HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-11-02, Page 51Wood heat is popular The lure of an open fire remains powerful even though more North Americans are beginning to realize that fireplaces often are net heat losers_ Since a fire needs lots of oxygen, to burn, it will draw air from all parts of the house and fruit outside thio ig cracks in walls and windows. This air is then expelled up the chimney, meaning the furnace has to work extra hard to reheat the rest of the house_ And since the damper has to be left open until the fire is completely out - which may be all night - more hot air escapes_ To combat this waste, heat ciculating fireplaces . have been developed_ There are several models but the basic principle is that air is taken in, warmed through some type of heat -exchange system and then passed into the living quarters through vents_ The unit may take air from outside or inside the house. But for_people who live in Oiler hn es" --'with - con- ventional masonry fireplaces, there has been little recourse except to in- stall glass doors or to cut down on use of the fireplace in the winter. Now, according to Jim Johns of Custom Design. Centre in London, there is ar fireplace insert available which turns a conventional unit into a heat -circulator. The . insert is a steel box with glass doors, and ranges in price from $399 to $549 plus a $100 installation charge_ Johns says that since the unit was shown at the Western Fair this year, there has been an "astronomical response" and he has received about 250 inquiries about it Wood stoves are also growing in popularity, both for heating and cooking. According to manufacturers. the Franklin type is most Use hot water carefully Saving water can save energy, and showering with a friend isn't the only way to save- Good Housekeeping magazine offers a few others : +Check toilets for leaks from tank into bowl_ Leaks can be detected by adding a few drops of food coloring to tank water. If -color shows up in the bowl, there's a leak_ +Don't use the toilet as a wastebasket_ +Spend less time in the shower 4 -Turn off water while brushing teeth. +Don't rim water for a cold drink. Instead, keep a bottle of drinking water in the refrigerator. +Fix leaking faucets_ +Don't let water run while washing or rinsing dishes, clothes or hands. Fill the sink with just enough water to do the job. +Water the lawn in early morning to avoid evaporation loss. +Use a timer or alarm clock to remind you to turn off sprinklers - +Before leaving on a trip, tuna off the water heater and the water supply to your house. That way you won't have to pay for any leaks. • Remember, a faucet dripping once a second loses 2,555 gallons of water a year. That's enough to flood a football field one inch deep. sought-after. This ingenious stove, invented by Benjamin Franklin in 1742, used air from a draft beneath the floor, employed some for combustion and spewed the rest back into the room_ The stove has been modified a great deal, not necessarir-y for more e ficiency_ With doors in front that can be opened or closed, it is not as effective as a closed stove but it does provide the esthetic pleasure of an open fire_ And the open -fire concept is a draw to prospective buyers, says Ned Fisher, president of the Enterprise Foundry Co_ Ltd_ He found that as the public became more aware of the limits on oil and natural gas, wood stoves seemed a natural replacement, because •they would be energy -savers and because "there's magic in an open fire_" Fisher cautions that the wood stove is not the answer to #11,1-h_orn heating probleFn s since it operates most ef- fectively_ when heating a Limited space_ To heat' the whole house with wood, a wood -burning furnace would be required_ For those who are still reluctant to invest in a wood stove, who are not lured by the romanticism or the potential energy savings, Fisher offers one last-ditch inducement: A wood stove offers protection against a power failure. There are hazards as well as joys in using wood stoves or fireplaces_ House fires are more comion in dwellings heated with wood, no matter how carefully the installation is supervised, simply because of the nature of the heat source: A burning fire gives -off sparks and flames. A smoke detector is practical for' any home, but especially for one in which wood heat is used.. (If it's installed too close to the stove,. however, smoke might set the alarm off everytime you put a fire on.) And maintenance is im- portant since a clean chimney and woodburning unit will be safer than one crammed with combustible material. So the bottom line is that the use of wood in an energy- efficient unit is cheaper -than –using the —traditional home.: heating fuels_ if home -owners.,, are willing to give up some of the romanticism of an energy -wasting open fire, they are likely to be rewarded with a saving in the pocketbook_ WAILATE Now mer MTH RUN ormumori • In the average home, more heat escapes through the walls than from anywhere else. Now there's a way to effectively reduce costly heat loss. It's Insu spray — a foam insulation that's applied directly into the exterior walls of your home. Quickly and without mess. Your home becomes more comfortable to live in and much more economical to live with. It even becomes quieter Save on rising fuel costs year 'round with Insulspray foam insulation. For a free estimate call Bluewater Insulation Limited P.O. 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