HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-11-02, Page 10give those teachers one thinks he is doing his cent but get our kids back buddy a favour?" in school". He sail the Frayne also said he board hesitated to 'go. to wondered if parents were arbitration because it liad aware that the health been warned it would cost program in the schools is the board to settle as broad as it is and that througharbitration it eovers'everydetail and claiming it turned out every scope: "Teachers costing the board more are told to teach with than it wanted to spend to get the school„ system going agin. - Frayne told ratepayers he had disagreed with the use of the three con- troversial . books in the school system. He said that books like Catcher in the Rye, The Diviners and Of Mice and Men should have limited use in the schools. He said that they should be restricted to grades 11-13. There is a danger in Haslett and Robinson our perm4ss•ive•-society-to-will -each•-direet••his-•own allow them into the lower play. grades" he said. "In the Philip McMillan, end, is the quality of the G.D.C.I. English and product, worth the bad Thearte Arts teacher, has parts?" choreographed two dance Frayne said he was not numbers which will also impressed by Catcher in be performed at Trigon. the Rye yet a teacher he One is a number based on knows thought it one of the 1950s to Summer of '42 the best novels being used and the other is a dance in the schools and said based ' on the 1970s to that it .had been in use in Grease. the system •foryears: As well as being an "Teachers in Huron. artistic endeavor, this have a Christian year's Trigon is a money - background and live a making venture as well. Christian life and we are The drama club is trying very fortunate to have to raise money for their them,," said Frayne. upcoming .season which 'But what happens if the includes a musical in the book "Of Mice and Men" spring, workshops s taught by a person who throughout the year and believes •-irr _ —s. eutharra�si'd;^" ome '-tiorrr�t•ng;_'iviih-"tlie_�: because the end of that Dominion Drama book a man shoots his Festival. In conjunction riend's brains out and. PAGE 10—GQDERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2:, 1978 Frayne said school board too hosty aboat arbitration Eugene Frayne, Catholic representative for the township of Ash- field on the Huron County Board of Education said last week that the school board was to hasty in going to arbitration to settle the teachers' strike last winter. Frayne, speaking to the Ashfield Ratepayers' meeting, said the strike was rough on everyone; teachers, parents, Eeople trustees and students. He said the board was pressured into ar- bitration by parents of students who said "don't eAlt MR. AND MRS. MAR EK MICHAEL BRUDNICKI LiVe hirOndiin North Street United Church in Goderich was the scene of a pretty fall wedding on October 7 at 4 p.m. when Pauline Ann Schwanz of London and Marek Michael Brudnicki of Woodstock were united in marriage. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth and Mr. John Schwanz of London and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brudnicki of Goderich. The Reverend John D. M. Wood officiated at the double ring ceremony. The bride was given in marriage by her brother-in- law, Randy Kerr of Goderich. She wore a floor -length white wedding gown with an empire waist, rounded neckline, cap sleeves and lace applique on the bodice and skirt. To complete the outfit, she wore a two-tiered knee length veil and carried .a bouquet of yellow rosebuds, white carnations and stephanotis. Maid of honor was Miss Teresa Begeman Goderich. She wore a mauve floral print, sleevele s, floor length gown with an empire waist. She carr' d a bouquet of, yellow daisies, write miniature mu s and mauve carnations. . . Bridesmaids were Mrs. Judy Kerr of Go rich and Miss Maureen Concannon of London, hey were gowned identically to the maid of honor and carried the same flowers. Flower girl was Shannon Kerr of Gyyrrderich, niece of the bride. Sheiwore a white eyelet ree-tiered gown with long sleeves and mauve baby)s ribbon trim. She carried a smaller version or the bridesmaids' bouquets. Groomsman was Pete B dnrcki of London. Guests 'were ushered into the ch rch by Stan Brudnicki of Goderich and George Cybtilski of Woodstock. Ringbearer was Daniel Kerr of Goderich, nephew of the bride. Following the w dding ceremony, a dinner and reception were he at the Sandpiper Inn, Vanastra. The Inn was dee ated with blue and yellow bells and streamers for t a occasion. The bride's other greeted guests wearing a blue gown with long sleeves and a cumberbund waist. She wore a corsage ofwhite orchids. The groom's mother assisted wearing a blue gown with long sleeves and an empire waist. She wore a corsage of pink orchids. Fo a wedding trip to Freeport, Bahamas, the bride chged to a red two-piece dress and pants outfit with a ' orsage of white miniature carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Brudnicki wilt reside in Loddon. Prior to the wedding the bride was feted at showers given by Teresa'Begeman and Judy Kerr for friends and relatives in Goderich; and by Maureen Con- cannon for friends and co-workers in London. Thankoffering Knox W.M.S. Afternoon Auxiliary held their October Thankoffering meeting in Knox Presbyterian Church parlor on Tuesday, October 17 at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Ron McCallum opened the meeting, welcoming all present and giving the devotions of Thanksgiving from a former Glad Tidings magazine with members joining in the responsive reading of Psalm 103. any donations from the ladies would be ap- preciated. The W.M.S. November meeting will be Tuesday, November 21. Mrs. G.C. White and Mrs. Frank Wilcox will be in charge and members are reminded to bring their Blessing Boxes to this meeting. A collection was taken for the Fellowship of the Least Coin, after which Miss Lily MacArthur • This was followed by offered prayer. i prayer`° After the .meeting -the - members enjoyed a social half hour together. ' f Mrs. Ann Livingstone ,gave an interesting talk on the theme of Thanksgiving, being thankful for all our blessings, adopting the helpful spirit and bringing joy to others. She climaxe with a lovely/ own comp Pres ides her talk poem of her ition. t, Mrs. Gordon Kaitting, then took the chair Wand thank* the speaker for her Timely message and the - members for being /present. She read a few selections on the theme of Thanksgiving from the W.M.S. book, "Thoughts for all Seasons". Minutes of last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs_ J.K. Wilson. Members an- swered.the roll call with something they were thankful for. The treasurer's report by Mrs. G.G. MacEwan was encouraging. Mrs. E. Bogie and several members reported they had visited members in Huronview, Maitland Manor and Goderich Hospital. The subscriptions to the Glad Tidings magazine were taken after the meeting. The following correspondence was brought to the attention of the members: a letter from the Bible Society: a letter regarding Dock Project; and a letter from the Homemakers regarding their rummdge sales and asking for contributions if possible. The Jubilee Ladies of Knox are holding a Christmas children's bazaar in December and ,ti Mv� favowtite things. his season The Raintree presents an imaginative collection of beautiful gift suggestions. Interesting and unusual examples of 'quality and design awareness, make this bur most treasured showing. Each item has been chosen to reflect our new country am- bience, and to satisfy a desire for luxury. Visit us soon and share in the excitement The Raintree radiates this festive season-. Come discover our magic. THE RAINTREE fllRNlitJRI,ll(,Hfl\(,\\s\ll(()�'l�atic,,\RT. \c ( !Nis ()rx' l wnty Eight Albert, (;lintcm' 482 3371; with the drama club, •y. STE . ICF the ti)tal cleaning service c. Special Carpet Cleaning Offer :1C,O c.• Get ;your living room and dining room carpeting cleaned now by the Steamatic professionals for one low price, only $49.95. Offer effective until Nov. 30th. Phone Steamatic Cleaning Service 524-2260 •_.a,Ts " OUR MISSION... TO SEEK ANO EINO, - \� - NEUU UUAYS TO .\ �SIWE YOU MONEY! . SHOP THESE WEEKLY STAR STUDDED SPECIALS Soft & Dry SPRAY DEODORANT 250m1. $ 49 ONLY Lestoil Spray 14 DEODORIZER Antlphlogestine A535 RUB 2oz: $ 1 09 ONLY • I,i \ Glad N GARBAGE BAGOSLY , 0 1 09 ONLY $ � 69 13oz. ll Smiles & Chuckles PEPPERMINT2 FO 00 PATTIES 125 g. ONLY ! _. Amphora PIPE ONLY 1T0BAccpggfz. 69 TRIANG LE NT/Is Ifo 51' k► b ft'ICII/M irr' Ci r, CLIN1'ON/Mliiitk sEAFOlt11t Trigon. • from page 3, this newest one. Robinson has also written a modern mystery for Trigon en- titled, Let Not Thy Right Hand. This play has a cast of only two, Lucie Turcotte and Dan Don- nelly. sensitivity but it is' dif- ficult to teach moral standards in secondary schools with so many different beliefs" said Frayne.'`It is not hard to do it with responsibility," he added. With -the restraint Turn to page 19 • • • Mrs. Eleanor Robinson is keening a choir going which may be utilized in musical productions. Tickets bought from students in advance for Trigon are: children - 50 cents; students - $1; and adults - $2. At the door, tickets may be purchased for: children - 75 Gem students $1.50 and adults • $2.50. Each night's performance begins at 8 p.m. Go and support this entertaining and wor- thwhile endeavour. VOTE FOR BRIAN KNIGHTS and JIM MARLS FOR TOWN COUNCIL WE CAN'T PROMISE TO LOWER TAXES, BUT WE CAN PROMISE TO CONTROL THEM - Complete - Automotive - Machine Shop and Radiator Repair Service Let US do the work.... COMPANY LIMITED 145 HURON ROAD, GODERICH 524-8389 GIANT STORE - WIDE eNRISTMAS HANNASMens and Boys Wear .... WINGHAM.... ... Come On Over To This Great Sale We have one of the largest stocks of mens and boys wear In the area - two floors packed with a selectionof fine clothing, more, than you would see in many city stores. Arid It's All On Sale! It's -all top quality, brand name clothing from the best sources in the country; clothing you will wear with pride and confidence. 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