HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-10-12, Page 23GODERICH ARENA 900 p.m SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 BUFFET LUNCHEON 92.00 PER COUPLE DEADLINE FOR BULLETIN BOARD AND FARM SECTION ADS 10 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY THE Caspari and Company, a Mime and Dance Theatre will be at the Blyth Memorial Hall on Wed. Nov. 1 at 8 p.m. Adults are $3.751 and children $2.50. Don't miss this chance to see one of the best mime groups in the country. Following this event will be the Canadian Brass on Nov. 15. All tickets available through the Blyth Centre for the Arts. Box' 291, Blyth, or call 523- 9300.-41,42,43AR - TAYLOR'S CORNER BAZAAR, Saturday, October 28 at St. George's Parish Hall, Goderich, 2:30 p.m. Baking, sewing, produce, tea and salad plate. -41-43 "AUTUMN TREASURES" tea and sale, Saturday, October 28, 2: 00 p.m. - The Sal -vett -ton Lighthouse and Waterloo.-41-43AR SNOWFLAKE BAZAAR and TEA Thursday, November 16, 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Legion Ladies A:uxiliary. Anyone wishing a table phone 524- 8449.-41x RUMMAGE SALE — St. George's Parish Hall, Saturday, October 21st at 1 p.m. sharp -.-40,41 DANCE TO THE MUSIC OF • GOOD TIMES INSCACKEY SERVICE WITH P.J. the D.J. BOOK YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTY • NOW PHIL MAIN JR. 524-8991 OPEN RECEPTION for Mr. & Mrs. Phil Black (nee Dole Patterson) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14 Blyth Community Centre Dancing 94 Everyone Welcome WOMEN'S Day Out in- vites you to the Christ- mas Fair, Wednesday, October 18. Meet at MacKay Hall 9:30 a.m. Babysitting. ---41 The family of Marie and Herb Wilkins wish to invite friends and relatives to help celebrate their 25th anniversary, Lucknow Community Centre, Saturday, October 21, 1978.. Open dance 9-1 a.m. to Bittersweet. Everyone welcome. No gifts. -41,42 WOMEN'S Hospital Auxiliary will meet in Auxiliary room on Monday October 16 at 2 p.m. Slides will be shown on Spain. -41 GODERICH GARDEN CLUB meeting in Robertson Memorial Public School at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Octobei. 18th. Mr. Stewart Ball will speak on Organic Gardening. Everyone welcome. -41 REUNION - former and present students of Mrs. Winona McDougall at Blyth United Church • Hall, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. Saturday, October 21, 1978.-41X CLINTON LEGION BINGO, every Thursday _ 8:00 p.m. first regular card $1.00, restricted to 16 years or over. Fifteen regular games of $15.00, $5.00 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200.00 must go each week. —19tfar • VANASTRA CENTRE 3 MI. SOUTH OF CLINTON FALL 1978. RECREATION SWIM TIMES • ADULT Mon -Fri 12:00-1:15 p.m. Wed 900-10:00 p.m. Mon 4:00-5:00 p.m. Mon 8:30-10:00 p.m. Tues 8:30-10:00 p.m. Wed 6:30-7:30 p.m. ?burs 8:30-10:00 p.m. Fri 7:00-8:00 p.m. Sat & Sun 3:00-4:30 p.m. FAMILY Sun 2:00-3:00 p.m. " POOL AND AUDITORIUM RENTALS AVAILABLE 482-3544 If you're NEW IN.TOWN and don't know which way to turn, •call the 0<*01114#01t; LTD hostess at 524-6654 or 524-9676 You'll be glad you did. tt. jttlr PUPPET SHOW - Come to "Mr. Friendy's Cir- cUs" performed by the Friendly Puppet People, Saturday, October 14, 11 a.m. at Mackay 'Hall, Goderich. Fyee ad- mission funded through Outreach, Ontario Ministry of Culture and Recreation.-40,41ar HOT TURKEY SUPPER at Lucknow United Church, October 17th 4:30 to 8 p.m. Admission: Adults $4.00; children 12 and under, $1.50.-42 BINGO every Saturday evening at the Blyth Memorial Hall, Blyth, Ont., 8 p.m. 12 regular games, 3 share -the - wealth and • Jackpot $150.00.-37tfar BINGO. every Tuesday evening at the Vanastra Centre, RR 5, Clinton, 8 pan. First regular card $1.00. Fifteen regular $15.00 games, three share -the -wealth, jackpot $200.00 • must go. Admission restricted to sixteen years and over. —tf DANCE to Cherry Brandy, Friday, October 0,13, 1978 at Saltford, 9 p.m. - 1 kut. Lunch provided. Age 18 and over ad- • mitted. $5.00 per couple. •Dance sponsored by Huron Ladies Softball League. -40,41 SQUARE DANCING — Join the Beginners' Class under leadership of Glenn Patterson. Classes weekly commencing Tuesday, October 17th at 8:30 p.m., at. Brookside Public School. Singles and Couples are welcome. -40,41 Nile United Church f will hold its 123 rd. I ANNIVERSARY SERVICE 011 Sunday, Oct. 15th • 1978. at 11 a.m. Guest speaker: Rev. John Roberts of? Belgrave. Special Music will e also be rendered by ? the Lockie Family of Forwich Colborne Township's 13th Annual CHRISTMAS COUNTRY FAIR Sale of Arts, Crafts and Country Baking •at Saltford Valley Hall 1/4 mile north of Goderich, east off Hwy. 21 Wednesday, October 18-10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, October 21-10 can. to 6 p.m. Tea -Door Prizes --Admission 25` & 10` SPECIAL: artist Mona Mulhern, silversmith Robert Stoddart, gollywog *Jolts by Joan Pope, pine furniture, pottery, Colborne Township's Country Crafts etc. SALTFORD VALLEY HALL FOR RENT 524-9366 Anstett Jewellers LIMITED 11 ALBERT ST., CLINTON 462-3901 OPEN WEDNESDAYS 114 For VO r,, boureni c HOURS: Monday through Sattaday. 9 tr.m.41 p.m.: Friday nights 'till 9 p.m. NO Too fat? Too thin? Too tired? Too often? Do something for somebody... Yourbody! 1.., 14.,,e,* • ..i.--..t•,lith 4 - , , i r " .,*...9..."-S; IP 1 I 0 0 !.;: 0 0 0 Bingo In The New Goderkk Le8611 IWI '• BINGO EVERY SUNDAY 7:36 SkARP NEW REVIVED GAMES 11stegutar Games -*HAL 4 Specials "IL" 4 "Share the Wealth" wither chance et the Jackpot. Two door prizes. 5110.,"m56 tails ADMISSION 9.1111 DOORS OPEN 4:30 ALL PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK The Blyth Trotting Pony Club will hold a FALL DANCE Saturday, Oct. 28 At the White Carnation, Hohnesville FOR TICKETS PHONE 524-8030 or 524-6452 Join Us for "SUNDAY BRUNCH" 10:30 to 2:30 Every Sunday On your way back from church. or, when you get up and are hungry -JOIN US. We have hum. bacon, sausage. home fries, eggs. English muffins, jam, toast, cof- fee, and much more. Youll love it. t•.," ALL YOU CAN EAT.... $4.25 DINING ROOM 120 THE SQUARE GODERICH . 524-9111 EXHIBITION HOCKEY GAME GREEN & PARENT MIDGETS • vs STRATFORD MIDGETS SATURDAY OCTOBER 14th 8:00 p.m. GODERICH COMMUNITY ARENA For a Tasty Treat Try -eat tIESE FOOD Phone 524-2242 Eat in or Take out HOURS: Mon.-Thurslifria:tro.110 p.m. Fri. -Sat. 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Sun. 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Open Wednesdays Esquire Restaurant TheSquare Goderich FOR OSTOMY Appliances and Supplies RICk PHARMACY Shoppers Square, Gotten& THE GQDERIIC.USIONAL$. WANTED VOLUNTEER SECRETARY FOR GODERICH MINOR HOCKEY 524-7417 GODERICH FIGURE SKATING CLUB Music by... SOUND EXPRESS DANCE TICKETS - PHONE 524-2711$ Friday Special EVERY FRIDAY AT DIRK'S Lake Huron and CHIPS$1f • 44 DIRK'S LUNCH BAR Formerly The Lein 76 SHOPPERS SQUARE. GODERICH Friday, & Saturday, Oct. 13 & 14 DESJARDINES _ TREAT YOURSELF AND YOUR FRIENDS. .FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE OUR HOT BUFFET IS SERVED THURS. & FRI. 12 NOON - 2 P.M. Come as you are We Welcome Lunt/mon meetings in our Diningroom or private Banquet Room BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEON SPEaALS EVERY DAY We are open 1b30 a.m. tilt 1 Mon. thru Sot-. Sun. 11:30 ca.m. to 10 p.m. §"P\--1- 4./ Candlelight Restaurant & Tavern Licensed under LAr_11.0- BAYFELD RD.. GODERiCH 524-7711 SQUARE MEAL SQUARE DEAL TRY -NOW NOW FULLY LICENSED GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAKHOUSE & TAVERN Ltd. LICENSED UNDER THE LIQUOR LICENSE ACT 42 WEST STREET THE BURGER BAR'S Pictured above with Sauerkraut Special 'lot the month of• October- .01\111.Y CALL AHEAD HAVE YOUR ORDER READY • 524-67 2 TIVS-4P.4AESA PARTY. TIME OT ANYTIME FEED 15 t� 1500 EASY Serve Colonel Sanders 3 pc. Chicicen each Salads Cole Slaw, Bread Plates, Knives, Fcwics Table Cloth, Napkins ALL FOR ONLY .95,, per person • Call our Store Manager For Details* Colonel Sanders/ boys and girls make it finger lickin/good. Kentotky fried italiSSAMit 04 Egin Ave. Goderith, Ont. 47. 9