HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-2-2, Page 2_
a a Take one pound"
' How to Tan Farm Hides. iweol on, or without:
I First, reraove hair- To -.de thi4.-111ix: oneehalf. poem(' :of sett, ene-quarter
of alum, one pouud of Glauber salts,
for en average -sized hide about ce half -
pound of seltpetre. Dissolve in warm
peek air-slaned Lime be lealf-bUrrele of .ene oe S eke work and dress. I own,
water and etir hriekly. Then intreeree "rs' -r"
the leide and let remain -from theee, te ueed skunk ekins to make a robe, with . FE_BRUARY 5
daily. Try from 'thee to time to re i
, SheePskina With Wool Qn ar-Cifi' 1 Elijah, Taken Up into Heaven,: 2 Kings 2: 5-11. Golden '
five dew's, stirring two ot three times
.3.f snob aS the back of a ease -knife; re- by scraping with a blunt -edged knife. Text—Rev. 2: 10 (Rev. Ver.)
laddrost communication" tO ekeirentfmnite is Actetelee ste west Torontse move the hair with any blunt cil, I Remove ell f et meat from the skin
I • its-- move all the hair, then ritiee in clear Soak the pelt in a bath composed of , Time—In the largo of either; disappear on the othei.• side.. They did
Conservation a Manure, I =entire seder will nay for
valuable by p • et- f ti,
- ronn b 0 the 4 elm,
e , egeeat ameunt of farm fertilizer tea:
there is anY water, Then mane a solution of thee one potted a alum and a quart ef alt,'
puede a rushed alum, half-pournd with
.. ____, enough wetter adtiedteoverstbe i 863;
Altai:lab. or Jehoram, about B.C. 8;34- !not 'witness Elijah's translatien.
I V. 8, His mantle. The mantle was
(see ch. 1: 8 and
BarnYard manure is one of the eeost, en a short time where
However, its value can ennny ne andt spread. Fineuees, even spreediug a!a
of salt -pee, and one .or two pouuds pelt, Pa the veseel away in a war& I lace—The plena of the Jordan.. I the distinctive garb of the prophet, It
EiCiinaininheactdietbg„Tenine19.esn—lutLIM.4ontnot aIdnoorienbt! was made of hair
ordinarily is greatly lessened by vern; saving of labor are but a few a its .
ealt. Put these into enough water :to Plage and turn .tbe sicM in the liquidl ;Zech. la: 4). John the Baptist seerne
tain adverse conditions, impropeirinlanY advantages' . ' fully cover the hide. 1,,,et remaie two daily. After a -Week, 'remove the Skin ,...
Ensile to netneed himde Kings penes, 1., to have Worn this dietinctively .Pro -
putting into.; :perk, rieeseibring of Aaron. Iseele'els(!egteeetvire,.alltrtol:lolr r,fe4is7:1-ifillinlii
treatments and modes tai handling. '1,s75,1e,Fin,,tenreh,c,oi,,,nt-a,,Ins a smaller Portion -.nom, stirring, one or twice daily i, and drY it- When party dry, rub and,It is to be preaumed that Elisha had .1,31,11aelye'drdtsa
At the end a two weeles the hide Nod stretch the skin to eoriVle'te, drying. ;lei 5 lattachect himself tel Elijah
The velee of magare nen not only.-- ee....,—..e., _cid then of pOtash or
in the fertilleine elements which it; ammonia .and Is therefore au embed:
be teamed: ° Tack the hide out on al If you want sheepskin for leather/litreavic'dilslipT e I
may eontain—enaqeriaee fee which the, ance,c1 fertilizer. The addition of rocs
smooth pleee, such as a bare. door ei remove the wool before niT;ng.ritt‘4,1ent-rdee., :power. Smote the waters; as Moms
farmer pays large smus when he buys', or acid phosphate, at the rate of aboditi
strete'hing in all direetion.e. Get out the alum and salt bath. To remove I tending to his ' -personal' wants-, l' King s ' snmte the Rad Sea, E. 14: 16:, They
The time hen now coma for, were divided hither and thither; into
commercial fertilizer—but elect in the:forty pcyunde per ton a immure ern all the wrinkles and when nearly dry i wooleplece pelt with flesh side up mall 3-9; 21, sue_ Rey° walls a water with a dry space
large percentage a organ's: matte). greatlY rt.tb it with tallow. and, if at hand is:1)4111de with uicklirne Moisten thei
; ceseor. As there was probably
Elijah to leave his work ;to hie
and the great mass of bacteria. Olt:
the lighter soil tea esPeedau
„.5,,;:.pi.wduced as to this point. The phos -
manure, Conclusive resulte hate been
inerease the effectiveness of
good eed-ell, ri;bbing it in well. Th
roll R up foe a few dae-s, keep inelell, after which the wool eau De puneoe •
' limn and leavefortwea. -four bours I
Y , ., ri of Elijah, separate from our been of:into the land, the Jordau had divided
a Life l. between, At the entrance of Israel
were gone over;
orgarde matter may be the key to the°, Pilate can he dusted over the manure
warm place not away f the The lime . b t
, hot, rom - can e put on wool side (niche. 17_19, 21; 2 jitienn en. 1), se, no . .
, Kings mei cam a its sourees (1 Kings,lin a - similar. manner, Josh. 3; 14-17.
V. 9: When they
II El 'aids P 9 10
ij remise , . .
selteree of improvement. The bacteria' spreader loads as they are hauled ten saner,. . y
D rubbing well, aeld if I pelt, but injures the wool mere Oran doubt there was also a life of Elisha,l.„
are of great value in that they are; he n '' ''' „ , I necessary, use more tallow. . 1
Th if placed on fleele side, preserved in the prophetic .eireles over
which he was head, and this would -
„Into the land of Meab, en the eastern
side of Jordan. They may. have
t field.
berafteial effect's. A few euneee of -
Ice Supply on the Farm, l is to he blacked, do it before any tabe To tura hides with hair on for robes
, 8: 1_16njourneyed en to the wild region of
reces,eary fer deoay and tesnItent', , 1 makes a light-colored lother. It it Tanning for Robes and Rugs:
1 comprise 2 Kings. ehs. 2, 4-7;
low is put On. Use four ounces nut -0 me -M, or rugs, In
.v, sh the skin and ...„.,U 13; 14-21, We are now about to enter.' peat: 34: 5, _.
Nebo where Moses bad met his death,
bfilien of thee naereseoole iilts ef er who had been to tbe station with galls, eight ouneee copperas, clissolvedi! move all fleshy inatter by scraping.,
i 1,1then the intimation came to Elijah.' Horeb for inspiration in his time of
u "As Elijah went to
rotting reanere may easily centain a :i. One day laet summer I met a farm- ."G ; upon li, study of Eliehe's life.
life. • :s . II It d
at ived bisin one quart of vineger or eider, wale- Then wash hair side with warm water,
, . that be was to die, he was living with cP-r,-- o . * /P. .._7 ' ...
i 41111 Stness7 so he is drawn In the
ad improper handling cheque• for July and Showee hie ctea,Ing. the hide over right or twenty-four and soap and rinse. Take one-fourth', a band of prophets at Gilgal between, Rime cenels ef his tett to the Teat •
•- tain
reslet in enormaes losees, yet it is • eel= with the Compauy for the sante' holm if neeessary. This method tan pound each ef salt mut pulvertzed Bethel and Shezhem. lie eves wee e.,
• region in whi h laceee aas seem -weed
et'dl to unetermen sight to eve bained month. It erediteci him with 32 pounds also
, be used for coaliides and calf- alum, or,e-half -ountie of borax, and to journey to a spot east of the .Tordan i ", .° U4C'” away from the face of
yards glutted with menore whieh hoe butter fat at 47 eents from first grate>, skins. eleeolve in • hot water. Add enough: and near Nebo where 151, -nes had fallen, -
-., eel to show, before his death, eente
AAR what I shall do. eta Elijab, wiehe
fer mor.ths been exposed to the• clam-': cream, awl 224 pounds butter fat at • Tanning Rides With Hair On. rye meal to make a thick. paste and asieeR• rAishen
set out with him, but wis.hing to spare .
his feithful disciple,
'merle of favor to his dizeiple and suc-
aging action of rains, "fire-fan:tine! 37 vents from eecond grade ezeem. mane a mixture on three pounee of r d. on flesh eide of *kin. Then fold , . neeseer. It is doubtful if Elijale had
and the type a tienay widen enells the When I asked him bow he °me tal carbonate of eoda; three omens earde .ergthwise, fleth side in. Let mina:in. lulu the pain of witrieseing the laden a his master, lieah tried trans -
, view the heparting of any spiritual
an. shady lilac _,, Eto ' Ill
word less in big lettere. A' farIllc,ri baVe FO mull sour cream, he said ben of nitrate of potash, common salt, two weelcs in nn airy- a e dissuade him, The younger prophen'l
serne token or love arel reirendueeneee
gift. lie meant to bestow :merely
"SWUM net think Of Allowing a ten of' had no ice and that his well muter prussiate of potash, sugar 'of lead and then unfold, eleake well " h 11 -h-
-1 • / vraF e: however, could not be turned aside
Jotntnenoe •tfi A. •double portion of thy spirt. " 'Thee8n.
- 1 reies—yet it is no Fitrallelally ever Sunday. Then I asked him, water. .craPer. Ptill and stretch and work Bethel where there was another circle,
prophets then lb:et-been Jewith son reeeiyed a par-
intereial fertilizer to be wathed by wouldn't keep his cream sweet, eePre' 1 1 1
ptaver.zec. copperas; nine gallons ef siee In water, ar.d serape with a dull. The two
neenher who will day after tleyewhy be hadn't put up lee. "Well," be Place the' hide in this solution for until dry. The amounts mentioned are or prophets. Elijah doubtless withed, Uien twice as grolt us thn ("tiler S"S
(eee Met. 21: 17). Elialra requin,teed
trample through t•he barnyard slop i said, "it was too much 'bother." • two hours, remove carefully' and Tirue enough for sheep skin; for larger:
work and to take a last tender leave '
to eneourage them in their faith and
that he might be eoneidered the first-
ouri give no thought to more eeen-1 A glance at the figures in this tuan's in void water. If the hide is stiff, dip skins use more in proportion. Farmers, of them. The hand of prophets in born amore Dili/ill's pirituai eoes,
conical, eanitary and efficient metitedslaceount will slow that he lost $22.40. ean make good robes front sheepskins 1/p,f),,,,, i h,„i„ , .m.,,,,,,fime,f of ttTt iS, the chief among the prordiets.
of nardlirer the ferm fertilizer. . it repeatedly in this mixture: One gal- His prayer was rot that he mighe be
'I,' that month by not having Ire. lori of soft ecap, ane quart of fish -oil, eated as above and sewed together. '------ ----r - r---------
- e -.Elnalds near death quastioned Elisha a„,._ e.,
Leaeldree er washing cut may cause Outride of its use in the dairy, ie0. one ounce of borax, four puttees of In fattening ellickens a low grade' e '''' ' • - but rather that he might peeve a
1 regarding A but he curtly reeueed t"' t' greet a pro bet as Illijah
the lees of large proportions of the l Is eseential in the farm home far sun- - • their Idle eurioetty en so eelemn a
i werthy sueeezeor to him. . , ..
pheepherie aeil and potash, especiallel plying the refrigerator, i
-n wil'a4 quarts of hot water. This method is
; i .'alt- four ounees of ale°h°1 and tw° of wheat flour is a very eeonomic feed, matter.
surpaseitig oatmeal in this respeete forded, Eusha to turn been but this . V. 10- A hard thing, Snirdeol iritr
Anather opportunity was atf-
t,fattening is I . -being re ,they , . . are the henget to cernmureeate. On.y
the latter, while ieenroper fermerraa; meet% butter and ether perishable especially for hides to be used as, grate ' n`ble to be dis fused journeeed on to
Can generally reeelts in the loss of feole can be kept fresh for a number rugn cd yen give them, Neeectiteleee. En-
large quart-inc.; a ammonia, the high-' of dap,
° ous both ter the ben and her: the prophetic band at Jerldho, jah neeured him that if he hell the
net priced ireertalient of cemutereiaL To knew haw Much Re to put urn/ • TA tan any kind of ekin with bair er .,-,1,
...,_ „ ,.. „ men Flock fattening is best.
— I, Elialuns Sorrows. 5-8. eteedfaetreas to renteen with hue le;
i V. 5. Jericho would be the leet town the lert moteente end to laheld the
fertilizer. All three losses ean lie cal; the followiver is a safe rule to fol- t7rette'eee e I visited before they entered upon the west/mere. cf death, his rNitieclt
fertilize.: divot to the field es it is , the farmer ehould put up two tons The Noon -Hour Loch at School ,bleak regien east of the Jordan which wounj Ie grzlnt,,,,1„
was to be the seene of Elijah's dentin, III: Illielah's Departure.. 11.
to a minimum by either Imuline the:: low: If eregaged in the eity milk trade
made, or by properly storieg it in ' a ice per ecev. if supplying eream, i It was fitting. that Elijah elreeld be V. U. Ate they journeyed on a stortn
covered pine with tight hottonte. In „ one ton per cow is sufficient and four ---....---
• strereethened m spirit be- a band of gathered. Te the wbirlwind thin meet
. . • Y
the latter enee, meisteriing and eom-'' tons for household use. There are many mothers in the settlieg, the expeeditieres . he setts-, e -
. prophets in Jericho before preeeeling through the ne le ralley, 'Elijah \NUS
nly& Metzon of everyone . n his journey. Sons of the prophets. eel -tied a 1; ,, les he iveiny rot. A
paeting the manure prevents LiES of l In putting up ice, one foot below land who Paek dainty and who*1 es° *
It was not long before the teacher The fathers of the -e prophet e were chariot of fire, ete. In the Old Teets -
=mama by exeluding any large, am-' the ice, one foot along each. side, and: lunches for their -Children, but there'
began to fledge a change for the bet- not necessarily pro;hets. It, was not ment Jebevelt is re rrceentgl OA living
the kind el' rotting or decay which; the sawdust. If the weather is cold are also maey busy and work-har- tt•r, by the added zest and aptitude of
ounts of ein and thereby setting up ', two feet above should be Allowed for a. hereditary caste. 1.1:11is Hebrew tot ia In a bright f e ' Al'. eII '
gre te men. where e ts
, mad mothers, or perhaps a few eared, the children for their -after-dinner , means eimply "members of the pro- surnountien Nilll. it heavenly army
dees nat set free this valuable fertind it is a good. plan to pack dump snow ' 'phetie guild.' From the first prophecy which, thoug-h ornalde to mortal eye.
I between the rakes. This prevents the less unithers, who deem any lunch: studied.
The week's menu for twenty
izing substance. , nen tended to draw its members together is composed de Oils fiery subetence
Poor stall Roma and the lack of lair from melting the ice. •satisfactory if it satisfies tbe child's' 4_ . in societies (eee, Sam. 10: 10; 19: 20). (see elt. 6: 17; Ps. 68: 17, and IInb,
nutrients thee the solid, Any system; dampness is apt to rot sills and walls. chilers dinner •ean not be complete Thurseay.....geeee.
g follovR-
' Then! life tegether tended to produce ,was called away lust when be seemed
eufficient bedding of the right cent! Ice may be stored in the corner of petite, even though it is unwholadunit was ne -- ' "
Monday—Rice boiled in milk, :
By the time of Elislue the prephets 3; 8),
;to not as :absorbents, are common .4 woodshed or outbtrilding, but it is - appear to have a strict organizetion •
1 sone aud not at all well balm= , Tuesday—Bean soup.
Wednesday—Milk toast. I and heed tagether in communities i Ore of Immenuel Kant's greatest
!near the great eanctuaries and reeage . arguments for immortality was: "Th
- ,
causes a loss lef liquid :manure, whieh better to have le 'building especially
contain's even a larger per cent. of I built for the purpose, because the Whichever may be the ease, the
nized a commen head or chief prophet. unfinithed tasks of earth." 'Elijah
incomplete. I tial, drainage and ventilation. 'Unless drink for iuneh during the long win- The potatoes for potato soup were.
without an aPpetizing hot dish or 1 Friday—Potato soup.
the inspiration by whic-h they did felt that more years were needed in
which fails to take care of this is1 In 'building, two things are •eesen- unity in their work and to me.rease to be needed mese Many men have
Under the adverse conditionof , the soil is sandy, a few inches of ter day. Fortunate indeed/ is thei prepared the Previous night or in the their weak. In short, they formed a whieh to round out their life work,
weathering and improper decay, just; gravel under the ice, with a draM to tiled who =dee to school a Thermos; morning before school, and left in cold sort of echeol. KnONVoSt thou, etc.? ;Yet we know that no tra.n is in iis-
describee, the loss may 41 to ey arise . carry ef? the water is necessary- By bd ottle fillewith hot milk or eeeoad water. The recipes we used follow; Beene Prenbets, they understocd what peneable. In Westminster Abbey
• • • Elijah ard Elis,h•a were about on this there is • a menure
rnt erected to tl•e
fifty per eent. of the nutrient corsti. I having openings in the gables a but all eau not afford even these attle ICC 01 e in . 1 . I •
,3o-urreey, but the curt Answer which memory of Jelin Wesley. On It ore
tuents. ar.d probably much higher with draught can be secured which will ueeessities. Wash one quart of riee through , geisha fl:AVO them implies that they insciribed thee wodis: "God tekee
the ammonia and potash, which are; carry away the warm air under the Last year the teacher in our dre- several waters or until water is clear.?„wede 'inertly retailing had news with- away his worn/men, but He carriee
most easily lost. Experimente and l roof- Plans and suggestions for farm triet echoed noticed that the children At ten o'clock put it, on to boil in four ; out nuieh sympathy.
an his work."
practical tests have shown that in six ice houses can be obtain.ed free from did not study well after the noon hour. comets of salted water. At 11.45 adeL V. 6. I will not leave thee. Still an- l The Salvation Army uses the word
months' exposure, horse manure has I the Central Experimental Farm, Ot- A little, Item observation showed her a quart of whole 'sweet milk and one -1 ether chance was given to Elislea to '"premoted" in *reeking of the death
lost as much as sixty per cent. of 1101 tawa, or from your nearest Experi-1 the reason. Their food was heleey half *cup of fresh butter. This will need, turn baele (see vs. 2 and 4), hut with-, of one of their number. That word
out avail. Not only might he have carries with it the thought of further
nitrogen, forty per cent. of its oe- ;mental Station. and ubalanced, and best was no-
oecasional stirring but is well worthfelt that he might be of ome comfortservice. It is difficult If not impos-
phoric acid and seventy-six per cent I As ice often comes into direct con- thing but a cold lunch; of touree. the
the trouble involved. Ito Elijah before bis death, but the last: sible for us to think of Elijah as dome
of its potash. Converted te actual 1 tact with food and drink, it is 1211-1 result was a sluggish brain, as might
Bean Soup. moments with his great master were nothing. The reward for work well
'dollars, this eras might represent al portant to secure it as clean as pos- be expected. $o our teacher began to too precious to kat He would elln Ioil sure' be n 'o -
very large sum en many farme. ,I sible. It should never be taken from Put one quart of navy beans, ‚with . . . - • . g , done 1 .y more "te rk. In
to him to the very end. l the :straw of the talents Jesus taught
"Fire-fanging," an apparent burn -I streams -or ponds into which there is 1 t 11 n1 them before the
make plans After she ,had them all
V. 7. Fifty . . . prophets: exesuiro - that the men who had used their
ing of naearare, is caused in dry, open! any drainage from houses or barns. parents, who heartily approved.
comp e et, she al tem
Ma ,
ably from these in jerieho. Moved by: talents in their master's service were
one level teaspoon of soda, on to boil '
at 8.45 o'eleek. When they start to e
heaps by the action of certain fungi. I Disease germs lying dormant in the A little equipment emeriti:1g of the boil, -drain and add fresh water. Put the hdtfPliltrerVoel: .tf.t?'=.17eitrit igisi teav:sra'IL),Vn zErifirea.,-t;':7g. T:lig,
Manure thus attacked soon becomee; ice may become very active if they following, on to 'cook again. If a. soup bone is to
of little value. Moistening ard eon:- was nonated or bought: A;
be used, it should be put in at once Elitha at a clistarec•e, end stood on the I will nidlce thee ruler over many
patting, the remedies for improperl Good, elear lee, free from snowe board, a two -burner hertsenc stove.
second -head table, a eee.orelrhand cep -
land if not, two squeges ef sweet milk benhe of the river watenirg the two thinge.." _
; get into man's food,
fermentation, will also prevent this:harvested before it begins to melt, is and one-half cup of freeh butter — " ___. 4 , ....WO • . • , ,F.T..........,
action. lithe best. an eight -quare kettle, a tin dishpan
should be added at 11.30. -Salt to taste. r animal. He began a puzzling study
a quart •eup, a soup ladle and enoug,l;
of what he celled "ehickneology." For
It should Ile longer be necessary to i he is free for the taking and ee- soup bowls and teaspoons to go round. lilk Toast.
-caution farmers against placing -1118-" d it handiest to let each How. They Make Roosters several days he wondered how he could
quires tilde, a little labor in harvest- The *dish towels were hand -hemmed We foun
mire in small piles in the field, to be. ing, therefore, why shouldn't it be by the sewing class, as were the hot- pupil bring its 'quota" of toast from' Crow in the Movies. make his rooster crow in his next pie-
eure. Every means that be resorted
s•eattered by hand later. Loss of a?n- I used on every farm, when . it gives home, reedy made. Four quarts of
amnia and uneven. destribution of plant such g•ood retuens, not ;only as cash, The next thing was to decide who whole milk should be put on to heat; d•
pan holders. 9 to proved useless.
food are the two main reascfrns. A but in convenience to the household. was to do the -cooking. It was a small Lat 11.30 o'clock. When it boils, add This tale is about a rooster. On The gainera,s were set and the cane-
echool and bed but few older pupils. salt to taste and pour over the toast.I several occasions during the filming examan wasted many thousand feet
A Few Suggestions to It is very essential to have the fowl The older boys 'ram appointed to Leave closely covered until ready tot of rural pieduees, in which "barnyard
of film waiting for the rooster to egow.
Poultry Shippers.
properly .thilled before shipping. empty dish water, get in water and serve. This proved a favorite dish, t atmosphere' is an essentiBut to no avail. It was absolutely
al effect in
Another eesential to Consider, °see- h-elp serve. There were two fourthCocoa: . the pictures, directors and theie slaves useless. It eouldn't be clene. The di -
class girls and two third elee.s girls.. have been confronted with one of the rettedr had given up the idea entirely,
At 11.30 o'clock edi on three quarts.
,o moist tronblesome probleme that could when one morning he saw his trouble -
One girl from each chess was put on r a I ilk eeild three '11.1iarts at , possibly be conceived by the people some roster walk pnoudly out of the
o. twic'tse mheat. ank'
wane and meanAhoee-than . esups of , .
„ Ix. elle .t.e'aeul° of I who strive to make the publee laugh.
the "some •eommittee. Committee No.
1, under the serge eupervision of the Nira' ar o,
teacher, cooked fee one week, and
Stir the:
, No doubt you have -sat in a theatre, toot) in whieh he had. been enclosed.
Some sympathetic fellow lead fe:t
2 did the dishweehing. sugar a paste 11Y1 water. seat and -watched a rooster -crow on sorry for the fowl and unfastened. the
tommittee No. paste in ee the hot nal, and water. ethe silver sheet. You probably smiled door for the abused rooster to „seek
The next week they elean,ged about ,so
Let coma to a boil and stir well be- and gave the matter no serious con- i freedom.
thee each committee hind a Chance to
fore sideration, :OZ. e perhaps ' you said: • The director • watched the rooater
show its culinary skill. •The teaeleer serving. ,. , , , , .
. "Simple enough," and let it '
At 11.00 o'clock put two quarts of that. .. his wings and crow as if his very
. Potato Soup. go at strut from the coop and stop, stretch
helped serve and taught the thildree , .
how to _do the cooking. -
Close account was kept ef every-
peeled- and diced potatoes on to cook • But just try to make one of the life de-
pended on it. Now why in the
thing, and atthe end of the month a
in four -quarts of salted water. Let it ettebbern 2c/evils crow, .: you would, world wouldn't the reosteo do that for -
statement as sent to each parent,
bainuntil 11.30 o'clook. Then add two without a doubt, with that sewn: eraey 'him? The proud king of. fowls Nvas
put into the coop ad Icepedfee seeeeal
quanas of whele milk ,and One-half cup . creations never eitisted. It . is with
The total erp:ense for eaoh month Was
divided by the number of pupilsthus of fresh butter. :this difficult feature that members' of hours, then turned . loose again. The
r--- the movie professison have to deal. In •same procedure was followed several
:Most oases they have to resort to a time's. Invariable- the rooster worild
:dummy for the purpose of pi -educing a. erow after leeing imprisoned for ser -
desired effect in pictures'•and dummies .oral. hoUran, _
,are easily detected. The substitution The psychology of making elle rooe•
of Latin/miss for the real thing in. pie- t ter cro-,y was•dnaliy determined by the •
teems , only causes piCture. patrons .to fact that the eacip had a lee,- Toon. The
,. turn up their noses hi scorn an41.twe117 rooSter while in it could not -hold his
.c k%„..tt..
stories take them for. One director' a feee hours Of being in the eciop, he
.When liberated afteti:
der -tvliat the manufacturers • of Screen proud head op.
Of comedies was reeently humiliated naturally had to stretch, and 'then his
by 'several letters, which asked him if stretching Was-nablowed by the f am-
-he thought he was really 'getting :Way iliar • sound Which every one knows --
with the idea of potting one over on the song of .a rooster. .
the' penile. Why, ea, new-born , baby This in -sane . -ef *king . a 'rooster
could aistinguish a dummy rooster erovr in'a picatere has been a great •
frem the real one.. Where, did he get help to directors. \yid) like. to make
the. idea that movie fans were aban everything appear niatural. When ‘a
lutely dumb?: ,i • , : • picture is flInied thatrequires a 5005 -
The eentlemen in question :is one 'ter in :the act of crowing, the lioWl is
has: an int,ernational reputatien. procu-red • and, Placed .,in a 'coop con-
farlia•ciling: a ainials' and: *pole in pie- .streeted -so that .he can ,not 'raise his,
' 'ttitifs. • lie has frequently been styl1, ,head. When the time leeready for his
loan who makes animals. 'atte'. part in the-p.ittute;::he ..is placed be-
4,Itfyidently-be:realized-thAt there'covir4• fore -the camera .and,rtirere 'he ne,ver
... .,...,
of a 'natural :Lector, Whether human
uld taker the place fails 16: elease tiv. dire:Ohm.' with hi3
of ."Cotk-a-cloodle,deo,',''
ea . nothing tha t c o
Receivers of poultry in the con- eially in the •thipment of dressed poul-
Blaming centres are having their usual try, is the time of shipment. Poultry
trouble with dressed poultry. This can be sold to advantage if it arrives
is eaused mainly by a discoloration ef at the market not later than Thursday
morning. If it arrives 'Friday night
or Saturday morning, it comes :after
eel the butchers have been supplied
house has great difficulty in disposing for the Sunday trade. As .11.: is diffi-
of the product and then only at a re- cult to keep dressecl poultry over ser -
aced price. This usually brings a eral days the commission men than
has to force a sale at a sacrifice price.
which eauses extra work for him and
invariably results in a kick from the
Chiekene, are more susceptible to
discoloration in keeping after being
necessitate its being kept over a few dressed than turkeys, geese or ducks
days, it could be done without detri- Therefore,. they should be shipped
went. It can ;also be prepared just alive, or greater tare should be used
before sale .hyi the butcher so that in drez.aing them.
the poultry due to improper prepara-
tion. When shipments in this ea/edi-
tion are received the commission
complaint from the shipper bemuse
of the low price, Which is often un-
It is by far preferable to ship poul-
try alive, for then, if it should arrive
at a time of the week which would
tit will have a fresh ancl clean appear -
But if it is desired that ,dressed . g:he largest duck larni in the World
poultry be shipped, the'fbRowing sag- is located at Speonlc, Leng edema. et
is claimedethat 180,000. ducks are qu'ar.
gestions carybe folloWed te advantage:
After killingand bleeding, clip the tared en "
false in boiling water to loosen the It is a maxim univer,ial:y agreed
feathers. Then following the lay of upon in agrictiture that nettling must
the featherS, wipe them off; do not be done tee -lai-e; and *gain, that
pull:them eft for thee breaks the skin, everything must be done at its proper
ond luny break in the skin will produce sea'sen: while there iS a third precept,
a green epot in a few days. which rcennele us that opportnitsties,
After the, feathers • are off dip the lost can. never be ilogainefk,
;fowl in boiling water several times A professional cistern " cleaner a ays
again, holding it in a seconci, or two. that ,at least once a year each house -
!Ellis is to soar over the outer skin wife should put a cupful of eon -nylon
Slightly and to make it ding to the baking soda into her cistern, It n
!inner skim, Immediately .aftcf -Put ate I only kills all insect life that :i:nay 10
body in running cold water, or ice within the y.'eter, but renders it sattn
water, arid leAye it 'there 'fbr least and better for Ali, purpoSes, oven Tor
four limns. This- is to tehe out all drinkin,... It will inalre :tleanirt;
:f tthe animal heat and b.eaqats will thecessau
ry, nless trash Las been drop-
, . ,
, irVe ' e fowl- a n'Ice Flt 1111) a 1Tha. ped t
into the
The New Roof Is Fine---Bui The Foundation is Rotten