HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-10-26, Page 21PAGE ZA--GOAERICH SIGNA4L-STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1978 Brookside kids win penna BY MA 4D MILL} .R AND CINDY NIXON On October 17 the stud- ents at Brookside School had their pictures taken.. In a 'few we ks-tbey-wiill--seeeive -the finished copies of individual pictures and class pictures. Four pennants were won b 1nte,rmediate--girls, Junior - girls,, Junior boys and. Mid- get boys of Brookside School at the Cross Country Run at Point Farm Park on Wednes- day, October 18th, the most What do you get...? Cross a porcupine with an alarm clock and you get a stickler for punc- tuality. If there were any justice in the world;we'd be permitted to fly over pigeons occasionally. Hi! My name is Richard Sinclair. I would like to join your Birthday Club. My birthday is on Monday, October 30. I live at RR 3 Goderich with my mom and dad. Parents urged to attend seminar Parents are being offered a special in- vitation to attend the Professional Develop- ment Day being held at GDCI, on Monday, October 30. This day. is. being sponsored jointly by the Ontario Secondary School Teachers --Federation (OSSTF), the Ontario Public School Men Teachers Federation (OPSMTF) and the Federation of Women Teachers Association of Ontario (FWTAO). The schools involved are GDCI, Robertson Memorial,' Victoria, Qtfeen Elizabeth, Holmesville, Colborne Central and Brookside. - A special theme speaker, Mrs. Pearl Cassel, has been obtained to speak at the PD Day. She will give two presentations on classroom disciplihe, one aimed at Kindergarten to Grade 6 students and the other aimed at Grades 7 to 13 students. In addition, there will be a series of workshops and it is hoped that parents will come to the school and attend the workshops of their choice. Topics 'of the various workshops are: Bruised and Battered Child with John Penn of Family and 'Children's Services as leader; Alcohol Abuse with Bill Wilson of the •OPP as leader; Homework -A Wide Look with Don Kenwell as moderator and Bill Murdie, Gary Jewitt, Shirley Keller and Sharon Pollock as speakers; Stress -As 'It Affects Students and Teachers with Tony Miller as leader; Fitness of the Student and Teacher with Lynn Meyers, high school phys ed teacher as leader; Learning D i sabilitiet--Preliminary Assessment and Possible Remedial Procedures with Dr. Morris, psychologist with the London ' 'Board- of Education, as leader; .Art as an Interdisciplinary Activity with Doreen Mackenzie and Mike Scott as leaders; Photography -Creating Your Own Teaching Aids with Dave Bieman, media co-ordinator with the Huron County Board of Education, as leader; Kindergarten to Grade 3 Primary -Math with Shirley McIntyre of the East York Board of Education as leader; and JASPER, Energy Conservation - How to Turn Your Children On with Tony McQuail and Steven Norton as leaders. The workshops will begin at 9 a.m. and. continue throughout the day. The committee in charge of the day consists of Carol Simons, Marj Freeman, John Smallwood, Paul Howe, Audrey Barlow, Marilyn Bruinsma; Allan Sanders and Louise Wilson. This committee is hoping for active parent support. -i-++ Man is funny. Three percent increase .on phone and hydro bills means nothing. Three percent increase on sales taxes really hurt. Canada's Safety Bear w If you see how close to the cliff's edge you can go on a dare, Don't be surprised if you find you are grabbing at air. Olson's Gravel Pit Dungannon, Ontario WHOLESALE PRICES PER TON C GRAVEL FILL B2 GRAVEL B1 GRAVEL STONE DUST, SAND CEMENT OR Ar GRAVEL ,SCREENED STONE 3/4 STONE 100 TONS . 15- .30 .40 .90 .95 . 95 1.60 Meet include delivery up to 2 miles 529-7942 Compare our delivery prices per ton 200 100 Load tons tons Prices 400 tons .30 .40 .50 .35 .40 .44 .45 .50 .54 .55 .60 .64 1.10 - 1.14 1.15 1.19 1.15 - 1.19`{- 1.80 - 1.84 Add 10c per mile over 2 miles Doter mei temper avriiabis fair o Gooiil wilikeg44o pennants won by any one school Wilma ,Vandervelde was awarded —il edi711oic for — .coming in first place in the Intermediate girl's class, As.. part of a study on "Farms Past and Present", Mrs. Worsell's Grade three class visited two local farms last ,week. On Wednesday, October 18, they went to the dairy farm of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pentland and saw hoOv - cows are milked today. On Friday, October 20 Mr. and Mrs. Ken Alton showed them around their beef farm. Next week they plan to see a poultry farms and a, pig farm, Several of the -teachers. atreinded-fhe FalrBanquet of Huron Association of the Women Teacher's Federa- tion at Pine Ridge Chalet near Henpll. Beginning teachers and those teaching in Huron County for the first time were welcomed into the organization. Mrs. Carolyn Simon explained the prepar- ation of a constitution for the association which should be ready for print in the spring. A film was shown depicting the role of teachers since pioneer days. Sonne of the girls in the grade S Fa.os at Brookside scbool are writing letters every montiP to the school's foster child in .Colonsbio, The school has., been sponsoring Mario Deman through the Foster • MParen s, strof-CanadR--- since 19, .Mario has two brothe d one sister. The motley sent by the school Is used for medical care, dentistry and education, The school also sends Mario money for a birthday present. Write a letter to the Captain TODAY! • Comp, et e ut °tlye ace Shop Radiator Repair Service Lot US dothe ewrork..,, COMPANY LIMITED 145 HURON ROAD, GODERICH 5244389 Do -It -Yourself 1 Llght Up Your Life rating ITS AS SIMPLE AS END Mak. ,E& walla e at tMNem farm OLarTNEPPEptrfalaENNAYe A tenaMl, your kWh Wiry net ROUT Thl, Weokeed?'o' aie��.,htf„waa., aaz z.eRIa( interior r If you're like most' people, there's probably nothing you own that means more to you than your home. You want it to look "just right” at all times,• particularly during the Holiday Season ahead. And how oftenhave you wished for a little professional help in redecorating the livingroom, bedroom, kitchen or bath? We at Discount Dave's have put together a 12 -page catalogue filled with dozens of home improvement products designed to make your home Io k bright and new and exciting again. The catalogue appeared in the paper O'cl tober 12th, but if you missed it there's a free copy waiting for you at any of our 16vbranclles across Southwestern Ontario. Yes, Discouht Dave's has the products you need to "Beautify Your Bath", "Light up your life", "Put Rich Softness Underfoot'", and "Make your walls come alive with panelling". At Discount .Dave's you'll find the best of the newest - the most beautiful panels, the loveliest carpets, the most exciting light fixtures and the most elegant bathroom fixtures imaginable. We're here to help you. rtiug Would Daves IT'S AS SIMPLE AS 4 d,v*ON OF LUMBER CO LTD AMHERSTBURG 736-2161 EXETER 235-1422 '" GODERICH 524-8321 "- GRAND BENOj238-2374` HARROW 738-2221 ',KINCARDINE 2341 * KITCHENER 744-6371 * OWEN SOUND 3763161. * RIDGETOWN'674=6465 * SOUTHAMPTON 797-3245 * THEDFORO 296-4991 OW 'WINDSOR EAST 727-6001 * WINDSOR' WEST 734-1221• * MATI`HEWS 254.1143 396-3403 KINGSVILLE 733- * WEST LORNE 768-1520 *