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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-10-12, Page 24
PI EREcuarimarartata„ r)AY„ 0C Charges c st Ri BER12„1978 Biuram-Middleserr IMP' raelv Richtelil said last week ht has oast. hirm Si„450) Eke legallexpensestm &fetid Eci-msete agortst ciargas relabel:II to the ntket_t strthe Fleck tranurfacturin Ent TiPr-A-n cattfit „ even though the 11 &bed Auto Workers tn firer this rrrerrtlin a. charge af in- mar:aria:3:g with an trade uniiin„ Email Maier the- Ehrtarim. Labor aggefratt the Eaeliten MEP_ Sthil matke cif intent filed Ely the UAW against Pirfrfell under. dm Libel and qlrrcler Act aver remarks made eby the eanneetimna with the strffre. cast aside„ bmwever,, camtbnimes an unwavering caretiam drat he,, as a Limbwinall ilegns. PaRrmr„ shauld newer have been put in &having nt defend against thectrangesbytherminre.. 11 fedi as strmtigtp gmyrt this as II errcil them (tvdmem the striae was ito gamgress)),- he said_ "When MPS start tm award tv4iinia a stand= am issue bemuse they *fart -they may he sus Nn.‘ that ton welt fur *s, Bt's a ntends to Lmurstre when " tke legiallature recam- verres nett rmenth, W what' Fie desargres as "a rat a (wet- this' &sae_ The Reap& have -beam writing letters , saying hfs a crime iif ea cantspeak up am am issue without being, t too aunt.!`" Mang whin the support have came oforrAtiorr% - g "nearly hlf" af expenses,, says Riddell to Frim mud tum the IRErrom-Michiteses &arm stitmernts, mom eon- sttnemts, private orgatiiinatioms. anvil -peaphe never met!' The dornattfirns have ranged hetAtreera $25 and $110119 Emit/ a rew. have Slak"" admits e said Ere saw no canffict Ern a - the they `\w.em Lien -all tremens mIllleagues and secretarial] assistants also have contriEnnteji about 113„Cititt,Rfd aid imam interview Tuesday. /Vert &mural:rar which' he has had te Emy. out off Eds' awn pockef,. he expected the remainder would Ete grafd b the Lateral party, with the Warty butrsed by private GEGLIZatiklOS, The WA of the K450 Pegal]fr wffill he paid to Sarnia lawyer James k. a former MPP who represented RfddeJiE at the tegistatur procedural affairs committee hearings and ent hearings held by the Ontario Labor Relations Hoard_ a ruling from the committee drat his priiNtriege as an MPP Fiat been Viotated by the mimes intent to sue am for Mel and sIrtrter and fts applicaltiontor consent to prosecute Rfdett under the tabor retations at_ The Ethel matter litrkleff idelltaertS made Ridetc.11 to newsmen outs- the tee:stature which the union con- teudedi were "defamatory and false" The legidature com- mittee eventually decided on a 43 vote that IFs privilege as an au?! has been breached by the arthougb it tailailitnended be taken by t1e begis4aMte against the t teitra- 0 Vat"' 0i#101,01: Jacket% 030 ri Dpd atr:#100.00.: nee #;01.--31'111000 MD L. e1 will DI I. na:Zen 017- --.14 0110-1:v. 00 0,0yvalie ## WWI 1 0 OP Ot ' o e buntne: 1 0 11 1(011.:100010 001,0 0 10010:. heeause etery COOJner " :410 not11. '11".10 0110 o o - # '11 111 11 41,11 Muir tg1A* Alt pri©e shown it this ad guaranteed effective through Saturday, October 14th, 1978 at the ASP Stares listed in this ad only. e redeem alliood store coupons! Yeutt Da Better with Ariirs Fresh FRUITS & VEGETABLES Um_ 111 Grade, CalifarniaSweet. Emperor Bathroom Tissue - Assorted Colours SOFT'n'PRETTY p()VDetergent ()1111) c CINTARICT, FIRM„ FLAVOURFUL a russeis Sprouts 1669? cANADALFANCY ONTARIO ALL PURPOSE Apples McIntosh 5-16 cello bag159 NO- 11 ALL, ONTARIO, COOKING Yellow Onions ter/Imo:IL LARGE 51Z, MICE OR BOIL tO-Sbbfid Butternut Squash Pomegranates ASSEGIEMET VARIETIES Tropical Pia WI EC e 49/1 la00 6- pot 5.99 MY CORNER Name Brand Pr ducts at "NO FRILL" PRICES Blossom, From Co trate 1 4841-u 69? tin - POESKJU O1 WHOLE ACTION PRICED! Pickles 32M -°z jar 77,i Fai3ric Softener Our Regular Price 1.19 pkg of 4 rolls (SAVE 1Ew Process KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ 1 -lb 49 jar Our Reg. Price 1.65 rmminm SAVE 13/ Facial Tissue -- Sandalwood, White, Yellow, Mint SCOTTIES box of '200 sheets Our Regular Price 72c Hearthside Men Westivat, EfANDPAINTED STONEWARE FEATURE OF THE WEEK CEREAL. BOWL only 7 with EACH $5.00 purchase 5tr 2 with $10.00 3 with $1 5.00 Each feature piece repeated 3 times - Choice of three patterns. C0LLEC1 A PIECE A aleck&g WEEK AND BUILD ComPare' AN 8 PLACE SETTING.t31 An [40 Pieces) FC1R ONLY OPEN MON. TO SAT. 9:00 A.fne-9:30 P.M. A&P SUNtOAST MALL HWY 140.21 S. GODERICH 1 litre btl ( SAVE 16str All Vegetable OIL • Our Reg. Price 2.15 Action Priced (Our Reg. Price 43c each - Buy 3, SAVE 29c) All Colours, Handy Pak box of 100 sheets SCOTTIES or FACIAL TISSUE 1 00 MtCONNELL'5, RED. LABEL Tea Bags LIOUID 128 -FL -OZ PLASTIC JUG REAL VALUE! pkg of 5099,1 Clorox Bleach 1.19 FAMILY ALL COLOURS ACTION PRICEDI PKG OF 180 Scott Napkins 1.19 BABYSCOTT ACTION PRICED! 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Island Queen, Light SOLID TUNA 7 -oz tin Fresh C SAVE 30/ lb ) CHICKEN PARTS Leg Quarters Breast Quarters Mixed Quarters Chicken Halves Whole Chicken BACKS ATTACHED BACKS & WINGS ATTACHED BACKS ATTACHED CUT UP Jib 98 Our Regular Price 1.28 lb THE BUTCHER SHOP Previously Frozen, Sliced BEEF LIVER - Ib 78,i All Beef, Dutch Treet, Red Hots IENER Our Regular Price 1.55 - SAVE 27c SSchneiders 1 -lb vac pall BLUEWATER, FROZEN, THRIFT PACK FROZEN Fish Fries 21bpkg2.98 Squid 31bpkg2.19 SEA BUOY, FROZEN FROZEN 8 HaddockBattered4.79 Haddock Fillets 161.69 CHOCOLATE, MARSHMALLOW ACTION PRICED! A&P 28 -fl -oz tin 5gfe Pies WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE ACTION PRItED! 19 -FL -OZ TEN Clark Beans 59 ROYAL 3-02 PKG MP, CHICKEN, GOURMET, LIVER, MEATY SEAFOOD 6.5.0Z TIN BOVRIL ACTION PRICED! j Jelly Powders 4for89 Cak Food Dinner ru neon ea12.0Z TIN Ot 99$1\ ACTION PRICED! j MONTE, BITS, CRUSHED, SLICED 12 -oz pkg 8951 ACTION PRICED, FOR SPAGHETTI - PLAIN, MEAT OR MUSHROOM 14.FL-OZ TIN Primo Sauces 49? ineapple ALL COLOURS . ACTION PRICEDI 14 -FL -.OZ TIN 2 for 99ce PRO OF 2 ROLLS Viva Towels 1.09 •