) Strength test upon Cuatenmala : are at war. ed byConfucian new year's day unmark- 'reroute Chinamen. entering and at time end of each year, . so a student may realize the benefit Mrs. Alex. Hyndmuan, aged 70, was of systematic training. (6) Encour- burned to death at Glencoe. taxe else oft the Typt e of physicsael St, Andrew's College defeated Up- in after thFe, " st'1)e The lte tching 07 per Canada College, 3 to 0. Up - Five -power coumncmlttee: adopt mo- fiving. ental principals of hygienic tion to revise rules of warfare. living. (8) Increase of facilities for Toronto speed skating clubs will outdoor sports in winter and summer. join hands to promote the sport, In the past y e,lt s athletics at the A horse ran wild on Toronto street O. A. C. have been carried on without and seriously hurt a man and a girl. these advantages and, in spite of Police believe they have a clue to upped t i�prlmtarily e havebeen bhavingndl- an beauty powder murder in Toronto, athletie field, and necessary funds for bout. Promoters stand ready to post for- equipment which is essential for exe- ftyfts for proposed Wills»Dempsey outing an effective program; this is tilontreal judge gives man for as- our greatest need and will Le ahiro uprve lr- srimt and robbery seven years and 14 granmnde:foranethisto Fear.or It rogisessiotir g,lraot lashes, awn..u.a No. 9 colliery of Dominion Coal wedesire benethfitt byit bothill.ot be long b Co., Glace Bay, N.S., reopens after The whole student body had a eleven days. meeting before final examinations on Saskatchewan Legislature asks in- the thirtieth of last March for the quiry into system 91 marketing West- purpose of discussing and voting on ern produce. the new program for the coming year Quebec city water main break on which was outlined by our athletic Tuesday not yet located because of executive. Professors Blackwood, frozen ground. Toole, and Crowe, and Dr. Creeiman Provincial I.O,D.E. calls for aban- pointed out to the students and lac- donment of proposal to bury Cana- ulty the great need of such a program dian. "unknown." and their duty in regard to athletics • In nine months convictions under and themselves. After a discussion, Opium and Narcotic Drug Act num- each cause of this program was voted bared 580, fines totalling $91,557. on and passed unanimously by the Considerable reduction on farm whole student body. Implements forecast at manufacture The following is a brief outline of ing firm's annual meeting in Smith's the Athletic Program for the coming Falls: year:— - MONDAY. (1) Students who have had pre- Canadiens beat Hamilton, 3 to 2. vious training to act as leaders in the Sir Ernest Shackleton dies on Jan- different branches of sports—to coach uary 5. in boxing, wrestling, aquatics, and Hamilton holds first annual Eis- teddfod. track and instruct in athletic games. (2) Promote a Puller program of night, 2 to 1. Ottawa beat St. Patrick's Saturday inter -year athletics by having sche- doles in more branches of sports, Disorders in Ireland giving alarm Inter -year competitions in the follow - to moderates, ing sports: Rugby, soccer, play Expect Arms Conference to con-' ground ball, push ball, volley ball, elude- Sterling lu pe week. outdoor basket ball, :boxing and Sterlinn g at Toronto, $4:45; at wrestling, track, mass athletic meets, New York, $4,241/2, cross country runs, tug of war, tert- Miss Agnes McPhail, M.P., tells Labor it is too radical • (3) For those students who do not pis and aquatics. Capt; 1t'';, N. Bales, .Montreal's Port take part in ..these sports, two come. Dr.Warden, dies, ageel'68. ` pulsory periods a week will be given nipeg 0. 0. well-known Win- in which they will ble instructed in phyField,, lis dead: athletic games, , field and indoor Wm. Spong found burned to death events, swimming, boxing and in his home near Baysvelle. wrestling.norder Annetta Beaudreau aged In do to promote this program, ged 16, kill- we had to enlarge on our Athletic ed by train at Farnham, Que. Council which was composed of the Ice -boaters on Toronto Bay plunge sports managers; picked from the into water when. ice "dishes." faculty, and the Athletic Executive, Plan to train disabled civilians, as To this we added,.a Leaders Corp and well as veterans, in new trade. Managers ofinter-year sports- picltoQ Ontario' Museum benefits by be- from the students. The Leaders Corp quest from the T. Eaton Company. is made up of directors of sports • Robert Aljoe, sen., an Orangeman (one for each sport) and them 67 years, dies at Durham, aged 97 leaders. The ' inter -year managers Michigan -Ontario Ont r' E' azo League imwills 1it (one for each sport) have charge e of games this year. the coaching and managing of their Mayor raven of St. Thomas insists teams and are responsible to their iris salary shall be cut from $1,•000 year representative who is a member to $500. of the•executive. Chinese crews on C: P.O.S.:Pacific l By' such an organization we feel liners deconfident liners„demand 40confide of swinging our program per cent. increase - g g p g in . wages. , successfully, wbich means every stu- Mrs. Wm. Gibson, Marslmfineld,• dant will take part in soine branch P.E.I., died at ago` orf 100 years and . of athletics:. Those" students, who 11 months. . come under Clause' (3) of our pro. Jack Renault' of Montreal was g7am, will, he given special ixrstrla- kmocked o ut in the thirteenth round tion by our Leaders Corp and will by Billy 1Vllsise. ,_; . greatly. benefit . themselves and the University of Toronto beat McGill college. In tlmrs, way we will ,be able` 7 to 3 in Intercollegiate senior to reach the student on the side lines, hockey at. Toronto. Suggestions regarding athletics in rural community centres will he pre The inaugural. meeting of Lire Per- �;, in seated a -future art ;ic e. . K. W. 'manent .Court, eL" international Jus- ul ice at The Ha tie has bee t 1 Forman;' Director` of Athletics, •O. A. , or a fortnight, t •`To the most critical or helaVr tastes. That's why the Appealssa ,le is so great and ever . 12ltcY'e#51�t� nr JD AL. is the - nation's Bever, OniyF'' our Wheel Motor Van in the Border Cities, Sim The Mover Local and Long Distance Moving. Any Time and Any Where e in'United State Canada. Call Us Up. We have► Long Distance ''halter Sim. J. Sweitzer, Proprietor rietor �' Phone 3326w. 208 ltioy Ave, Windsor Zurich PARKHILI,.-After aft ':mess ex- t.a.4'nr; over several maths, Edward% Sehrain uaseed'awa'c on .Sunday, at 1z horn' here; He .hal ,.greed on a cart -s• Mr. ]':.ter P5pineau was "n F)etrcat a; bus'ness in Parkhai for eon: years not week ion bu's'ies. -Mr. Are"h.e and was a h..ehly resmeeto*d �a ntee, Routledge of \'an.^ouver, B. C., tented the trwn, Il s 'Wife `predeereaseci h yn . ' on Ws ,parents, Dr,. and Mrs• Joy Rout- only' a few weeks, pass',n 'tivav leaner. ledge, a few Hayes. He was ,:n a bus m, d�6 byember va A,soras year. H .11u ! tr tirnk] na n,ss tr,p east. Mr, John Garter of 13 low. both of tit's town, and KaelV:nler -is \lisrttn4 at his home Fazgerald has arrived here d:muahter, Its. Geer. Sp'es, a; mina g W r .rl the IIaL' ,Dent fa,"tory ' PARKHILL--The town ,has had a .nen-a4 Mr. B. Mahon. -Mr, A. G, i,.ammn' r a% sec'dents and several nig Edig offcr.1rsas. stalled pool tabieshen i ti 4itize nt aresuffering frit;m broke I 'n bones. firs. ,,K nnon of pub1:a• -Mr. Chats Ayotte of zrinde ,Floral" \l'.'h m, vis �ttn•n Han fell in her home and fret"tore'.;: e �vitlm hF•.; Urotlm rr, Mr, 1m p, Graham Fe:ari bre>i:e. hart Ae :tt o'the14th cont, flay. -;1Ir. F. tvr' , play:ng hrnckey, Erni» Brarvn- c' i(alb l :,sch commenced iscuttehrde ‘seg broke Itis ern, ~three donee ska r rr floe in mr,l non :Tondaye This .s stunts, and Latrine Stoner broke' past of the 1920 .season's erope-Mi. s:rm. small bones :SL h's toe ee°}men Fr.tnl:x Sibert, wlto was confined to jump'ng oil a train, h'ns bed with a sore knee for tome elm , the iresu't of an, a.:cident white playing h _ ekey, is abee to be out on erutchi. s, Mr, Harry G. Hess, wile re- cently experienced a burning 'ace dent alne t.> he out and around ;gal-,, -The Po',:e Trustee Board held their organization meeting on Jan 16. elite- srs. Peter Lamont, F; C. Kalbfle'sele and Henry Truemner subscr•bed to the de..laration tof office!. Mr. Henry Trueman was appointed inspecting. trustee nor 1922, and A. F, Hess, se.°- tr'eha'ry',-Tihiere peened oevay et St, J•s ph on Jan, 19th, Rosie Denomere, wife ,of Mr. Daved, Plante, after an ,ex- tended. illness. Last summer deceased bad b'e,en in St;. Joseph's Ho:t-5.al, London , taking ,treatments for her trouble, but they did not .effect a. cure. Her first husband, the late August Masse, predeceased her some 20 years [,A1b'out 15 years -ago she was un ted :'n marriage to Ma David Plante who. went her famely • withthe first husband, survive -Pete and Ceri': Mas- se of Detroit; Mrs. Reme Jeffery and Mrs. Fred. E. Duc]larme, elf the..Sauble Line; Paul Masse of the Bronson,L?�ne, Mrs. Hector Laporte and Mr. Jas. Mas- se of Stanley, and jos. Masse of Wind-- sort ST. MARYS-A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Methodist parsonage lr re on Jan'y 251h, when Edna Fran- • as, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Jahn Roulstote of St„ Marys was m,t- d in. marriage to Harry E. Whitstone of' Lakeside, Oats. • 1).splay Advertising -Made known as appl!,:ation, Stray Animals -One itree -insertions $1,00. Miscellaneous articles of not mora than five lines, For Sale, To Renr. Wanted. each insertion 50c. Lost and round locals 25c. an insertion. Local reading notices, etc., 1Oc: per ine per insertion. No notice less -han 25c. Card of Thanks Re-- Auction 0c.auction Sales $3 for one insertiotr ne.1 $1,50 for each subsequent in- .ertion if under five inches in.'ength- Lege' advertising 10c. and 5c a Tire Farm or Real Estate for sale 5'e •,. :arh insertion for one month of {for nsertions. insertion 5t°„ WINTER TERM FROM JAN 3rd CENTRAL / ' '"'"D. ONT. Western Ontario's best ,.ommere: school with Commercial, Shartha,3 and Telegraphy Departmen c \V :,•o- 'ndividual infraction, hence "E e Standing" Is not necessary. e, ats assisted to positions. Get our.. .roe catalogue for rates and other. • particulars. D. A, McLachlan, Principal The Advocate News.a1er Club List include 11 the Daily Paj.ers and the Magazines