HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-10-26, Page 14r PAG ' 14-GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR,' ,S# AY, OCTOBER 26,1978 • • 1. Articles for sale ANTIQUE chesterfield and two chairs, oak frame, newly upholstered, new condition; winter coat size 241/2; fall coat, 221/2, good as new. Phone 528-2927.-43-44x REGISTERED male treeing Walker coon hound, one year old, has all shots; Spanish 12 gauge double barrel shotgun. Virgin wool coat, raspberry with black mink collar, size 15 petite. Phone 565-2146 after 5:30 p.m. -43,44 HALLOWE'EN APPLE SALE: Northern spies, red and yellow Delicious Maclntosh, Waynes, Ida Red and Russetts. Special No. 2 apples $3.50 per bushel. Also fresh cider $1.50 per gallon. Red and 'white potatoes, Spanish and cooking onions, cabbages, carrots and honey at Art Bell's Fruit Farm, phone 524-8037.-43AR STUDIO couch; kitchen table and four chairs, - stroller; playpen, sixties records, good condition. Call 524-6332.13 OVEN READY turkeys. Call Don Alton 529-7356.--43,44 PENTAX ME with 50mm. F 1.7 lens and Honeywell 470 Electronic flash. $350. Phone 524-6717.-43,44 GOOD condition fridge and stove. Kitchenette set, single bed and roll -away bed. Phone 524-4359.-43 PENTAX K1000 in- terchangeable lens with two time tele -converter. Phone 524-6658 after 4:00 p.m. -43 Wilcox Trailer Sales TRAVEL TRAILERS FIFTH WHEEL MOTOR HOMES THEDFORD 296-9692 Giant Garage and Rummage Sale to be held at the Red Barn in Sa I tford, Oct. 28th 10-4 p.m. NEW MATTRESSE Everyday Prices Lower Than Most Sales 40 DINETTE SUITES of Wood and Chrome C&E Furniture NEW AND USED 1/2 mile south on hwy. 21 Goderich 524.7231 We Take Trade's CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles wanted 5. Cars, (rucks for sale 6. Pets 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real estate wanted .. 9. Accommodation to rent 10. Wanted to rent 11. Room and board 12. Help wanted 13. Wanted (general) 14. Employment wanted. 15. Tenders 16. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales 10. Services available 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal 22. Lost and found 23. Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunities 25. To give away 26. Births 27. Deaths 28. Engagements 29. Marriages =_._... 30. 1'n memoriam 31. Cards of thanks DEADLINE , Classified Ads 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY Ads cannot be accepted after 12 o'clock for that week's paper. CLASSIFIED - 13' per word, minimum '2.75 (excluding No. 19, No. 20, No. 28, No. 30) 1. Articles for sale APPLES: Snows, Tatman Sweets, Spies, Delicious and Baldwins. Cider and cider apples. McClymont Orchards, 1 mile south of Varna 482-3214.-43,44 GARAGE SALE to be held at 120 Newgate Street, on Saturday, October 28 from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Items for sale include baby fur- niture, bunk beds., polisher and other miscellaneous items. -43 BLACK Persian lamb coat, fullength with blue mink colla medium, good con- dition $400.00, phone 524- 7657.-43-44 SEWING MACHINES - Singer, White and other models. Repairs" to all makes. All machines and repairs guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36• West S'treet, Goderich 524-2551.-20tfar GE Figor grow light, Westinghouse automatic • washer, front load, Inglis wringer washer, refinished antique kitchen cabinet, three • antique gunstock refinished chairs. Phone 524- 6027.-43x AFRICAN Violets, forty varieties, Fishers of Canada 197$ variety, different sizes' and prices. Phone for ap- pointment 524-9119, Olive • Gilbert No. 8 highway, beside Zehr's.-43-44 TWO aluminum combination doors in good condition. Phone mornings 524- 2075.-43x LADY'S grey Persian lamb jacket - mink collar - worn four times - value $550.00, sell $300.00; Mouton fur coat $100.00 new; Singer sewing machine - desk model with bench - walnut, $100.; solid oak bench - antique; lady's new curling shoes $10.00, size 8; Phone 524-7289 mornings or evenings. Let the phone ring or 175 Jones St. at Hincks St. -43x - 1. Articles for sale TWO flip-flop bed chairs, new condition. Phone 524- 7839.-43x GOING OUT OF BUSINESS sale, Bolens products: 1 -QT 16 tractor list $4500.00, sale $3395.00; 1 - H11 list $3399.00, sale $2566.00; 1 - G19 list $3299, sale $2489.00; 5 - 31/2 HP gear tillers list $305.00, sale .$205.00; 2 - 3 HP chain driven tillers, list $377.00, sale $250.00; 5 mulching mowers at cost price; 1 - 5 HP two stage snowthrower list $905.00, sale $695.00; 8 - 8 HP snowthrower list $1059.00, sale $825.00; 2 - 10 HP snowthrower, list $1159.00, sale $910.00; all have chains and electric' starters; 1 - 5 HP 3 speed trans. riding mower at cost price; 6 Polaris two pc. suits, 7 helmets, 3 pair boots, 1 TX cover and 2 bubble shields, cost price; one New Unitrex .print out calculator list $199.00, sale $125.00; .Sale on until November 4, 1978 at the Four Seasons Palladium, 2 miles south of Kincardine, open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Phone 395-5084.-43 GAS dryer, three years old. $40. Phone 524-4391.-43 GIRL'S two piece snowsuit, size 4; snowmobile suit size 5; ladies' figure skates size 7; girl's figure skates size it; snowmobile sleigh. Call after 5:00 p.m. 524-2757.-43 IMPERIAL electric sewing machine in case, slightly used. °Good as new. Phone 524-9071.-43 STEAM Jenny high pressure cleaner, $225. Phone 524- 8055.-42,43 30,000 BTU propane gas heater. Phone 524- 4308.-42tfnc NORTHERN Spies, Red and Yellow Delicious, Macs and other varieties, fresh cider and potatoes. Bellview Fruit Farm, 524-8011.-42tfar GOOD 'BUYz RIGHT HERE! SAVE 50, an single Insert ads when you pay before Thursday of the following week. Put a fast acting classified to work for you and save. Call _.one of our friendly, professional ad fakers today. 524-8331 OFFicr HOURS: MON. - FRI., 8:30-5 Goderich` I ; *Check your yellow bill for savings. SIGNAL -STAR Hwy. No. 21 south, Goderich 524-8331 1. Articles for sale GRADE A BEEF - hinds, $1.35 Ib.; fronts, 95 cents lb.; sides, $1.15 lb. -Cut, wrapped and quick frozen at no extra charge. Ripley Abattoir, 395- 2905 or 395-2979 evenings.-42-44AR COMBINATION wood and coal annex stove. Asking $100. Phone 524-6700.-42-44 APPLES: Northern Spies, MacIntosh,Cortland, Kings, Tolman Sweet, Red ' and Golden Delicious. Fresh cider, .potatoes and onions. Gerald Bell Fruit Farm, phone 524-8008.-42TFAR APPLES: You pick. SEASON'S END SPECIAL - $4.00 a bushel. Bring con- tainers. Spies, Macs, others. Ross Middleton's Orchards, Bayfield line, mile east off highway 21.-42-43 LADY'S Junior size 5-6 beige winter coat, dry cleaned, good condition. Phone 524- 9352.-42,43 SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners; parts and notions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. We also do alterations and install zip- pers. Pratt's Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton St., 524-8431, Goderich,=iitfar - ONE pair of 1178 x 14 black - wall snow tires on GM rims $40.00; one G78 x 14 summer tire on GM rim $15:00. Phone 529-7203.-41TFNC DRY hardwood for sale. Will deliver. Bob Thompson 482- 7171.-42-44x WE have a good selection of new and used bicycles, parts, accessories, saddles, tires, and tubes in stock "the year round bicycle place." Don's Bicycle ,Repairs, 305 Ontario St., Clinton 482- 9941.-42,43AR FRESH brussel sprouts for your freezer, only 40c per pound. Pick your own or call Dobson Farms 262-2822. Two miles west of Kippen on left. Open every day, Sunday only till 4.-40tf AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rr'st, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoff Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-Itfar 2. Mobile Homes FOR SALE - 12' x 60' Villager, •furnished, back shed. Located on lakefront lot, Iroquois Lane, Lot 51, Meneset Park. Phone 524- 7255.-42tf " - 68' x 12' MOBILE home: Three bedroom', foul' piece bath, fully carpeted, drapes and sheers, frig. and stove; also 28' x 6' deck and utility shed. Phone Stratford 1-271- 7476 or Dungannon' '1-529- 7637.-40-43 MUST SELL - two bedroom 1975 Marlette set up at Huron Haven. Any seridus offer will be considered ..on this beautiful home. Phone 526- 7784.-30tf THREE bedroom mobile furnished, call Seaforth 527- 0498:-42,43 • MOBILE HOME 1975 Bendix Mobile Home 68', 2 bedrooms, utility room, stove, frig, washer, dryer, roofed sundeck, tool shed, T.V. tower, brick barbecue. Many extras. Beautifully treed lot with lake view. 60 Iroquois. Call 524.2791 or London 679.2773 1 3. Articles for rent we can suit you for every occasion FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTAL • Exclusively at CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Free catalogue. FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Stearn Extraction. Blaowator Cleonors 324- '1231. 3. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS for alt occasions. Free style brochure, Rawson's Shop for Men, Goderich:1-1tfar FR RENT Storage Space For cars, furniture. boats, etc. By the mon- th or year. ALSO Warehouse, office, workshop, refrigeration and __ •_ freezer ._ space..... Phone 528-2822 days or 528.2070 after 6:00 p.m. 4. Articles wanted WOULD like to purchase used piano for KnoX Church. Phone 524-7452 after 5 p.m.-42AR ONE SIX FOOT DISC for 3 point hitch. Phone 524- 6410.-41 TEAR WANTED: Old brick buildings for demolition •and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia.-3�atf INSIDE winter storage space for 22 foot motor home, in barn, warehouse. Phone 524-6860.-43x WANTED: old cars, radiators, batteries, cast iron, steel, etc. Phone 528- 5403 anytime.-43tf 9. Accommodation to rent 12. Help wanted THREE bedroom house on 38 Napier St., newly decorated. Rent reasonable, must have references. Phone 524-7630 or contact' Harold Montgomery, 203 Cameron St., Goderich.-43 ONE bedroom furnished apartment available November lst. no children or pets please. Phone 524-6536 after 4:00 p.m. -43 BACHELOR apartment suitable for one person, stove, refrig. and utilities suppTied-$135:00-• per •Fnontli- Call 524-9186 mornings only. -43 TWO bedroom, one -storey house. Stove .provided, oil heated, $225.00 per month, plus heat and utilities. Available November 10th. Phone 524-9815.-43 - AVAILABLE November 1, light housekeeping room, just off Square, equipped with fridge, stove, etc. Phone 524-2725.-43tf ONE and two bedroom apartments in Lucknow and Teeswater. These are brand new apartments and are available immediately. Call Gerrie Glenn Inc., phone 528- 3234.=43 tfar GODERICH furnished home - central location. Adults preferred. November 1st to May 1st. Toronto 742-8820 or weekends 524-2323.-42,43 STORE in Lucknow, for- merly Sepoy Variety. Owner Lloyd Ashton. Phone 528- 2114. If no answer phone 528- 5. Cars, trucks for sale 3134.-42,43 1974 FORD CAPRI, V6, 4 - speed, new brakes and tires, 53,000 miles,in very .good condition,.'rust-proofed. Asking $1500 or best offer, certified. Phone 524- r 8592.-43x NEWLY decorated, large one bedroom apartment in Lucknow. Private bathroom, frig., and stove. Also available small furnished apartment. Phone 528-2174 or 528-3134.-42,43 IN CLINTON end of October, dm , g1973 VELAood condition.'Awagons is.in Pricedvery:. b2righ2bet•drooliplex; self-containedheat provided, to sell. Phone 5294133.-42,43 $175. per month. Phone 527- 1507 after 6 p.m. -41 tf 1968 DODGE DART, ideal to restore. Phone 524-2980 after 5 p.m.-40tfnc Selling your car? Need a Safety Inspection? Call 524-2121 ANow only $ 1 5 8 95 GODERICH 6. Pets TROPICAL fish, canaries. Complete pet supplies. Pat's Pet Shop, 350 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily and Friday even Ings. -1 tfar HORSES Boarded, box stalls, $65. per month. Excellent riding area. 482- 9960. Call after 6:00 p.ni.-41 TF NC YEAR OLD poodle for sale. Phone 524-2757 after 5 p. m.-43 9. Accommodation to rent LUXURIOUS apartments, two and three bedroom, Port Elgin. Phone Mavis at 83- 9234.--42 TWO BEDROOM mobile home in Huron Haven. Phone 526-77134.-92,43 LARGE '2 bedroom house to share with another person - Blake Street, Goderich. Available November 1. $140 •per month. Phone 524- 4381.-42,43 Office TO RENT 524-8382 BENNETT ` APARTMENTS One and Two bedroom apartments,' includes fridge, stove, cable TV and utilities. Goll: 524-2471 FOUR bedroom house for rent - or purchase on easy term's. $222 month rent. Call Don Hoist Real Estate 524- 8951 or after hours 524- 8191.-42tfAR SELF -contained one bedroom apartment, fur- nished or unfurnished, available now. Apply Drawer 73, c -o Signal -Star Publishing, Box• 220, Goderich.--42-43 10. Wanted to rent RESPONSIBLE• family wanting to rent three bedroom• home for ap- proximately one year. Can supply references etc. Phone 524-8821 or " 524-2094.-42- 43AR 12. Help wanted PERSON for purebred hog farm,' must be mature and responsible with dgsire to learn and advance. House available. Bob Robinson, RR4 Walton, 345-2317.-43,44 ESQUIRE RESTAURANT requires ( MATURE WAITRESS EVENINGS Apply in Person Only TEACHER'S AID required Immediately for VICTORIA PUBLIC SCHOOL This position will Involve working with Kin- dergarten children on a full-day basis. Written applications stating qualifications and ex- perience will be accep- ted until Wednesday, November 1, 1978: Inter- views will be arranged with selected applIcarr- t s. D. L. O'Brien, Victories Public School,, 135 Gibbons, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 3JS. APPLICATIONS are being accepted for „ permanent, part-time sales person, twenty to thirty hours per week. Must be available to work days plus one evening per week. Reply giving `all particularsoAto Drawer 75, Signal Star, Box 220, Goderich, Ont.-42TFAR MATURE WOMAN ,to care for invalid, daytime only, live in preferred. Mrs. Carl Diehl, Box 183, Bayfield 565- 2667.-43,44 CLEANING person required, preferably Fridays, Bayfield 565- 2168.-43 r, Wanted _ 1st or 2nd working conditions call 524-9111 Cook *good wages and 13. Wanted (general) ONE French door ap- proxi-gately 80" x 32". Phone 395-5824 or 528- 2914.-43 RIDE WANTED: To Fan- shawe College, London, Monday morning and return Friday. Phone 482-9880 after 5 p.m. -43 WANTED old wood niture, regardless of dition, phone 2725.-24tfar fur- cor 524- 15. Tenders GODERICH COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION. LIMITED IS EXPANDING Anybody wishing to submit TENDERS FOR THE RENOVATIONS Can pick up the Blue prints at our Credit Union office. - Quotations are to be received in the Credit Union office by the 3rd. of November 1978. Lowest tender not necessarily accepted. GODERICH COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 39 St. David St. Goderich 524-7931 Huron County Board Of, Education SNOW REMOVAL TENDER Plainly marked sealed. tenders will be recehred` up to 12 o'clock noon, Thursday, November 9, 1978 for snow -removal at the following Huron County schools: Seaforth Public School Seaforth High School Stephen Public School Hullett Public School Exeter Public School Hensall Public School Tender forms may be obtained from the above schools or at th'e Huron County Beard of Education office at 103 Albert Street, .,Clinton, antarlo, NOM 11.0. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accep- ted. D.J. Cochrane, Director R.J. Elliott, Chairman • •i • 14. Employment wanted MOTIVATED young male seeks to relocate in Goderich. Has chef training and is fully experienced in hotel, restaurant management. Reply to Drawer 77, c -o Signal -Star Publishing Ltd. -43-99 15. Tenders Ontario GOVERNMENT TENDER GENERAL CONTRACTORS " Construct Camp Shelter Bluewater Centre Goderich, Ontario Ministry of Community & Social Services Project No: W.77005 G.O. 64 SEALED TENDERS will be received until 3:00 p.m. LOCAL TIME ON NOVEMBER 9, 1978. Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ministry of Government Services, Regional Of- fice, 400 Elizabeth Street, Guelph, Ontario. N1E 2Y1. Telephone No. (519)822-1150. NOTE: For further infor- mation regarding this tender please call Miss J. Robinson, at the above . address. Telephone No. (519) 822- 1150: The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. MINISTRY OF GOVERNMENT SERVICES L 17. Auction sales '16. Mortgages CASH for your mortgage. Call us first 529- 2747.-33tfAR BE A REGULAR BLOOD DONOR 17. Auction sales ANTIQUE -AUCTION SALE at the Auction Rooms, Hwy. No. 21, one mile South of Goderich. FRI. OCT. 27 7:00 P.M. Antique hanging Tamp; pine drop -front desk with 7 drawers; 2 an- tique wall phones; 2 washstands; 2 com- modes; set of 4 dinette chairs; dining -room extension table; imitation fireplace; base of a flat -to wall cupboard; 3 chests of drawers; marble -top washstand; parlour table; organ stool; 4 oil lamps; lanterns;. large prints; mantel clock; 'coach clock; coffee grinder; antique decoys; crocks; 2 bowl and pitcher sets; Maple Leaf Comport; Nippon china; a . quantity of Depression glass; pressed glass; carnival glass; salt and peppers; wooden pump; wooden butter bowl; Balloon - back chair; Captain's chair; odd chairs; 25 Avon bottles; bottles; chesterfield and chair; roll -away bed; 24" electric stove; pony cart; bicycle; vacuum cleaners; 22 rifle; etc. etc. Terms -cash Mike Cummings Auctioneer Goderich 524-9064 Kinsmen-Kinette AUCTION AT CENTRE, SOUTH ST. Saturday, October 28 1:00 P.M. Services donated by auctioneer Harold Lamb WANTED Consignment 8 Donated Articles NO RESERVE BIDS FOR PICK-UP CALL - Gayle Purser - 524-2241 Diane Armstrong - 524-8189 after 6 p.m. Brian or Cindy Busiest - 524-8634 For The Mentally Retarded REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE 'uction (al�iirCll I/,NlorirtlfJ Sale for the Estate of Mrs. Smith to be held at THE RATHWELL BUILDING 77 Main St., Seaforth, Ontario cn Saturday, November 4 at 10:00 a.m. Sale to consist of: Admiral 26" color T.V. . 2 chester- fields with matching chairs . wicker straight back chair . wicker rocker . wicker hamper , 3 piece walnut bedroom suite c.w. dress &vanity both with tear, drop handles . oak drop front secretary desk . flat -to -the - wall cupboard . 2 glass front china cabinets . 5'tiered corner what -not . sideboard . rocker . platform rocker . oval back chairs . upholstered shahs . 2 treadle sewing machines . fern stand . walnut magazine racks . parlour tables . coffee & end tables . oak hall tree . 54" walnut bed C.W.O. mattress . bonnet chest . beds & mattresses . kitchen table with 6 matching chairs . RCA block & white T:V.. chairs . table 8, bedroom lamps . Waterbury clock . mantle clock . kitchen table with 4 matching chairs . Axminster area rug . Westinghouse refrigerator . Westinghouse stove with glass oven door elactric'stove . Hoover portable spin washer & dryer . wringer sit iher . a eoriiplete Bit facade, of cookware & appliances . a fine selection of dishes. glass, china 8, silver . a large quantity of bedding, linen 8, towels . travelling trunks . hand & garden tools, plus a host of other interesting items & antiques. PLAN TO ATTEND e ✓Ga/ ii BGG .S.SCJCGtzki AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. s SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1WO• (519) 527-1450 1