HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-09-28, Page 9THE GODE RICH SIGNAL• -STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28,.197S". PAGE. 9' Colborne residents ready dor November election Colborne residents, be alert to the fact that if any residents and tax- payers are interested in serving on the .Colborne Township Council, there will be ,a ratepayers' meeting week of Oct. 16 - 20 (date to be announced later after meeting October 3). If any residents wish to be nominated for Reeve, Deputy Reeve or Council contact Clerk Wilmer Hardy, Ph. 52409893 Colborne Twp. Hall, for particulars by Oct. 16 to 23, as nominations are closed on October 23, For Goderich Twp and Colborne Twp. School Board, contact the clerk off Goderich Township. If there are enough nominations to cause an election it will be Mon- day, Nov. 13 with ad- vance poll, Saturday, November 4. If there are not enough nominations for an election those nominated will go in by acclaimation so govern yourself and interests accordingly. Auxiliary may expand gift shop The regular meeting of the Auxiliary to Alexandra Marine and General Hospital was held in the Auxiliary room on Monday Sept. 18 at'2:00 pm with eighteen members and two visitors in attendance. The president Mrs. R. McCallum presided for the"meeting.-.Tkte meeting opened 'by repeating the Hospital Auxiliary prayer and the Lords Prayer in unison. The reports by the secretary, Mrs. C. Kalbfleisch and the treasurer, Mrs. D. Smith were received. Two valued members of the Auxiliary who died during the past year, Mrs. F. Walkom and Mrs. J. McLaren will be remembered through memorial gifts to. _ the hospital.' Mrs. N. Jackson reported that at present there are twenty-three girls who are active as Candy Stripers. Mrs. Jackson was asked to use her own judgement in regard to the required attendance of these volunteers. Reporting on the gift shop, Mrs. G.C. White, convenor, stated that new stock wi11 be purchased in preparation for the Christmas season. The St. Peter's CWL plan, annual Christmas Fair St. Peter's Council of the Catholic Women's League met in the church hall recently for the first meeting of the season. Mrs. Dan Murphy presided at the meeting which opened with the League prayer led by Father Loebach. -In thought for the day', Father Loebach gave a brief outline of the marriage and family renewal program now being projected in the Diocese. There is an outstanding show of in- terest in the Deanery for this program. The ,,,minutes and correspondence were read by secretary Miss Eileen O'Brien, she also gave the treasurer's report in the absence of the treasurer. A .letter from Father White, thenew director,of the C.W.L. for the Diocese .asking for the support of all the council, was read. Mrs. Lennis Bedard will present the Grade 10 Latin prize at the graduation 'exercises sof G.D:C.I. A discussion was held re - the Latin prize. Should it be replaced or continued? After some discussion it was decided to continue the prize as it is the only way to keep the work of the C.W.L. in front of the students. Mrs. Murphy, Miss O'Brien and Mrs. Hogan attended the Diocesan Convention at Brescia Hall, London and Miss O'Brien gave a very interesting and full report of the two day con- vention. Business ccbmpleted, everyone introduced themselves. There were 44 members of the League in attendance. Reviewing the past summer's work, and reports showed that even in holiday months, the League keeps ;ori with many activities. In the new business, it was learned a hot dinner will be served to 15 Priests from the Deanery in the church hall Tuesday September 26.. Deanery meeting will be held in Stratford October 18, anyone wishing to attend should contact"Mrs. Murphy or Miss O'Brien. Christmas Fair date will be November- 18 so plans were made for the Fair. There' will be the regular table such as baking, candy, sewing, knitting, novelties and Christmas decorations and Corsages. Wool was available for members to take home and knit for the Fair. There will be material available at the next meeting, too. The next meeting of the League will be on Mon- day, October 16. After adjournment all the ladies got involved in rn a k.i._n-g. -.. _Christmas,. corsages. • Material was made available by Mrs, Agnes Bedard. During the social hour that followed, coffee and a dainty lunch was• served by Miss .O'Brien and the .ladies made,.;,several dozen corsages. The next meeting, Christmas decorations and candles will be the project. Sister Yvonne had a very ' interesting game called Human Bingo Name 0, a novel way to meet all present at the meeting. gift shop will remain open during the evenings until after Christmas. Con- venor of shop personnel, I. R. W. Bell would welcome any volunteers who could help in the shop. There was some discussion in regard to the._..._.possi ilii Qr..-- enlarging the shop by using part of the waiting room. This will .he con- sidered at the next meeting of the Auxiliary when - suggested plans and cost estimates are available. The by-law re the bursary was revised so that $200. the present amount of the bursary; will be paid to the winner in September. Mrs. C. Worsell reported that the sewing committee has been busy with mending which has accumulated during the summer months. Members will also knit articles to be sold in the gift shop. The Hospital Auxiliary will not sell calendars for 1979. After some discussion about ways and means of raising money, it was agreed that each member should be responsible for entertaining a minimum of four guests at two dollars each before Nov. 30th. The new .hospital ad- ministrator; Mr. Elmer Taylor, was introduced to the Auxiliary members by Hospital. Board Chairman Mrs: -de Berry. Mr. taylor spoke "li ierl and promised his support to the Auxiliary.' He was welcomed by the members during a brief time of fellowship when refreshments were served: On Monday, September 25 ten Auxiliary members attended the Fall Con-.' ference in Waterloo. The next meeting of the Goderich Auxiliary will be held on Monday, October 16th with Mrs: Russell Alton in charge of the program. CHRISTMAS COUNTRY FAIR The Christmas Country Fair which will be held this year in Saltford Valley Hall, Wednesday, October 18 and Saturday, October 21' promises to keep to its established high standard. Among the artists this year will be several new ones, Mona Mulhern a Goderich artist; Robert Stoddart of Goderich with goldsmith, silversmith and jewellery designing; Alfred Dale, quadraplegic of Seaforth, whose Hasti Notes will be sold by the C.G.I.T. at the fair; Joan Pope, Goderich, who will have "Gollywog" dolls and toys; Neil McKee of Benmiller with bird feedees-;-for m et. township._ residents Glenda (Mcllwain) Byrd of Milverton with her father, Frank Mcllwain of Goderich. ,jewellery of handcut semiprecious stones.; Roy and Myrtle (Pfrimmer) Simpson of Windsor with "Pebble Art", figures made from Ontario beach stones; and Jim and Joanne Durst (The Rainbarrel Shop) Goderich with stained glass and woodenware. • This all promises to be something special in addition ' to the regular exhibitors. SOFTBALL The Colborne .Tovt-ship Softball games have come to a conclusion. The last ones to report were The Tyke Boys. Ben - miller A team coached by John Edwards and dim Fisher, defeated Ben - miller B .Team coached by Dave Wilkinson and Ken Duncan in the third game of the finals with a score of 5 - 4. Congratulations to both teams for an excellent showing. A special thanks • to all the coaches and umpires of the softball teams for an ex cellease, ason.- 4-H Tiger Dunlop Group No. 2 has started its 4-H Project ",Essential Edibles" and with leaders Mrs. Brenda Thompson'. and - Mrs. Darlene Fielder. Their first meeting at the home of their assistant leader, Mrs. Fielder, Wednesday evening, September 20. -, The meeting opened with the 4-H. Pledge after which they " held their election of officers. Results were: president, Sharon Fisher; vice - r, MR. AND MRS. BRAD OKE (Photo by Doerr, Exeter) Couple wed Janice Hayter, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayter, Dashwood and Brad Oke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Don Oke, Zurich, exchanged solemn vows of marriage in •a double -ring ceremony September 2 at Zion Lutheran . Church, , Dashwood. The Rev. Mayo Mellecke officiated. Bridal attendants were matron .of honor, Joanne Maguire, sister of the bride; bridesmaids Shirley De Vries, Joanne Muller, Terry Thomsen .and Jayne Hayter. Andrea Hendrick was flowergirl. Best man was Randy Oke and guests were ushered by Tom Hayter, Wayne Oke, Noel ' Skinner, Jason Brown and Kevin Oke. David Maguire was the ringbearer. Following the ,honeymoon in the Pocono Mountains, the coupleareresiding in Dashwood. BAHA'U'LLAH, The Promised One Of All Ages Teaches.... • No ono Fruth can contradict another truth. Light Is good In whatever lamp it Is burning) A rose Is beautiful In whatever garden it may blooml A star has the sam. radiance If It shines from the East or from the Westl • ea free from proludice: so you will love the San of Truth .. from whatever point to the horizon, It may rise. You will realize that If the Divine Light of Truth shone In Jesus Christ, it also shone In Moses and Buddha., This Is what Is Meant by search after truths 3 Please write P.O. Box 212, Godorlch Ont. SHOP THESE WEEKLY. STAR STUDDED SPECIALS AIM TOOTHPASTE PEPSODENT TOOTHBRUSHES 2R994 NESTLE FRENCH FORMULA ONLY )r4„,., HAIRSPRAY10oz• • SILVIKRIN SHAMPOO ANSODENT DENTURE CLEANSER ill Tke'Squere, GO9ERICH/Maliks Corner, CLINTON/Mels Cermet, UEAFORTH olborne corner Gertrude Kaitting, correspondent, 524-2076 president, Barbara Clark; secretary - treasurer, Connie Willis; -press-reporte-r;-- Diane Bogie; telephone girls, Laurie Kerr and. Sheila Fisher; book cover committee, Susan Pollock, • Sharon Fisher and Brenda Bolton; Achievement Day committee, Jody Finn, Heather Clark and Barbara Clark. Mrs. Fielder discussed a number of different topics which included A " Guide for Good Eating, Food Guide Breakdown 'and Personal Food Guide. Leader . Mrs. Brenda Thompson, demonstrated "Metric Crispy Granola" and discussed the proper techniques for measuring ingredients and the girs' home.activity. Everyone took part in a grocery bag game and then sampled the, granola. The next ,.meeting will be held today Thursday, September 28, 6:30 p.m, at the home of Mrs. Brenda Thompson. Any girls wishing to join should contact Mrs. Thompson, 524-4165. Tiger Dunlop Group No. 1 held its third meeting at Colborne Township Hall, Monday evening, September 25. Minutes of last meeting were 'read by Margaret Vanderlinde who moved their adoption, seconded• by Rhonda Bean. The vice-president read the roll call which was "My Favorite Break- fast". All members were The girls made the menu for the evening which was a white sauce. For next week the girls 'urn topage 20• FOR PERSONAL. COMMERIAL.AND FARM ,' COVERAGES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Contact: J.J. MULHERN GENERAL INSURANCE 46 WEST ST. GODERICH 524-7878 Complete Automotive Machine Shop and Radiator Repair Service Let US do the work.... IDEAL SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED 145 HURON ROAD, GODERICH 524-8389 NOTICE OF NOMINATION Nominations of. Separate School Supporters for Representation on the HURON COUNTY •BOARD OF EDUCATION will be received by the undersigned Commencing on Monday, October 16th and until 5 P.M., E.S.T. on MONDAY, OCTOBER 23rd, 1978 Nominees must be a Separate School Supporter and may be from any of the following municipalities: Ashfield, Colborne, Grey, Howick, Hullett, McKillop, Morris, Tur- riberry, East Wawanosh, West Wawanosh, Town of Goderich, Blyth, Brussels, Seafor4h, Wingham. One representative to be elected. Required nomination forms may be obtained from any Municipal Clerk's office. Larry McCabe, Clerk, Town of Goderich CHOICE T-BONE STEAK $2 59 LB SPECIALS IN EFFECT THROUGH SEPT. 27 - OCT. 3/78 DEVON BACON S 1 LB. PKG. Reg. '1.79 McCAIN PIZZAS Reg. 20 oz. Deluxe 22 oz. Supreme 26 oz. LIBBY'S BEANS W/ PORK 190=.2R'99c RIB STEAK $2 1 9 LB 49 POTATOES 10 LB. 594 SALADA TEA BAGS 60's $1.59 ROBIN HOOD FLOUR 22 LB. $3 99 KLEENEX BOUTIQUE TOWELS ASS'T 2 ROLL 99 KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUE 200's • 59c GLAD _ HOUSE & GARDEN BAGS S18 COOKING ONIONS 33' 2 LB. BA CARNATION HASH BROWNS2 LB. 3/$'1. GLAD GARBAGE BAGS $i 99 20's • GLAD SANDWICH BAGS9 HUMPTY DUMPTY Rog. 994 POTATO CHIPS se's4 225 g. 7 7 PEPSI COLA KIST GINGERALE 260.4 /99C PLUS DEP. ORDERS FOR FRESH KILLED TURKEYS MUST BE PLACED THIS WEEK -END 14 - B -. E "INupE IL ♦ Shoppers Square -11111PP- WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 524-9411 ET