HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-11-02, Page 20PAGE 20A-.aaQDERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER T. 1978 1. Articles for sale ANTIQUE chesterfield and two chairs, oak frame, newly upholstered, new condition; winter coat size 241/2; fall coat, 22%, good as new. Phone 528-2927.-43-44x REGISTERED male treeing Walker coon hound, one year old, has all shots; Spanish 12 gauge double barrel shotgun. Virgin wool coat, raspberry with black mink Collar, size 15 petite. Phone 565-2146 after 5:30 p_m.-43,44 OVEN READY turkeys. Call - . , .-Don-Alton $29=.7356°-X43;44 _ ...._. PENTAX ME with 50 mm F _._..__...__J1L ens_andHoneywell_.470. Electronic flash.' $350. Phone 524-6717.-43,44 tree-% 30,000 BTU propane gas heater. Phone 524- 4308.-42tfnc °'SEWING MACHINES - Singer, Waite and other models. Repairs to all makes. All machines and repairs guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West Street, Goderich 524-2551.- 20tfar AFRICAN Violets. forty varieties, Fishers of Canada 1978 variety, different sizes and prices. Phone for ap- pointment 524-9119, Olive Gilbert No. 8 highway, `." betisciaelti.'s.= 34,4,x',.-",*. NORTHERN Spies, Red and Yellow Delicious, Macs and other varieties, fresh cider and potatoes. Bellview Fruit Farm, 524-8011.--42tfar GRADE A BEEF - hinds, $1.35 ib.; fronts, 95 cents lb.; sides, $1.15 lb. Cut, wrapped and quick frozen at no extra charge. Ripley Abattoir, 395- 2905 952905 or. 395-2979 evenings.-43,44AR COMBINATION wood and coal annex stove. Asking 8109.'Phone 524-6700.-42,44 APPLES: Northern Spies, Macintosh; Cortland, Ida Reds, Red and Golden Delicious. Fresh cider, potatoes and onions. Delivery around town. Gerald Bell Fruit Farm, phone 524.8008.-42TFAR SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. We also do alterations and install zip- pers. Pratt's Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton St., 524-8431, Goderich.-8tfar ONE pair of 1-178 x 14 black - wall snowtires on GM rims $40-00; one G78 x 14 summer tire on GM rim $15.00. Phone 529-7203.-4ltfnc CLASSIFICATIONS • 1. Articles for sale 16_ Mortgages 2. Mobile Homes 17. Auction Sales 3. Articles for rent 18. Services available 4. Articles wanted 19_ Notice to creditors 5. Cars, trucks for sale 20. Public notices 6. Pets 21. Personal 7. Real estate for sale 22. Lost and found 8. Real estate wanted 23. Miscellaneous 9. Accommodation to rent 24. Business opportunities 10. Wanted to rent 25. To give away 11. Room and board 26. Births 12. Help wanted 27. Deaths 13. Wanted (general) 28. Engagements 14. Employment wanted 29. Marriages 15. Tenders 30_ In memoriam 31. Cards oUthankc DEADLINE - - - Class-ifieei-Ads 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY Ads cannot be accepted after 12 o'clock for that week's paper. CLASSIFIED - 13` per word. minimum '2.75 (excluding. No. 19. No. 20. No. 28. No. 30) 1. Articles for sale BAUER - Special Pro Skates, size 11, other hockey equipment; Dana acoustic guitar, with hard shell case; Canora beginners guitar. with hard shell case. All in excellent condition. 24- 7143.-44,45 18 CHORD ELECTRIC ORGAN, made by Orcana, approximately one year old, in excellent condition. Phone 529-7442.-44,45 C.E. RADIO President, 40 channel, under warranty; One 40 gallon' aquarium ; two l0.gallonand one f'fve.gallotii 'aquariums; bubblers etc. Phone 524-2035.-44 1. Articles •for sale FRESH ttrussel sprouts for your freezer, only 40c per pound. Pick your own or call Dobson Farms 262-2822. Two miles west oflKiplien on left. Open every day, Sunday only till 4.--40tf ��•�r1�1[tu7C�®r1Ji�ATi4-v-T�eidtat��oewl�, Cleanerremoves rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffmeyer Plumbing . and Heating, *Kingston Street, Goderich.-ltfar WESTERN SADDLE, good condition, phone 524- 6329..-44 NATURAL GAS space heater, Coleman, 55,000 BTU, with blower. Phone 524-8534.-44,45x SEWING MACHINE and cabinet Zig Zag Kenmore, perfect working condition, $110. Phone• 5246,7.- 94,45 GEESE FOR SALE, 9 pounds and up, oven ready. Phone 482-3386 between 5-6 p.m. or after 8 p.m_,. PIANO SELECTION. Reconditioned uprights from $395.00 and up. New pianos $1399.00 and up. New electric player piano at cost. Pulsifer Music Seaforth. Phone 527- 0053.-44tfar ORGANS WANTED - Now is the time to make that trade on a modern Gulbransen or Wurlitzer organ. We need used organs and pianos so expect a good deal. Treat your family to a Christmas gift that lasts. Pulsifer Music, Seaforth. Phone 527- 0053.-44tfar Ceramic Christmas Trees Ash Trays, Vases, Mugs, Pitchers BUY DIRECT or phone for order 524-4664 between 9 & 3 available at.... ADULT REHABILITATION CENTRE 185 Keay% St. Goderich 524-4664 OPEN HOUSE AND SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS •One Kitchen Table & 5 chairs •One 7 pc. Master Bedroom Suite •3 sets of Table Lamps . •1 National Shuffle Board Table •1 National Pool Table • 1 Electric Fireplace b Base •1 Portable Bar • 1 10 H.P. MT,® Tractor with snow blower & grass cutter attachment 11/2 years old •1 Power Lawn mower ',Exercise equipment •1 sot of Bunk beds (complete with mattress) Chest of drawers, dresser. •1.Family room set • Major & Small appliances •1 Pastel Mink coat (size 10-12) .1 Pastel Mink locket •1 Mink Stole (size 10-12) Many other Household items Too Numerous To Mention Phone 524-6073 132 WARREN ST. GODERICH • KEN HUTCHINS ' FIRST COME FIRS? SERVED 1. Articles for sale DRY hardwood for sale. Will deliver. Bob Thompson 482- 7171.-42-44x TWO . Hi -Way Bi -Way snowtires, G78" - 14, as good as new. Phone 524-6759. s w.: • - SSNOWTiRES'21W-6:Z164 1 radials on Pinto wheels. One G78 - 15 belted on GI►+1 wheel. Phone 524-6230.-44nc MACINTOSH, Northern Spy, Red and Yellow Delicious, Russetts, Ida Reds and Waynes. Fresh apple cider. No. 2 spies $3.50 per bushel. Popatoes, cooking and Spanish Onions, Carrots, Cabbages and Honey at Art Bell's Fruit Farm, phone 524-8037:- 44tfar SNOWBLOWER for 6N Ford tractor, Freeman loader, 17 foot flat wagon, double snowmobile trailer, oil stove. Phone 524-6194.-44,45 CHROME DINING SET, five piece. Phone 524-9636.-44,45 AERIAL TOWER, almost new colour antenna, new type rotor, booster. Com- plete for $135.00. Two wheel leaf raker with bag, 815.00. Phone 524-6037.-44x ONE pair of 1178 x 14 black - wall snowtires on GM rims $40.00; one G78 x 14 summer tire on GM rim $15.00. Phone 529-7203.-4ltfnc ONE chair -bed. Phone 524- 7839.--44 NEW MATTRESSE Everyday Prices Lower Than Most Sales 40 DINETTE SUITES of Wood and Chrome C& E Furniture NEW AND USED % mile south on hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We Take Trades Wilcox Trailer Sales TRAVEL TRAILERS FIFiH WHEEL MOTOR HOMES THEDFORD 296-9692 2. Mobile -Homes 4. Articles wanted ONE SIX FOOT DISC for 3 point hitch. Phone 524- 6410.-4ltfar WANTED: Old brick buildings for demolition and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley. 1185 Murphy. Road. Sarnia.-35tf WANTED: old cars, radiators, batteries, cast iron, steel, etc. Phone 526- 5403 anytime. --43t1 WANTED. T.O _$ILY .. aa._ exercise bicycle. Phone 524=• 9426 after 6 p.m. -44x REFRIGERATOR, used, second hand in good working order. Phone 524-2575---44 SPRING ROCKING HORSE and wooden rocking chair for child. Phone 529-7865 after 5 p_m.-44,45 5. Cars, trucks for sale FOR SALE - 12' x 60' Villager, furnished, back shed. Located on lakefront lot, Iroquois Lane, Lot 51, Meneset Park- Phone 524- 7255.-42t1 MUST SELL - two bedroom Haven. Any serious offer will be considered on this beautiful home. Auburn 1- 526-7784_-40TF MOBILE HOME 1975 Beadix Mobile Home 63', 2 bedrooms. utility room stove. frig. washer. dryer, roofed sundedr. tool shed. T.V. tower. brick barbecue_ Many extras_ Beautifully treed lot with lake view. 60 Iroquois. Call 524-2791 or London 679-2773 1 $700 DOWN 1975 MOBILE HOME Located • at Meneset Park. 3 bedroom. stove. fridge. immediate possession. Full price 91.950. Owner will hold mor - Call 524-6018 3. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS for all occasions. Free style brochure, Rawson's Shop for Men, Goderich.-Itfar we can suit you every occasion FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTAL Exclusively at CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Free catalogue FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluswater Cleaners 524- 6231. Reach all of ONTARIO with your special classified ad 9. Accommodation to rent LARGE 2 bedroom house to share with another person - Blake Street, Goderich. Available November 1. $140 per month. Phone 524- 4381.-42-45 ONE and two bedroom apartments in Lucknow and Teeswater. These are brand new apartments and are available immediately. Call Genie Glenn Inc., phone 528- 3234.-43tfar FOUR bedroom house for rent - or puchase on easy terms. $2411194-0111r-40... Call Don Hoist `ileal Estat524- 8951 or after hours 524- 8191 _--42tfar 11 Help wanted BABYSITTER for one year old, must be non smoker, Monday to Friday. Phone 524-6062 after 4:30 p.m. -44 APPLICATIONS are being, accepted for permanent part time sales person, twenty to thirty hours per week. Must be available to work days plus one evening per week. Reply giving all particulars to Drawer 75, Signal Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ont.-43tfar MATURE WOMAN to care. for invalid, daytime only, live in preferred, Mrs. Carl Diehl, Box 183, Bayfield 565- 2667.-43,44 THREE bedroom large mobile home with stove and fridge, immediate possession. Apply at Huron Haven Park. 524- 6384.-44,45a'r IN BAYFIELD - 3 bedroom house, carpeted throughout, electric heat. large lot. Immediate possession. Phone 631-2808.-44 Through a special arrangement between this newspaper and The Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association we now offer an Ontario -wide classified advertising service. 1968 DODGE DART. ideal to restore. Phone 524-2980 after 5 p_m.-40tfnc 1976 Chevy Chevette, low mileage, reasonably priced_ 529-7831 _-- 44tf 1973 IMPALA 4 door, power steering, brakes and win- dows, tinted glass, air conditioning. Certified. Phone 524-6494. 1968 FORD Falcon, sedan, 33,000 miles, $700.00 Cer- tified. Call 524-8769 Selling your car? Need a Safety Inspection? - Call 524-2121 Now only $1 5.95 6. Pets TROPICAL fish, canaries. Complete pet supplies. Pat's Pet Shop, 350 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.daily and Friday evenings--ltfar HORSES- Boarded, box stalls, 565. per month. Excellent riding area. 482- 9960. Call after 6:00 p_m_-4ltfnc TWO AQUARIUMS, 16" x 8", complete tropical equipment, $20.00_ Phone 524-69711,-44 13 INCH BEAGLE PUPS, seven months old, parents excellent hunters. Phone 529- 7382.-44 9. Accommodation to rent THREE BEDROOM house, oil heated. One mile from town. Phone 524-7397.-44x TWO BEDROOM, 2 storey home, 15 miles north of Goderich. Phone 529- 7459.-44 ONE BEDROOM lower apartment, available im- mediately. Phone 524-9390 between 12 noon and 1 p.m. -44x BAYFIELD: One bedroom electrically heated four room house, large lot, one block off Main St., Available nrow. Phone 519-439-6358 evenings. -44 Office TO RENT 524.8382 C.all 5248331 for detalis SIGNAL -STAR PUBLISHING L1U. P.O. lox 2f/ ootl.rklt, Ontario BENNETT APARTMENTS One and ;Two bedroom apartments, locl:ass fridge, stove, cable TV and utilities. Calc: 524-2071 TWO BEDROOM Apartment in Saltford available. December 1st_ No pets $140.00 per month plus utilities. Phone Seaforth 527- 1032.-44 10,; ''Wanted"'-.. rent-- - RESPONSIBLE family wanting to rent three bedroom home for ap- proximately one year. Can supply references etc. Phone 524-8821 or 524-2094.-42- 44AR WE NEED a 3 or 4 bedroom farmhouse to rent, im- mediately. Will help with chores. Reasonably priced for family. Phone 529- 7934 -44,45 11. Room and board YOUNG MAN employed in Goderich wishes room and board. Phone 524-9426.--44x 12. Help wanted Experienced Full Time And Part Time Waitresses Wanted Apply Nick Club Grill KINGSTON ST. If you are an In- telligent, energet- ic person with more than a passing in- terest in energy conservation, we have room for you. A self motivated individual is required in the area to represent a rapidly growing in- sulation Company. If you would like the independent life style, call Brian Kretch, Soles Manager, for Reit- zel Insulation at 1- 000-265-8737, toll free. FA1Vi11.Y & Chitireit.'s Services of Huron County requires an experienced social worker for the CHILD ABUSE TEAM. Preference will be given to applicants with experience in child protection. Salary negotiable, excellent fringe benefits. To apply write John V. Penn M_S.W., Family & Children's Services of Huron County, 46 Gloucester Terrace, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1 W7.--44ar REFURNISH YOUR HOUSE by working part- time. Earn the extra money you need as an Avon representative. You set your own hours, sell quality ,products;;. and rneet.,.new„,and, interesting people. You'll never feel so good. Call today 1-527-0238.-44,45ar WANTED: Person for general housekeeping (Clinton area) Duties in- clude company for two children 11, 10. 5 days a week. Live in preferred. Salary negotiable. Apply to Drawer No. 13 c -o Box 39, Clinton News -Record, giving name,,, age, experience et- c. -44x DO THESE 10.1, ORDS DESCRIBE YOUR. JOB? Challenging Exciting Secure Rewarding Satisfying Important Advancement and Travel Potential THEY COULD ASK US ABOUT YOU_ Ntie- THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES. For full information visit the Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre 520 Wellington Street London, Ontario N6A 3R2 or our mobile office GODERICH FEDERAL BUILDING 1st & 3rd Tuesday each month 12:00 p.rn. to 4:30 p.m. SARNIA-every Wednesday STRATFORD-1st . & 3rd Thur- sday each month • ODERICH-1st & 3rd Tuesday each month WOODSTOCK-2nd 8, 4th Thursday each month 12. Help wanted 18. Services available PERSON for purebred hog farm, must be mature and responsible with desire to learn and advance. House available. Bob Robinson, RR 4 Walton, 345-2317.--43,44 ANIMAL HEALTH SALES One -of Canadak leading animal health product manufacturers has several openings for commission agents in S.W. Ontario. Th have a the livesi perience. .people we are looking for should - nowledge of or a background In, ick industry, plus some sales ex - These positions would work in well with persons now selling other non-competive lines. Above average commissions are paid mesatltlye Send brief resume to Animal Health Sales, P.O. Box 1744, St. Marys,Ont. PART TIME Dishwasher WANTED APPLY NICK CLUB GRILL KITCHEN HELP S. WANTED • Cooking, light kitchen duties, knowledge of all kitchen work. Experien- ce preferred. Apply in person Harbour Park Inn. West St. Goderich. Weekdays 2-4 p.m. TEACHER'S AID • required immediately for COLBORNE CNETRAL SCHOOL This position will involve working with Kin- deam ten children on -a full dpy, every otlt@r day, basis. Written ap- plications stating qualifications and ex- perience will be accep- ted up to Wednesday, November 8th, 1978. In- terviews will be arranged with selected applicants. J. P. Kane, Colborne Central School, R.R. 5, Goderich, Ont. N7A 3Y2 RELIABLE people will clean your home or office in Clinton, Goderich- - and Seaforth areas. Huron Domestic Services, 482- 3636.--44,45 WILL BABYSIT in my home. Phone 524-4309.--44 CUSTOM BUTCHERING - cattle, hogs, lambs. Curing, smoking, sausage and headcheese making, lard rendering. Reasonable rates. Call Ripley Abattoir 395-2905 for . ap- - -pointment.-38-52ar•.. 13. Wanted (general) WANTED old wood niture, regardless of dition, phone 2725.-24tfar fur- con- 524 - 14. Employment wanted MOTIVATED young male seeks to relocate in Goderich. Has chef training and is fully experienced in hotel, ' restaurant management. i1Reply to Drawer 77, c -o Signal -Star Publishing Ltd. -93,49 ADULT will babysit in your home. Phone 524-2415.-44 WILL BABYSIT pre- schoolers in my home anytime. Phone 524- 8737.-44,45 16. Mortgages CASH for your mortgage. Call us first 524-2747.-33tfar 18. Services available . MAN with truck will do light delivery and pick-up. Phone 524-8553.F2tfar FURNITURE refinishing and caning. Phone 524-7490 or 524-2725.-43tf 15, Tenders PHIL'S REFRIGERATION & APPLIANCES SERVICES Phone 1-887-9062 or Grangers TV 524-8925.-41tf AUTO BODY OILING - Maclyn Manufacturing Ltd., 11/4 miles north of Amt erley, west of Hwy. 21.' Phone 395- 3352, look for our sign. Opening Sept. 4th. -35-48 REPAIR TO all appliances, refrigeration service. Lucknow Appliance Centre, Lucknow, phone 528- 2946.-39tf FOR INSTRUCTION on accordion, piano, organ or guitar, phone 524-2711. (Instruments sup- plied).-ltfar PAUL HUTCHINS PAINTING •Interior decorating •Finishing Drywall •Sprayed Ceilings 524-6488 HOFFMEYER Plumbing & Heating Ltd, APPLIANCES 55 KINGSTON ST. ELECTRIC Inglis washers, dryers, refrigerators, dishwashers, ranges. GAS Ranges, barbecues, lights, ranges. MATHERS LANDSCAPING LAWN MAINTENANCE • SODDING • SEEDING • ROLLING • AERIFYING • GRADING • TOPSOIL • FERTILIZING • PATIOS • TREES.AND SHRUBS • VERTICUTTING Phone 524-2401 Or 524-7044 ART'S Landscaping -Nursery and Garden Centre 116 Bennett, Goderich FERTILIZERS SEEDING -SODDING TREES -SHRUBS Complete line of Everything needed for INDOOR & OUTDOOR GARDENING TENDERS FOR TRUCKS & CARS SEALED TENDERS, on forms and in envelopes available from the office of the undersigned will be accepted un- til 4:00 p.m. local time on: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1978 for the following vehicles for the County of Huron Highways Department: HC -75-104 - 1 - '/2 ton pick-up truck HC -78-105 - 1 -1 ton 12 passenger van HC -78-106 - 1 - 4 door passenger automobile The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. A. Der-tpsey, P. Eng., Huron County Engineer Court House, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 1M2