HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-10-12, Page 15THE GODIEEIC.H SICxNA.1ST R, Tkjylts# ., :Y, QAC ami 12r 1978-..P*QE L5 t. 17. Auction sales 17. Auction sales CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Real 'Estate, shop tools, International farm machinery parts, inventory, some household effects etc., to- be held for the Estate of the late J.J. Hoggarth at 58 Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ontario. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21. at 9:30 A.M. PROPERTY: property consists of a prime . com- mercial lot 52 x 105 with two storey building. Located one block from the square in the heart of Goderich, this is a good location for any business. Terms 10 percent down day of sale, balance in 30 days. Being offered subjecttoa reserve bid.'For-informati'orlphone-RoberY- Brindley, Sale Manager at 524-6451 after 6 p.m. or Richard Lobb, AUCTIONEER, at 482-7898 in Clinton TOOLS: .Acetylene torch and cart, small drill press and motor 2 chain falls, bench saw, growler, Sunnen bushing hone, used Wes battery charger, tap and die set, compression tester, hand saws, pipe wrenches, good offering of hand tools and many items not men- tioned_ MACHINERY AND PARTS: Walking plow, paints, International No_ 10 Bale Thrower, Antique IHC 11,2 horsepower gas engine, 3 - 100 ft_ rolls of chain link fence, 2 rolls of corn crib wire, 2 rolls of page wire 16 ft. Ralco gate, 3 small gates-, baler twine, page wire fence stretcher, lawn mower, two rolls barb wire, new rims, micrometers and calipers, cattle and pig water bowls, horse drawn mower and binder parts, binder can- vases, roller and link chain, bearings, harvester knives, oil filters, sander discs, nuts and bolts, fan belts, tractor parts, several parts manuals and service manuals for older tractors and equipment, plus many items not mentioned that have accumulated over the past 30 years of being in business. THIS ISA PARTIAL LIST ONLY,. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: old roll top desk, floor safe, old cash register with crank, three piece bedroom suite, etc. PLAN TO ATTEND THIS INTERESTING SALE, PLEASE BE ON TIME. LUNCH BOOTH TERMS CASH Richard Lobb Robert Brindley Sale Manager AUCTIONEER 482-7898 524-6451 'after 6:00 p.m. Clinton, Ontario. Goderich, Ontario. JLas�ine, vi`1,io„.leJ \\ Auction Sale for the Estate of Mr. J. L. Heard to be held at the premises on Ontario Street, Clinton, Ontario on Sat., October 14th at 10:30 A.M. Property: A very attractive large two storey brick house complete with 5 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, laundry room and a single car garage, all situated on a large, well treed lot. (Property sold subject to a reserve bid). Furniture & Antiques: mahogany dining room table with six matching chairs . walnut sideboard . bowed front glass china cabinet . Heintzman upright grand piano _ chesterfield & matching chair . oak oval table - oval back parlour rocker . hall bench - spindle baby cradle . captain's chair . wicker rocker . child's rocker - selection of mantel clocks - sofa beds . rockers - swivel rocker . writing desk . cane bottom chair . hall mirror with frame . wicker fernery . fern stand - steeple clock - flat -to -the -wall cupboard with pie shelf - kitchen cupboard . parlour tables . hall tables . lamps . stools . book stand - B & W T.V. , cabinet stereo . brass pole lamp . 161st regiment plaque & picture - 3a walnut bed - walnut bonnet chest . serpentine front walnut dresser with mirror . wardrobe . bedroom chairs . night tables . Jenny Lynn poster bed & dresser . 3/4 bed . dresser with mirror . walnut bed . dresser . treadle sewing machine - child's poster bed . press -back high -chair . trunks . brass light fixtures . wash stands . quantity of pictures & frames . mirrors . books . Fridgidaire refrigerator & stove - Frigidaire upright freezer . wringer washer ..kitchen chairs . crocks . Brantford crocks - glass, china & silver . plus a host of interesting items. PLAN TO ATTEND 141„For viewing of property call ... 14/6'EGG f' e 11.,4()/-//1/0.1 AUCTIONEERS. LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST a SEAFORTH ONTARIO • 4519) 527-1458 NOK 1wn 1 17. Auction sales 17. Auction sales - AUCTION SALE of 1974 Oldsmobile car, antiques, modern ap- pliances and furniture etc., to be held at Richard Lobb's barn, 289 Bayfield Road. Clinton for Willy DeWeese of Goderich, a Clinton Estate, plus other additions. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14 at 12:30 P.M. 1974 Oldsmobile, 4 door, hardtop with vinyl roof, air conditioned, electric windows, radio, plush upholstery, new tires, looks like new, SELLING CERTIFIED. -- 2 wheeted-frailerWith roof -anti sines=-' - HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Matching RCA fridge and electric stove in harvest gold; Kenmore matching automatic clothes washer and dryer; beautiful large chesterfield and chair; small pool table; Morse electric Sewing machine with cabinet; Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table; 3 piece bedroom suite; single; Round chrome kitchen table and four matching chairs, like new; book case, dresser with mirror and night table; an- tique hall seat with mirror; spool bed; good dining table with centre leaf; cedar chest; Victorian side chair; antique desk; 4 matching chairs; , matching coffee.. and .endtables.; floor lamps; table lamps; two dressers with mirrors; gun rack; upholstered platform rocker; radio; odd beds; tape player and speakers; tape player for car; small girls bicycle; filing cabinet; electric adding machine; small homemade air compressor; Westinghouse square model fridge; odd upholsered chairs; propane heater; wet and dry vacuum cleaner; trunk; odd chairs; 20 ft. aluminum extension ladder; 28 ft. aluminum extension ladder; brass fire place screen; dishes and glassware include crystal sherbert and wine glass; floor polisher; crock Partial set of Royal Dalton dishes; Malvern Pattern; plus other antique pieces and misc. glassware; odd silver pieces; coca pot and 4 cups and saucers; 9 x 12 carpet, 12 x 12 carpet in good condition with --underlay plus other odd carpets and rugs. Plus many other items not mentioned. This is good offering, plan to attend. Terms Cash Richard Lobb Auctioneer Clinton, Ontario Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for ac- cidents day of sale. CONSIGNMENT - AUCTION SALE Of Furniture, Antiques and Dishes in the new Arena Complex, - Durham Street East, Kincardine on Satur- day, October 14th at 11 a.m- sharp. PARTIAL LIST: Electric stoves;. chrome kitchen suites; wooden kitchen chairs; electric fans; dining room suites; bedroom suites; one nearly new chesterfield and chair; several ,chesterfield -suites; chairs; needlepoint chair; shortwave radio; several clocks; bathroom vanity and sink 4'5' long; humidifier ANTIQUES: Blanket boxes, trunks; beds; dressers; chests of drawers; press back rocking chairs; oil lamps; round oak dining room table; small parlour tables; bureaus; 30 piece Limoges china and many other china and glassware dishes. MISCELLANEOUS: '71 Mercury Marquis car as is; 50 gallons of paint; coal and wood cook stove; chain sabl; safe; quilts; embroidery work; bedding; cur- tains; camping dishes. TERMS: Cash AUCTIONEER DORNE McLELLAND RR4 Kincardine Ont. 395-2233 Next consignment sale Nov. 11 s 18. Services available 18. Services available 18. Services available Cecil Cranston AIR HAMMER - BACKHOE R R 2 AUBURN Cr. TAPIO PHONE 529.7691 ELECTROLUX (CANADA LTD.) SALES AND SERVICE also Recondition Machines \ AL !LEY 153 SR ST. PNONK 524-6514 Western Canada School of Auctioneering Ltd. Canada's first, 'and the only completely Canadian course of- f.r.d anywhere. Licensed under the Trade Schools Mantle, Act, R.S.A. 107., C.3841. For particulars of the next course write: Sox 447, Lacombe. Alberta or Phone 742.6215. GODERICH ,l i CONCRETE FLOORS I l toying and finishing concrete floors for ; brlsamant., g'roges, , patios, driveways, and foundation cont nn• Call Err t rliONO 5 4- 1St I or 262-5341 ART'S Landscaping -Nursery and Garden Centre 116 Bennett, Goderich FERTILIZERS SEEDING-5OD0ING TREES-SHMUItS ' Complwte llna of varyt hing needed for aMoog .0 aD liC - 18. Services available BERE BROS. CONSTRUCTION Romlu, Additions, Cottages, Ffxln Buildings, Renovations DUNGANNON PHONE 529-7894, 529-7915 McKENZIE UPHOLSTERING • We will *Rebuild •Restyle •Recover Your Furniture Top quality fabric 8. workmanship - Call 482-9359 CLINTON HOFFMEYER Plumbing & Heating Ltd. APPLIANCES 55 KINGSTON ST. ELECTRIC Inglis washers, dryers, refrigerators, dishwashers, ranges. GAS Ranges. barbecues, lights,, ranges. CLIFFORD HUGILL BACKHOE SERVICE 376 Huron Road GODERICH NEW -BIGGER EXTENDAHOE BACKHOE TO servo you, my customers,bettor. For any rob call 524-7170 Backhoe -Bulldozing Public and private sewage systems Govenment Licensed Excavations of all typos Froo Estimates Gaston Jacques Construction RR 2,GQDERICH ," 524-111 j'. Big or ill Ws do third mill *III 18. Services available 21. Personal FOR all your sewing needs call 524-6246.---38-41 CUSTOM BUTCHERING - cattle. hogs, lambs. Curing,-_. smoking, sausage and headcheese making, lard rendering. Reasonable rates. Call Ripley Abattoir 395-2905 for ap- pointment. -38-52 PHIL'S REFRIGERATION & APPLIANCES SERVICES - Phone 1-887-9062. or Granger's TV 524-8925.-38- 41 AUTO BODY oiLiiVG - Maclyn Manufacturing Ltd., 11/4 miles north of Amberley, west of Hwy. 21. Phone 395- 3352, look for our sign. Opening Sept. 4th. -35-48 REPAIR TO all appliances, refrigeration service. Lucknow Appliance Centre, Lucknow, phone 528- 2946.-39tf. BURLEY'S FURNITURE REFINISHING '= we strip and re -finish furniture to new condition, also caning, wicker, and reed work,d"nen Phone 524-2725 or '524- 7490.-26tfar BACKHOE SERVICE BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS DUMP TRUCK BULLDOZING SEWERS Septic Tank Installations Government Licenced FREE ESTIMATES Sid Bruinsma- Goderich 524-8668 Paper Hanging AND Painting Reasonable Rates Neat, clean work CALL 524-7961 AFTER 5 P.M. MATHERS LANDSCAPING LAWN MAINTENANCE • SODDING • SEEDING • ROLLING • AERIFTING • GRADING • TOPSOIL • FERTILIZING • PATIOS • TREES AND SHRUBS • VERTICUTTING Phone 524-2401 Or 524-7044 i s Isp y FOAMED•IN-PLACE INSULATION • Saves heating, cooling costs} • Stops drafts and cold walls! • Lowers noise level! • Easy, fast ap- plication , NEW HOMES. OLDER HOMES, COMMERCIAL STRUCTURES For tree estimate, toll BLUEWATER INSULATION LTD. 565-2633 Insulspray is a registered Irademark-of Borden, Inc 19. Notice to creditors In the Estate of John Wilfred Beattie, of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, Deceased. . ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on or about the 27th day of August, 1978 are hereby notified to send to the un- dersigned, .such claims with Mull particulars by the 23rd day of October, 1978. AFTER that date, the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims - of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice. DATED September 21, 1978. THOMAS J. TROYAN BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR 1 ` P b tBox 3641 Gadetich, Ontario 39.41 AR DRIVING TO FLORIDA, St. Pete's area. Room for two or three passengers. Apply to Box 72 C -o Signal. Star. Publishing Ltd. _- Box- 220- Goderich, N7A 4B6. -41x • 20. Public notices WHEELCHAIR WALKERS The Humanitarian Service Committee of the Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges have equipment for loan. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred Fritzley, 524-7217.-39 eiiwa"r Treasurer's Sale Of Land In Arrears Of Taxes. COUNTY OF HURON NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN that a tax sale will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House. Goderich, On- tario, on Tuesday. December 5. 1978, at 10:00 A.M. re any unpaid taxes still outstanding at that date, as shown on the list published in the Ontario Gazette on September 2, 1978. NOTICE IS HEREBY FUR- THER GIVEN that if any of the unpaid lands remain unsold, an ad- journed sale will be held on Tuesday, December 12; 1978, at the same hour and place. Lists of properties In- volved may be secured at my office in the Court House, Goderich, On- tario. Bill G. Manly, Treasurer, County of Huron 24. Business opportunities For Lease 2BAY SERVICE STATION -Good Volume -Excellent Location- Goderich For information contact D.I. STEWART DAYS LONDON (TOLL FREE ) 1-800-265-4157 EVENINGS STRATFORD (COLLECT) 271-1971 25. To give away MALE part German Shepherd five months old. Very friendly. All , shots. Phone 529-7130.--41 26. Births BIRD Wayne and Mary Ellen (Bettger) are pleased to announce the birth of their son, Christopher Wayne, on , October 5, 1978 at St. Catharines General Hospital.. Proud grand- parents are Harold and Jean Bettger of Goderich and Evelyn Bird of Whitby, Ontario.-41nc 20. Public notices 26. Births DAER Paul and Christine Daer, Goderich, are pleased to . announce, the birth off their daughter, _ Courtney Christine Allison Keller, 6 Ib. 9 oz., on October 6, 1978 at Goderich Hospital. A sister for Brett.=41nc RENAUD Gary and Marlene Renaud, RR 6, Goderich are happy to announce the arrival off their son, Timothy James, 6 lb. 9 oz. on October 8, 1978 at Alexandra Marine- and General Hospital, Godericlr nc MILLION Dave and Ruth Million of South Carolina formerly of Goderich, are proud to an- nounce the birth of their daughter, Wendy Elizabeth, 8 lb. on Thursday, October 5, 1978. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Whitten and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Million, all of Goderich.-41nc 28. Engagements McCREIGHT-FULLER Mr. and Mrs. " Douglas Fuller, Goderich„ Ontario, wish to announce the for- thcoming marriage of their daughter Brenda Lee, to Mr., Robert Morris McCreight, son of Mr. and Mrs. James McCreight, Goderich. The wedding will take place October 28, 1978 at 4:00 p.m. in Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich.-41 30. In memoriam SPARKS In Loving memory of Ross A. Sparks who passed away October 12, 1975. Time slips away, but memories stay. Quietly remembered every day. A little tribute, small and tender 5Just to show we ' still remember. Sadly missed and ever remembered by his wife Irene and children June, Ross, and Mac and grand- children. -41x 31. Card of thanks FREE I wish to express my sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neighbours for their kindness, flowers, cards and visits while I was in Clinton hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Street, Dr. Flowers nurses on 2nd floor and Rev. Earl St. Jean. -Ida Free. -41 MARTIN A sincere thank you to our neighbours friends and relatiyes for the kindness shown us at the time of our recent bereavement. The floral tributes, memorial donations, and other ex- pressions of sympathy were deeply appreciated. The family of the late Mel Martin. -41x 14 Your heart works al harder when you're not in the ei, game. Get fit - and turn the 0) clock back. . g:44 • Fitness is fun. Try some. PaRru-Pacrranji 20. Public notices NOMINATIONS Township of Goderich Nominations will be received by the undersigned -during normal office hours from October 16th to Oc- tober 23rd, and ending at 5:00 p.m. on October 23rd, for the following. positions: (A) Reeve, Deputy Reeve and 3 councillors to serve a 2 year term for the Township of Goderich (B) one Member to the Huron County Board of Education, to represent the Township of Goderich and Colborne for a 2 year term A ratepayers' meeting School on October 23rd will be held in Holmesville at 8,:00 p.m. 11 k.I�. THOiiMPSON .tIork R.R. 2, Clinton 31. Card of thanks 31. Card of thanks ROBINSON We wish to express our sincere appreciation for the acts of kindness and messa-gee -sof sympathy received at the time of the loss of a dear husband and uncle, Rev. Wm. 0. Robinson. Catherine Robinson, Grace and Bruce McClinchey.-41x The gift for all seasons... the gift- of life Be a RED CROSS Blood Donor REIS We wish to express our sincere thanks and ap- preciation to friends and neiPJibnurs.,_ _..-relatives,. the _ town of Goderich, for the beautiful flowers, cards and lovely gifts we received on the occasion of our 50th Golden Anniversary. The ladies of Knox Presbyterian Church who prepared a delicious lunch. And the Bedford Hotel for the sumptuous dinner. Special 'thanks to our family for the wonderful celebration they planned for us, to all those -who called- and -spent-the evening with us. It was a real happy and memorable oc- casion for us. Thanks again to all. -Gordon and Gertie Reis. -41x Mary Bere correspondent 529-7915 SOCIAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Wif Pent- land held a family gathering on Sunday which included the Hugh Crocketts from Pickering, the Bob Andrews from Kincardine, Utleys and Baers of Goderich, Larry Pentlands, Teri and Sean VanDongen of Clinton and Mrs. Margaret Pritchard of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Pent- land, Tammy and Sean of North Bay visited Wif Pent- lands and Larry Pentlands on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Cowan of Parry Sound spent a few days last weekend with Marjorie and Wif Pentland. The Cowans and Pentlands are winter neighbours . in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Smith, Sandra, Kenny and Lisa of Chatham and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lauzon and Jinny Ellen of Stoney Point visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin ' Smith on the weekend. Mrs, Joy Vella of Seaforth spent the' weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Graham McNee and Mrs. Ross McNee and accompanied them to' `visit Mr. and Mrs. Allan McNee, Edward and Paul at their cottage at Cedar Grove Beach on Monday. Terry and Penny Hodges hosted a family gathering on Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGee of Blyth; Mrs. Haney, Lucknow; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Errington' and David, Miss Nancy Erring- ton, London, Donna and Calvin McClenaghan; Diane and Rick Park, Dennis and Dana; Mrs, Helen McLeod and Brenda of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. David Mit- chell and Lisa of London visited,Rose's parents, Rev. C. G. and Mrs. Westhaver on the weekend. Morris and Martha Hazlitt and Danny of Burlington spent the weekend with their cousins, Sandra and Jim Rivett and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hay of Norwood visited last week with his sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Free- man Olson. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Olson were their family, Mr. and Mrs. GlenOlson, Bryan and Amy; Terry and Betty Anne Olson and Lisa of Listowel; Mrs. Debbie M,eurs and Randi of Huron Park. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Berry of Toronto; Cheryl and -"Jack. Desjardins -of Guelph; 'Mrs. • 'Isabel Brennan; London and Mrs. Betty Hamilton, Goder- ich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Berry. Mr: and Mrs. ,iim Bla d . and j411isto and W.\ \ an Mts. Grant Sowerby observed the Thanksgiving holiday with their another, • Mrs. Cecil Blake on Satur- day. Miss Beth McConnell was with them also. DUNGANNON UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Westhaver spoke on "When Thanksgiv- ing Falters", at the Thanks- giving service on Sunday morning. The . choir sang, "Amazing Grace" and Mrs. Debbie Culbert sang a solo. "Did you stop to Pray this morning?". The children's story was about "The Un- grateful Lepers". Mr. Westhaver expressed - thanks to the Snyder family for the lovely Thanksgiving decoration of the church. A basket of flowers was placed in memory of Mrs. Edith Phillips of St. Helens who passed, away recently. The church service and Sunday School will be cancel- led next Sunday in order that members of the Dungannon congregation may attend the anniversary service of the Nile United church. DUNGANNON CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CHURCH An attractive harvest dis' play was the background for Pastor Lawrence's message on praise and thanksgiving. He used several Psalms as scripture reading, to show David's gratitude and exhor- tation to give praise at all times. The Sunday School child- ren led the congregation in two Thanksgiving songs. A quartet made up of Laverne and Norma Martin, and Gordon and Ruth John- ston, sang several numbers suitable to the season. Several members of the congregation travelled to the hymn festival held on Sunday afternoon in the Elmira Secondary District School. A special Thanksgiving service was held on Monday morning. At 'this service. two quartets offered several numbers. rs. Lawrence told a Thank 'ving story to the children. Lord's Supper was observed. BROOKSIDE HAPPENINGS BY MANDY MILLER AND JANICE POLLOCK This yeat once again the students at Brookside have started selling chocolate bars for Hallowe'en. The money received will go to the school fund managed by the Stud- ent's Council. The students who sell the most will be rewarded with a prize.' Miss Jean Little, a well known 'Canadian author, will be visiting the -school on Tuesday, October 24th. This author from Guelph has - written many bookssuch as :'Mine for Keeps". "Home from Far", "Listen to Their - Singing", "Spring Begins in 1ularch, andmon)) n1uore•The ,students •rho ' purchase a book written by Miss Little Ttyrn to page 18 rAv