HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-1-12, Page 2evening, ut if the manager will watch
refully b ean, byflashing hie light
orc or twice, on tram the berds to
take to the roost.
World Has More Meat -
mg to a greatly increased demestic
eoneumption. In effect, a number a
hitherto surplus-produeing countries
e tending toward "deficieney" or, at
}et, nen-surplus prodneing.
To Know Gixg1 Veal Calvm.
tb Weight of calves is an, Jimportant ust prior te the Great W
agreommunteettoria to Agironii-rmat, 73 aaolettlo St, Toroob& meat eonannking linpniation 2lroi th: factor in the size of retail cut,s aud
in relation to the age and, qUality
Rean, Pod spot or eleihracnose. leeted ones separate from all the world was eatimated raundly 590,- the eareass The following tame
Vegetable ' growers are. familiart other beans, If your selection has 000,000 head, Approximately, 460,- '
Suggeutions for ractica or
Machu' lg of Agriculture
y Norman Davies, B.A., Teacher of Science and
Agriculture, Renfrew Collegiate Institute
Whether or not to have a echool crop was $265.05 per acre mei cost
shows how veal ts usually greeted hy garden is the questiert facing many $157.50 per ,aore, giving a profit a
weight: teachers about to begin the teaching $108.15 per acre. Such ealculations
with the spotting a bean pods whisch been -carefully done, elm may be sea- O?0ela
i0, weirleo,noo,po:oilt
e00ls btiEureoner
commences as a dark, -red pin point, so:lady 'certain this seed will produce sb
enlargirig rapidly, becoming darker in
color 'And forming a, more or less
kideest-shaped milker or sore. Some-
times the pods are nearly a eovered
angrog the followin'North Atnerma, 14,000,000 atempers
a cle, g year.
ate South Anterica, 4,500.000 in Auss
tralasia, and 1,500,000 in South Africa.
Breeding the ''.Nlarket Sense, Thus the meat eonsumingpeoples aps
90 to 140 lbs. of agriculture. The school garden is based on actual resurts are of greater
80 to 160 lbs.
Medium 80 to 160 lbs,
Light or common 00 to 110 lbs.
proximated onestlurd of the total Heavy 150 to 250 lbs.
with tnese sores, reedering them vein' Six short courses designed to bring
unsightly end worthlees. The seed hog -raising more into line with the Grass
population of the world, as against
140 to 200 lbs.
less than one-quarter of the Poinda- Form—The body shot:1cl be broad
from infected pods have black or exactine requiremeets a the ultimate,
ears ago. and compact with good development,
brown spots on them, and %variably market°for bacon were arranged for' zinn sixtY
the plants bearing diseased pods will Ontario by the educational committee The statement that eonsumptive de- especially of the riles, loin and legs.
end t b • • Most coxnmon 4..-UPTS h Its d
very important both to teachers and value than estimates based on the re -
pupils. For public sehool work the suite of some one else.
requirement in Ontario is six square Last year eight varieties of potee
reds in order to qualify for grants, but toes were planted—twenty-four hills
smaller area is worth while even , of each One set of islets in sandy
if no grant is secured. Went and the other in heavy clay soil.
Numerous tepics can be illustrated When dug, the yield from each plot
' the sehoal garden. The method of were weighed. The results show,-
plantiug, the care and harvesting of ' ed which early and which late var-
. . s,
be seen te lerve numerous spots outhe of the Canadum -Swine Breeders' And , ,_ p , .,,. •-• • different erops ean be taltee; the study %ties are best suited -Le our typea a
therefore, disprot ed. Uedoubtedly neck toe long, oea e beasts mid
leaves and steme somewhat similar to soeiation in the first half of December. . . i • b a insert pests and fungus diseases of soil. Such work opens up a wide field
n inerease the con- P •
those on the pods, but smaller and The Ontario Dept a Agriculture eas
sumption a meats during the past Quality—The flesh shod be eery
raore elorgated. t operated be- having their district rep -
half -century, showing about 90 per light pink, well fatted and free from
Investigations have shown that this resentatives bring nine junior farm -:cent Thi d t
. g y
Poi Spot or Anthraenose, asi it is ers frern forty countries. The courses „ , , r .. email treats ar.d the eare of fruit trees
called, is eatisei by a fungus and that were eminently praetleal and were staPi13141. OI giving, the inereare in the greleed or dlnate•kk eisolforeLitridshenmeetrest 7:7, Including budding and grafting; prac- At one corner of our sebool egg :en
paptdation of the countries eituated nuail age, , there is a poultry house of up-te-nate
the -pots on dee seed earry the furegus hed under actual coeditioes a meat Chickens ere kept in
over from ore. erowing season to en- manufneture at peeking plar:ts a rse feedlign l'sfilltsfed calves ea.e be Ue31 wcirk in rile;'-sIn'elnent in ial'ing eenstruetidul-
elaar. dne.grainea out the plots; the study a corer:ton this building throughout the year ex -
in the temperate zone, the remarkable ee'a
, increase in the white population of the distinguished hY
other. Whea ti'ais seed is planted and Hull. Peterboro, Ingersoll, R
--rantft", n•orld, and the deveopirnent a trans.garden weeds and methods of eradit
. •cept in July and August. Tile first
begins to gtow. the fungus grows tip mid Toronto (two seriee. Lectures , . - - . .
portatton, enablmg expeditious and
_ ... . - . . - - , a eeStion„ and many other topies en he year e email fleek was sertired in the
meat and wbite fat,
truntn—A tam amount ot rat tiles _-
with the plant; mei if the n•eather is were given dealing with hogs suitable economical movements of meat. This practical angle The flower eau and nept eel gene, Darin, that
wet and eleedire whielt providee good both for trade and for the has tr:bl- kaLuni2eityst,heele,:treehn,sVIkea“alniYa .5.gavrednena is important, for in it tbe time the value a eggs, laid aturvahse
blendshes When the sh '
plants, and methods of eontrol; meth-, to the thinking boy or girl, and showa
eds of conserving Moisture, end prob- that agrieixiture is not a stereotyped,
lens of drainage; the growing of ,singlestraeked eetensetion.
eat bulbs, s
conditions for the growth of the soaking or No. 1 domestic Wiltshire sides for. rge increin ases inclhem eireetive in hrinin lha t at
t may kill the small plant our British trude, the latter
ustruil populas breast• There is laCt “insrl'iing" rnr• '
methods of Planting Perennials a fowl whan old exeevied cost of
fungus. ihaving s
when a is a few inehes high or even been se, gravely ehallenged by thee . with itheavy meat eating tens()noes.
before it gets above ground, eo make high. quality of the products shipped!
Theng misses in the ixeve. In any ease, sinee the war in inereasing quantitiesi rapid inereaee in meat consuminre are no indications that tbi
the g
if e funo'''us growth has not been from Demnork, Cempetitions judg•-i population will show any marked
rapenoughto kill the plant, it will ing live hogs ond in grading andi in elaeltening during the next fifty years.
er.use the,epotting deseribed above, itulging the .3-l'eassee frem eti Therefore, the problem of produeing
d these spots can be even a yellow hogs followed. The hash Mize "t; sufficient meats to meet the increasing
o pink slimy lit:Aerial whiet is cone. eraoureed to n1,440, donated by the, demand in. quality and volume still
posed of the seeds or "teiores" of the Dominion Department of Agrieulture' exists.
fungus. These spores are scattered, =id the industrial and Develop:real Statistics prove that the world's,
to neighboring *ants, prineipally by Ceuneil of Canadian Meat Packers stock surplus is not heepin see
On beet. on slimmed ezd,.„,s the , annue s tan ue shown. The sehool Ingle and tee,' by grto, Last winter
ins in:eltvithblitnenaetaivrhseiefht ecnovure,resa.triseiavrds,3,, rig..eaarci,heilnlig Prevides
many of the ttgrtcultural. front eggs hatched at the sshool were
the thuiteidal forttwo pupas who had raked ehienens
the laborotory or demonstras„ er,iven the use of the poultry heuse.
v . but dry and dark-eolored on l riblilllesnimeYthoki,
so that pupils eau see, Both have now built poultry houeee
4:: gel4ctkaillueiishoif ear .eorn, divide about them. The teacher will also' Campines will he kept. This is a rim
metheds and results as well as hear , at home. This winter a tioele of Silvee
NC feet In the bin by two- and I derive benefit in havieg actual results variety for this losedity. They are fair
i ae a basis for the inform:dial: given Myers and eronotnieal feeders. During
Riddled will weleeme filled e°01ilee .tvolizttehlitPlair,15.anni:testevirt Ito the work/ hunched in the school incubators. Malty
gardee adds! lost ingiug :theta ,17.5 chicks unge
in their school lunches, Put two! le eannot be secured by ttlassroont pupas brought eggs from home for
cookies together with marsinnallowi
ram, where they grow and form new jointly, while s'top luau" ut eseli, with requirements. A number of
g p
spots, so spreading the disease centre was given a sow about s.ixi prominent exporting eountries npee3r
through the field. Inenths old by the rneulheu of r„teneq to have reached their 1114411111M of
The losses from this disease have Swine Breeders' Association, euei, production, while others are steadily
been very coneiderahte in some toed.' Heelth of Animals Braneh of the Dos, reducing their exportable surplus ow,
it! d i
ther conditions have been partieuloriy also helped in the plan.
favorable to the growth and spread The idea underlying the scheme i
el the fungus. The losses are brought that the produeer should nun to bree
cbout in three ways; not good-looking hogs for the setts -
1. The killing, of the young plants fection of outdoing his neighbor, but
peer stand in the field. these which will .yield, wlien shaught-
1 e destruction of the pods and ered, the largest weight ef highest:1 JANUARY 15
etening of the plants reduce, Priced bacon. That is what the packs
hi. ers demand insistently; that is whati e f Baal YsTorship,
!nen the crop Le to be sold for they eau pay for, because, in turn, Elijah's Challeng 1 Kings, 18: 20.24, 30,
seed. the presence of the spotted seede that only is what they can eell at a 36.39. Golden Text 1 John 5: 4 (Rev. Ver.) telme from the strawheiry and roep-
e$ n eertain years when wea- minion Department of Agrivulture'
whip or ground figs.
vork alone,
In addition to the individual plots,
Cold water will help emesidereldy in planted, and cared for by one or ntor
entilating a room. Keep a pitcher pupils, an area planted under the
uil on the tilde and it will obsorh direction of the teociser for class pr
the end impurities
poses As worth wile. Suelt an are
might represent a kitchen garde
about 60 to 80 feet long hy 20 to a
feet wide. A third of thin :area eoul
be planted in permanent erops, a
strawlierries, raspberriee, rhubar
and Fot on; another third in einalle
vegetables, arid the remainder in ro
tatoes, earn and tomatoes. Sech
garden shows methed of planting
small area and the variety awl yield
early hatehing while others bought
Ontario Agriculture' College eggs,
hich were secured for seheol work.
Suelt experiments as these are dila-
t for the peblie sehool tettehers but
2not at all mtpessilde. They should be
n; easily corried out by the high srhool
0,teacher who is ta;tit'dly peraituo-
4., ently located,
sl Earh the- TWA!, from among,
b., the numerous topirs of the carrirultan,
r .Felcrt. one or more o'bich tstar itest be
- del...0(47,1.i in the n.a,rnility. For tozn
schools. gave:co-it 311s4 ptedter week
aleauld be mole rho hobby, aoci more
attention Rhea :halt re4N:r0411 t*V
and would no be bought hY anyone eompetition to iineet.
would, reduce the value considerably profit in a keen marltet, whit worldi
to earrY , to the pupils. Laet sprinf•, ahout
berry peteli plants may he supplied
'rime—The reign of Ahab, D.C. 8 6- goite mune was supposed
tagiral peteney, whether for bleseing. p
Pun .e 4rom cur el.e.--tes tool; from 10
familiar with the disease they eon- Hog,:raising is not a pastime in"
%eyed. Plave---Mount Cannel. of his 14..4 the vvorsbippor esth„d Lim,. to 100 plants for planting- in their
r for cursing. By utterint the :rime " •
The hest means of vontroI—The use choose the typ and expect the con -
which the producer may pick :Ind)
Connecting 1 iAlle8--Aha5, king 0 to hie halp. gardens at home. Next yeer I expect
of sprays has given no results. The Fulmer to "take it or leave it" if a Israel, had rnarriel Jezebel, a princess 1IL l'he Victory, vs. 36-49. Ito sunray a few raspberrdes p:arts and,
curriculum. A Siothetl bci,.allz, to milr.
den work and could is;., ct..c,.ly pre:gored
in conneetion wit liNer garde:: ..vor‘g•
If the teacher einphn.;ires ono or two
things, there will be a :i,ore reol and
asting effect.
Should:4411e 4,1f the reavieri feel that
be work outlined vt.TeKe;» z.k.e even-
omie toe much, it might be wc'll to
tear in mind that we with thtt
.cenemic aspret in mcany other :tudieri.
Geography, history, and science all
have a beating ri -elornie problem,,
and we do not hesitake discaris them.
kre ue in Canado la this
phase a agricultawa teaebing? An.
NVireonsin then, is in ore losany a
,Lool which supplies trom its farm
he seed cern for tho farmer: nearlty;
n another ease the prowiug of hemp
ras become a main in.,ustry atel it
1.%);z1srliztit wko wt by ea h toer ol
igriculane. If eur tr-whiee et agri-
ulture is to heratit in a n el seatsel
he neetl for Imre peeple in the rural
listriets, we must pay eowe attsetion
o the eronomis, eo thei the hey sir
irl have an enlightened mind en
he suhjeet and lie better able to
o choose hie or her future work. The
s school where agriculture is taught
- :night heeente in a man yr te a more
dii•eet, benefit to the eommuoity; not
overlapping present organintions, klut
• co-operating with them to a greater
degree thee at present, and secure the
hearty suppert not only of the erne.
eulturist, or person interested in agri-
culture but net engaged in practical
work, but of the practical farmer as
more bbvioue way to eonihat the d- Canadian farmer is in hog -raising e -**-" " For the past three „wars bave"
as of Tyre and a worshipper of the Tyr- ti provievotA At foonloye • i!t
ease is to devise some means of mak- moneysmaltieg business he must Ian Bmtl. In a marriage it was Qvory mean:, knomn to theih b ering,..)irinted in a
part el the earilen small 1
ing sure that the seed you plant is not produce that Wilitql the market will Baal's fire (in tho rheir wile
d poniblv some rhubarb ivots.
usial to allow the foreign queen to
worship her native god alcng with the
god of her adopted tountrY. Not ton -
conveying the destructive fungus. take, because consumere will get their convulsive methods to induee a state' Plote ef fall wl:oat awl fall rye, each €
This ,ean be done with very good sue- hacon elsewhere if he fails to e e of from resemble those of the mod- z ye:ir planting the Feel grown in the
in le olAmin;..;.,. w;-ty: Set aside them prectsely strhat they want. --iv tent with this. however, Jezebel, who 1 Mohammedan dervishe.4.. In primii previous: teason. My ( Wert is to Re;
was a, forceful character attempted to e religione it was thOtight th114 the cure plants more re..:;laut to frolit. and*
a sma/1 plot a land, preferably some , There is no sentiment about world dis
that of the Tyrian Baal. This was
place the wori.••hie of 'Jehovah with prophnt in a state of frenzy was "pos.
re'esell" be''' his 14'01 aral wa;4 'thus "%vial ferzer. Results have lgeu fil;
iliFtaree fro' : your bean filehis and. markets. They are stern and unyield.! 1 to test etteh year the value a co:nit:cr..:
grow your own Feed supply in this, ing to those who come offering un- one a the most seriow ttssaults on the 1 1 ; ;
1...05(N_ Ntill.1 t.10,1-...e,,,Iyer ,to 4,.a tru.stual,.
varietiee you wish to grew the
Plent in this 'dot plump. elean seed suitable goods but are steadily, hu- religion of Jehovah in all .he lestory VilleintIzittfc T,Ini4f.inet..,:t.,i....-_,"4;';,an'tlfic,-;" whetit mew through tile winter in a :
,„, ; enraging and each yea? the plots of
-following season. Inspect these plants' the gosds that can
mensely profit7tide to those who offer of Israel. It w•as !itt:e to the co„urag. e
e 1 allowing tfie Mathes all day to este).bettrr conditiom The rye ha.1 never t
be readily passed of Elijah that Jezebel i
as frequently as eou van during the on to the nest and hist judges of their 1" not sn'e ". lish their claflms Elisinh set about been seriously harmetl. The wheat i
L An Invilation, vs. 20, 21. quietly and corabic•ntly to eFtaNish his; aiways shows a 11)01 01 yield on the I
plants which appear sickly or have ers.
growing, seasim lind weed out all on mints—the vast body of eonsum- )7. 20, Ahab. The king still worelliP- own. First, he repaired the eltar of i fertilieed dots while the rye bee N
pod his own`God, but be allowed 14 0- Jehovah whieh, owing to the prevalent: never shown any etivzintage from the
any spots on the stems, leaves or These courses helped to bring an bel to carry en without hindrance her worship of Baal, hail fallen init?i Ai I
pods:. When the crep from this Plot ItirnollIr2'IC of proper Teseketing to e.ampaign for the Iltutl of T?yre: 1A.Th ue, vs. 39-1!,. ,N‘xt,:,he greelut t i
, ,.„a„Zelai;sworlt to point eut the importanee c
Ls-- use of fertilizer, I use tide result in t
is haze tsted, ge through the pods and the junior farmers who will hence - ;1-3,,,,,,o, .e.hzki IdiVn ulf TC7,11,11e(*1°)rinoinTeTtin j tarigeti°1ei ailtIttillruaZ ju;viggilgillilt, ,Z;t".er i of testing a eatall portion of a field t
discard a/I those which have any forth, it is hoped, become "1:ey men" 1,71. als 1 .1( quee '
signs of spotting and keep the se- in their loealities, T ese were the prop e s o 3a n o and tem us
ht 'CB lift it 1 - -il -.It •11 if TI ' - ' ' •
a az an , lel fta uedi clop berme intestine- miens t
whom Elijah had requested the hine leiter and the victim for saerifice were; sively in venue:Tend fertiliese t
to assemble, v. 19, Bath Jehovah and thus thOrOttgill$ WO. en.1 firi) on that° Wien. the area Of the garden g
, well to give some special feed in the Baal had .propbeis. Mount Carmelg :Liter would be mesh more /HMCO 12rget iequirea for the work al- 1
' w 11 kmd:e than on the ;altar cf• Baal, vs.; • . . .
evening and keep them scratching, or at that tune a comparatm. c
ready mentioned, it is worth svhd
allow the birds to go to the roost' at wooded bill 1.nd long regal•de:1 as a' 33-35. Finally. he 4o.z.at some marketable cr3p. Poteetoet
pxoyel -.and the ,
sacred place: Probably retire the: ea:tents of, h'id. prayer wra•th , •
Artifieial light gives the birds the' 11
amount of daylight they are used to: `
having during the time of high pro -'r:
duction or in the spring months. In;
Canada, espeeially, the winter days,
are extremely short and the hen's day: f
he eatural time in the afternoon, and I answer the purpoie. but in eeme local
hen after supper turn on the light Israelitee Ield come into the lane tlie noting.
ebnaniteshad eel shipped file Beals 36. He hegen his prayee by call -titles sweet corm tomatoes or ezirrots
nd give them their evening feed, At. taerae. '
ing to God's rernendsrance his coven -a and beets might be grown very profit -
hat time they are hungiy. they get V. en Elijah came to appeal to the:anted relations to the fathers of the -ably. The results Call be used to show
off the roost and spend an hour or people as well as to the kieg because jeraelite people. He was the God of l that the methods taken up in the
two scratching Lo get their evening- they had a Fignth_to s_ay whom they : Aineilwere Iseme and Jatede and there
two i fore, surely of their children classroom are practical and the
ea. The exact time is not so inn would worship. How long . . T revenue assists in paying expenses
portant so long as judgment ad good opinions? an obscure figure which lit -d follow the petitions of the prayer. L t , „ f
even more eo, for she goes to roost
as soon as it begins to grow dusk, and
the trouble is that the night ie so long
that she is not able to take enough
feed to do her until morning. The
vglue of the light is simply to increase tit
her daylight so that she ean have h
more time to eat and less time neces-
sary for sleep. It lengthens the hen's
day and makes it more in keeping with t
suramer conditions. a
There is really no best time when 1
the light should he turned on. It is
all a matter of convenienee. Some
people prefer to tarn on the light
from four to six in the morning and
erally "how lon,g will you linp! First, that je,hovah eveuld reveal Hine,' as
acre, eem rom on eleventh
of an
management are used.
on unequal legs?' Eeer einee thend self to the people aa God; tier would' the yield. of potatoes was 283%
aluable only in hurrying up egg pro- had tried to mingle the worship of :Second, that God would vindicate Eli- -
action, it is not recommended as Jehovah with the -worship of the;jah aa a true prophet; thereafter the,
ighly for well matured early pullets liaals) the religion cif the heathen:people wreuld follow and trust Elijah..
hat have started to lay say in October Canaanites. Elijah, throug,h this figure, V. 37. Filially Elijah prayed that the
r November. Under natural condi- tried to show the people that to mixe heart of the INOP/o might be • tuned. .
their own religion with a he then re- i hack to Jehovah. It would have been
ions these will give -a good egg yield, ligien was as.mapossibie as for a 111011! ottle use for God to have revealed
nd it is a question as to whether to wog t legs . or d.ff .., . 'I ' ,- Vindicated I ijah unless %.,
• I
lett in their case is an advantage, but They- must choose one or the *then the people heti it in their lo.arts to ---"9
or late and immature pullets and for Baal. This 153 ot the proper name for , willingly. r^,itipt such attestations. , :Someone has questioned the ulti-
older hens, light is an advantage. It one particular god, but . the generic Abode all, . ,-: people must have the Ingle economy in farming in northern
will hasten the development of the name for the gods ef. the -Caneanites. desite for God. . , . latitudes -barause of the waste of
later inlets -brner tit'------ titeraly the woH means "possessor" 'V 38 Th ti c f ti L
let the birds go to roast when. they see P
ornetimes be the means of making 1 . . 1
Since the use ef eleetrie light is entrance into Canaan the Israelites' be demonstrated .by ere 00 his altar, : bushels per acre. The value of the
1 !Farm forestry is another line which
lhas excellent possibilities for keeping
1 the men and teams a work in cold
,weather. Repair work, priming the
' fruit trees and the removal of the
brush cleaning and testing --, ds,
inarketing the grain and live stock,
greeting and sharpening fence posts,
t making crates or other containers, re-
pairing and sharpening tools, building
racks, , cutting wood, lumbering, and
many more tasks can all be jotted
down as possible work for the farmer
during the winter days.
1. ,
Furnish the Barn.
Barns should be furnished as well
as houses, and with the idea in view
of making the work easier and giVing
the animals better care.
There is much room for barn furn-
ishings. As r go about the country I
sep many ,places- where a few barn'
furnishings would not only create a
saving but add Much to the conifort
of the animals as well as the man
doing the work. Aloss or a good ani
man thitoiedh Some iteill of poor hous-
ing is so rr,w.en •that it scarcely
needs Mention. 21 105 to the .rid -
tion, white scours, hog cholera and a '
score of other animal diseases can
truly make.for erpnomy in the handl-
ing and precluding" of live stock on the '
dell, of dairy cows, calf eliolera, ahdr-
ft is , not too eat'ly to commence
drawing' up your list of ,plants and
seeds Ter next spring. .1-ly ordering
eariy you get a better selection
P - labor during the winter months. In
or "lord." The baal was the god who !ably ae lig•Igning from heat -en.
reduction much .earlier, and will See older countries the handicap has been
eaeh owned the land end gave its fertility;, Gaut 19: 24. The author clearly re-
oivo aa but gar s as a miracle.
ate birds give a profit wlien other- this case it was the Baal of Tyre, V. 39. Fell on their faces:- terror-
ise -there would be none. The same the eity from tvhieli Jezebel came. stricken at such an unusual d
fit in the evening. They claim tha,t s
this is more natural in that the birds 1
get up as soon as the light comes and w
. •
start scratching. They go to roost at
the usual time at night and are sure
to be on the roosts. Others will tin.
the light on for an hour or two in
the morning and an :our or two in
• the evening, tvhile seine find it more
convenient to turn the light on in the
afternoon before dark comes and then h
turn it off about nine OT ten o'clock 0
at night, li
As long as the day is lengthened to II
from twelve to fourteen .hours it is w
immaterial just what inethod is adopt,
.ed so lorig as the same, method is fol..- g
lowed through the whole. sea6cm. P
tare, however, must be taken -so that I h
'after the lights are turned .On 1» the 1/
evenings the birds will get to roost
(before, the lights are turted out. To 11
insure this some. use,dimmers. Others a
flash the lights while some claim that
tt 15 not necessary,..that the birds will w
Soon get into the halyit of knowino, Of
just when to take IN:roost. of
OR the electric light. being tuimed ti
on. at night, there tliatiffievity
that the birds sometimes go to roost 'T1
early- even though the light is on. If ex
/this is found to be the ease it will be v'
overcome by farm manufacturing. In
this country' as time goes on we shall
find in all prebability that a larger
is Inc of hens that have been laying) II. A Challenge, 22-24. steation of Jeliova.h's reality and pow- and larger percentage of succeseful
fairly well during the sunnner and er as well as at their stupid mistake farmers will consist of those who have
under natural conditions will rest for V. 22. I, even I only. Elijah. was in not previously recognizing him as worked out some program whereby
not in fact the only prophet of de- Gad. The .Lord, He is
most of the early winter inonths. Our hovah left as is apparent fro a v. 13) not Baal, is the true GoGedOn. jetelli°e agv:Inl' the labor required for carrying on the
experience has also been that for thet 20: 13, arid 22: 6, but the other Pro- as cften happened in the history rush work of summer will be employed
late hatched chicks electric light bas i phets were indifferent and Elijah felt /,, ''. 1i • 0 e o-vali re- .
of at seine refit bl I when field
assisted in the development. In operations are at a standstill.
a that he alone was left to vindicate lite':
pegled a serious assault on its very
unch of 200 White Leo;horns hatched Jehovah.
Elijah proposed a contest be- The man tete is operating a eliversi-
n the Lith of September, electric!
itween Sehovah and Baal by which the Application. Bed farm is more fortunate in this
ghtecl brooders were used which v respect than the man who is confined
gave real God would become manifest; it 'The test of true religion proposed ,
gilt all night long and these pullets was not
ere laying, by the 1 5th of ,Tanuary.istrength and inferior, but between Lt our faith be judged by its fruit. However, there
a struggle beinveen superior by Elijah is a final test. It was this: t°
are many opportun-
the growing of oue or two crops.
...9.s a rule, a 60Avatt '.rungsten will 1 reality and empty fiction, The pro- It" may be that "later tradition has ities for the good farmer whose at -
ire $ufficient light tor an ordinary Pliets of Baal were to prepare a bid- prosterved the memory of a lightning' tention is required on many crops to
en of twenty-five bird,. shaao3 to lock for sacrifice an their altar end flush, and a downpour of rain," but in increase his net returns for the year
e 1-18.ht are not ..an adwaritag.e, bat 'filijah was to do likewise or his altar; any event.the test of a religion is that through the p,rontable aso of the idio
ie light ehould be placed where the, -.
le mei' God Wi?tild co/ne down and it tr...ally works, end dt, brings forth. time of both men and teams. In this
consume his sari...nice while the people
est Illumination will s‘Prad over the witnessed -the. ordeal. Two bullocks, that fire de.henrds and consume I t
sinr311ual *ult. 'rh° efred is alwa10 matter in individual farmer must plan
, r w Jo
oor. Where electric lights are not This was to be a whole burnt olering, is unworthy-. his own program of work. Only gen-
vailable, a number of barn, lanterns because the whole of the victim was Jesus affirmed that we ate to be oral sitgestions oan be given. Logic-
ith, reflectors have been hung On the to be burnt on the altar.. In an -7 other known by our 'fruits, The. proof a ally the turning of raw farm :eater -
all with fair success. Other systems form of sacrifice only the entrails were the reaidty of 0113 f aith :.: lioL to, e ,ia s into _ marketable products offers
illumination may fbe usecl hot danger consumed on the altar; the•flesh being the (Leg:via-tic zeal with Which we say, the widest application - to farms in
on. Automatic clocks for tutnitig TeahteensrbhYolethrheirn°Jsehifilell°ritrs: Ilw.tal sa,feadislt.: N'y'Looa,,i'd,sCi: bit tin c.fird,l'iitiv °i,"1,1,tlitilier.which. lvd anti:forages into animal products is an
fire must be taken into consideva- form of' _Ontario, The eonversion ot grains
freed only .0n: ereat: accasie.ms; hence "do the 'still of filo' Yettie.s." This test
1 and off the lights are an advantage /
tie iniPort'ince of this occasion of Jesus is the tost which '''io.h9..ve t ora task for the Winter, but one that
that it is then done without any
, call your gods, Among apply to 'modern failAis., which lure should be given more -definite studY,
tra attention.' ' Dimmers are an act- ;5..,`,..tmetic 3)00 pia gcr,erally, ic was away so :pony from the Christian with ragards to its '.application to
tetage ,if th-
1:11. lithe is used in the thought that the mere raentioe or the
• particular condition 011 each farm'