HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-1-12, Page 31921 F DOWN ATO.
1 --Death a'Theabatd von Bettie -nee -f.
Ilollwag, ex-Cheneelior of Ger-;
many and ort `°.sarnp--ef pa+ , rn
a -Sterling at New York deem to,
10 -British White Paper dieeloses
that Sinn Fein Irieh-Anterizerra.:
conspire l with Geri -natty during.
the wear,
t1 •T}iree U. S. bav':eenists, who were:
stnairr're i seice e De ember 14, zee;
rive by bled at ilattice from
release Jaw rater a hazenhous .ex -1
perrer ea,
17 -Bent e.h forces defeat ambush of
tate Feineers at Timnaleague and:
capture twenty -ave.
h1--A.?,aerta United Farmers deelere
in favor cf complete plete •pe;.inib,tien,'
22 -Kling Geeeee epee: t x Ulster
Pare'veeeet arel urges the factionks.
, to Reel et•„a.
1 - The Pea..e rc :? otic passel
the U. S. Sett o to
4- ^3r:title .cel Mimes s return to
fe-Geeer'a1 Salute meets Sinn Fein,
chiefs in Debzo c ..ates terms
cf p„aee. Inteere hoot ,n Oratarie
a. •i Eei,terit Ceeathe ceeees burn-
irgre &if . r
-8---A baize in lire' : d tv t e'ice effect
at nose s, July 11, i.e deallured after
1?3 Valera aceepte Lloyd Getrge's
ievitati;n to a Peetze Cunferer:e
in Lenroin.
14 --Premier Lloyd George and De
Valera held 1 reiinc.: „ry ccnfer
e..:e iu Dewairg street,
Death of the Hen, A. L. Sifeon, 2,2 --^-Treaty nighiona ax Ru:suns re-
Setret ry of State of Canada, fl ported to be faring deeth from
25,.- Openlirg o£ the Ontario Le is -a feinirze exit elegale.
datum. 24-dt compromise efleeted between
FEBRUARY. Freeze and ED•nlend re the Upper
1-B item tales over the ne r:date: Sr' :a mane,
for Meet?: ottani a,AUGUST.
8-; till Africa returns give Gen. 10 -Arrival of Lord Bye;, the new
Smuts a m3prrity in the eleetiera.` Golentos-Censers.!, at Quebec. im-
0-- itu. b rife bt Ireiend:; two eiv-i perirl Co*nne: :e of Teachers
Ware tale n from bed and shot' meets in Termite.
47..,r1,1 lay u*nkcewr men at Dreg- lf---Death of King Pegs: cf 'Serbia.,
izc �; y�:an e, ,n'alr2r, 1~re3 '23 Centtie returns gho Great 134-
hot 'and lined -nap Ennio- Lein a population d 42,767,536,
1,'4 ex aro court}, by n nz-an inereese cf 1,936 134 ever
ell leen. 1911,
i ^QI s :litat; of Iii:luiaaaata Parlieeten . 1. The girt dirigible L-42, on tried
16=-U. S. Sesa:e ereeest, the Fordn„3,` over Hall, Ergaaa=d, buwklos and Tho
L. the tmer?dre: y tariff nnea-P/C4e ,card telly three nl ea .1z4 a bcu
aerie by 42 to 30.
21•---11r:ti• a 1'zivy Ooa reti1 dee i;1e that,
Irish Theme Rule efeeil go into
ciao., April 5,
4--Iini:.^gurztieaa. of Pre'd.-r.3
:tee sat W Lirettoo,
5 -(3 S. Calan;leis; hi'.: *.1 fro ate
;imhuedi by Sir.: Feinces on Cork 6
<e-aaatty reeellt Mate 1 Stat:1
nhis eizi pa.: ihet{{tee C e t.i Riva'
Per ire Ite, l:Vie:; in the
l',a,;.n:;. ears.*. Cas:larsrl Lague'
1> for atwee iiiIreaud,
7- '1'.z agetir t Soviet Govern.
m€sat c4' P.a %t4, aid I'etrtgrad
r n.1 kis::; te':t aro attteehet.
Semi la Pec l.leal
man eitiee nn Rhine area to vv:rt
lab. c1teciat n.e of reiteration Can-.
(i it'e ^nos.
} 4
9vc� '
'1 '
n �y vn
i.t" ry tnir. 1'�c.t.. r
d d.
i e•
ler--Te at P;a l.i, VV.Guar Vizier cf
Tteiey, ctrl r' -; tis .tl, for : ,r -
n: sien at:+.a.t,taert , , ; arse -sheeted
iia Berlin 4y cn Arnaehre
30- Greek ea eta:re bioekahei Asia
tr lemplane view of the power house, and the forebay at glieEnston.
ortion of the power hoarse seen near the bottom of the photograph is
one•ilftc>• the eine of the buildtrg when it will be completed. The els-
:a,w•t:! wilt of a {re,w of 47. Death sures ca the feeti •ot the reek are euttirg,t for the penstocks. The fall at this
of Sir Sem Poi hoe, Cane 13n• point le cool' 304 feet. At the ten is the gate licuee ter e itreitiug the fall
ex -Minister cf 11 n'st an, ; of water' fromt the fercbay
«7 -Lord B}n, o ;rs the Car=saltan:
Natio al Ehli.,.: ion Tt Tot -este.
rl 28- -Deeth d Litr{tertant`Gevera:or DUTCH PRINCESS
1 -Steil,: in the British coal areas.
2 -Lord Edel to:I appointed
Viceroy tf Ire'+and.
4 -Dur:rer the yix r er.::le•d M ,rah 31.
Simi Feiner, committed 10,804
outlaw 4, killing :r. 24.: peliccment
mei 90 e°;idler. and wounding sev-
eral that,:' .'t:
18 =.Or+' u es�e w. tee pr.h.'a'tion by
n,ajt .'ity c2 166,835,. bat ;alties
.• Gf Toe..ritte Hain•?:1te i and Ottxwvzn
give big inajoiltes igein t,
28- Four• Sinn Fein re are executed
at Cork for fighting the Crown
farces. The emended .G•.T^R. b :u1
poem the Dominion Senate;
2. ---Freeth tr:,ap, advance toward the
Ruhr district
0 -Sir P.ea y Drayton brines down
his BuAAet to the Domb ice Par-
liament, frier -easing the sales tax,
and taltleg off the b eine s3 e : afits
and luxury taxes •
25-S n:n Feelers burn the Custom
House in Dublin, and in the pc-
con1panyin;; riots seven civilians
acre IMO, four auxiliaries and
,seven ci;~,.;ans wounrded, avid 111
pr onars taken Eby palace.
26-USciler e1ectiona give the Union-
fists a majority of 38 seats in the
northern Parliament.
1 -Germany fulfils agre-ement to pay
one billion gold marks to the Al-
lied Repaz iii; ion Commission.
3 -Lord Bynig of View appiainterd
Governroe-General ,f Canada,
10 -The British policy emits the Sil-
esian fight.
20 -Meeting c,f :the ; Br titth Imperial
C.oniference of Premii-eme-in Lon-
1.icete. 11. Clarke ofInt. do.
ern erect pays art* =kit golb.
nnarli3 to the elie5 as rat of the.
reearaioes inwen.na'.y, Thteun10:3"
of a in flog: s In Taira.
-Cai, henry Covell-1nutt. a Brant -
tied tipltointtea Lieut-Gove;<'nor of
Fire Major Naval Powers at Anna Conference Accept Freo.
posal WithoutReservation-Balfour Amendment Passed
Making Agreement Immediately Binding on the
Signatory Powers,
A elecipat h (rein Washington Naval Armaments Tflureday Owe
yet -Three meter dere:lapnre;nte' home therefore, wee unanimous:The
marked tite pregreee Qf the araaas cane: B.a'.fsur amendment, snaking the Pro-
Terence oe Thureeie.y. !position immediately appllealble 'ba the
1 -The Japaneee delegation oile-,t frvo :giiator5'' Vowel's; aiso'was Weed
tanned el/hew a•1 peee ereeel teekee by . to: Anel. Idleother nztiiinrs+ of the :earth.
invited to give their adheren
China cif a..ralation of the Chinese adherence Forme
tariff problem ins eoeord,ance with the al adaption of tho R.cot resolution, r�
terms d'eniunded by Japan frsm the stating the inter trF wrFaxe, xcg•
start. An agreement was Adopted
sized wander in# rziatior�al lazes for fife
which gives Mina an effective ad prote�ctioir of TX:airc3 nonwrom-
velar m rat"e of Ave'per cent. on all I NtRnts at sea and maki them ao-
gewla in:;:�rtEd into China, ireeeee bee Plicaree: to unmarine's li waxse Nies
the live ler emit. anemic.;;! ,and three? reeerde.3. These rules zis .statai area
per e. nt.. effective rats now obtaining.; `saA me:ehant vesse4 innast 9ne o de*
to s�< emit to vs'''" �a.'rd search tA- d ter-
2- .Agreerre:zt wee ccn 1u3ed by the mire iii c1?aracter ilefere at -cams be
United States, Great Britain, France seizee, A znerw•ha..t vessel renst not
and: Jap,.n en a ntethcd to he pux,�ae,•I be amok. ee ntr ee it refuses to suer
in ores iLiir.'a the Jay:aneee home:aMril mit to -net and search after waznizsg,
from the territorial integrity guarana-. ar to pro bed as d rc�ted a te?-seizure-
tee of the fear prover Peacifie tr.aty, SRA z ,:reedKrt ve,str: zni;7t e'r*z ba
This w4i'.+ be avt3nnpyi ltek, iw w as StiS- (l�� I!i y 4'd ' l Tl;e�S t J3 t^ 7*i fan°9•
eexte?�, thategh a series cif diplomatic ez':gers lee been first p; ins'
notes de igned to clarify the iaterpre F saved•.
talon of the et Rough drafts cf "l elli;erent trabnr^arires axe not
the 'notes already have been competed un der a ny eirrzzinazar.:es exempt from
and ae f,ra veal, ft wars explained. 1 the universal rule above stated:; an
a -.The Rost proposals to outlaws if a submerine cannot capture a• mete
s>kbntar:nes as cennrraeree destroyers chant vessel in etteforniity with t'htse
was a:eepted by France. Japan and rules, the ex.',ating ;me of net. obs re-
Italy withaut reservation. The Unite -I quires it to desist fram attack and
Stares end Great Britain previously :from seizure and to permit the mer-
had indicates their assent. Adoption chart vo rel to lareeee t un•in.rleste:d.'
of the mealutioan in the Committee oni The assent of all Fevers le invited,
Chain for Key Rings. , Peace Committee in
elasee chain for key rings,
which will stretch several inehes, is
p Ur*fivers! .s Raise Standards. , formed of celled piano wire spring
the Dail Eireann
pinks, - A deepatelt from Dublin sayeei The
announncement, in the D 19 Eireann of •
At a voulerer e la,h, week ref the,.
{� .� fess i,:i;w e. �t;c. wan [1nz ;rzo--- cireanto,age one for every clay ie. the Year, was the chief f tulhe of Thu ial,'n
M 1;SeZ?ill3it 3'rezlia$ton E!5 .an he : ' , 't t tG rah :veld icMaster^-*
Q .
No macua._ e. of '�a'hnnlst
fl Sh'ipsvre •ltsin the Ba»tic Sea aver*the exster ae of a Fe , razanin
e 1 ,i' r Oee
.i ee -., . + i • , g. .� f e , w, ..•
date for Hand of Juliana. with the IJa,.a3t..t7:it of i:auelt an, it: A dasiaaa.+aa.he,l teacher o- Er,,,11,h is ar.K,lldea3;Jas t'he ec,nznntt;,z, ,.h ns
ww s ur°arias,. a.;.: - tree:ded to increa arequires . ; zits first to write a , Mutest eiiela:sivel * of :,dile
A Vie; stili franca Tet, IhZ .' say. ;•-- y hisg tl male nap :n,rn� y
b' Ball
the eee.t.x.e e seem renients to the ger. deice-thoue n l woral a asy*;and then #o nretyalis cf the renis el file of the
The !Axa. intra 'a t rp,re nraarcc of the , teal ca yrs or the Fire"; Year. In 1923, compress it into five hundred words4 Dail Mae have pen for aid against
aat.i Countess, of Athlone at Qn,ea :i,,
*� ; .New Year seller-'.se{nder.:s ;z;nplyin for admission will of good literary style. To the pupils the treaty. The mist natalr of these
rihelnazraas ofii.: ai ”+; , ba rc'gilit.: t a 3ta.e camFlete junior' the :as:Oni;hirg thing is flet it takes aero Owen O'Duffy, Lan Offneer of
tion gives rise to tin npa:nna nt,y {.e.lt n 'valeta' „Von with 75 for ceet in faun -van -longer time :and more thought to write.
4 t.: to s ret g TJ:rter; L.:.m :tI{•l;rnwc .. ;ird Jahn T.
founded rumor r thaw 1' 1' 7' ° d t g
l 't a,�.; :? t1�? alwPP'1, ...a. n,>,,E• r , tt ,-4.p.tt+-e j.ir:ar n.itnieu- the bat.':greent then to write the O`el�e'.ly, the Sire Fein xeeeeaentetive
4.= l)� aititnicann P'a len, spDl, !scour.. `ren....i. w, is t(i lee to
. .Pa ane of it is?r+ �.: , ir(ian Eng- >• i, x< .a t ' hand. t eat en *a'itli tit; per cert. in six sub-! orierir, 1. The lumber of words, ore in Pexis,
2trT . 3i..Dar.>pert, air h•nnar imtrieu•:.:ion. The pagee in a. rranazserigt tea nothing of-------e•-••-
carcilidate for 1 �u
Inti!, for India. The Earl and Cozent...' and their ih,l
• t ea= n with t?;a:; r nr...:e in p wl:il Le, t:aree distinct the time end effort that went into Great Britain delle one motor -car fox
' O'4 E1111I li , area r=r3 at prE,, nt »„ryir„
mean of entrance is to afford the writing it. every 110 perrans of std population.
,n ^
a , arf?
... ela9 ft
{ ,. Ott.. . • _ a •
w li re ti. , a
Queen, z' r .. �».
�-Natter it Ati�ee.ata,y of llun.;;..ry. +nuc, y p <nna.i c;.ntnnna'a,aon e�ah....,� m nosed
detleien the fcrr.wr Kin bra ug:it ttgether frequcr:>y. �.....;._ ,
q l the lit 'a'i ry ,re �r has been con =hien •ibde specu-1 centras exaet:y the same oeportunity
C harp, mei c
i.: ( • pc,' .ire , tti prepare students for the untversr
se J l' y
..a "ba !tae
dyne:, ty, i a len t'fi' r(lang Princes u wawa s s as have the large urban colle-
11-.-The Ulster ('ehineet rrj et„ the future hus'unui', but no net mes have giate institute -5. This change does not
prspe al to h::e a;'> ala -Irons 1 keen mentioned till now. There is no mean any inareast d cost in education
1'erl.auiu t. Armistice Dey (;en.' (leuht the Dutch would, welconne such
--it simply means that students must
r•r 11+ ub cried in G ansf.a an 3 the a conn tion with England and the
remain in their ]mine schools until
Empire. Eagash Royal family*. Princess Juli-
-U. S. Secretary of State Hughes aria is now eleven and Viscount Tre-
laays Lefere the first meeting el' metten fifteen.
the etinfc rente ea the Lis*:itat' on' The Countess of Athlone is Princess
t f A = raanent a pragt .am eallir„g
foe a ten ye. r r.aval beli,!ey and
the s;r.:;:pin; of battle;hii:s.
26 -The 'Mikado resigns ire favor of
the Crown Prince of Japan'.
' 7--Adn.iral Ean1 Beatty feted- at
Meetre:l fanrl.pttauwa,
5-Briti.h Gavernment and Sinn
Fein leaders 'each agreement to
give Irelirmil: n Dominion status.
6-Damrinicrn; Parlie.mentary* eleetians
result in the defeat of the Meigs
hen Government.
10^The ray:omtaarended pact between
the United State;, Great Britain,
Frere ,and Japan made public;
it int rides a guarantee for a 10 -
years' peace and the freed:Mt of
29 -Hon. William !;,yarn Mae'.enzie
King sworn in as Prime Minister
of Canada, with 18 other Liberals
es Oabine; Minister. • .
Oldest B.C. Resident
Dead at 110 Years.
A despatch foam Kamloops, B. C.,
says; -Mrs. Mary Aim M'a.Auiey,
the .oldest resident of British Colum-
bia nmd probably ,of Canada, died at
the home of her granddaughter here
on Thursday, aged 110 years: A
daughter a!f an Iedian Chief, Mrs. Mc-
Auley was born at Savona, B..0 , • iiin
1811, and at n ea7lryage married
D•onld MacAulay, a Hudson% Bay em-
ployee. loyee.. She is ,sua vived by dour elaile
dten, 18 gcandchilklren and 23 vent-
ateaugiiaxndehiildr anti
Mary, daughter of the Duke°:of A1-
and a direct cieseendant of
Queen Vittoria.
The Earl of Athlone denies the
rumor tli:at he is a candidate for the
Gove mer -Generalship of Ireland.
To Call International
Economic Conference
A despatch from Paris says: -.A
despatch 4» the Havas Agency from
Cannes says Premiers Lloyd George
and Brianrl agreed Thursday evening
on the conditions for the convocation,
of an Internationed Economic Confer-
ence. The program for the conference,
front which polities is to be barrette,
wt as settled by thein.
The ,despateh adds that it is likely
Germany and Russia will be invited to
send delegates to the conference,'but
that participation by Russia will in
no way imply recognition of the Sov-
oviet Governanent.
Flowers Strewn Along Royal
Route in Mandalay
A despatch from Mandalay, Burma,
says:-Demonahations of the utmost
enthusiasm greeted the Prince of
Wales on his arrival in Mandalay on
Thursday afternoon front Rangoon.
Flowers were showered upon the
Prince •aliong the entire route of the
proem -eke: to Government 'haute.
Theinandralce root .,contains' snare
quinine than any ether English -grown
M4• T'glciitl
t,aST "PHS SO(,1D
51i,UEi� t:DAL: :
"Fo.1L -1t1 SMP Wr s
`i tit `ti tel CLPS
It -1R ITFNE1'i�
they are well grounded in their work
and able to take proper advantage of
university education. Hence, the newt'
regulation puts a premium on appli-
cation to wort: and on intelleetua1
Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux
Prominent. Liberal, wito, it' is an-
nounced by the pion. MagKenzie'King,
will be elected Speaker of the House
of Commons.
An ox of gigantfe proportions was
exhibited last April at the Royal Syd-
ney Show, in Aitsti-alia. It was a
seven-year-old, ani stood 6 ft. 4 in
girth ahigh. It had o.gir14 ft. behind
the shoulders, and weighed 3,700 lbs.
It came from New Zealand and had
arrived some •days before the. opening
of the show.
l idL R5 sy tient Byrnes
OF X1 -L 'Tt•te-.
'Ti-1A`CS Nor --4
CR`(• egox,rt'!
Weekly Market Report
Manitoba w. -- heo No. 1 Navthern,
$1.25; No, 2 Northern, $1.20; No.3
Northern, $1.14.
Manitoba oats• -No. 2 CW, 5Shi e;
extra No. 1 -feed, 51e; No. 1 feed,
IC ,L. $2.50; per 5 brie. $ iu„ $2.$5;
M�•nr'�a sugar, lb., 19 to 22,.
Honey -60-30-11. tar,:;, 14% ,- to 15.c
per lb.; 5 -2? --9b. tins, 10 to 17c peeb.
.; Ontario cenab hcn•ey, per dozen,
$3.75 to $4.50.
wee. { Smoked ireats-Hatte, med., 24 to
2.6e; -cocked ham, 36 to 40c; smoked
rolhe 23 to 24,.; cottage rolls, 25 to
26c; breakfast bacon, 25 to 30e; spe-
cial brand °breakfa.at baton. 30 to 35e;
beaks, boneless, 32 to 36e.
Cured meats --Long a ear bacon, 18
to 20c• dear bellies, 183 to 20%e.
Lard' -Pure emcee. 14 to 14? c;
tubs, 14% to 15e; Tails, 15 le 153 's;'
prints, 16% to 17e. -Shortening tierces,.
13et tabs, 13'fic; pais, 14e; prints,:
Rye -No. 2, 86 to 88a. 153yc.
Manitoba flour -First pats:, $7.40; Cherie heavy strides $ 7 to 57,50;
second pats., $6.90, Toronto.but !tor steels, choice. $6 to $6.50; do,
Manitoba. flour -90 per cent, eaatent.i goad,, 35.25 to ; ds, irede $425 to.
bulk seaboard, per ,barrel, $5. $5.25; do, ,cont,. $3 te $4; a ar+teher'
Millfeed Dei„ Montreal freight, heifer ci ebbe, $5.75 to $6,50; ;butcher.
bags included: Iran, per ton, 526 to -cows%, ehai e•, $5 to $5.50; de, mech. $3
$27; 'shorts, per ton, $28 to $29; good to $4; carman t cuttsre, 32.25 to--
ofeed flour, $1.7C to $L80. • S2.75; butcher lofts pureed, $8.50 to.
Baled Hay Tteek, Tcemeto, per 54.50; do, com. 52.50 to $8; feeders,,
ton, No. 2, $21.50 to $22; mixe', $18 . geed, 900 lbs., $4.50 to $5; do., fair,
Straw -Oar lata, per ton, $12. 34 to $4.50 stecker.1- go el, $4 to
Cheese Neva, large, 2' 'to 22c; $4,50; do, fair, $8 tie $4; nnikau, $80.
twins, 2132 to S2%,e; triplets, 22i/z to to $90; springers, reho,.e. 390 to $100;.
20,Oc. Old, large, '25 to 23e; twins.-calves;'
choice, $11 to 312.50; da, ink,.,;
25 4 to 26l, c; hip -tete, 26 to 21c; $8 to $10; d'a, come, $3 t:a $6; latmbs,,
Sbiltons, new, 30 to 26c. • gc3o-d, $11 to $12.50; do. emit,, $6.50 to,
Butter -Fresh, dairy. choice, 33 to $7; tdlteep, cho ce, $5 to $6; do, good,,
35e; creaneery prints, fish, No. 1, 43 $4 to $5; hogs, fed sad watered, $10,50,
to 45e; No. 2, 40 to 41c; cooking, 26 to $10,75; dam, f.o.b., $925 -to '$10; doe
to 30c. country points, $9 to 89.75.
Dressed pouiltxy-•-Spt1ing chickens, Montreal.
25 to 35c; roosters, 20 to 25e; fowl, Oct Can. West:, No. 2. 57 to 58ce
20 to 28e; de klrngs, 30 to 35e; tar- die, No. 3, 555 tea 56a. Flora Man..
keys, 55 t. 60c; gelee, 32 to 35c. Spring wheat pats., fates, $7.50. Rall
Live poultry Spring chickens, 20 ed oats, bag 90 14»., $2.85 to $2.95.
to 25e; roosters. 14 to 16c; fowl, 14 Bran. $26.25. Shorts, $28.25. Hayti
to 22c; ducklings, 22 to 25c; turkeys, No. 2, per ten, ear lot;, $27 to 328,
45 to 50e; geese, 20 to 22e.
Margarine -23 • o, 25e.
E'ggie-1 ay. 1 storage, 51 to 52e; se-
lect storage, 56 to 57•e; new laid
straights, 70 to 72c; new laid, in ear-
tone, 82 to 84c.
Beans -Cam. hand-picked, .bushel,'
$3.30 to $3.50; privies, $2.80 fie $3.10:
Man:tcba be l y-Nomir.•al,
All the above, tra:rl:, Bay port-,
American corn-No.2 yellow,
69%c; No. 3 ye''nw. 681se; No. 4 yel-
el 1ow, 67e; track, Toronto.
Ontario fiats, -No: 2 white, nominal,
Ontario wheat -Nominee.
Barley --No. 3 extra, test 47 lbs. an
better, 57 to 60e, according to freights'.
Buckwheat -No. 2, 78 to 80;..
Butter, choicest - ors,amery, 37 tot
3&c. Eggs, 'selected, 48c. Petztoes,",
per bag, car lots, 95e.
Fee dairy oows; -35; light stews,
:35.50; hulas, $3 to $4.50; canners and
cutters, 52 to $3; veal -calves, $10 to
$10.50 for 'good; coin.. $8; grassers,
$4e. ilk! nibs, $7;50 to $8.50; rltieepa, $3i'
• Maple eeteluctss-Syrup, per imp. 4». $4; hogs, $12.50 sowis, $8.50.