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The Exeter Advocate, 1922-1-12, Page 7
'WHYBEAUTY DE 7Grain Shipments from the PPacific. at least 160,O00 tees. There will be, It is coneidered, about forty cargoes: Another departure in .the export of ,After years of controveh sy, with on grain this year has hetet theeeltipmeet -A On -Witten Due Entirely to the one hand ingrained conviction that of sacked wheat ;From Vancouver to Japan. Hitherto ,Ia salt has been :con- POOr, Watery Blood. Canadian grain would navelleave tented with the softer "grains of the The girl who, returns home from from the Pacific coast, and on the i United States, but that the Canadian now held in high favor is school or team work thoroughly tired other a sanguine assurance that nal- l product 3,s mately this would come to hese, Van- t evidenced in the extensive demand, eouver is coming intoits own as a port , November consignments to the Orient of outlet for part of the crop of the from the Pacific coast port totalling Prairie Provinces, Though the first I seven thousand tons. In the same shipment was made only Iast year, de- month a sltipnrent of two thousand velolaluents since that time, and the• tons will leave for England, whilst volume of grain ill prospect for export , shipments commenced last year to San. Ergot the pacific, leave no doubt ae tot Francisco mills are continuing, the future status of Vancouver- as a I The success of initial expert ship - grain shipping port for the product ofmeets of Canadian grain front Van - the prairies. 1, eouver to all parts of the world leaves The movement of the first big ship- d no shadow of dcouht as to the great meat cf Canadian wheat to Europe by x future of this port, lying so convenient way of the Pacific wits u-ateh.ed with' to the Western gralearies. as all outlet considerable interest, and attention 1 for a portion of their annual crop, lip rich, red blood that beluga the glow et from Mune quarters was directed to its and tae success of shipment thrcagit health, no other medicine can equal reception at the English port, There' the Panama. canal to Europe is fraught i.?r, Williams' Pink Pills, if given a was general apprehension that the , with significance to the Dominio. rair trial their use brings rosy .cheeks, grab would suffer passing through the i grain export movement. Every year tropical region of the Panama zone, i certain amount of congestion occur but, when unloaded in England, grain with the enormous product of the . experts stated that grain had never � Prairie Provinces flooding the terrain - been received there in better condi- t, al elevators and expert shipping tion. Tactile coast exporters breathed,potats at the same time. The heavy easily. and saw a wonderful future qinereases in annual production which opened up for the Pacific coast in shay: i will probably continue in greater pro ing with the East the business of ear- portion in the future, will tax the rying the grain product of the West to ; eastern ports of outlet to a yet greate Europe. Other shipments followed extent, and the success of Vancouver inlusediately upon the first. and by the ! shipments will considerably., relieve end of the season sixteen thousand the situation as well as substantially tons of grain, nhestly wheat, had left augment the impzrtauce of the 13ri- Vaucauver for Europe via the Panama tisk Columbia port. canal. This year shipments from the - . , Pathic coast to Europe began just as soon as the movement of the threshed ooKEEP. crops from the prairies get under Wal' LITTLE and the export business has beth busy since that time. Grain dealers at the coast estimate that during the present casein, approximately ten tulles as Winter is a dangerous season for the - iz grain will pass through S aucou- little ones. The days are so change. ver for Europe as left fast season. This able—one bright, the next cold and tin Cowie.. will amount, according to estimate, to stormy, that the mother is afraid to take the children out for the fresh air and exercise they need so much. In consequence they are often cooped up verheated, badly ventilated rooms 1,... are soon seized with colds or • titeeKE.NNA iL'ater!ord, as well as in Dott�lt111i.:uuI . Flrippe. What is needed to keep the Variations. �--• McKenna, 'MacKinney, fra'1"ruagh, County Menng1lan. It ttle Dices, well is Baby's Own Tablets. McKinney, Kinney. They will regulate the stomach and Racial Origin --Irish. LAUDER hazels and drive out colds and by Source—Given names. Racial (lrigira.-:Scottish, their use the baby wit be able to get Source --•-A locality. ever the winter season in perfect safe - wilt) had not heard of this name. the , ty. The Tablets are sold by medicine name of the famous Scottish camedl, ' dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box names in this group have been de- irn? But how many know what the tlle+ir use the baby will be able to get rived. Its unfortunate a? Brockville, d 1, that in so origin of the nano wap . � ire, Ont. many family names the Irish and the It is not, however: as cue might. Sits. s —.,...0-. , English forms should be so different, fleet front the costume 50 often worn BOYS and Girls' Club Work ass to cause confusion in the transla- by its widely known bearer. a High-' in New Zealand.. tion of the name from one language land name, it is just a place n:ttnes, little ever a year ago the first Into the t i fie other. r. fndicatinp; that the original Latider,3 boys' and girls' clubs were organized Here Is another ease where you'd mute from, or dwelt in that section. New have some genealogical record to # Lauderin eh Zealand, and the movement, le is al burgh h i r h the $ e Countyof s welch started in the South Taranaki eke sl r, S t h sure whether r t tlyour au )n cestora Berwick wick . S ci:tlat • fid. near Edinburgh. district, bids, fair to extend widely. Ir ware members of that elan known as Near It Is the Castle of Tlhirlestane, i Mr. d. Vit•. Deem, Field Instructor of the the "Mitclonagli," whioh played a which in olden days was the seat of 'Department vivid part in the ware of Irish rebel- the leari of Lauderdale. of Agriculture at Ian- er ate; Zee - lion in the early soveuteenth Century, Such names .as these, grew up ne. land iJo Journal of iAgrIcultuar for July, cle in The New - er of the ancient "Clan Cionaothu." amity as addition to given name; at gives a full account of the tnetktclds The early records of this latter elan a period when , pop ulatione were in- ; adopted and the results of the first X ire clear. It �i.at. fcitr.;li*1 by a chief- ert� l in • Po rapidly that giv:�n name;' contest, A committee representing ala t med t• naotlt (the meaning of were no longer suil]eiently numerous • the Farmers' ' r the given mine beiug "without servile to indicate a nlarr's identity. Th i ie hP s Union, the Agricultural n- e, Department, the Education Board,and work) about the year 250 A.D., thus name of l the place in whir h 11 a man the sc;roe teachers had the matter in aetabliahing tilts family manic as about dwelt or flint where be had previously, , toric© as old us the majority of Eng]irlh dwelt often was added to his givena eazrge. and the success achieved was family mimes. The ti Unglued of this name to die ,* , t united dna to their'\enthusiastic iln(.. t 1 .n„u1,i1 hila from others united. efforts. For local supelvison, elan was in 'tirowen. In the same comnattnity of the same 'a resilient member oaf F The name "Maclonaigh” ie derived name. In the coup; a of time their des- i the armers' from the given name "'Outwit," which ori hive meaning 1 , Union was apneinterl in each eelioul ] became lost, and ;district; the seeteel Mellen; a( t .a...1, - just a "dirk:' It is not rertxin at tiler were acctptrii merely as the ed tsz.is:.,.i.t. and the writer {tut; that, just what perhr a 11W elan was e,tele "tago" of the individuals or families, '• ed 3. Belied, but it was a branch of the an- just as the ineeuings of givers names _`alts 1 a ..season's experience. he c:: r, 1 s t teethe. to the groat lmpertance of the c"fent elan (f the o'tlartc;, and it was were early lost in the thought of the . teacher's influence, as en their attf- well e;.itabliished in Ardmore, County persen r,%Ite ee elelltitt' was indicated., tide largely depen(SS the stleees< or ' -- failure of the work. The first contest was limited to the growing ref .haugolds and swedes, and it Is interesting to note that the two 1 moat successful schools had a lady teacher in charge, and that the chem• • pion rnangold and swede crops were ` grown by 'ghee,. Nineteen schools, en tered"the competition with 140 entries for mangolds and 52 far swedes. The Department of Agriculture supplied ' the seeds, the manures, and the print- • ed instructions. 0 In judging the crop a scale of i points was used: one-half point for each 5 cwt. of roots; quality 10 points., 1 cultivation 20 point,?, and records 40 points. Cultivation and remade were Ithus made the strong feature of the work. An arrangenien�t was made iv�hereby the competitoes accompanied the local t taupervieor and judge front plot to, plot. In several instances• (luring the judg- ing, the supervisors et adjoining clubs I brought their members along. The op- Portuntty flus afforded for comport- , son aroused keen rivalry. and many a 1 competitor who had a poor plot, on seeing a good one end listening to .Wile complimentary remarks of the ju•dtge, i reolved to do•be�tter next year. Bach I sseiicol was ;ailattell a first, second and third prize, while each group:.of schools . was awarded three prizes for the three -best crpr't in tee group. There were also three chainpienshtp prizes for the three beat crops in the whole? distriot. ' .Fi handsome challenge shield was also ptesenleti by tt bu,c1ne•,s _.flt'hn to tire school securing the bigiie t aggregate nuluber of points. 1 In aciditio-u to field root mobs, calf eluh. are Leing started for the coming season and are attracting ` good e.n tiles. A:ccoitnst that have appeared from t•inie to time, n the Agricultural' Gazette of th•s nietltor- of ccnducling I. •'Boys' and Girls' clubs- :n Canada were,' ,'1•f hnuelh assists -nee in planning tate 1 out will, be fortunate it she escapes a .physical breakdown, because this get- ting tired so easily is probably the first warning symptom of a thinning blood that must not be disregarded if her health is to be preserved. When the bitted becomes tlliu and Impure the patient becomes pale, hag- gard and angular. She not only tires out easily but suffers from headaches. Palpitation. of the heart, dizzy spells and a loss of appetite. This condition will go front bad to worse, if Prompt steles are not taken to #ncrease and enrich the blood supply, To make the bright eyes, a good appetite and good spirits, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills have made thousands of pale, languid girls Active and strong. Oa the firat sign of Pour, thin blood mothers should insist upon' their daughters taking a fair eourse of these pills. They will not only restore health, but will save fur- ther doctor bills, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills- can be oh - tamed from any dealer in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for ;2.50 trona The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville. Ont 11lrs. Bullion. to the principal of the school attended by her daughter; "Dear �,ladattl,—My dhaughter informs me that last terns she was obliged to study vulgar fractions, Please do not let this happen again. If guy child must study fractions, let them be as relined as possible," Mlnard's Liniment for Gar DANDERINE Stops. Hair Coming nut; Thickens, Beautifies. 35 -cents buy., n bottle of "Danderine" n at any drag store. After one applica- tion you can not fin,: a, particle of s dandruff or a failing hair. Besides, every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, mere color and abundance. Kind of Kind. Old Sect—" Diana cry, aha wee fad die. If ye dinna find yer penny afor dark here's a. match!" Fair offer. Woman—"Yost are certain that thi young century plant will bloom in hundred years?" i'lorist-"Positive of it, madam. I it doesn't, b*'ng it hack." 4 _-- In the Movies. "Be careful of that tiger:" "Oil, we are not afr:,id of hint hurt Eng anybody." "I know that. But 1. (isn't want th comedian to maul l'im to death Tigers cost money:' LW..'�IN OVER DAYS OF IIOU TORONTO WOMAN SAYS TANLAC CAME UP TO EVERY EXPECTATION. Eats Anything, Sleeps. Like a Child and Gets Up Feeling Fine Every Morning. "I had heard so much about Taelac 1 exsected „rent things frem It, and I was not disappointed, for It does just whet. they say it will," said Airs. Wm, Re le: on. 321 Giadstane Ave., Toronto, Ore. '1 sheets fool like a different person e Falco taking this gr':'nt medicine. For two ; e;a:'s. I was i:t . -{retched health, ' ; �1 then. to cap the tibiae, I had the . h cel left me in s. worse condi, tion thee I hal been before. IV..iat I Le" e: l was sole, i to build me up, and this is exactly what Tazzlac has. done. "'I have a splendid appetite now. :!ott• ne 1 eat gives we any bad after eftetts, and I steep lithe a child ail Light ling. I feet :-o hell and Lanny in the meriting that it is just like living my frim;d days ever again. Tanlae Sure Ruin. t "What ruined your business?" ' "Advertising." Original Sluebeard '•How's that?" The original I3luebeani was the hero `"I let it all be done by lay comp of a well known story of that name, written in French by Charles Per-' reineea,e r rauit. It is claimed the character in real life was Giles De Laval. Lord of Raiz, made marshal of France in 1429. BELTING FOR SALE Mg to me." WELL IN WINTER Surnames and kef' Orn There are two forms of thi name, or rather two separate names in Gaelic from which the anglicized family "Those Who Dance MastPay The Fiddler" There's a settlement in profit or loss, for nearly every indulgence. Sometimes the pay day is long deferred, and in that case the set'tle'ment may bear compound interest. Often a payment in ill health is required for the dance had with tea or coffee during earlier years. Sometimes the collection comes in sleep- lessness, sometimes in headaches, sometimes in high blood pressure, or in nervous indigestion— sometimes in all these penalties. Nerves won't always stand the whipping of tea and coffee's drug, caffeine. If you've been dancing to tea or coffee's fid- dling, why keep on till payment time comes? If you're beginning to pay, now, why not cancel the contract? There's an easy and pleasant way to avoid tea and coffee's penalties, as thousands have found who have changed to Postum. It is a delight with any meal—rich, comforting and satisfying —and it never hariris. Even the little children can have a breakfast cup of Postum, with no fear for what may happen to sensitive nerves. Instead of paying penalties for your meal- time ' drink, let it pay benefits to you, by giving natural health a full chance—and begin the new arrangement today. Any grocer will sell yoti,, or any good restaurant will serve you Postum. Post[icn comes in two forms: Instant Postutn (in tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postutn Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those who prefer to make the drink while the meal is being prepared) made byboiling for20 giinnteS, ostuti .z for �Ieaith "There's a Reason" work in New Zealand. 'the' (.4nards must 1.1a of B iti-ri'birth ISSUE No. iniment f pis Per. Classihles1: ,fiver He was distinguished for military; genius and intrepidity, and was very wealthy, but made himself infamous by the murder of his wives and his ex- traordinary impiety. He was sen- tenced to be burned alive at Nanta, in 1440. • -•--•--- buts, certainly been a. wonderful bless - MONEY ORDERS, Buy your out-of-town supplies with l?ominion Express Money Orders. Five Dollars costa three cents. Giraffe Disappearing. Tho giraffe seems to be disappear- ing from its native haunts in Africa, A fele years ago it was quite common to encounter there in herds of 80 or 100. but now herds of twenty seem to be the average. That's the Question, Freddie ---"Ma, what is the baby's name?" >lia----The baby hasn't any nano yet." Freddie --"Then haw did be know he belonged to nt?" ALL KINL)$ OJP ••:rw A1W usED Taniae is sold by leading druggistis petting. pulleys, saws cable,hose,paclaror. everyw4ere. etc.. shipped subject to apt,ro+:a1 at1owest 115 YORK,cement, Top. TO. GQ. Cascarets To -night for Liver; Bowels, if Bilious,, Headachy Get a 10 -cent, box now. You're headachy! You have a bad taste in your mouth, your eyes burn your skin is yellow, your lips parched. No wonder you feel mean. Your sys- tem, Is full of bile not properly passed off, and wliat you need is a cleaning up inside. Don't continue being a bilious nuisance to yourself and those who love you, end don't resort to harsh physics that irritate and injure. Re- member that most disorders of the stomach, liver .and bowele are gone by morning with gentle, thorough Cascer- etseethey work while you sleep. A 610 -cont box will keep your liver and :bowels clean; stumaolt sweet, and your head clear for months. Children love to take Cascarets too because they neverg 1`IP ' e or shcken. TAKE NOTICE. We publish sl n1lcstraight testi- monials •fi from well known people, not ; press agent,' interviews. From all over Anlerlt'a they testify '. to the ntorets of Minard's Liniment, the best of ltoueelloid remedies,. Minerd's Liniment Co,, Ltd, Yarmouth, N.S. Branch Factory, St. ,3ehn's, Nfid. Most Sensitive Part. It in a mistake to suppose that tile; tip of the tongue k the most sense tive part of the body, Those engaged p;1iAling billiard bulls, or ;hey other substances that recsuire a very lege dogtee of sxnc tlinera. invariably use 1 the cheek -bane as their tone;n,roae for detei'iing any roughness. COARSE SALT LAND'SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF TORONTO CUTICURA NEAPS RASH ON GHILD On Body and Face, Red arid itchy. Cried For Hours. Lasted a Year. "A rash stented ell over my little girl's body, and she had some on her face. It started in a pimple that was full of water, and it got rad and itchy. She criedfor hours. This trouble lasted a o ,r ' Than I started with a free sample of Ceticeta Sean and Ointment. I bought more. and 1 used four cahca of soap and three boxes of Ointment which healed her." (Signed) Mae Dera tertely, 13 2 Gertrads• 5.,, Frcr: u:l, &' a Atl teat 1.1, 1913. The Cnticurn Toilet ?ego Consisting of Soap, Oat. er.t and Talcum is an indispen ::abbe adjunct of the daily toilet in maintaining skin purity and skin health. Soap 25e, Ointment 25 and Sac. Sold throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot: Lyman, Lireiked, St. Paul St., Montreal. 'Cuticura Soap shaves Without mug. paraexios'e 'toner tog Remedies Book on. DOG DISEASES to easd Mailed i •'re to any Ad. dress by the Author. Zr. GUY Glover be., lay. 1.3.8 West 31st Street New York, other, Quick! Give California Fig Syrup for Childs Bowels Even a sick child loves the "f:-utt:" taste of "California Fig Syrup" 17 Co tittle tongue is coated. or if your t ,a'i:l t le listless, cross, feverish. full or e or has celie, a teaspoonful w.;. ;over fail to open the bowels. in a few hours you can see for youreetf flow thoroughly it works all the co;i:=tipto tion poieere sour bile and watt'• front the ten*ler little bowels and gi+.eo you t a well. playful child again. Millions of mothers keep ' C'aieferttia Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea- spoonful today saves a sick cline to- . morrow. Ask yourdruggist ;1q t Per gen- vine "Gallfornia Fig Syrup' wl:itil has directions for babies and ebildren of a!1 ages printed on bottle. e ' ttr. You must say "California"or )'+ n may get an imitation fig syrup. DID PAIN DISTURB YOUR SWAT? THE pain and torture of rheu. matism can be quickly rclizived be an application of Sloalt's Liniment. It br.n„s warmth, ea e and comfort and lets you sleep soundly. Always have a bottle ,' ady and apply when you feel the first twinge. .0 penetrates.without rt'! ng. les splendid to take the pain out of tired, aching, lnusllee, spraiilti and strains, stiff loinis, ; ori lan'n backs. For forty years pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. At all druggists -33c, 70c, 51.4). blade in ('aratt liniment en ifs hiontammaxioroweimw�fln}' -WARD ING l Always say Bayer” when you bud Aspirin. Unless you see name 'Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting AspirinWhy � at all. take chances N Accept only all unbroken g er "`BaY" package which -contains directions and dose worked out by physicians' during 22 years and , proved safe by millions for COWS, ; Headache Neuralgia. Rheumatism Toothache Neuritis Lumbago Pain I Pain eg•ilnent'• 1:Tandy 'Bayer" boxes of 19 tablets—Also bottles of 24 and 100--11 druggists. Aspirin 15 the trach. marl. (registered in Canada) nt Bayer, Manufacture, of Moms.cettcatidester of"Sallcylkaciu, W fie it '5 r••7e11 known tit 4sp1-in means Sia;•cr.menu[a{;turo.`j•.n a5,ietthe .pst,ltn a„•tcinst iznitstioets. the Tablets De BayAr colt panty - will be etarnpecl with their zenerai teed, uteri., ,ttto "1=3,ac.er Cross."