HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-1-26, Page 3intheShip's T op, WHY EAS' EASES One morning, writes Mr. O. E. Gauldebury in "Itezninisoenees of a A Condition Due Entirely IV Stowaway," 1 was sent aloft to unfurl the plain royal: I was just about to Poor, Watery Blood. meet off the gaskets, or lashings, that secure;I the furled canvas to the yard The girl who returns home from when the roy el brace was suddenly let. school or from work thoroughly tired r �.a from the deck, and the yard swung out will be fortunate if site escapes a from under nue, and 1 wain thrown off. physical breakdown, because this get- Instinctively I threw cut my arm!. ting tired so easily is probably the My left hand conte in contact with the first warning synnptonn of a thinning royal stay, and I Lues brought up with blood that must not be disregarded it la jerk. '.1ia'itia,g a desperate clutch her health is to be preserved. wit81, the other hand, T mauaged to get When the blood becomes thin and another I: old rn the ;stay, anal hung sus - impure, the patient becomes pale, hag- vended in mid-air, ninety feet front the. Bard and a¢ngatlar. She not only tires /dew i and resumed the work I bad been en of the heat z e1 ' l To get my legs round the stay was' pleyed in. palpitation e r d zy sp is So long as you radiate doubt and. discouragelnent, you will be a failure. If you want to get away from poverty, you must keep your Mind in a productive, creative -condition. In or- der to =do this you Must think peon xdeut, cheerful, creative thoughts. The model must precede' the statue, You lust see a new world before you can live in it. out easily but suffers from headaches ' and a less of appetite. This Gonda an easy matter, stn:d then I was able to : When the watch was relieved tee ion will ga from bad to ware° #f maintain my position fa comparative mate sent for one and, after ascertain - prompt °d prompt steps are .eat taken to increases security. a in g that I crrnld read and write, z. and enrich the blood supply. o l T make Wondering who could have been so nae that 1 was to come to him every the rich, ted blood that brings the Woad as t°have-let ,go tae rcpr� With-'; day when he was taking twe sun for; • Leen glow of heahh no other medicine can out warning. 1 looked down.. There,°be wiehed to teach me vigatton. 11 equal Dr, Rrilliams' fink Pills, it close to the ;delaying pin, wdth the tied gladly- oeceptel the izxvitation, and by: the brace e=t!!! in one handstood. the tune we reamed, Buenos Ayres I elven a fair trial their use brings nosy : of , e chief mate locking up at me_ Hid " was able to the nights and keep a cheeps, bright eyes, a goad appetite the dead neck° Win^ a aa New, en board a merchant. reesel in We was as Pale as a side t anal sere e+ : Pod goad spirits- I?r 'Williams' funk -was horror and contrition stamped en " 1i hen v e bed been about a week inn ,; Pills Inane tnada thousands of pale, ___-._ feature,languid girls active axle strong. He ---- t---�----the first sign of pear, thin blood Wied to sheath; bet his loa•Ns eon_ going be Pretented me with a me that the act that hail almeat and bis eauttcel besets and, telling me i Mothere h --_ pert :rite mate left the ship; but before °; -.... insist ,,,._.. their Yine'ed he tcolt a s:roan unereat :ix my future elattgittttrs L3liint; a fair srotrr.�te of these deemed' nae to a terrible death had n9t i WieP T^ ,+^^g^.7 ,..^ .^ coutstudies. Then. slaking hende With Me.; tnue „,...: Ole They will not only rested'! i. been intspired by any evil motive. health, *•++M ,,-.Y,. .,W.,J further 4,5Ri4Nk . ., he walked then the side. That was bills i those clays it �;•as co,.sidered as juatlfa- ahle for any undo whose life had be the la_t saw rtf glial, rained from any dealer in medicine or ^ endangered by the clumsinneee or the p g the cook as1 l The del gentleman tuehe t away b Higher Piane. Father of the Paauily- `'You girls are always talking about dressed. Can't you fled a higher p.aue cf convetra- tion?" ""les, pa. Now we are geing tan talk about fiat. " Classified. Visitor (in public gardens, interest- ed i botany) ---"Do you batmen to l,ncw to whet family that plant ho- legs?" Park -keeper -9 happen to know it don't belong to no family. That plant belongs to the ~?aiinieipal council. Cross -Eyed.. Man elm back an affliction of the eye, lard teat a ossa it to twitch visited Torento, and stopped a native an gorge Street. ':Cast you direct nide to a good drug' starve?" aslzeai the visitor. The netive took a look; at him, anal resl+s:r:tied promptly: ""3 eu're talking to cote right ..new." A Sabst Dr. Y4 alllatns' Punk 1'illa can bo that y been"; On Our netts ;,sea o by mail > neglect of another, no matter what his ed'me whether I knew why' the urate i baggage, nue then tussled to Iris heat's y n a at ,i0 cents�a Ilea or sin boxes for $3.50 from The fir, 'f i , , rank might be, to give full expregeten bad been eo land to rte. ""Yos, I da; pretty darngliter who had MOtatred iritis Y+ 1 satin � d h' # ti about the matter. " beam. s�tedir_•itil' Ce.Brockville.n #o his anger and iuddgnatiau. In or- answered,but added that I dil not ,{au is son to the s A on. • out. diemcirtntna.tuwcsslipcare to tall:bt tt pitat1?yemg dear" Said as�Foldno i doubt have availed thyself Of that Pr!. "All," sand he, "Fent mug Minix it tag upon Iter: '•I won't kirs you; I Who rises every time he frills �vilf ; ilego, but, *wing the mato sa painryas because he threw you off the main; have such a call:'" sometime rise to stay ,---1i illiann for-; fully moved I resolved- espeoiali ' " royal yas•d, atrnd yon ;diel loth#ng ris, since no one eabs ut the eon shalt a sldedong glance at else 1.n.1 w itnehhed tha int it? But that was dot ,all. Last voyage the girl. be threw a boy off itt the same way, ""1 sa5," he said. ""eau 1 do auyt lug c.leslt-•tn pay nom" about it. i3lid• thbf Mlnerd's Liniment for Garnet in Cows, i ing down the stay:, I reached tite deck anti the lam'lad was .smashed to ;for you, ;diger?" oteee l" ey I Couldn't Fiord it. Suniallies anti Their Origin GARRISON Variations•--Gerreteon, •Garrett, Barrett, Racial Origin—Eng; ish. Source—A given name. GARTER Variations—Charter, Cartwright. Racial Origin --Anel c.Norman. Source—An occupation. TER WEATHER `ate s;en naaater, bearing a. crash'. ion the III tform, ran oast rf h to cream ittet is tisane to +ee 1:4e express dlsap- ON LITTLE N 5 lnflar.iig �entund the curve and a din. #•i Leveled a Mende neat. �Iyr3ssle 1 enthl air -cushion," ventured Wilkins, "best You must <sol`ffess that it eases the Jetts woucerfuily." An Obvioue Nickname.. Tice foilowlug is a dialogue between mother and sow "Edgar?" ""Yes, mother, what is it?" '"What axe you children dosng?„ "`Playing aristoen'a.ey. I ant a l night of tine garter, and Edwin is Saturday." ""That's a strange name for aristocr racy „ "'O.:, it is lust a. pickaame cst ac- count of his title." "What is his title?" ,"lie's a knight of the bntln:' Regular Customer. The druggIrt had stopped in the mid- dle of putting up a difficeit prescrip- tion end deftly remixed from tete wo- man's eye the eintaer that had been canning her great trait:. "Ah. thank ycu so nnteh!" she gush- ed. "?How Wench is it?" "'Nothing et all,' he replied ecur- tesly. "Oh, but you shkuld let the. Fay you somnethlrg--ysu rally .eliouidt fat sure It would be only right to pas ,rod for teem time. It teen all of five mint Wee. though of cour:ee it wasn't ee:ally , sae long -drunk if your time fa wort,, et. a day_anti really I think druggists should make that mucin, ti:.tw i of come they do not work so hard as carpenters or pa ;titers --'-why that would, !Dime to -let me see, why, near- ly ten cents --or at least we will call it ten Ceuta, though it would really be ;tidy abeut eight Feats. wouldn't it?" "'No tnadant." the al 1- replied. firmly. ""We are glad to do these lit- tle services for our customers, and I recall distinctly that you have bought meet of your p, ._tege stamps here for a• lent while MONEY ORDERS, The safe way to send money by trail bt liemiulen Exprese 3leuey Order. There apt a great alilTerencehetween or zentnneut end a dead arsawlaitiott, eeveral even:tarned milk cans and the Mather! Clean Child's Bowels With California Fig Syrup Our Cenadtat winters are eecee4• a utorsts of his traveling bag ingly hard on the health of little one's. a "Was Lit tiling to eatch the train:"' lire is a family nastae whleh hesT[ae weather is often eat severe that asked the s tanttotn miter of a squall thce mother cannot tape the little one w can :=acts ly at mirincl the S4'eile. out for an :tiring,', The eonsetluete"o '+lie diol reafcla it." aid the boy bap. is that baby is confined. to ovet'heateal. , 145% lint It gust away again." badly ventilated T0011113: takes coldi It ispatreihle. but'nasi very iiiyf•1s (terve d0WU to us from a word note bey 1 d 1 l that in stelae inetanees the family lobtreete. but which is eurloutly tied mune of Garrison may tulle its origin np with a ;weln'r of iuodern words., from the word "garr1 eu. uranins ".1.n1 lest the reader ire misled by the, a military pet, for iliie word was in variation of t'htcrter, let it be etated use toward the Pnli k,f 'tha+ period in that the family nuke bas no connec•' medieval times in witielt family names,tion with the w;erd "'charter." denoting were being ;tanned. a legal cloi'atnent, nor "eltart;' mean, There is as luai;>s of historical record, Ing a map or table of reidletice, however, from whieh an entirely 4it- ° The wanes to which it is related are' toren' Origin of the nuke Is shown. a "chariot,' 'e.u't' and "eat." It is not One of the given muses Mittel was generally realized, but these three :mite generally lit use In those day' ` words are really the scans!, being all but which sines bas disappeared is ; derived from the old Norman .torah "Garrett," or es it was more likely to s "Chnret,,' which in the mule Middle he spelled in those days, '•tl-aaet," It Ages usually signified a. vehicle of is a given name not at all uneanation numb splendor, a:nil not the chariot of In the Norman records. • ancient military use. There is one entry, for instance, of . It was reearded of Hebei:ore, who "Garett Ifitzgarett, the "fltz," of was brought over from Prance in 1304' course, beim; the Norman -Preach con- to be the bride of Richard of England, rupti,,n of the Latin "'IBMs," meaning that "elm was full searsly viii Fere of "son." the person referral to was ' age, but she brought trete of Preens limply "Garett the son of Gantt,'" or `nil shares Lul of holies and domicelles." e the Saxon element of the popula . The 1611 version of the i:nglisin I3iblo tion of medieval England would have uses the word "eltaret: " .nut it, "Garett. Geretteen. " ! "Charoter; "Caretter" and "C'har- The slurring of Garettson into Car- reter" were simply various spellings of risen is quite a natural development ; the ward which meant c harlotmaker, 'through a period ef several centuries, "'Cartwright" indicated the same. as are the doubling of "Ms" and "Cs." They must have ranked with the Such family names as Garrett are in-; nl,anufucturers of expensive automo. stances of where the final "eon" has ' biles of our day, for there is record of ; been dropped again, bringing the; payment of £1,000 ($5000) to one family Wayne back to virtually the e, "John le Gharer" for making a cer- same form as the given name from ! fain chariot "for the use and behoof which it was developed, i of Lady Eleanor, the king's sister." Will your "'Good Morning" last all day? Easy to start from the breakfast table with zest and enthusiasm, but how easy is it to keep on? Does ambition last, or lag, as the day develops? The afternoon "slump" is a factor to be count- ed upon, in business of social life. Usually, there's a reason. Nerves whipped by tea or coffee won't keep on running, and they won't stand constant whipping. Many a man or woman who has wished. the °afternoon would be as bright as the 'morning has simply been wishing that the nerves wouldn't have to pay the natural penalty for being whipped with the caffeine drag. - Postum gives a breakfast cup of comfort and cheer, without any penalties afterward. ' There's no "letting down" from Postum— no midday drowsiness to make up for midnight wakefulness; no headaches; no nervous indigestion; no ificrease of blood pressure. Think it over. There's full satisfaction in Postum —a cup of comfort for;. anybody (the children included),`a time. You can get Postum £roan yourgrocer or your waiter today, and probably you'll begin to have better tomorrows' as so many thousands have had, who have made the change from tea; and coffee to'Postunn. Postum comes in two'for.ene: Instant Postum in tins) ,made instantly in tate cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who prefer to make the di`nk while the meal is being prepared) made. by boiling for 20 minutes. Sold by all grocers. Postum for Heulth "There's a Reason" 1 and becomes eros and peevish. Baby's' Neatly Put. Own Tahlet'i should be given to ketp ; Williams and Willains were talking the tittle ono healthy. They are a of a mutual friend, \iallter. when Wile mild laxative which regulate the ! Hams tabzeerved: stomach cult bowels and thus prevent; "Now, Walker is elvil enough, but. colds. Tite Tablets aro sold by ntmdf•' to my mind. there's nothing solid in tIy pclltenees: " "Nol Is there anything roidid in an cine dealers or 1sy minks at 2a box from The ter. «'slums` Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, A Dark -Skin Game. One ingenious if dishonest native of India turned his dark skin to excellent account. Ono of the European ex- aminers of Calcutta University, :aye Lord Frederic Hamilton in his book, "'Day 5 Before Yesstelriay," told one that there had been a great teat of trouble about the examination papers; by seine menus or outer the native c;tu• dents always managed to obtain what we may term "advance" ecples of his petiole. Aly iefornnaut had according- ly devised a &client() to Otop the leak- age. instead of baying the papers printed in the usual fashion he called in tee services ef a single white pine, 'Cascarets" if Sick Bilious, Headachy From the Bowels (et a 1Q.eent box now. You Wren and women who can't ge feeling rlght --who bare headache coated tongue, bad taste and fo breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are bili ous, nervous and upset, bothered wit] a stoic, gassy, disordered stonttneb, o have a bad cold. Are you keeping you bowels clean with Casearets, or mere ly forcing a passageway every few days with salts, cathartic pills or cas tor oil? Cnacarets work while yom sleep; cleanse the i,tannet% of sou er oil whom he could rely. 7in2 tetlte fermenting food and foul ease,; tak printer received the paprely. curl,' on the excess bile from liver and carry tine moru.ing of the tidy designated for out cf the system all the constipated the examination and duly set therm up on a hand press inside the building. He had cue assistant, a. rookie who was clad only in loin cloth and turban; by no possihiity could he conceal any papers about his 1ieron. In spite of those precautions, how- ever, it soon became clear at the ex- amination that scene of tee. students had a previous knowledge of the ques- tions: How had they msumaged it? Eventually it appeared that the collie, taking advantage of the momentary absence of the vviiite printer, had whipped off his loin cloth, sat down on the "form" and then replaced his scii- Lary garment. When he was obliged to strip on going out the printing ink j did not stow on his dark skin; and all that he had to do was to sit down en a large :sheet of white paper for the questions to be printed off on it. Then with the- aid of a mirror the students could easily tend them. The Oriental mind is subtle. Even a sick child heves tee "'fruity" taste sof "Calif It Fig Syrup." df tine, little tongue Is coater, er if your chili] Is Mallett , ems. feverlsit full of cola], er has coke, give a tea poonfui to cleanse the liver and bowels. In a few hots': you can see for yourself how thoroughly it works all the eoneti- pcation poison. sour bile and waste out of the bowels, and you have a well. playful child again. Millions of mother! keep "California Fig Syrup" hand}. They ]:now a tea - 'mutat to -day saves a sick child to- EEACWS TROUBLES ARE OVER AT LAST sr FIVE YEARS OF WORRY AND III." HALT] OVERCOME. Went for Days Without Ea irg and Even Sight of Food at Times Made Iiirn Sick. "I terta ely :am glad I tae to Tan. see and gave it a fair trial, for since. taking it I'm eating better, seeping better and feeling better than. I -?Lave in years," said Hear y Leach, well- l.aown citisen residing ant lvJ Pape :Ave., Torouto, Ont. "Ever e.i'wee I had a spell of grippe some sive yeeri ago, I've been having Wachs of im-lieestiou and ether troy hies that gave line nsa end of worry. I used to go for clays at a time without eetiag scarcer; aatnytblug, and even the signt of foo.; fast made roe waEt to leave the table. j+veat etbat little . I dila eat seemed w do me no geed. Nights I often bleated with gas inti; * F bean acted so queerly I cbrel net try to lie ora any left side. Many times I got so dizzy it looted line I would surely fall. 1 Kaci terrible beerlachea, and dull pain all through my body. I got scarcely any sleep and always felt tired and dull. ":fit last my wife persuaded me to try Tani»e, 1 took three batty a be- fore it seeme:i to help me the least bit. but after that 1 improved wonder- fully and new I'm a well elan, and 1 mean to say by that 1 haven't an aehe pain ,an n+• - of at kind.I nice like a P fsleepleg every night, arra am always remly fen a hearty breakfast in the morning' and a big day's werly,. There's cc' e t!y nothing Wm this wonderful *ns':.._:se Tanlae.." ``a aulac sold by leading dredge Is everywhere A lv if rias+re a'e bawl in what I w*rowe Thy. Inan4 ss_�11t,ae:I Thine; Wlacrt• have fatolecl to sa. `f e thought I lotew, through Thee, the 'emit anirie, —Rudy:I .? e>;;pli g hard.* LtnImettt for reistemeer. Bef;;re teethe/nixing the NI:, make the same regular anal thou,,3tftti vis- its to the poultry houee tht't rev Inane been making to the hog pe-:. Classiliect AdvartisenIentz. FELTING FOR SALE ALL Kir DS Qin' ;4 W A s':nee t, ittna3. Pulleys, tlawe. cabie.hc t troe morrow. Ask your druggist for genuine 1 Otto., sh1Pocd sublc, t t , a_pnrosun;.; t¢,:cete ""California Fig Syrup" which has di -i pin elrizcasxrei >L�"'atoxTottno:La'tiety L0 rections far babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must me "California" or you may get t an imitation fig syrup. fou • r r, tt r, poison in the bowels. A Ca.scaret physic to -night will straighten you out by morning. PNE UMON IA. and other Lung Diseases Claims many Victims in Canada, and should be guarded against MINARD'S LINIMENT is a great preventative, being one of the oldest remedies used. Minard's Liniment lies relieved thousands cases of Grippe, Bronehitis, Sore Throat, Asthma, aid kindred diseases. It is an enemy to germs, Thousands of bottles being used every day. For sale by all druggists and general dealers, Min'd's Liniment Co., Ltd., Yarmouth, His Helpful Maxim. "My motto is, 'Live and let live.' said Sir James Cantlie, the famous British surgeon, the other day. '•It appears to me that it !overs more ground tban any other. lot instance. it means Health, physical fitness, and eflleienc'l and socialwell-being. and determination to see that my neigh, bone enjoys ;like advantages. :Incident- ally, it abolishes war. But it is not gaily a maxim of toleration and hu- manity, but, applied to our physical well-being, it rcpresents the ultimate ainl surd end. of all remedial seienee.•'. Out of Gear: 1)ichy and Charlie Ives e told by their inotlie,.uoi to play at, the back of the. school ;laailding; tVliere there was z swollen stream and -plenty of muff. iVlieit'they t elt.trueri home a.t nee.riy, five,o'nisch: L':at 'evening Heir .slices were covered with mild, The mother fzaid Charlie, 1 do not know flow your conscience lei you go to the stream after promising mash!!' that you wouldl neat go.; C"bathe ausweyed: "t e"pest; ni,* c.oiisc_ten cE.` ,vatsn'G l'inIts it g j zs1, right lo-tla:ti, znOther In terrible rash on face which made skin sore and inflamed. Irritated 'face by scratching and was disfigured. Could not steep well and made feel unpleasant. Trouble lasted 3 months before used Cuticura and after using 2 cakes of Soap and 1 box of Oint- ment was completely healed. From signed statement of Miss Gladys IsTeabel, R,R.3, Btusse ls,Ont. • Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal- cum promote and maintain skin purity, skin comfort and skin health often when all else fails. Soap 25e, Ointment 25 and 50c. Sold. throughouttheDommion. CanadianDepott L mans, Limited, St. Paul St., Montreal. Cuticura Soap shaves without mug. ... �.n., WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see "the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are ilo (getting Aspirin` it all. Why take chances? Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tableis of Aspirin," which cdntains directions and dose worked out by physicians dtring 22 years and proved d safety by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, 1'aiil Handy "Bayer" boxes of r2 tablets—Also bottles of 2,1 and I(}0 -Druggists. .sl)1rin is the trade 'nark. (registered in Canada) of Slaver Maniefaot re of Mono- aceUaar.idester of sal;crl:e3Clti. .While'it is Well •known that Aspirin moans :oay-or manufacture, to assist the 1 1011c against tirtita.tions, the Tablets of L'at'er Company will be *tamped .with their ;!neral trade mark, tl,a 'Bayer Cross." COARSE.- SALT LAN ©'SALT Bulk Carlota TORONTO SALT WORKS C. 4. CLIFF - TORONTO DANDERINE Stops Hair Corning Out; Thickens, Beautifies. 35 -cents buys a bottle of "Danclerine" at any drug store. After one aupliea- tion you can not "fled a particle of dandruff or a falling hair. Besides, every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and abuudauce: America's Pioneer Cog Remedies Book on DOG DISEASES and Biot, to Feed Mailed Free to any,Ad• dress by the Author. Sit. Clay Stover Co.otna. 118 West 31st Street New York, IT,S.A. USE SLOAN'S TO EASE LAME BACKS OU can't do your : best when your back and every niusele. iaches with fatigue. 1 V' Apply Sloan's'T..iniment freely, with - but r,4bing, and 'enjoy a penetrative glow of warmth and comfort. i t I sprGaaboineos, a;nf&odrr e>Fmrdaisnesm] , sa; chsetnstf anoeidnttl' s ,theexposure. atter efte tis of weather ex osure. For forty years pain's enemy. Ani:, your neighbor. .%re4 STet 's licxiady". ' 'At all dru �,i.sts --35c 0e, x'1.40. ' i ' Made to ()made, •1 kiegifiSfaXIWPRIIIMPOIMEIL �. ISSU;. No; 3-.-`22.