The Exeter Advocate, 1922-1-12, Page 5AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENT on Lot $, Con, 4, Stephen, Township, on, WED. JANUARY 18, 1922 -344, At 1 oselock sharp; the following: , Honees-Heavy elraft „mare, genera1 purpose horse 7 -year old; daitiag mere a span of Pere,heron colts ring Z. Cows -Cow due. Axil I, cow due last of Apra, cow doe last of May, farrow cow. pigs, Et. -Brood sow, 4 shoats, 40 bans, 2 geese, Implements -I I. 11. binder, mower, eultevator, hay peke, •s,eed, drill, set oa harrows. 2 -furrow plow, roller, fan- ningmill; scales 1200 lbs..; light wagoe set double herness, hey for1 . rope, pul JaYs and a:ma's, 1'0+134 ladder, De Lava eram separator, !grain begs, 6 cow haus, disc barrow, ralail box, forks, shovels, hoes„ whefaletarees, sleek - yokes, chains, end many other articles Terms -All steles o Sj.0 and under aceata, over thet amoatat 9 menths' erode. on approved joeat notes, or discount of 6 per cane, per annum for cult on credit amounts,. JOS. FLYNN, F. TAYLOR Proprietor Auctioneer A. liodgies, Clerk ,,trli• • AUCTION SALE' woogg• OF REAL beiTA.TE CHAa"l'ELS • The, unders'gned ameanteer will sell by publie auteeera, on, Station St., .Exeter, on, SATURDAY, JAN 21s,, 1922 At J. ee'eloek sharp ,he follow -m. g - . A largeePrame Meuse and Wen good repa1r, aa 1r ;e lot with fnre 'trees, et, _ M* Overland .90 :.•ar in firs: -elass etap, 3 set of Harness, 3 wagone and many other articles to numerous to intention. Torms-Of aetal estate, 20 Jeer eent. •on day of eale'and balanee m.30 days Chattels, Cash. • C.. W. ROBINSON J. SOK'OLOFF Auctioneer Proprietor 4.4/04•4•1144404,41114*. .rrr**voov44v4*****o CASH OR. CREDIT This et /he time of ehe year for making ne-w res,olueiono. The world seems groping after ireforms, and many nra InO doubt needeit We have been impressed -shall I say •obsessed -for years weth the ;Wee that there SA one eaeorm n. t`eltio.la we ah might ilea the privilege ker tharing, that is, en helping 'to bring AA the cash system, Am sendiag: you a'rhyme or iwo hopIng some one Ole leer stirred up who an soy something, en thes press- ing subject, got from selfish .5riterest, but from 'sympathy and +interest en. human:Ay. •Subsoribir. lf you wish to obey ,the -command of the Highest, "Owle no man any - Don't throw ethes down with many a .frown, But resolve here ailed now to pay cash. • . The. taewspabers, clot:Lots, merchants, too, , With all Ilveareer altaataicerieye e:rew Would apeatta elieir eyes with glad surprape ' If yea wottid decede to pay. cash. I have no pr,:vate axe to grind, I'm not ?la buspinoss, or trade, - But I siee the Sorrows of mankind, And many by debt are _made. If wa all pa4c1 asit ,I,vherever we Wte'd lesten the load, of human woe, New happiness into thSs world would creep, . And mane'wu1dhease .to ,mounn and weep, S•trictly cash ,should- the motto. be Of everrhonest, man; Just try it for a year, i,t will bring -you. " good ch,eer, ' I know Its an ex:...ellerit If I could but wte,-; a' ditty, • That would catch yont. ,ear And w--mld help your resolons For the icorning glad New Year • On is Wretched ,creicit system That Alas, 'gotus, ...'..in4•Cits throes-, .And s makeeg eilfe a burden For Our Ie.:ends and far Gur foes. the .very name, hateful, Let us try the other -way, • When we buy Wh,aqe'er .s needful, . Weshould surely. gladly pay. .SEAFORTI-I.--Robert Johnston, for -over- f ortY- Eve Ye ars a,well . .known, and pront.nent.sresident of Seafarth, titles. hits -., died .al,:rthe hOrne, of daun ghter iPreventia ,officers locate place 1-lamUton, an Saturday: al t..:r a feW, *here theY-relleve stills were mann- . inettithsillness, ,in. his 82nd year. .' He factured. ' had br.en, reSd!ing WIth his daughter ,. Overwhelming majority against for .I.Wo years woinen ; 'ministers , heiag Voted by Methodists. THEDFORD.4., , S. Parkinson has „ Peace. is .restored in North „Belfast, sold his genera]. ibUsines ,s' to ,Mr. ,goSs Leuiriies power in Russia reaffirm-- . , of Granri , 2nd;BMr. Howland, who ed by Reds. - has been 4'41 !the, igeneral .business 7for46,,.. TIsizento,-Separate ' School - Board 'years, hie ' elota out to: Ole: Rieliaadten. iiii"y not' appoint metafiere to Board . Of Pe ir'QI,P,•; Y.,!:, P,311k4e;' Te• V.& -. giLt41R117* %If :aVilus,akticm, •ohraea'aeoniebeevele eeet died has sold) eaceote Vat ritt lib • s egnition by Moderation lereeNe . ness Itatkr,, ,, slim. o cy 1 w , ,p.N.R.:-Aitol,?,,,wsltwo,§of.Lvi, .,.„r„,,, • , -du ist.an i ataia Iva 02.4-elaktamea'- ContKol• aailt• gegaaanaa MITCHnber-ealearedoehleideorealaaarea reriefake aht: ' seneoge ae. ealatear ',Oa - SP °,,--Itedeenalielent, golieralitaleet„ efekeeeleartgeaflatoneete'ater :Kingatele, -eabelees.e toal al the poeiteeeie datelneeeetX 'Aestateia ARalth CfRioaPDXIlielell ,r,;(o.ie-'0,,:. ; n paralytiCistloCtontilSatordaY g-heftive,.,,. lack trittourcwitliqueetzlack- Perry . ' tig H. is is in,' his 76th ,Y ear.. - ,m,.., on eaneee7,fore ;,thaea welterweight ' champronsnip of the world. NEIS TOPICS Of lea important Events -Which Hake* OC-6.1areel During the Week. r‘" The Ilusy World's Happenings Care- fully. .Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper -- A Solid Hour's Enjoyment, TUESDAY. Pittsburg defeated avail intermedi- ates. 8 to 2. - Ulster may COMO into an All -Ire- land Union. France denies charges made by Chita Mission. The Priaro of Walea was weleom- ed at Rangoon. More deaths from riotbag take place in Belfast. President Ebert says Germany will hold to democracy, Cannes Confeeenee to diecuss two reparation solutions. D. .T. D. Bisseaette of Stirliug is dead, aged abou. 70. Mau suspeeted of murder in Toron- to is the wrong man. Toronto city, Scarboro* and Picker- ing earry radial bylaws. Frank Barrieau, Toronto, out - pointed Jule Perna Pittsburg. J. R. Gemini% sher12 of Rent for A quarte e of a century, is dead, "Bill" Tate was awarded the &Me slant over Harry Wills on a foul Montreal Harbor COMMISSion ceases to exist af-er nine years. Roy Lowndes .. lite the Canadian 25 yards speed salooning record. "Jinamy" eloorecrart won the Moor -Bathurst modified marathon. A man well known in Toronto so- ciety is arrested on charge of fraud. Gladys Robinson, Toronto, won the United States ladies' 440 yards taloa - lug title. Two gunmen, were arrested in To - In act of hold-up- identleed as robbers ot grocer. Quebec Liberals may seek for the restoration of lerighthood and other honors for Canadians. Acetylene plant in North Morning - ton Presbyterian Chureh blows up and tbe caretaker and pastor ttre Jured. WEDNESDAY. France accepts rules for subs. If war breaks. Russia and Finland are getting eady to ilget. Wheat dropped 71e cents in tbe Chicago market. Prince of Wales' visit is a defeat r Indian rebels. Newfoundland will bonus the building of schooners. Robert Direct won the 2.10 pace at Dufferin Park, Taranto. Bad whiskey 'cared 17 people in New York since Christmas. Baud of Franee will agree to modify reparation payments. Kingston barber icebound three weeks earlier than last year, rte.' ea. 7 .c"• '13to deteeted the Harvard hockeee: emu. 0 to 1. Windsor Collegiate Inatitute boys being trained le erst aid work. Argonauts dee....ted tee Granite seniors, 7i . o 4, in an 0. II. A. fixture. Rev. 411tk . White, Baptist pastor at Renfreweedles of er a week's illness. A °catenates jury at roronto passes strong censure on police of county. Rea. j, J. Elliot', pastor of Knox Presbyterian' ellifrelle :Midland, drops dead: a • ae• 'a • Two a.viatorsewereekilled at Pen - plane erash- • ed to earth. .. Ontariopopelatien is 2929,04, a growth of 401,762, or 15.89 per cent. In ten years. • Dr. A. W. Wakefield, of Lake lIdegantic, Que., to join British Mount Everest expedition. Increased taxes on Iloilo: passed to public by Ontario dispensaries. The price of whiskey goes up. Five were badly hurt and several others' 'were' injured In an auto -bus crash on the Toronto-Harailton high- eaaa. • e ' Seven StirVivors et the erale ef the fishing schooner Rene Deemers, of Bt. Plerre, Nfld., were picked up by IL S. steamer Hudson. Lathes Mary and Elizabeth Byng, grandnieces of the Governor-General, operated the press which made the .firat to Canadian nickels. aae ,. • ' _ teeeekee FIIIIRSDAer. Harntiton;Adefeeted ,Canadiene by 4 to 3. St Patrick's beat Ottawa Senators, 3 to 2. Preston intermediates defeated Ayr, 5 to 2. • n ice bridge has formed...Wow... , Niagara __- Falls. • " - laigh prohibition officials accused of liouor plot. . Experte nish week at 'Washington on oneeae 1 ams. ' .1 • Ain& tr.rThys nearing 'doge; plen- • ary session soon. • • Sugar drops half a cent a Pound In wholesale market. Province of Ontario borrows 61.5,r 000;000 in New York. ' • De Valera moves proposals a • amendment to treaty. Parties in Great Britain are lining up for general elections. • Exhibition at Toronto of Canadian - made toys planned for next month. William Young, yeLeran C. P. R. employe, dies suddenly at Renfrew. Hon. E. Lapointe denies story that Quebec Liberfils desire reissuance' of Daugliters mate daily, and note results. "CISTERN D Q, to „frit kindergarten' scholars half pint Of I H Captain Munro of, Nova aeotian schooner Alexandra, awims through •A GoodSupply of Soft Water a icy wafers to the shore with a life - Line and .aaves, the crew. Household Boon. 1FRIDAY. • Hamilton is to have a civic golf course, • Aura Lee defeated, leitcheeer, sen- iors, 6 to 3. • TYPhos is spreading in wake of Russian famine. Stretford Midgets lost for the farst time in four years. Fire at Ha-rtlepool, Englaed, did e1.000,000 damage. Australia restores preference tar- iff for South Africa. A. professional aoceer league is Advocated in Hamilton. Peace Committee Is seeking basis to break Irish deadlock. Prof. Langford resigns as Regis- trar ot Victoria College. Movement in St. Thomas to stop "plumping." in elections. Five boys were rescued frona an ice floe la the Hudsen river. Cannes Confereace will reduce the German payments ia cash. L R. Blake, Galt police magistrate, made magistrate for county. Archie B. ale0o1ge M. P., for Kent has been appointed to the Senate. A son of the Earl of Athlone may wea the heiress te the Dutele throne. Bert ?Orson re-elected as presleent of Maria Trades cetencil. Toronto. Inquest reveals black' hand work behind killing of Amara at Toronto. Wm. Owen, 20 years of age, barass himself in a barn in Aebaeld town- ship. Norfolk Telephone Co. and its sub, seribers agree to new seheeule of rates. Use of subs against commerce ships banned by Weshington Con- ference. Dr. E. E. Campbell, Alexandra Bay, dies about 24 hours after hia second marriege, Trustee Douglas is tumultuous choice as chairman of the Trouoto Board of Education. Chicago bandits Murder bank ewes. Ident without gi•viug chance for life; capture $12.000 loot. Loudon Menden* • Exchange will ask unions for voluntary wages re- duction to atineulete work. Mrs. Mary Ann MacAuley, daugh- ter of an Indian chief, dive at Kam- loops, B.C., aged 110 years. SATURDAY. John O'Neill, :M.P.?. for South To - route, is dead. De Valera resigns Irish Presidency, but has taring on it. Seven thousand armed hooligans said to be in Belfast, Supreme Council of Allies calls Etonontie Conference. Delegates to European Financial Conference to meet in Genoa. Viscount Oltuma, twice Prime Min- ister of Japan, dies in Tokio. A boy on a sleigh plunges to death over a rtver bank at Toronto. Toronto's assessment has increas- ed, $221,181,878 in ten years. Argonauts lost to the 'University ot Toronto senior sextet, 12 to 2. New Brunswick Government con- sidering control of liquor sale. Health of the province has shown great improvement during 1921. Skidding automobile crushes wo- man to death against pole at Toronto, Rev. Francis Chisholm, veteran Methodist minister, dies at Phillips- ville. Louis Philippe 'giro% aotede Que- bec notary and Laeal profeseor, is dead. The Western Ontario Interscholas- tic Basketball Association has been formed. • Maj. Glen succeeds Col. Gordon as officer eoternanding Camp Borden Air. Station. Hamilton contractors pledged to. take discounts to help restore nor- mal trade. Niagara District Grape Growers, Ltd., made grotto turnoker Of. $892,- 206 in 1921. New Bruuswrck to issue $1,80O,- 000 bonds for Hydro deVelopment: • and highways. • Archbishop Thorneloe of Algoma highly honored' on 25th anniversary of consecration. ' Joint Interriational Commission re:, commends building of St: Lawrence waterway. Galt intermediates, Ontario chime Piens, won their Arst game of the season from.,Woodstopk, 8 to 5. MON'DAY. British troiais to quit Ireland shortly: . The Dial Eireann adopts Anglo - Instil treaty, twb; diktern De ViTeriCieii.igili "i9reetsidt4cy.10 rle fsli"M" e TriR6polici „ serv . Ces t Ink his case probably the best arrangement would The Farmer's Wife and Daggleter Will Appreciate et-Loeation. of the Cistern - fitivice‘ Given'tor Local Installment. (Contributed tot Ontario Department Agriculture, Toronto.) Lucky indeed is the farmer who ean boast of a. oeverefailing eupPle of pure and fresh water from well m- ewing on his premiees. Ite value cannot be reckoned up in dollars and cents.- Anotber source of water supply on the fano is the rain water caught on the roofs of the buildings and stored in large underground tanke, called cisterns. It is eona- Monty called soft watet centras* to the bard water of wells and springa. A Supply ef Soft Water a 1.30014. Every houeewife who is fortouate aough to bare a plentitul supply a sort water for washing dishes, clothes and woodwork. end for me tbe bath, ItllOwa Well bow MIMI superior it is to herd water, It saves a lot of soap, awl the oper- ations are more welly carried mat and the results more satisfactory. This valuable supply of water COWS down from the clouds in fairly cap. bus amounts :notate by mantle and costs nothing except a smell outlay, Probably 4150.. OPee in 4 lifetime for eave tranageleag and a etorage tank or eastern. Over Ontario the average rainfall from Aril to December is about 2 ea inches per Inmate and if all the auildinges ut an averege-sized term were provided with eave-trougleing, no less, theo four barrela of water per day on the average over the whole year would he colleoted. Thia quantity of water will serve ealcient- ly a family of *Jig living in a. home a:ape:taped with raodern plumbing ex- ture* The only draw on the well, or hard water, supply would be the amount required for driulang and cooking purposes. A Good Cistern a Necessity. To safeguard against a shortage of soft water in times of drought and (tering the winter season when rains are scarce, the cistern should be large enough to hold a two or three Months' supply. This would require a storage tank at the very least 20 feet square and 10 feet deep, or its equivalent in different di- mensions, or two smaller tanks bav- ing together this capacity. It is well to reraernber that the tank bellt in the coblcal ,form, say 10x10x10, is more „economical than one of the same size but oblong in form (6 2.3x15x10) for example. The cylinder torm takes even less ma- terial ithen the cubical, but. it may be a little slower and harder to build. Sometimes the bottle form Is couitteucted. • Miler the cylindri- cal or bottle type is usually built, of brick laid in a rich concrete mortar and finally well coated on the inside with aericb mixture of cement, pref- erably ,super cement, and. fine sand. The 10x10x10 size will .hold .6.250 Inaperiglesicallona, or approximatelY 200 barxelsi• In U.S.A. gallons the cepaaity would. be 1-5. more; or 7..500' 'gallon% To build the cube-s'oaed cistern •(1.'040x11)) it would require 12 mai yds, or concrete, the well% bottom -and top being six inches thick.. "Using a 1-6 mixture it would take approximately 1$ bagrela of ce- ment and 16 loads of 'gravel. For the cylindrical shaae it -Would tale about -11 cu. yds. of material, and ;or the oblong shape e6 2-3x15x10) about 13 :eu. yds. With a knowledge of local prices of material and labor, it ,would °be an easy matter to estimate the cost of a 6,000 to 7,000 gallon bistern. • The Llitation of ' the Cistern. The Itcmse cistern may be located In the 41,1ar,..or, outside underground; accordioglo conditions.. If the cel- lar be adage and provided with good drainage. for the overflow of the cis-, tern, there .can beno serious objec tion to, having the cistern in the cel- lar. U,the roof of the house is not large enough to collect sufficient rain water ler the water service of the home, the roofs of barns and other buildings.may be connected up to an- Jhe other cistern at these build29 ings And, " 4 •/, " S et a:el tregie deaths at . e' ' ''iialrdetented Canadiens at andlefeet deft at a point where e . iMontreal be to build, one „very large under - over .vitek-enif.,. grounettink, 12 „ or ' 15 feet square O Montreal, 4 to 2. fri ..,,, rain water trete both house and Allieflottiffire CoMmil, sanianefns barns would .'gravitate „ and Collect. Germans to Cannes. .. Between the beeps and this cistern Genoa Conference to aid trade re- ie. wourd ' be advisable ,to -build a vival in mid -Europe. „ • - settling basin to intercepaLdirt from Washington Conference bans use roofs. The water systemtwauld be of poison gas in war. connected to this large %cistern to Sohn 0. Cutler, Hamilton, drops supply theaueuse or barnrae required. dead while shaving. The same Water system could be used Woodstock, 'Ont., had one burglary to supply the house .or bare with the during the year 1921. e . • water fetnn the well or other source Recount .granted in Port Arthur- used for drinking tine cooking Kenora Federal election. • purposes, • Liberals to prosecute . protest In building a cistern eoenee make against election in Kingston. - the serious mistake of •naliking etefoo Ex -Mayor Joseph Oliver of -Toronto small. Then install some .form, of dies after' a lengthy illness. . - water system in order to have the ' The 'oldest Masonic lodge in To-. soft water,- both hot and, colds -on lap rout°, celebrates its 1.00th lorthday. throughout the hOuse. In subse- Returned .soldier taken by death- quent articles. I will deseribe various while worshipping in Toronto church. types of water systems tor the farm The University of Toronto senior home. • ' basket -ball team .lost to Syracuse, 20 The Department - of Physics, • to 15. . 0.A.C., Guelph, Ont. is prepared to Four persons yose hurt. while advise you without cliareeefegartieng coasting on High --Park- --(Toronto) installation of waterleyeefaMaiaaleineb- slides. .. , ing, sewage disposal, 'eta:L-artra a , Labor conventiOn.MaY change Graham, 0. A. College, GuelPii,' •• ' whPle RRIci.P.LP.:1- ,.4.3'glzaktioaleetlithel : a': .o. • k mu,yethe .1,..1,..3 t?enets eta lo ieorar elteie Everrejm arand - country home , - Judge.. _akl_llitanillia elledifialloamenthee ;Would le& eitself, and to do this, it Ji Ibea 4.,440 mojevolnorealirattie time leeimoyelor eechefanally• to'ckebaet e Ao .,,,temv ,, e. /glade eneitittitblea and 4CualtisTrnitstu 0. PatrickUie ...defeated Hanailtoferi'i •,g.tAll , ,coratia'Attilftkreskilde gtiiiir8,-,Thidi0 102,,e0 areN. Iit . tiedatoe the lee *heal 4,6ticatefillaefereeptaffedatoaseere a , idaatersbip-, .. .. • .0,' - ,th-ati they are rat and mouse Ike' l5f)= crete foundation -for -storage street. Toronto, on Saturdav. niglit buildingkis.advisble whenever it is i• • t1,1: ' "Palling .. in • front ..of 251 :1' Jervis A. co OR ,JUST TEA? Theirade'sa.ft.distinct difference i.sat fvr of Reg Zuxic Me. Lawrenee Rao "es vesetieg at •areite-Mr. J. N. Centin Off Wae ep.exat: tiee past weak at las home, leseple-Mr. Amos Beet:mown s;seer, etese Vtela. Tayistoek, art aslant.; friends and releetivee En tbia,5 %ielnily.-Mr. WaliZems .Dela eatee N. y., spore the .aveleelates oath We. sietere, atiseee .Etbel. and Eva and brother .T.- L. Wiliianks.-4 =taw gate . bi.snalunac2hur ,.slebietnenaleelo, pvelnleeelpiienitigaeeten-, nelees- Igo.* lea the part thee wets form- ,nlY Used as .a feeler and tC :t store, Mr. Peter Papineeu Z Dee ,inapager ol ilia one entertnese.-ale. • Wee Edigb- offer of ate 141h eoniteiseent• aerho has • been, seriouely ell. Se. lanpreating ealaely Cleetora A. Hoffman aas been. engaged by ate Parr Line -• eel:Lea:a beard as teaeher, and commenced .his duties een Tuesd,ay rnoraingeaair..end Nero E. Wools of D4roIt . were. cis- ut home„ of the. forMer's M. and Mrs. T. L. lifurm. They the tep by suoton eere, Violet Linkin, of Bianshard hes Iissued a. writ for $2000 clennages ag- ainst George McCullough of the same towns14, aalegtog ree.atessraess and neg1geu.e wheal he latter's car struck he eormer's velterle causing •injurees iza September laet. ...., Nil spilat for Sick thikireo POI -I -EGF. ST., TORONTO. •••••14=1..m• Miss Margant Wilson -I'd -ROI' - n4. v:Iit at her home eher.e„ r.iuui- E. Cook andMrs!, Ce4ii14' ' tuerivr, ;Int a few days with frIcads 7:3 Out.: it. -1)r. S. G. =ea Mrs., Coulter czad litil:,1 ->1 Toledo spee,t the holltiaya Vi 11 Mr. and :qrs. johagoulten4-,Miss Mule Buellanare matron of the' :305 - Oat at Niatatea, •aari afeas . jeeeie, N taavieng ,.a.t the Soo. armee' A few days weal their parentsea•Miss :Graeae. Hardie, who bae been spending e,iltee holiday, we.h her parents, Dr. •and Mrs Hardie, reatrnea to -Torontta-Mr. tool- elrf. F. S. sverks, (nee. Mist Peari- Dykes),. of Toronto, spent 4. few days wait alr. an1'.11rn, Adam Reiehert.-- Ur. and :NIrs, A. Reieheet emounee i•he marriage ,ef tlaerr granddaughter; .Pearl R. Dykes, "to Mr, F. Se 'Stevens of Toronto. The eeremony . Wee pers formed by ehe Rev. Lyon, Hills eof London D. 31. -Mr. Frank .Wlia a of Saskatoon, accompan•ed by Mrs. 'White • and two elialdren, are spendleg 4 few days here with hes parents, 'Mr. end airs. Wan White, Mr. KennetleWhite • and littr:1 S44 Of Detrattegleibmpaaa New Year's- ander 'dee parental roof. -Mr. Thos. Hudson, met yeah what miglat have been, a, sereeue'',Uhaieleot wben. he Was 'nat. by ,e-, Heat jaalley. The pulley hlt beta an theside of ethe head. making a nasty eut.--eMreellate. r ea Buseb,who was elellring heated: at •Ceedeten ha.d the rnearotteaai,elo. babis car turn over; breitkinAi'llie : weld. shield, ontsbing abeetetiee.eaaid' le:oaken:et orte of Oa hen,d, eelfete fief...Mr lieseh was ,not injugld, liut_U . ... beet :Hoggarth, who'-'e,..aa..'Weth11 oe, Tee .c,f4vedsome deijuri.ot fabont . the bead, -Mr. Jos. 131at.thfor!li 'Cit..' Wea'btern, Saske es .eisiteng, lei faildlie elr. • R. Bla.teleford,, and sesateeeeeatrea. Cans, Jenks' and ,other aelatives. -ae.---,--;4124IJar.. "ARKHILL-Anotheal:Or our Pion- eer women iin the persori4Mrs'. Rachel Mark edied frala'eth.-74f. 1.1i year on, Sunday, • .Jai. :lea. Saleant e 'alma en Plymouth, Eng.., and e teacenada an 1849. She .mairifeeh%f a‘ at,f,• Jelin. Mark, _a eau* Weill -nig It „.‘ 4S# ' aoarne as -herself, He died vi. , Miss Jennie Greer fractured her leg. practicable. 4 •-alg•°•• She. had lived en tilts vaaaeloherha... jg.re, at many years.. alth Support et Public, Ontario latelne Greateet Ceildreads Hoie pital on Mist Ciente-acne Mr. Elite/ra- ttan people lima atead wore used to. They realize, o iastauee, that the cbild of to -day the etizen et the future. Tbe - allege Q1 tbls Hospital is to previa* aervicewhereby a,ny Ontario cleat. who ia weakly. may be made strong, ter If he le erippled, may be set straight. Part of this aervace coneists ot personal medical and surgical care of the chlaren. Part is in the school. Ing t doctors and nurses to carry the ligh or medical science into the uttermost oracle of the province. The Mateo is a contribution to Oi-IILD 'WELFARE work which must commeed t Hospaat to the sem. petty And support ad your readers You probably saw A Quebec do- spa.tch deploring the, groat Want mortality in that pollute. Cue great factor sebaela givee the °Mario. bars ehild so much better a chance in lito is the maintenance a public philanthropy ot the leadingUospbtal tor children on this continent. And that child. whether It be pallid et cheek or creaked of limbs, is helped over the rough spots of infancy and adolescence by this same Hospital. Here ire the average day's tienres ot 1921 attendaacet- Cot patients • 4• • 41,1 4 41.• 444 268 Other patients ..•11.• It V • • • • • • • 168 ••••••••• Total .. ••• • 44 426 Deming the year the Hospital actually saves the Mae of scores upon scores at children. It restores health or straightens limbs for bun. &Os more. Every contributor to the Hospital funds is a sbaraholder In an enterprise which wins back berthb a,nd bePPIness tor thousand of ealldren, and thereby' gives loy to thousands of seixtona homes. Reteeraber, however, that every ehild to whom the Hospital's doors. are opened -and none are retused- adds something to the Mancha bur- den which tbe GREAT MOTHER CHARITY has to carter. But it has never defaulted oa its dividends. which are Pahl not In money, but in service, The continued service et the Hoe- . pital d.epends on the contheued sup- port' car' the public. A minute of mercy. attests fifty cents, and tbe clock In the treasurer's oftce is six months stow. So there are it lot of minute, to ,catch up. The Hospital Is accomplishing tifty pei cent. more work than before/ the wee,. Owing to higher prices it requifee 'almost tvrice the money. May 1 place that simple but 4erions. • fact 'before your readers in eonnee. Mir with the 46th Christmas Repeal ot the Hospital for Star Clittdrpn ter funds to Wry on another yeer ot • service?' ' F;;It-htney yours. IRVING a ROBERTSON , al..erman of epee& Caanne . - ION ta--1 . ::1`1,.• ..ri,:::',1 no ,.: - oi4 The Fi Aritter s. Advocate , le :.a .i• Canadetiaiiifiest;',10,1 practical and 7,1Sge mostAnterestine, arrn paper . , . and' home ineigazzrm . ;•_t.1 . ••; • ; • 4.4.• ••• tab Edited, 'owned and publish ,practical ,,;--1,farmers, :who :,oP4ate, a 200' act4 erim.ental farm of their °Wit Departi*nts•Cf: interest for every member of the family at Iseasons ofthe year. .Helpful and. practical articles -on live stock including Horses,: Cattle., _Sheep, . Swine and Poultry: (1';.:•,1' Horticulture :-fruits and vegetables- DairY.:,eare-of cows and handling of milk. butter and!,,,cheese; --- Household department -cookery, heOth, fashions, literature. education Reliable market report-- 'vlth J,,,Aependable price ,Afiptations from akt.,. a fine serial story. the Toronto, Buf(a47640 Montreal 4:00.1tets..0 et',..v; 3 YEARp., Fog/ $3.00 ttkit EAE OrfilT A OA :e371:q it* -111r1 ; The William tr•,, L n oriOntario 1.;., • I•4 '• t.3., :1 • t.