HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-1-26, Page 6sataress eeternetheatiens te horomainiste 73 heeteide St. West. Toronto*
Fourteen Rations For Cows.
Jerseys and Guerneeys eliould have'
one pound. of grain for every three area
one-half or hoer pounds of milk they
give; Hesteins, Slier -thorns aral Ayr -
shires, cne to every feur or feur arid
one-half aeunds ef milk. This rule la
ger.eral, et' cottrse, and every dairy-
man shouta we:Mb his cohe to see that,
they are gettireg el the grain they can'
profitably ese, rnd r.o more.
Clover and alfetfa 3let- is the best
kind of roughage. Timothy hay is
peer. Cern silage furnithes energY,
and takethe pheee of e,l'ass. If geed,
silage a sonit, Med, is nut available,'
zee% can be eh -el
For.'.e.trdatig with timothy hay, eche!
foader, iit,rowen. ilea other
rougareges low he protein, use these,
grain retlens:
Ration 1
100 pourie groinel outs or co
teat meal
100 " wheat bran
goo " cotto;sevAl-meal
200 " lieseatiameal
100 pounis remit:eel
100 " vette-eta-hi-2e
100 " prevees
200 " wheat Itren
Ration 3
300 peandat barley
100 critteeseted-meal
100 alaeliti meal
10 " wheat bran
Ration 11
100 pounds barley
200 " eeeeermtemeal
100 " ground oata
100 wheat bran
Ration. 12
300 pouriae eorr eed-cole weal
200 " gluten feed
100 " cottonseed -meal
wheet bran
100 "
Ratio e 13
100 pounds eormeeel
100 " old preeesit nseed-meal
109 " grotata watt
Retiort 14
100 pounds
100 "
ground oats
Oaten feed
G•prill-itlad,V015 iite41
Lo.a.ded to eapaeity, it had respond-
ed to Freehs slight push almoat with
a hound aa .vm feet speeding down
the hill. Other sleds that hs4 started
with It were soon outdistaneed. For
the first few seeeade, Water merely
held the bob to the eheree; then e'en' t
gently he- tried the new steering ap-1
paratus. It worked like a citerm—the:
alightest toneh was eneugh to swere
the heavy bcb. There WAS- ne frietion.
The response seemed more lite the
smooth even play ef rnueeles than of
weed and
They passed the half -way mark et
!melt speed that the trees looted like
ferzee pickets and the wind beat sa
terribly agailiet Walter that le- could
scarcely breathe, Tears blinded him
and he was almost friebtened at the
power of this thing welch only he was
able to guide.
Almest in front of The Reseed
office, the boy raw r. lithe girl on a
' sled in front of him. She heard the
Swifter's" gong and in trying to geti
out of the way upset herself. 'rim few'
bystanders etood horrified as the
speeding bob swept femora the pros,'
trate figure, Those on the sled
ehrieked, Walter alore wee calm.
.ludecing the dietamee to a nicety ard
swerving the bob, be mina around
thee. the startee eta it on its way eaul
the reeee had begura The "Winda
took its place and abet in pursuit. Two
smaller Las followed, gild thea the
“Doat" was re:giy. oft Alp. went to
the eeena ,e -f lusty cheering. One after JANUARY 294
another the eleds left.
liow Welter and Fred weneered
aboet the fetal marks being made at
the bottom a the hill, To win, they
had to beat them all. At last their
turn chine and, with Mr. Woodson nt
Walter's back, Fred puled off.
The "Swifter" gatneal speed .e.lowly,
while cheer ran upon cheer and the
crowd suMed beyond the rapes so that
some ef its number repro ahnost run
down. To Walter it seemed as if be,
wove flyieg through a narrow black..
Elijah in Nahethes Vineyardf 1 •Kings git 16.20.
Golden. Text,-41nm., 32t, 23.. (geli-4 Ver.) •
I Time—The 'reign °UAW), B.C, 876e hie coyeteusnese; But, as Conrad ree
854. malice in his hLoiti Jim," 'Tots MOO_
i Pleee—jezreel in tile pie* of touelt yoar reward with elean
, Esdraelon, lest it. tern to. dead leavee, to thexaa
,f Connecting Linke—At the gormand in your amp," -
' of God, Elijeh retineerl from Horeb. to Vs. 17, 18. The word of the thord;
:the land of Iereel (eh. 191 15) and. Contrest this with the letters ef 4eo.
there he found that Ahab had perpe- be After all it is this Word a t-po
tate d a great injustiee en one of lets Lord that makes it safe to live tia
lane a Pirate', gesticulating forma/humble subjeets, Adjoining Ababa A•or . leet la ng o a *
ile gritted lus teetn, not dernig to • - eye in hi cel wile a -vine- Think a the eourage Elijah mast have te
look to right or left. • yard belortging to Naboth. Ahab was had te rebuke a king and snateli hies
As they reeezhed tile smooth growl,- 1 rd9U6 t° secure this vineyard OW coveted prize out a Ids hand% Elijan
al• alter cauget a glimpse of his athe: t might round off hie o -an property, embodied the pewee' of righteousness;
Among the Israelites, however, tliere 11e is in the vineyard. Consider bola
standing on a sleigh-seaa, waving and, wee a limit to the free diseosal of dramatic the meeting was to be, la
cheeznig him on like a crazy man.: property espeeially If it were e pate- was to take place on,the very groetid Ai
while his mother, with a strained look. ntony. See Num. 30; 7. An inherit, thet was etsiree.d by Ahab's erlifie. p
on her feca, clutehea the shoulder of, ar•ee on which one's f(refethers had Aliah went out to take poesession of '
Florence welling, me paetietaaet Reed and been buried fer generatious a garden a herbs, and there he stareda
l was regarded.' as sacred end inalien- face tO tP•Ce with righteoheness, feeh
f -1:117.1:t laile nareoeveil as the peoplett: nre" fie wile:i Ahab pretbaosed the per- titodface alp bonora, faee kto face with
crowded closer. The boy,s every ftleulti eciarthgef ti.baerci ziae,i,,erbeftdel.„.,N th allaWer- u gmerit. liese., li, Per ert;
ty was art. Sailderly he behamth
V. la. Hain thou limed? Alati may
1. A Whited Plan, 7-10, have been comfortiog himself with the
• Why Ineabetors Pay. the elate awe each Into the eeettrel cenecious Olt a pant in his shoulder: V. 7. Dost thou now govern? "Aro dtheoreudghilt Ithil:ithlieliaillt lieherit pheyarednot tintuhroe.
In the days when broeders were •poor without el -en losing any of the pre- mid realized that in the excitement, you :such a weakling that one of yoar
adr. Woodeon was pulllag, umuercie 6ubjects elm eon your eestreaeh hee,„ thin remneled hint that, he was ultie
... quality eetne paeltrynion &filleted della saecel, giaadtealzac„igleaoAleittt!lerriftioirea iit)aasaleaticAaaNi
e Value of inellhateirs leetteuite of the- It was a meter strone. The bob fully at his arm. He wrenched free, bel, canting frern A foreign prinett
exge mortality amoilg chieks brooded rained the little girl by no more thee awl ileahd VIP rnan shout samething isttera,r4,-Tiruerepneuotdenucendoefrattheendlismitgieduro IITI
la.A.eabearb paeitutrighhrlawverdahhfowlinaboitth4S
artificielly. But with mode= brooding a few inches; and e hoarse, wild cheer, in his ear. Peet The Record office
equipment to care fee the ehicke, we brolte from the onlockers, at tbe eeal-' tliey sped, betide from every wintiore, believed in. 0 iipspotisyn whit. d t
feral that the incubator 'le PrP,Ctlea and igation a waitgr a plech atul prompt waving then.% On. 1 cousider the etibieet'a rights. Arise roaneing to tW{Q the vineyard. Where
, profitable. i action. sem the aitaeli lievatt to aheken. LI eaaetaiheareeidts, allatielatc:etvettaarirnbouee hi:I.: odes the datrah are puhoiLlie Ilea) ve:aegeerra
do $ !felted t e hlo etern •
In el, ing it is difficult to hat& eerie-. Often' two rehnera* but had righted itself roadside( the '‘V''''the "Wlnd" and refused t° etd* Se° v* 4* I will (tzl;etn:Insl:rf(lbc!e'e'Y ..14. il 1" 11:2' , itlib.alhnissidoactr-
gone to bed like a spoiled clad and. aud era here Metered ae licking up
eweet onli and Walter noticed other bob at the
1 When only hens are used for hateh-1 The bob, to be sure, had
thee, etc, Evil is resourceful. All'
t," the hest hens that lae- through the without unsea. tieg its frightened crecha the "Flyer" among them. Then he
',winter are the hens tbat wish to set On thea* went* one soon reedlea et saw the 'Tart," ,aloway his bob ..r 1- thmugh his career Ahab ahaears 'hi' SUMO filte Vidt5 elect zretaiting Abele
200 premds cern eraaeeb meal
100 " 47a2t4-14'50aND-111e41.
200 " e4 Iliteeed-useall
Ration 4
faha emit tern:reel
, 150 " vetteeeced-nteal
10a exten fteal
100 veneet hem
Itatien 5
200 Kurds etenereal
100 " e. -tieettel-areel
grezaii eats
100 " via reoeese Hneeed-n
:100 3 -fl 3•F'`'T1-;nr14.1,9t meal
200 " ezterseell-meal
Ration 7
200 peiutas havley
tam " eels r reeerlental
100 " alfalfa meal
100 " wheat brim
When feeaing MIA% rougliages
over, alfalfa, eeyheart, or vetch hay,
or other legume hays, te.1 of v.'hich are
rieh in protele, these grain mixtures
ore good:
Ito.tien 8
400 pounds cornmeal
100 " votteeseedemeal
100 " eaten feed
100 " wheat bran
Ration 0
400 pounas eornme.al
200 " gluten it ca
200 " old praihes linsecidenen
100 gr•ound. oats
Ration 10
• k leteed V. 20. at thou . mine eneiny7
b the d Over * • 8 El
hens ere set On egge laid bY tile poorer tile humps they sped with hardly and then --a cheer went ung tor under the domiration of his queen,lIn elm. 17 end 1 ipah appears ete
first in. the spring. Sometimes these series o umps roil ,
,W110 IV45 4 sort of Lady lifaeheth "'the troehler of Israel," but here ail
layers that ilave started to laY later.This WAS A great victory for the the "Sevifter" had won.
iV, 8. jezebel took the matter in the Fers:n.:0 ItnentY ef the Iclivr 119
ow is the Vern ;n Annh's side, ee'',:tlieg
in. the winter. Thts reeene that he hinged sleds ard might easily mean As soon AS word vas passed that
judges for the speed raee Sanuivia. the capital„ rather his gull:: ")'''''''''!elr:e• I/14 he nliiitahe3
n. heed eel 'rot lettere, ecaseld '
heet hells are timed eway front the the Ilinning tt the distante rage. since tho
le , „ ,, his be41. :zee (vahim an "enera ."
peeeteetlen ea. eggs when they ere most to ar,y sled rid havirg the hinge; the !hada', the lest big eT
vent began, ll'14eRT.:trent eeereol
) BUJ:the
seteee 1..
The eeal was e ring with a Drezieue e4 II"' 1-'14. kn:.P1 i': If4itislt wils
reejea to in -educe each& The hens bumps were imp/kw:able, and muet be , first three bobs to take their places
o.f lees value -which have net heaome steered around wit3i a serious lose efirtvere the "Ralph," "Wind" and stem en aleea -scs engraved -e figure wet T;tatlae,,,t11,11 5,11fiernetarreatiterptailint.velainlitt,,
/ hLight." This vice the "Wind" won or inscriptiee. Documente of state
brooily are then producing the ewe nrieetl.
' lizatehing. ; On and on they elipped along the hY a fall length, Next foilowed the were atemned with the lantas seal to t11itor the wroette'eera Sas
Tile in:Alb4tOr enables the peettry, level A -retell helve?' the hill, Weela "FlYer:. "GYPT. and “Sneedah" and Ireskwthnt file). were afielni" Ill tile fj'e,i43Gel r,?;,5i/15 r351,:ote the eella"1;eter
us ana atati;:r-;%oesver '11'1! i:owur--‘) Iseviess
men to keep ele ids hens eutsity pro- ,i they ever stop? They passed the the "Flyer" wen. Then the three Hever TtrVilid to"), 1113) jkie 13'1:-
Aheb 11.4.1 thamatit lila atheenafie;
-0.Y hphe. as a mate k that it helmet es
ducirg eggs. For QXaMple, ik 30.egge stake which marked the spot where M-grealia hoha started but it was not rf 1 Q h,:f.
when be S'4 t. tike poeeessien of the
last year's distance winner had e4op- nmelt of a Thee* for the "Swifter.' seen to Goa. The elders and . . lag
laying and I believe the strain on the . no ea,
relieved doom..iiiialah yroetele to im-
ineulietor Will be doir,g, the work of In all likelithoed these are convertible vkl°).n1.3 wet" be elle of Inll'112{e4
twenty-four hens. These hells will he ped*and it was twenty feet fartler bet' left the elle= far behind.
fore the bob slowed to a stop on The Iast three' races followed aral terms denoting the sheilrhe of the vil- Joi; Ilste411 it b"`"" 'Orle of un -
aunty oe a hen dee to awing. is •iess ground never before reached by any were won by tlie "Dart," "Wing" end hale. As beads of the leading fam-
e minis re pa we The. ze • ". (1 ' • '
tthe megestridej,se /leo, runee lus rune -intent; AC201.311t
Ilan the devitalizing effeet of three racer* "Rhpid," As the six winners egain'ilAes tlitar erre
heir (le. n here rs ITtli _lic and..!leeth
weeks steadily on the p -t, follotved Each afterncon many people gath- (limbed tile hil
I, ail were quiet, even
appealed to t Ion shows that a man hei nr0 t'') ent off 139ca All:lh's
lar a long period of worrying while ered on the bill to watch the "Swift. the onlookers A.t the top of the hill bad to he triei ia a local court before shew cat rePentnnee. .
the sentenee is
penned up in a brood coop =Altering elh" Every one 'is ditappointeil, the captain a each crew drew a slip his felleheeitizene, rather than in the 1z:edified. He it nlloved to live out
I 11" k . however, for not enee did it reach the et paper frail a lett. On three :dips el *
Iles court in Samaria. his li e. ihht the punithenlizt ii ha he
teere WCIP eXV-ZW:.1., t le ot hes here, V. 9. Proclaim a fest. A fast wee a rete °Ilt LI ms ml' Ingimili°t
It seems to help in breeding out the first Illnrlh Ificillnietillir neWS1'*" 41" „shim is to paas out of hts heuee and
tendency to broodiness in a floek if come Troll Iterwood that the "Wiwi" laiinke Those drawina tevesee would religioue ueage a spontaneous expres- e given to another,
,ether us would those drawing sion of grief cr eelf-abarement, and BR Li
ineuloators and breoders are mei. and "a the "1 e1' were ni" ecilfilliled raee tel
the hees are broken up. omptly and
with hinge, ar.d steering gear. And' Menke. The erce-tea Vero to race lint euch frequently a marl: of reeent-ence .A.pplication,
returned to layeng condition. One of it WaS not urtil the 44S irterie last' and proved to be the "Wind, Dat" for wrong -doing. See Jonah 3: 5-9.: ta.hab now rlzpears before is In an- t
seid. "Wing" Jezebel proposed that the Jezreelitea other role. a e have eeen h n es the a
the items of work in managing ficele4 trip on Friday night'. that the first • .
The road whs wide hill aquaria' well ehould assume a inimie. zolemnity and pmtector of the wcraltip of sal. IIe
of the American and Asiatic breeds is 'nark was "ached ag'llill• mourn over the wrong done hy one of appears now as an ugly end re el I
a' - - ns- ' " - 4 . their number, Nabotle. Thus she de- illustration f the in of t 9 13eve
On Saturday morning the hill was .Ithl
eked so n ititn matte
red little
given over to the out-of-town eontest- it'evertlieless the crew drew for po- gra
ded a religious custom to an evil Covettusnese3 eeekesth her s(41).;en,sitn4(11he;
to constantly be penning up broody
hens from spring until winter and
ants, and by eleven o'eleck all -the sition and the "Wing" won the centre," purpese. Set Naboth on. highs not in own only. Dryden seta: "Heil covet -
oven during tile coldest part of win -
bobs had arrived. Walter ar.d Fred with the "Dart" at the right an1 the the eaet of honor, but in the Rrisonetas.'•ous men as the fable goes oZ Braireee,
ter. It eertainly pays to breed from
with their team-mates steed on tlie "Wilra" nt the left. In this raze thalami to make his shame eonspicuoas, eeeh of them one huntlrea bands, they
hens With the smallest possible ten with
of The Record offiee and wateb- "Darr tool; the ;tee irametliately end •* V. 10. Two men. According to Jew- would :al of them be einploeed in
deney to hroodinese. A good incubator ) ... • • 1,, i i . re , bead it. i IA law there had to he two witnesses grazpira lied gathering. and hardly
not only produces VigerOUS Omits but 4, . • ". "-owns of a trezie hmore a man could be con-
wee teens tnat nad eteering bara, the s Walter and. the other the
pays for itself by saying time for the " ** `.. ,; . donned to capital puniehnient See
"Flyer" and the "Wind" of Harwood drew for p .
otitean The Rapid NI011 Deut. 17; 6 and, 19: 15. Sons of Belial;
11011S. t) the cent.° the "Fiver" the right era
and the Dart of Lawson. The rest, , , h a Hebrew slan,g phrase denoting
while theywere fine bebs, die not the. "Swifter" the left side, A.s Ihralter,"goed-for-nothing fellows" or "worth -
worry the hOyS. waited for the signal, he looked anxi-, less scoundrels" and hence "with no
The "Flyer" and the °Wine tee_ ously at his op-eon:ants. "Rapid" hadcharacter to lose and easily bribed
served their names; and each time but six fellows while the "Flyer" ear-' for any evil parpeee." Thou didst . . ,
they tweezed, tile boys' hopes fell. But lied eight. Joet here Mr. Woodson,. the ling' dehouneed both chyme and
first view of the "Dart" was the -who hed also been looover t
king he , arenoutlaw.ysla'il
nrarray.nclitim ant.henceie
lastother two bobs, whispered, "We've goh
straw. Carryir.g twelve men. it brew court of justice was usually held
Eaeh -winter for the pa-st seceval revived. With mad haste the bays seemed literally to jump froin the top tbe weight. At the start • thePI
4- -3'We in the open s.quare -by the gate of
years The Weekly Reeerd had *Mired pulled their bob to the top of the hill, to the legatee, oe the hill. With heavy will gain a bit but wen win* 'Bahl& the city; a comic -limed man was led
a 850 prize to tho spee•diest beb-sled all the while answering as nany ques- hearts the Magnolia boys trudged ivGll't be ill it.' :thence cuteide tile city limits for me-
in the county, arid a Over eup to the ' tiens as breath would allow. R -y the 'home to lunele; end it was a silent lit- Just as Mr. Woodson had said. the ecution and bhrial. Stone hint; the
The Children's Hour
The "Swifter"
one of them in giving or laying cut."
Se.sus utttrod one of Iiis sternest
warnings against the epirit of covet-
ousnees. Beware of it, Re said. We
may cevet another man's house or
position, or throne, or fame, or edaea-
don, as well as his land. Covetousness
grow hy what it feede on, :met as one
becomes more and more thirsty by
drinking salt water. Ahab had plenty,
but he t'et his heart on Nehoth's vine-
yard, and that wa.s his undoing. The .
doom which Filijah prenoeneed against
Ahob was a terrible one. 'no dogs,
cared the prophet, would licit the
king's Wood in the vineyard of Na-
bob winning the long-distance race., time the bob was m position, it was tle group that pulled the "Stvifier" up •Flyer crept s.ow4,o ai ead. ler a met ad 1 ree.... ed bv Je-ish law for ;Joel. His family should come to en-
alever had the Fame beth won both the centre, a an admiring throng, the hill a few m lratee ha:ere two ° few seeorels the "Rapid" was neck and capital eunishmert. • timely ends, and Jezebel his queen
A Well Merited Rebuke, 16-20enlid perieli nieerabla
. . ile.
arizes, and never had a Magnolia bob Carefully Walter ran a file over her &time. neck with the 'Swifter" then felt be-; IT
:. V. 16. When Ahab heard. He and; We should net areas ilia doetrite of '
been a winner. In its last iSSITO the four runners and the new bob was A fineT eoueeteon of otos would, hind never to catch up. The snow Itcu.!, Jezebel were in Saeriaria when the „ reteibution too literally. The wicked
-.le boys have been hard to find than that which by the runnof ers the "Flyer's" haat murder took place in Jezreel; there, do nohaleva,ys meet with suffering or ecerd had announced the corning ready for her maiden trip . 'ill
, Saturday as the day chosen for the scrambled into place and Fred, ineist- ge
voted the eyes of the ea"
e eth Oat flew in Walter's faee. Even with' was zomething deepicable and coward- even disgrace. Often they escape de -
MOOS. ing that Rtalter be the first to stter, Record as he steppea forward and his goggles he -squinted. , ly in allowing other:, to work out his . tection by their fellowmen, or prosper
took his position at the back ready to formally welcomed the vors. 'The Flyer was .V.St AS length evil desire. Anah rose up, etc. With. in spite of it. NO.T.'2 the less the de -
shove at. But just as they were ready "The first race will be fOT distance ahead at the balf-way point, but the' Nebo* out ef the way there was no eay is within and the process of spir-
t() move, they heard theineehtes greet- and MI tea keep 'you waiting while e "Swifterc" was gaining. There was lit -7, thing td hinder him from satisfying itual death is at work in the heart.
The conditions wore few and simple.
In the speed contest the bobs were to
eace three abreast, and there were
eighteen entries which meant six
emcee to pick six winner. These would
then fight the fin -al isstio.
The course was a steep hill about
half a mile long, with a long smooth
stretch at the bottom. The Record
ed frem the sidewalk. do a lot of talking," he smiled at the Ile cheering. Walter's eyes were flied;
-wen, boys, what hav-e you got i expeetaiit and el:cited bob crews be: on the forward point of the "Flyer's.'
there?" II: was Mr. Woodson, the fore him, "but will let you etaet at front sled. That was his goal.
Mayor of Magnolia he spoke. Al] the once. There are but two tonditions: ,Slowly he crept toward it; then las
boys answered excitedly, but it was the first that you start at half -minute her. They were gaining. Just tta they',
exPlained ab
Walter who
Eig darted pest the litc7e group al' Wal -
finally out and tb
intervals e sezond thet the M -
offiee faced on this smooth stretch, their big, fine ARIL 1 nolia bobs go lest. All right, end thank ter's elks, the b6bs were even anti'
aniti, its perch served as judges' stand . "And you say this is the first trip?" you,. across tee fiefehme, tape went the
opposite which stood the finishing "Yee, sir." Welter looked very As he stoped hack the oviehvg.,e a "Swifter," half a lertgth. ahead. The
stake, .. proudlight bob from Oreenton coiel met, pot real contest lay, now between the
This year the races promised to be "Well, that'e fine, and what have sition. A moment it bung mettentlese; Dart" and the. "Swifter.
re w
alone exciting than ever and the whole you namAs the two tear ent up the hill
ed her?" .
town was talking about them. Eight Hero was something nom had
neleibering villages were represented thought of. All agreed a name was
In rho entries, with the same bobs that necestery end many names were
won last year entered again. Magnolia promptly suggested. At last Mr,
supporters had little hope of winning Woodson raised his hand and the boys
or last year both their bobs had been. fetlsibsnt
,badly beaten, This year these were • "How does the 'Swifter' strike y-ou,
terotered again, but t'he people dad not boys?"
ont.husiasni about them. The name was adopted with cheers
rti.,t) be sure, there was a new entry; and hurrahs. .
latet tio one had seen the hob and It "Well, then tette christen her)' cone
•belong -ed to a l'oeuple ef kids," at tinned the Mayor as soon es lie' oeuld
,altegethee people (Matt know what he
a meet.
Meanwhile, Walter and Fred had,
tletarrxined to win. No trouble had
be heard, and taying down the brindles
he was carrying, he stepped to the elite
.of the bob, The boys formed a arida
around him,
.beau &hated to make their bob a sue:. Solemnly, standing wlU one hand
'seas and there were a number of en the steering bar, he spoke!
$4141* in uta favor. The siede, instead "I christen , this hob the 'Swifter,'
,of being held'solielly to the con:fleeting and hiltY She hriPg solheess to Mag-
lheara, were both ltinked ',so that in nolta on Sottfieley,":
**ling twee rough eteces they would A cheer berst-ttrain the vtottching
rather than dig through the boys, ringing out wildly for the
„OM". Tlile elasticity a.lso lessened Mayoie, the lpeb, and its owners.
strain on the board. There was, tee seta later tintit it was the proudest
fLtieseotterl steering gear, consisting of moment of his life; and be loelted it,
e'reeseb.ao which not meant i too, for te.ars of joy streamed down
ose,tiler steering bet left -room for an-' hi cheeks.
*thew passerager. .None of the other Rather timid-ly luo eced Mo. Wood-
..beibs had been eo equipned, but werelsoil sponsee dOWTI en the
sieeeeed by the ohl-faehioeed rope, i trial trip tied wee denghte,d wheel b,e
WAS'r-IINGT0i,:, AND ;1i;3 UTTLE
'Aqui, the -new sled appeared on the -heady,' he yolied, anhd at 'eel', tbei 'Never mind the okehrY tree, Cleorge, LYIiL Zet 1111'•::,' Whir I HI'. j 1;13b4
mg.thy ttle eeceenosteent, ee..! accepted. 'Again Walter toOk- his place
and sittopt'ise when, for the first et the bar, with the Mayor atehis hack;
Immediately Magr-
nolia's hopes "Swifte' was- offl, --Ifeoning News (Lona 0
.90.9.'14;7;st:to -
for the last time, their friends cheer-
ed; but the boys' heerte were heavy,
and Wetter teerebled from head to
foot et he took his teat. The "Dart's"
crew were all smiling.
At fie st it cee.reed as though the
Dart We -'0 gammg, but, like a bull-
dog, the "Swifter" clung to its side.
The tense trews watched each other.
Neck and neck, not more than two
feet epartthe bobs pa.ssed the half
and then the three-cpearttr marks,
The stealn was killing:Every Ines-
cie In Waiter's body ached. A lump
rose hi his threat, and in his anxiety
he plea:leil frautically with the "Swift -
eh" to win.- .A.s-if she knew what was
coo -en -Led of her, the bob euddenly drew
ahead end won the final heat by a
few feet.
We have eleetric lig•hes in the littese,
bean, granary and blacksmith shop.
Wo have a small light plant of our
, own, and we like it ver,v well; it has
I beea instalied for nearly a year, We
Iheve a yard ligtt which we find eery
convenient in gaiir;g ti er emning from
the barn, or in uuhitelting a team at
night. All in wy3 ele.Aricity
very nuteh.—M. 13.
Engineers have a rule for quickly
eetimatiug vette. power, which is
quite elzuple. Multi3ety the 7.1unibee of.
eeeeedefeet by the „of. water, and
divide by eleven, which -wilt .give the
epproximate ho•roc-esoiver on an eighty
pee cant.' effkciency The lerni
"seoo•nti-feet'l is the nentbee of .enbio
feet Per sereed, passing a given paint•
One of tile best cleaners ler the
windshield it. ti" t d
The Farm Wort= Shop. ,s1'.cePsitill, r'elxe•I sq with
,Miort capiled w.01. dampea,ing the
Defeee ee,..tplarinig ee that the leete, tee eebett,g• this ever the
gooa gaintistorie 11.111 by a aneatl en -
plow points and diets are share. A tier:mot:5:r) eplie,,v:re'tnlit remelt:to-ex, finrol.zaii.n•ti.;;f
gine will do the work le otilek time, heeitg intergeee with the drieee.s
Do not 'run, tile stone, faster than you visite,.
, would lay hand. .
Three ,ghchl. saws,—haed-stahh, buck- . chalk up one.. for Tooting.
saw ,anio. OPOSS-CLIE----eVe Deeeaect on et.,
eVer y en ete caw foe Tilart2'S a dioercnah covv,.t. This
with nails ',(fi the pod taw. ts e.hettori clearly in figeree Se.4:11,reei
When „a s•erew breaks, the easiest stti'eln
way to vemove it is to eso a 'screto • • • • `r,501) 3.4-100
extracter. Just deill h hole in, the P011itcls e'f fat . ,••• • • 320 154
loroke ecrew, insert the point of the thehllle .fl'elll nlujIIr 111111
extracter, tLI1n1 the screw oet .)n its hot, •.• • • - • • • ..•-• • • • $9$
awn thrte,ols. ":,"ahoe et feed eaten, $ 95 $,a5
Salty gi•ee'se and bacon rinds do Roh-srl,-70): 006't • $ aa
more harm than ethoil when usee, on The loioth-gtade cow was stee0 by,y
aaw h lea es. After using, put the to.W gtori eroebreii hell; the sernialeev‘tev,aqi
in a dry piece. Vaseiint or e gotcl noio Chellt n tette POT' teafthate and,
gehae et machine oil will ptcteet ..• use of purepret sa,r
Vesting. Hang the gave so the blade
ttot beet or own is half' eo