HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-10-12, Page 14or' PAGE 14 rHE GODERICHSIGNAL-STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1978 1. Articles for sale USED wood and coal furnace with fan, in good condition. Phone 529-7523.-41 GIRL'S suede jacket, size 10- 11 and one pair of girl's figure skates, size 7. Phone 524-9545.-41 GARAGE SALE - Saturday, October 14th starting at 10:00 a.m., across from the River Inn, Benmiller. Lamps, dishes, etc. -41 UNION GAS range in good condition $30.00; wooden ..extension . lasldet ... -24 ft, ,-.. $25.00. Phone 529-7160.---41- 42x 1971 HOLIDAY trailer 17 ft., stove with oven, furnace, two-way frig., toilet, spare tire, canopy, two propane tanks, mirrors, hitch, TV aerial, sleeps four, asking $2300.00. Phone 565-2668 after 5 p.m. -41 GE Figor light, fluorescent 24" model, $45.00; Westinghouse automatic washer front load $50.00; Inglis wringer washer $50.00; kitchen cabinet, refinished, antique $300.00; three gunshot chairs, refinished antiques, $180.00; single bed with headboard, $20.00. All in good condition. Phone 524-6027.41 W6 POWER UNIT $150.00; good 371 GM diesel power unit complete $1500.00; grader tandem for ditcher $500.00. Phone 529-7962.-41 DOUBLE window, size 591" x 57" ,high, with storms -and screens. Phone 524-7196 after 4 p.m. -41 FRIGIDAIRE tumble dryer ingood order, $40. Phone 529- 7717.-40,41nc SET of four• 15 -inch chrome trimrings, $20. Twelve foot blunt end fibreglas canoe $110. Phone 524-6705.-41 STEVENS 12 gauge shotgun, 3 -shot bolt action, gun rack. Phone 524-8458.-41x Fresh local HONEY In your own container 704 Ib. COLBORNE APIARIES R.R. 4 GODERICH Louis Stadelmann 524-6380 ALUMINUM b VINYL SIDING '65.°°/100 sq. ft. HO7 INSTALLED INSTALL YOURSELF AND SAVE INSTRUCTIONS SUPPI.!ED ALUMINUM WINDOWS & DOORS ALSO SUPPLIED INSTALLATION SERVicis AVAILABLE Phone After 6 p.m. 524-4226 FREE ESTIMATES CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Mobile Homes 3. Articles for rent 4. Articles wanted 5. Cars, trucks for sale 6. Pets' 7. Real estate for sale 8. Real estate wanted 9. Accommodation to rent 10. Wanted to rent 11. Room and board 12. Help wanted 11. Wanted (general) 14. Employment wanted 15. Tenders 31. Cards 16. Mortgages 17. Auction Sales 18. Services available,,, 19. Notice to creditors 20. Public notices 21. Personal 22. Lost and found 23. Miscellaneous 24. Business opportunities 25. To give away 26. Births 27. Deaths '28. Engagements 29. Marriages 30. In memoriam of thanks DEADLINE Classified Ads 12 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY Ads cannot be accepted after 12 o'clock for that week's paper. CLASSIFIED - 13' per word, minimum '2.75 (excluding No. 19, No. 20, No. 28, No. 30) 1. Articles for sale PIANO AND ORGAN: Clearing sale continues. Save twice. First. our low •price, second beat the big price increase coming. See Henry. at Pulsifer Music. Seaforth.-41,42 AR APARTMENT size piano, M.ason and Risch. $795. Phone .482-7165.-41,42 ONE pair of H78 x 14 black - wall snow tires on GM rims $40:00; one G78 x 14 summer tire on GM rim $15.00. Phone 529-7203.-41 TFNC PING PONG table and ac- cessories, like new $40. Phone 524-2887.41 TANDEM wheel trailer 9' x 5' flat bed, one year old $500.00. Phone 544- 8055.,-41AR MAKE reasonable offer - like new, medium size, full length, black Persian lfamb coat, mink collar, adjustable sleeve. Phone 482-9909.--41x CUSTOM trailer hitch to fit a GMC Jimmy or Blazer almost new. Call 529-7513 after 6 p.m. -41 CONCERTO, one com- ponent, eight track and radio stereo set with speakers. Perfect for the young music lover. Asking" $75.00. Phone 524-9370.41 PAIR of E78-14 snow tires, used one . winter. 48" box spring and mattress. Phone 524-7056.--41x ONE pair snow tires, H78 x 15' two aluminum storm windows, winter coat size 13- 14, brown tweed trimmed with brown suede, worn only twice; peach car coat with tie belt. Phone 524-8856.-41 MOFFATT gas dryer. Phone 524-2530.--41-42 PORTABLE typewriter, excellent condition. Red suede car coat size 14. Phone 524-9865.1-41x 1. Articles for sale DOWNHILL skis, man's size 12, ladies size 8, like new. Reasonable. Phone 524- 280$.-41-42 BABY'S WALKER, $5.00; mesh playpen 27 x 40, $15.00; automatic swing $10.00. Phone 524-8705.-41 Wilcox Trailer Sales TRAVEL TRAILERS FIFTH WHEEL MOTOR HOMES THEDFORD 296-9692 APPLES, MacIntosh, Delicious, Wayne and Cortland; plums, fresh cider, honey, potatoes and onions. Art Bell's Fruit Farm, phone 524- 8037.40tfar WHITE four burner gas stove with heater, in ex- cellent condition. Priced for quick sale. Phone 524- 7600.-40,41' GRADE A BEEF - hinds, $1.35lb.; fronts, 95 cents ib.; sides, $1.15 Ib. Cut, wrapped and quick frozen at no extra charge. Ripley Abattoir, 395- 2905.40,41 NEW MATTRESSE Everyday Prices Lower Than Most Sales 40 DINETTE SUITES of Wood and Chrome C&E Furniture NEW AND USED '/a mile south on hwy. 21 Goderich 524-7231 We Take Trades ,04:03A GooD Bu RIGHT HERE! SAVE 0 on single insert ods when you pay before Thursday of the following week. .._ `41 Y? Put a fast acting classified to work for yob and save. Call one of our friendly, professional ad fakers today. 524-8331 OFFICE HOURS: MON: FRI., 8:30-5 Gt:hliclerich I �L � � t 0\ ,fit' , I �IwY• I�0.21 south, Goodell 524.8331 *Check your yellow bill for savings. 1. Articles for sale BABY'S white crib, 20 x 4�1, like new. . Phone 524- 6349.-40,41,42 1975 JAYCO. Jaycardinal hardtop trailer, sleeps eight, fridge, stove, oven, furnace, awning, tandem axle. Asking price $4,000. Phone 524- 6077.-40,41 FRESH 'brussel sprouts for your freezer, only 40c per pound. Pick your own or call Dobson Farms 262-2822. Two miles west 'of Kippen on left. Open every day, Sunday only till4-•4Qtf .._. .. ._: WANT to make your Christmas list shorter? Call Doris and have a Sarah Coventry Show in your home. Get free gifts to give that special someone. Call 524-7219.40,41,42 SNOW TIRES, one pair, mint condition, size F78-14 tubeless, mounted on GM rims. Heavy duty radar oven cart. Phone 524-8837.-41 BOY'S Lang Hockey Skates, size 6, excellent condition, price $15.00; motorcycle parts for 1973 Bonnevilles, motor, frames, wheels, tachs, etc. Phone 524- 6404.=40,41 SEWING MACHINES - Singer, White and other models. Repairs to all makes. All machines and repairs guaranteed. Morris Draperies, 36 West • Street, Goderich 524-2551.-20tfar AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Hoffineyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street, Goderich.-ltfar SINGER - For authorized sales. and .service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes, and machine rentals:" We' 'aISo ""'do alterations and install zip- pers. Pratt's Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton St., 524-8431, Goderich.-8tfar PORK FOR FREEZER - save money, buy direct from farmer. Phone 482- ° 3149.-32tf. MARKEL, 18" 2 -speed electric fan mounted on wheeled base, $95. Shallow White porcelain cast iron sink with high back, taps and trap; $25. Two used tires G78- 15, $8 each. Phone 524-7901 after 5 p.m.-35tfnc 2. Mobile Homes FOR SALE: House Trailer - General (Hensall), 8' x 30', approximately 15 years old. One bedroom, livingroom, 4 piece bath, double sink, cupboards, closets, gas furnace and stove, electric refrigerator. May be seen at Geo. Romanik's Trailer Park, 114 miles east, 21, miles south of Seaforth, phone 527-0168 or contact Deputy Clerk Treasurer, County of Huron -, 524- 8394.41,42 Ar FOR SALE OR RENT - three bedroom -mobile home with 12 x 12 extension, ap- pliances and curtains in - c ludred. Carpeted throughout. Call 524-2632 after 6 p.m. -40,41 1973 MOBILE HOME 12 x 60, 2 bedrohins, large bath. Must sell. Very reasonable. Phone 524-4353.-41 MUST SELL - two bedroom 1975 Marlette set up at Huron Haven. Any serious offer will beconsidered on this beautiful home. Phone 526- 7784.-30tf 3. Articles for rent FORMAL RENTALS for all occasions. Free style brochure, Rawson's Shop for Men, Goderich.-Itfar FOR RENT Storage Space For cars, . furniture, boats, etc. By the mon- th or year. ALSO Warehouse, office, worktht p) refrigerati.,on and fr afar 41a4� I Phone 521-2822 days 4t10, 520-2070 offer 4:00 p.m. 3. Articles for rent9. Accommodation 5. Cars trucks for sale to rent 12. Help wanted FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524- 6231. we can suit you for every occasion FREEMAN'S FORMAL RENTAL Exclusively at CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS Free catalogue 4. Articles wanted WANTED: Old brick buildings for demolition and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. -3f INSIDE WINTER STORAGE space for 22 foot' motor home, in barn, warehouse. Phone 524- 6860.-41 ONE SIX FOOT DISC for 3 point hitch. Phone 524- 6410.-41 TFAR 1974 TOYOTA CORONA. Excellent condition 6 radial tires. Best offer. Phone 524- 7&82 daytime. 524-7184 evenings. Can be finan- ced. -41,42 1970 TOYOTA COROLLA, 1200 just painted, running condition, $450. as is. Phone 524-2894.41,42 6. Pets HORSES Boarded, box stalls, `'•$65. per • month. Excellent riding area. 482 - FURNISHED ROOM with kitchen' privileges, close to Square, Phone 524-6989 after 5 p.m. --41,42 TWO BEDROOM mobile home in Huron Haven. Immediate occupancy. 526- 7784.-41 ATTRACTIVE two bedroom apartment for rent in Dungannon. Fridge and stove included., carpeted throughout. Possession immediate. Ideal for elderly or retired , persons, l?h4ne1... -524-7186 after 6. ltfar 9960. Call after 6:00 p.m. -41 TF NC 12. Help wanted TROPICAL fish, canaries. Complete pet supplies. Pat's Pet Shop, 350 Main Street. Exeter, Ontario. Open 10 a.m. to c e m: daily and Friday evenings. -i liar 9. Accommodation to rent BACHELOR APARTMENT, clean modern furnished, utilities paid, available October 21, Central location. Phone 524-7123.-41x 3 BEDROOM HOUSE. 5. Cars, trucks for sale Carpet throughout close to Dominion Roads. Available November 1.. Phone 524- 9657.-41,42x 1971 TOYOTA COROLLA in good condition. As is, $400.00 or best offer. Phone 524-2894 or 524-6749 after 5 p.m.-38tf 1968 DODGE DART, ideal to restore. Phone 524-2980 after 5 p.m.40tfnc 1974 BUICK. CENTURY LUXUS Stationwagon. Ideal young family car. Excellent condition, $2,000.00, with safety check. Phone 524- 2359.-_4 41 1973 -340 DUSTER, 4 speed Hurst transmission, ex- cellent condition.. Phone 524- 6404.-40,41 Selling your car? Need u Safety Inspection? Call 524-2121 Now only $15 e 95 GODERICH 1976 DODGE ASPEN, V8, power steering, bucket seats, console, in excellent condition. Never winter driven, Phone 524-9411 before 6 pm. -41,42 1970 PLYMOUTH Fury II Inexpensive, reliable transportation. Requires some- body work. 318-V8, 2 door, power steering. brakes, radio. As is for fast sale $250. Will consider trade. Phone 524-2269.-41 1957 PLYMOUTH Belvedere 2 -door hardtop 16000 original miles, best reasonable offer. Phone 524-8941 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. after 6' p.m. 524- 6749.-41,42 1973 OLDSMOBILE stationwagon, Vista Cruiser, good condition 153 Lighthouse Street, Goderich.-41,42 1972 CHRYSLER NEWPORT, Good condition, as is $550. Phone 482-3231 after 6 p.m. -41 1978 Mazda GLC 2 DOOR - 4 SPEED DELUXE 4350 PLUS TAX & LICENCE MAN Mek ORt Valve! azdo 144 Edit St. Goderich 324.7212 minommtemllamomman SMALL 2 bedr Goderich. •.. , 1 inclu•' im,1yJ .t- 676 •0,41 1 house in month, Available Call 524 - LARGE two bedroom apartment, newly decorated, close to school and Square, available November lat. Phone 524-2766.-40,41x FOR' SALE OR RENT - Three bedroom mobile home with 12 x 12 extension, ap- pliances and curtains in- cluded. Carpeted throughout. Call " 524-2632 atter-6'p:-m,-40141 . -. --- HALF A DUPLEX three bedrooms, two bathrooms, close to Square, includes garage and workshop. Available November 1. Phone 523-9441 after 4 p.m. -41,42 11/2 MILES SOUTH of Amberley, 3 bedroom mobile home with full basement, a 70 acre lot with river; $200 per month, references. Phone 529-7672 evenings. -41,42 IN CLINTON end of October, 2 bedroom self-contained, bright duplex, heat. provided, $175. per month. Phone 527- 1507 after 6 p.m. 41 tf FOUR BEDROOM house,' available immediately. Ridgewood Park.Box 184 Goderich.-41-43 BENNETT APARTMENTS One and Two bedroom apartments, Includes fridge, stove, cable TV and utilities. Call: 524-2071 524-2725 Office TO RENT 524-8382 FOR RENT 2 storey red brick, immaculate con- dition, immediate possession. Will rent to responsible party. Phone 524- 8480. MAPLE GROVE SENIOR RESIDENCE LODGE IS NOW COMPLETELY RENOVATED offering gracious living in private and semi- private rooms. Home cooked meals, close to downtown and most churches. Monthly rates from '300. and up FOR MORE INFORMATION SAIL 5244610 or 524-1324 Maple Grove • 'lieelor Residents Lodge WANTED CLASS'A' MECHANIC Class A licensed auto mechanic. Must be fully qualified. Neat ap- pearance and good per- sonality a must. Ex- cellent remuneration. company benefits. Ap- ply in person to Ken McGee, McGee Pontiac - Buick, Goderich. 524- 8391. EARN extra money selling Watkins products to your friends and neighbors. Watkins, 504 Limeridge Court, Hamilton. -37to 42X EARN part time money driving school buses. Apply Sherwood Transportation, 257 Cambridge Street, or 524- 7622.40,41ar PERSON TO DELIVER catalogues and take orders. Average earnings $5. per hour. Phone 296-4646.-41-42 EXPERIENCED teller required for two days a week. Apply in person: Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Auburn. -41 NEED EXTRA CASH? Work evenings and Saturdays and earn that extra cash you need. Car a necessity. For personal interview phone 524-9077 from 3 p.m. -5.30 p.m. only.4lAr SMALL GLOBE AND MAIL morning paper route. Involves streets such as Colborne, Nelson, Church. If interested call Debbie at 524- 2927 after 4 p.m. -41,42 NC 13. Wanted (general) GODERICH student to Conestoga College - Vanastra, would appreciate morning ride. Call 524- 7454.-40,41x WOULD THE PERSON who bought the Spinet Desk at the Auction sale in Hensall, October 4, please phone 235- 2214.4r,42 WANTED old wood fur- niture, regardless of con dition, phone 524- 2725.-24tfar 16. Mortgages CASH for your mortgage. Call us first 524- 2747.-33tfAR 18. Services available FOR INSTRUCTION on accordion, piano, organ or, _guijar, phone 524-2711. (Instruments sup- plied).-ltfar ALL KINDS of sewing, macrame, crocheting and knitting, and doll's clothes. Very reasonable. Call 524- 2304.-40-42 PROFESSIONAL CARPET CLEANING WITH "STEAM" • Steam gets the dirt other methods don't reach • Removes old shampoo • Carpet dries quickly • Steam Machias ^Ren- tals,'10.00 icier day, CARPET CARE 216 *elfingttoPo Street S. Goderich 524-2440 12. Help wanted Looking for a change? ARE YOU TIRED OF TELLING YOUR FAMILY THERE IS NO WORK? Only requirements are neat appearance. aggressive, car. FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW Phone 524-6092 10:30 A.M. - 12:30 P.M. HURON MUNICIPAL POLICE FORCES COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Serving the towns of Clinton. Exeter, Goderich, Seaforth and Wingham Requires FIVE RADIO DISPATCHERS One of whom will fill Chief .Dispatcher position to supervise dispatching operations. Some typing is essential. Must be able to meet security clearance criteria laid down for C.P.I.C. operation. Applications' are available from any of the five Municipal Police offices. WANTED BARTENDER for ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BR. 109 GODERICH, ONTARIO. *not necessarily a Veteran *Male or Female •Shift Basis •Good wages & benefits •40 Hour Week Please submit applications to Bar Chairman, Laurie Marshall, Royal Canadian Legion Br 109, 56 Kingston St., Goderich, Ont. Last day for applications Wed., Oct. lath 15. Tenders 15. Tenders y;vo, RENTAL VEHICLES , WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned un- til 4:00 o'clock p.m. Thursday November 2, 1978 for 3 VEHICLES for the Huron County Health Unit Particulars 8 specifications will be provided upon request. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted B.G. Hanley Clerk Treasurer Administrator County of Huron Court House Goderich, P'nt. N7A 1M2 (519) 524-8394 TENDER The Huron County Board of Education will receive plainly marked ,sealed tenders on the following supplies required for our Elementary and Secondary Schools •up to 12 o'clock local time Monday, October 23, 1978. Art Supplies, General Classroom Supplies, Notebooks, Office Supplies, Paper Sripplies, and Physical Education Equipment. Specifications and Tender forms may be obtained from the Board Offices, 103 Albert St., Clinton, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac. cepted. , D.4t, Cochrre� Director OI Education. Elliott Chairrnan. 17. Auction sales Consign Your Articles Early for our next Auction Sale LOW RATES Will Plck up and Deliver PHONE THE AUCTION ROOMS 524-9064 18. Services available SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. Two I trucks to starve Yon. �. Phone H.T. Dain, ClIntbn 402-3320 and Seaforth 527-82114. ip ,w.y.mt. b.- `f. -Ala t..