HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-1-26, Page 7BRrfEll DOMINIONS ALL EXCLUDED FROM AN LO FR C TREK' New Departure in the Constitutional History of the Empire— Canada and the Other Dominions May Contract Them- selves selves in if They Wish to do se.. A despatch f+ronl, Lowden s+ayia,--•, •ce circa to attend the Genoa confer - Canada and the the Dominions will orae and should :.'r.e and the other De- i e snecifie,ally exeiuded frese the reitiona eepreas a wish to parthaleate, Anglo-French h pact, the negotiations they will all be foemelay ireit;d, As for which ere now being ewe/acted by the principal object of the 12 eetir.,;; Li+oy d Qeerge and Poim•care. This st> 'ri ; will 1e the a cenomie retemenrueticn t marks departure in the ee:',atitut'•on- Russia, Canada with her direct ocean al history of the British Empirenecemmerneattion with S ee"a, has a Ordinar" y, in -the cone=tte bn of treat-' n ' :h. mere vital inteaett in it than' les or agreennents of, this kind, the ' have most of the smaller Eu'rope:el i}olehtie is aye ealt.,li:ateral'ly sne?uded t sou er i; who wed be retire eisted,. If Britain, for inseasice, signed all 3a ae will be tihc2•e and so will t13a agreement to -morrow with Angora, United Sta,'te as a Dirge ere:liter of Canada would be understood to be Earwpe. Cena as as 4:•3 a ereditcr to u1n21ritted. In the pact nhieh Lined . the extent of a=bout $50,000,000 owed (xe0rge end Briand-rinl, s+. ShgiiCd,} by France, Be'';;um;, Greece and however, the Donithiose are speci#ieel-; Rou22i ru`_a in trade credits. Canada is kir left, out 1mtll the e-entia t theme-' moreover a large supplRe cf foot]- selves. in if they wish to do so. This stuffs- rxvv materials and. even mane- in i ne-in believed to coni titute a preeedent4 factored artielte to the cemotr es of and its a le ieal eoesequeene of last; post war Europe. A Ruse -:•an trade rulnmiee's eo ere ee of Empire Pre-!, d.....Ration will shortly visit the Da- pier's in Lcrad°:.at, -when the teeing of minion with the objet oa reteeter -:^- the ;Joe minion-;. w'a'.!a te%ted a regard-` :rig toniniere al relatiora area. ultimate - mew timate - me • isaisee of foreign per:is:.y, air1 Iy C. ;3adi- will be asked for ',; slag some laf thorn were r.atller eratbal of: credits. On all the e guilt ls, Ca. tk}k{ eov e which Fran e was ta,kir' , i, era is deeply c•on.err eel in the Genoa C nteiek has been asked whether sho lt• meeting. GERMAN PAYMENT EVERY TEN DAYS Reparations Commission Also Changed stem of Coal - Delivery. y. A deee itch from Peine q::, se---Ger- nia^.y nes mnde her fir:: l:ayment of 31,000,000 gcr't1 nl,erk3, in eteverda nee velth the recent do ititn of the Rep- araticlss Conii,g.ai..?t at Ca a et, pro- ending for ri?:34 l;uy'sl.a:rt veery tee dares Pow: .%dv, e , a i ` ii A.;; the whale rt ean:tti"ont3 iseuo. Tho Rapare ia,r: t Com nl ';aitm an- nounced n- now :e1 131,-n eet, .,,.:.,n , 1:t it wet paid in f 3'oel ;':41:i::rer..:y to latte lies'y;l,ats:1 by the Cunln;itteer of Gntar- '1h Re, erathasa C: nai4l; s:wia Irs decide:} to tlrar4;e Ow system of the men h'•y r : ni of cool are! coke for a total to lea deli-:ere.1 in three nyoratk°,. rmely, 5,750,000 tem ae The (Icemen "iel..egati„n has formally n;:- eepteel this Aerate. Wheat \ ''i ar'd to Produce New Type A despatch from i Saskatoo says: -•-R Dr. Seager Wheeler, wheat wizard of Rosthern, speaking here on Thursday, inti- mated that he is working on a new type of wheat free from rust affection. Dr.. y"llesler gave an interesting account of flow he creates new seed by hand -rub- . bing and hand-pckh g szaected h ads of gratin. '; the King's Second Son Rumored Betrothal of A despatch from London says; --At the proposed $3,900,000 higl3way, through the Is:and c?f Mettreal, to ex-, tend from the bridge terminal at Bout the wedlrlir, of Prin., .,;s ;teary anal Vitaount Ieitzel;e next month, the 2f':; meen 3e n: a :n 1,e male of the +en ;:rl"entent, of the, 11al a of Yozl; to Lady M,rry AQ'h;.,,. ai:ul„hter of I.:ady Shaft ,:bury, who i. Lady in Walther to the Queen j3t he: added 1n hi ;}1 stan•11- The yautg laxly in the ;photograp novice at it either. .AelAu ',5' WiNT.ER PASTIME s malting a epeedy rusb dawn the e. She de nit ppear to be any Canada From Coast to Coast SO T H UNIONISTS TO AID FREE STATE .Will Give iSppport to the Dub lin Provisional Govern, went,. t,. A c!espate1i item Dublin. says:—The” Irl h Post Office is now in the 'hands of the Provisional Government,, 3. J. Walsh, Minister for the Poetoftee, having formally aasu'meL control 'on • Thera:any afters. eti Cf the General Pe tefflce in Seakvidle s' et, Walsh has had a, goad deal erf postoffice ex- perienr,e• :hoeing. been for setae avers a Festal ofteial in Cork» Shortly after the outbreak .of wax he was dismissed. frem the postal sIk.rvice 1hcaute of hie p•Ztieol views. s. In 1916 Ile fought in Dula in and wee eentenced; to death., the se ':erect bale t'ernnautedl He Yair$ elseted for Bork City in 1918 and again in 1921. To Wath will fall the • task rf areer;;glA p the issue of the Irish Free State post agest+ant.' a. • A n2'eettn'g xrf L''r.bniiy Oaf the South ani West of Ittelen , nesteeeed by the m:itle, sjsutsowiutlhl be aCt aVsterm le, 151 i;4 Lfuenit- aEarelrcfenMny IS .bt:s. ked rTu e wall. bove sea level. representat ve atte,edenee Dowd Maya Victoria, B,C.--At the ureSent thee 'pointed out that their duty was to • British C•o:u2nb a supplies 37 leer ce2ht. take their :rt n b x;ea g t tltc_-F Past Year fox Pelta value at over: far the y pa: er 3o t . agaet 31st mem efth,e lumetri us4 bi Garada. This ookr try Fri to L :e part im the a#1'a os Y1,000,QQ i were 1 i :n the Island, the. t 1 t,i:.l ?refits of al.i. 43,. aeern Ora 11' Ustr ^ reduced rle rr:y $9?,fd1Q,Qi10 of 111, eoi rtw 3. With the 'els G a:eFn- sole bins the Lugo,: r the 11 ettre!ttltal erurre11 tosert: of the contipeny y F Laing a 6 t i 75 Werth el 4 o13mierciel neeteria , aril it anent the Cattle had bee^ at;iv n alvei f tl;a fur farmiil rrl,.:. try ;are repeated be $x,.1,.1,000, is expecte:} thea pro:irietion In 1821 in ins entiret, to the Proviraltaral Get. Halifax, N.S.—The papulation of; }tee r 1, Sa 1::—On tl?e whc..e the b: ,; 1 ' will amount to x140,000,000: The flex- ern3rert, anll there email be no f'^»r.'e Nova Scotia is e. thuate:1 by the Hal•z. game 4. ,n in Sasl a t; hiwan ha` crnlliert received $1 d irinl; the period lmcic or shirking. Board of Trade at 524,833, coin been i ether eleajpoirting, Dray a few errim seri ce $3,500,000 in direct Tiae Sari Qf D4vlzrai E . sllacet3 "t11.nf fax hus:xlo: glue F heil:lg !dull u2 cobii- kared with +}99.338 i1t lflll. Tile ird.ls- . , ,. . , tim'her dusts ad; i12° axl:cliton i11 t:1:is n eve, tyle i..r+issris:.s cf Sa}uth ani Si'esfi trial popl•1°atiasn i; ct''vide:I nM fol:ovc,:;: paTlsa.. vexta tvwc,4e Charlottetown, P. E. I.-Dari12; the. were re -els :ed. The financial rceorts hanlrcei lasts l,at .te proportion of the $2,750,000 re- Ireland, re ogn,zing that the Prove. • a .def game c rt hes been for ,:ere manufa-awii g, 35 000, czar p aped with 'sore a thnoralr: to the h ,ceived from in'eome and eser anal taxes sion i Gc+vwrnm , 31,251 in 1910• raining 16400 cent. win:Ji.' is derived from the lumber industry. desire to uppnt our feilovr co+iiiti's- ,.: f:ti`IiIJR'• ii,(Ir1Q, 1'',11111".;nt:ln Alta.— '1`ive 1`y thousand ,, Ar irr,i:,7 ;hip,men 141 Llai Government, in filYler tl,a# 2a,.e:l wit.: 11,Si l l . 1 t'i ,,1 I: r s, B t` ' it it I •'r"' 31 509 2G :;till. : Polar :Ei' A 1 { s , h ka y a were ship- 0 fo xea of a e> has hewn Ij ? 000 and nlc nt ^f r o IYID v , _ e :e neiy he brought idsout; land the •A , pf 12 SZ I's pr,;,. :111.: St. Taal slur- „ifrom' r L s hem we:felre of the ctentbtr.ity secured+ Fre.:iz`rictan, N. )3 wi i tharsaa a era talc C'hl `tl>>:,::e`i-os xhr; ;gli the sent Gland Faxl:s to Vher ni . barrels of New Brun: w riele potatoes r.,. 'll (,F . 4': l .• .,, ani pie hrtary lr° •n"e f;. 1tip e.+ tiira.+f te, Glasgow, Scot,-- r.ronile•arriv, :'ill by the new C''ar•a:lisn Pa:rflt Srs..e, vshsti 1t:. ,': a'i ;td,ti(a:t i •> i:; 73 s,:4f.; t'.'1 This week, an eaditior, 1 eight thou -,14.""'g'' of tr.•.' '14? -.ft II'at•1..t:+ aid 11y Sslnrthi>i ; new the extension Sandi barrels have deft for the same a# desiix:ation. Ilaar c -e ar1 Company, who i are rasponelh'e for the s`i':pmeet• - state that Cuba is 'innearting potatoes i ilw t Culaa frolar St. John m of tit:,^.,ttxilent cC agricult:ire, lart}l, 1wy ti;ay of th„ I':;.rama Canal. University T .itoria . Classes. }heh• f::i la3e`+ ikge Whale Severe(' c^xr;et b3 hie U'n2.er r;y* C.J ,::rn. 't 4—The !act , o 1,17lea by Sb p's Prow ; 4'i TY,rdr.`.0 th- C41i17antFniill:LL+",, o . a".3.1',1.^.'e7ia route lt'?1 11 wilt eon- 1 a fertni -1htle. G' t'. T1393:54'IV,Itt ' Sin?... .. C ::3:; .9., S t.; tu9',31 Parks, and lir.'. A ttteeateh from New York say -a: i1:fi n Leet-tn. Te»e :ran 3t=3'rtn ed for ;it the rate ef from, tr <°1;2; to twenty -0 f,, th,• 11r ta1 zouri t the C r:lnd " the Charlet of vsh'z-h Heinen :s the • - - ti a Italian }i -Ii r Pr+ =a • that 2 Chir 134" S3 ., li1:i ,L.:%Z! Palee JQ:afi011.theln Cali- a - - meet every T141a.. S,lti ftiehiir'iL, the been promised New r1113h 1.,i. , , g , it3a•l t `d -'i ",' a 'i{'aG''ii.`}' ' [t4'I' ^.t3S3a,` .>t'?3 C"wt', '„ p 11antrt:al Uit -In ca.. lro:rehility. `,,, , ' , ..i - ' V."4.44.. . SS.tna S :S Tr+t t c - t' ' Q acca iwit.g•tc+ ,l ..,aatErilVnt glade by the kn is the vet •.;1 I1u npei each ,-ehorei s©v ~rteeil ui five thousand besiege per mc':::;. VIII.11....1.).. t, ,n . ie Fa ....r,t r .;" =i ; . Lipri, .., ]..,avw,t,.t al,:l G';se1:r t'etlte Z r, -0n which has just arrived eertra: is to hove the t.',t aq.a alclss te, d of i total lie h l) 1 B ' $ here were thrown int y .'t neer p.%n..d', t foto , w::: L i'1s. pi te''1 durini, - -.2 t ,n • la -• 1 tl i"T anti '. n e re sol ly of n irg wet t3 p. Cort :•:ply, 1...14 Maty is •t great favorite of the Queen She i, a beautiful brunette an 1 i , twenty Duke of York is eape'e r illy sig- 1-i,'l . H, well Received vt lr• oll, The ;tppreathii p lea;tlathal aaai ;adore ac 1 i ifra:ant. I c+.•nu e it show: an heir to m -A . despatch from Bangalore, the fteone may marry a girl ef the India, says : -- The Prince of • ? rt ,=11 =unity, Wales reached here Wednesday from Madras. The town was He: "If tine get nu cried, I worrier profuselydecorated and. great if veru man make dices Bite ,uuther used crowds everywhere attend rl the ` in n3 ike'a" She: i"And I'm wondeerir;g Ilulh'.erous ceremonies. He left ` if you ean make money like father in the evening for ?ysrl e, ' n.;eit to make!" NEWFR NCII Pr 't .F I STATS PO 1 despatch from Paris says:—Ray- mond Poincare, President of the Re- uli.ie duringthe war, and, now Pre- mier of France, with the French Chamber practically unanimous be- hind him, served nottee on Germany :en Tliuraday that, so lcn. a : he held office in conducting the destinies ef xis 'country, 'Germany must fulfill the obligations entered upon at Versailles, and may expect no teni ency. "The Versaih es Treaty bands us to our allies„" he said, "but it binds Ger- many to us, x11. It must be carried cut." niece were his fiira3 words before leaving the tribune after replying to various intempellarti:onaa. leis pro- nouncement summed up the whole program. Never •s'imice the Germans threaten- ed 'Chateau Thierry, when O1•emaexacuau apppeareda before the Chamber to tell France that the war was not yet most, and there was still! a hope of victory, has a French Premier received an ovation as _ greeted M. Poincaxe on 'Ih tireday, when he presented before the Deputies the Ministerial Dealers - tion. He pleaded for national union, and, 'exo!pt for the Socialists anis, Communists, who automatically op- de 1'Ile, to St. Anne de Bellevue, will soon be staeted, eel wet;: on this thor- onghfare is experte3 to begin early this year. It is to be built in sections • ar,3 will be 150 feet wits. Ottawa, On -tee -The total irnmigra- ticn to Canada for the month of Noe ember, 1921, sixr,A 4 500, 1404 being from the British Isis.-,. 1.,747 from the United State: all:: 1,109 from other. countries: Immigration to the Do- minion for the first eight months of the fl r al - year, April to Noveinber, totals 6,575, of whom 35-9.11 are Brit - is h, 23,279 from the United 'States and. 17,355 from other countries. Ottawa, Ont. ---A m.w five -cent nickel few Canada has just been hint- ed at the Royal Mint hove. Of pure nickel, the new five -vent piece will have a diameter of .535 c f an inch and be of .:;t1Vell,LY +. Y i ka' ' clew coil will he ie,14t Ila r renuisitie pa spy • eulation. pose any and till French Governments, Winnipeg, Man.—Five hul,dred dele- the French Parliament was as solid gates, representing 30,000 eharehold- bebin•d its Gove'rnmen't at the present ers, were present et the 'annual meet - maniere as when the Germans {missed , ing of the United' Grain Growlers, held the frontier in 1914. in thiar city. All the retiring ,direct ,r: Alert and active all the pent-up Y.."Lc ed the alder coin remaining in cis - B h The iiignest . , ,elegant.$`, Iloxrrinia,tl Pawl;. ';1rr into a sunken ohj:eat tee's` el neol i` 7, .,11 note be an-rzerea:- crorn ee of the road, which is 500 sto cad ` , is ezperhP e: `_ ar. z oee Chet would 1 _ W 'hen the Alp p wa beaked away! r e+ hew wee. 11,9";":%. here it Trot 1 swas feural t'u ` the: the Tate.: , t'; n:. vatory tf from the o.:i trl:tt.cr. itt bull wha''e which hal been. M ,eritli :.ti' wit:: ;in, provincial be ti huge u. ., cut almost in tea by the glarp prew,yuni,.cr,,•itti.,, Toronto. E 1i,il .'v di. to i tins, , 1414 to 15e <r rete.; 1 a1 -ih, ties is; to 17e per lI>. Oc t Tie eeatr. leetee •1.er doaen, `5 3,75 gra Sin+ikt naw :t -.-Hull med., 23 to 27,; "S3oled. hale, ,le a. itd."; smolieed}i rola:. 23 t) 24n; ..ett. e r pl3 , 5 to nt,. ; i3ra xn' t eiet t, +1 to .00a ; ape- e°X91 Israel east..+t ot °• i r cht. • ntlesw 3,;..! l.'ureti mitt' t 'I', t r lr ern. 13 eil:lnitoba wheat—No.. 1 Nord i. r'ii', $1 "yxx• Manitoba nn+;S No. ?2 i' , 5',c, ex tra No. 1 feed, 53 ; No. 1 feud, 52e. Manitoba b,+el y—NoI ei1&t All the above. track, E • pieta. Aniel'iear2 care—No. 2 r ile:R Cale, No. 3 yellow. sen; No. 4 yellow, 07e; track, Toronto. Ontarro U it ` -'No 2 elite, e, I:omit:el Ontario t hvi,t Ner'1. r 1',r °i9, t i'a, at to 14«; ` . Barley Ne. 3 extra:, test 31° r I'' litll,t'. I1 t9 lLL.st .. Al li 1 :rr o 14e; ' or betties. :a, to I,t, 1tdl,..<,il.+ tOpri1ts 111, is 1 u,.: ii i'."`1::1tj tiers ; 41 9 freights alit i ", 3'1 ,i; 1. .,80e.' 18 , t, : 1 r .r 1-..; prints. Bu -Ne. 2 , iC to fie t- R;ye—No ', 80 to $84 C`i .d e_e lee etc `r 55 to 8325;. Man. flour—First Pats., t.•iQ, "'i -i al o, ^"ill I, 4Y to '`4; ' t 6:!'I • St. er5, and pat; Stt 90 Toronto. Mee James Elliott Of Cardale, Man., who was elected President of the United Farm 'Women _', ....e• ` :lt.. 131±'1'*.''t:1Oiee, 5'li ,:1 to ' ',t1; 1 geed, $11 141a Mon. '.dour ,10«Iter Cent. pet, ; St:i,ti. t t,, Iowa,. t., to 4 ys•?1 ; o. eom., of Manitoba for thi • year :?t a ionven se ,1. :;r.i per barrel, er?<1. e a .in- , ` i S4 t t• 31::+: ' il.ther ri :ea - choice. tiro cf that (1,a.rrrrtion he•r.. in -\1 14Iill :"c'e:I--De' Montreal fre ill, Gti.7:1 t.1 M7 1:); +:r1,'ae.1 a.:,0 ttr Ci+.;"x0; nii'fg der&ntly. baggy be:hided: ' Bran, per ton, $'2,8;:'do, {aril.. 44 lU ` : , r ti'llt , towti5i .®.....-... - shut,, 1 E ton C30; goad fe n;I fleur.! Se cr, - t., 5r, ;;h1 to .... - he c , r(1, l 1• . 7; u$. 'Q Dri - It i 1' . and since ressed energy stored alp dor- 3? Y n - e. clad.` h iAh ingseven ,a sive years in Ilys.e a F Pa'ace- radiating from this physically smell frame, M. Poincare instil!e.l into. the Chamber the spirit which has been lacking since Clemeneeau'a departure. Germany must honor her signature at Versailles, declared the Premier net' only with respect to reparations, which was a matter of "life or death to France,' but else disarmament and the punisahnvent of the war criminals. The Premier openly declared that :should Germany fail to ,carry out either Of the latter undertaking, it would be ooiis'ider.e'd as a violation of the Versailles Treaty, giving France eonvplete freedom of action. He advo- cated the virtual elimination of the Supreme Opuntii, with reversion to foaniee dietemat1c channels in deal- ings between nations, with thae Su- preme Oourneil "eeiied upon from time to time to confirm -agreements, rather than to nteg'otiate thein.." This was another radio<il departure from • Fraace''s; Foreign Policy. TO ME1 014.1 81.70 t'1 $1.50. i e, r+ + , It 1.- oe 1 < it el, 52.50 to 11:;',,.!,. r.iy.—Track, Ten. 1, r: --r gill, e 1;n/oh,- ii.. "'•a" t 1 E 0 to $6; •q Elm i No. 2, ,'.21•,.,11 to 522; n:, 7. ee18. ' i . cavil., 5.3' 1.) , t • tl s,. e".vflil. 85 ?7 1 5 -tree- `;l.r dots, per ton, 81`x. to : !i; Lio, :: Ir. ..?i ten .it; stnekers, e Y j r ' 2 ) 7 1 C `5; d t, fair,n3 to milk - twin =. il.s J<,itV ( ,: 5:=2^-1.`t,e,1', Iarg , 1 t>7 {) ' C; goon, , •1: t';) , E .._s .: 54; 1Q twin, "01s: to 21c, tris :, 2 1 to ers.'00 to -RCT, er l e $70 to $90; •i.. 211ae. - O' 1, ',Liege, 25 to 21'ia; titles, ee e's, d.}.. nk e, eeeee0 to $13.50; d'Or A l3, itis12 war p:o although hli yr ' i1 "6 t 2 S*'r- •1 $9 to 511 a10 e e $3.50 to $7; A despatch from Lpnd'on sac. •--•, 1 2 a' to t E1 w c; triplets. . o .-. I 2. ale.., , " cal 2" to `?t?c 1 ?encu. clio. e. $12110 to 813.;x0; deo, Two famous British airmen noted as u ine:teen herto t l „enc tone, n. tv, ah *_ public. He d been made perman- Butter—,h2e.:12 r Airy, choice, 28 to coin., $7 to $8; cheep, thole*, $5.50 to stunt flit xs and war prints div the tl 1 b > 000 foot fail, lout 35'c• creamery, mints, fresh, 140 to $0.50; do. good; $4 to $5; da, corm: E'll y :;ale y a ... , , , „ ' n n N $`n hogs, irony of fate, met death this week bagged to be placed in active service 45c• No ' 36 to 38c; cooking, 25 to $1.50 to $3; hog_, fed .and. waters through ceases far removed from and became a commander m the. Dressed ftrait:y—Spring chickens, points, $10.75. their dangerous calling.. M. G. Smiles, :r„ -i titeeh Squadron,. with the two fa 30 to 38c; roosters. 20 to 25e, fowl, 28 Montreal. who before the war was .one of the locals aces, Will'em A. Bishop x211 tel 322c; ducklings, 32 to 34e; turkeys, Oats,Can. 1Vest., No. 2, 59 to 60c ehalnpio32 trick aviators at Hen3one Albert Ball under hind. He is extolled 50e' ,gee:'a, 80c. do, No.' 3, 57 to 58e Flour, Man. • Live pouitry_'Spring •chiekens, 22 Spring wheat pats., firs'ts , $7.50. Rolle to 2'8c• roosters, 18e; fowl, 20 to 28e; ed .oats, bag 90 Il;s., $2.85 to $2.95. •duckli'n'gs, 3`2e; turkeys=, 40 to 45c; Bran, 528.25. Shorts, 530.25. Ray',: geese, 20e. No. 2, par ton, car lots, 527 to $28. Margarine -23 to 25e. Butter, choicest ereainory, 33 to 35e1 Eggs—No. 1 storage, 40 to 45e; Eggs, selected, 42v Potatoes, per bag car Tots', $1.05 to 51.10. • Coni. d aia'y cows, $3.50 to 54.50;:, coni. dairy 'bulls,. 53.50 to $5; canm!ers, $2; veal ca'l'ves, 510 to 511; bettea quality, 511.50 or better; good liaanibe 59.50; mean., 58 to 58.50; sheep, go young, ewes, 5.5; hogs, selects) $13. ., • 1 ?6c. $11.75; do, f.o.b., `r:;11; do, country' was killed at Edgeware en Thursday. a:'• "the Major" by Bishop hn his book. when he fell from the window at his Capt. Seott had survived so many place of !business. He ewe 'held the ate:icients that it was said that prate - loop reeoed and was a flying 'instruc ti:all,y no part ef his boc'ty was loa- the :clueing the war. .Recently he had scarred. Lately he had been se'cre- been .'conducting a choceltate tfeetery. tart' to the Air Ministry. Among the neve 'laid straights. 50 to 5"e new laid, Group Captain Alan "Jack"' . Scott, mourners were a large number of, eartanr,, fit to 55e. who dhirinig the wear lived an "Odes- m einbees of the Royal Air Force, as Beans—Caen. lnand piieked, bwsilei; soy of hazard," was buried on Wedntes- well as. Lord Birkenhead, who w!as 53.30 to 58,50; pramoes, 52.80 1a 53.10. clay. He caught :cold while on a visit Capt. Scott's personal friend and Maple prodeate-SlnrUp, per :nip. to Scotland and: pneumonia ensued. called him the bravest man he had gal., $2.60; per 5 imp, gals., 52.35. Capt. Scottwaswas•ane of the greatest ever known in, or out of fiction. Meek sugar, lb., 19 tone. REGLAR FELLERS -ems Lisr Gene Byrnes "Tetia`C5'Too 3Ab4 1'M 6004 MY- ?oott. Lrrrt . Bob t{As `f t RRiBI-1+- SToMtket•( ACNE! 1-1okt LoNl •NPtvi~ `-(t)v MAb 1't"?