HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1922-1-12, Page 1THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY JAIL,, 2, 1922 S,breilrizstq rpFlirrH Cour Corner With the census figures all °n, the n pulation of Cantada, is, said tohe b,i 14.000, a gain t one and a half arlilgens ra:dnaa years Festal rates which went .nto effect on January 1st well emus all news- paper publishers .to pay. ail: extra tfdy sum Leap the government exehegner each year. The rate €c r newspapers ra Cmnada has been deub:el, and is now .1 l e eents a pound. Renew for the koeal paper .ire adverse .a d thus help the pule? sher 4'N be this extra burden. e 8I TAMS \'S For Men's an Boys Web. The London Adyerteser 4s in luck; The. ether day 4t reeeLued a $2 bill 'from an old substirilt-r who had ne- Oersted to pay a, back subscrieetIon, and afeer years had ala psed he. had J p a become conscious stricken, Would to' gme,;ous that a number of old Ad - epee?? subscr hers would do likewise, because We have quite a Fele on our books of a, lilce mature, C ARELLSSNESS. "I am nee 'much of amath.mat_cf n," says Carelessness, ,but 1 cart add to your troubles, Joan eubtract from y earneeg;s, lean nhult4ely your tilies and pa;ars, I can lake ,interest Iron,/ e our work. andd s, oun t your chances for safety, Resides this, I can dated: your thoughts between bus- ' :ss cad pleasure and be pox tent ar in your 'failures. Even ai I am sere;, YOU only at sm X11 fra.etion of the ;.:m;, I +'ani lessen your trhanees for suec ss, 1 am a figure , a! be reckon:- ed web, Cancel me from'siaur habits and et will add to ,your total lea, le- ness." ehc Krnsas e(ef eeel. SHOT NEAR GRANTON. 13:n Ho:lgk'nson, age.' 18, of Lon:loa war It; amt y kiile.t wh le h o Iter ri b bits near Grantees on Monday after_ neon, avlr : n a gun. 're :he hands of Ws brr h_r ,lames, scent off and shattered his head Ben was releasing a term: Try is tare:;t the rabbit hsi.e When Mi s brcther't; 'r gun wee der herged.. The bays and Sheir another had just reeeently moved Th from London .A) 01.4. farm timesNed 1 bough, near Granton. 1 THE SW ELL.e.ST Ti 1NG IN TIES. SHIRTS SOCKS, AND ALL, KINDS OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS ar here. They're alit new, of course, We never carry ,over last yeas's style; The new offerings are sure enough winners if rich colors, beautiful pat- terns and fine materials count forany- thing, Prices are just as all right, too. Drop in and look them "'under and over, around and through," W. W. Taman 'ailor& Furnisher HURON COUNTV COUNCIL L. The Wardetrstip >s year fairs to the Conservatives end :t looks as :i Goof:rh Township might have the honor well Reeve Trewartha as War- den, for 1922. However, Reeve Erwin, of Bayfield, ?.s els& after this honor. Following are pate Reeves and Dep- u,:y Reeves ,who form the thin= County Council .for 1922. S,•tforih—R. Parke. Ex.'ter—B. W. F. Beavers Wish;ham—A.. Tipltng Blyth—Jas, Dodds. \lei fllop F. J. McQuaid. Stephen—Alex. Necb end D. Webb Hay—E. F. Klopn H rhsall—Ales. Smith. Tu,;kersmith—F. ti'IeNaughton Bayfield—A. E. Irwin. 'foderi.h Tp.—N. W. Trewartha Usborne—Wm. Coates Brussels—A. C. Backer Turnberry—Jas. Porter, Wei:te ter—John Douglas Howick—W, J. Spotton, T .Ingles. Ashfield—F. Johnston, J. Jamieson, Colborne—C. Robertson Stanley—Geo. Hapiey Gray—J :s1..Nabb .and F. Collins Hullett-1t. Armstrong :'.iorris—H. Fear. E. Waavanosh—B.. Buchanan: W. Wawanosh-B. Naylor Goderi.ch—Dr. Gallow and J. Moser Cliche/1.—R. J. `eller. GOOD GLASSES IF YOU NE1,D THEW. Good advise if you don'tt, J. WARD, D.C., Optometrist, Exeter WINTER WORK on OARS. We are prepared to care for your car. Try us. REPAIR WORK ON ALL CARS. PILON & FOOTE . Huron Garage Exeter FEED GALORE! CORN—A good supply ,of splendid .corn and the Daiwa, is right. pA:TS—We' Carry ;e ,stock of Western Oats :thlalt we. have recleaned, tak- ing Gaut the dust, hulls and small seeds, These wle are selling on a very* narrow margin. BEI) OATS—We are negotiating For Western Seed Oats and will have 1 h e them here ,early, See us before pur'chasSrug. BEET PULP—Try our Sugar Beet pulp, It as good fieed �Rd well Please you. One 'customer took five trans'., i1'IIDDLINGS—We leave just unloaded a car Of 2Vliddling4 It is a choice feet!. Try some] OIL CAKE—If ,ryo'u have never fed Oil Cake; try iScanye, for your n Ji cows; pigs, en feet, all your 'stock, TANKAGE—Sixty per cent. protein. just' the 's'tuff to push those pigs atlong t R ILL" FEED—It a,s Daae out as'f st s. ss s Oil Mgoing�� k a arvey Bros. Exeter Council eckey The Exeter Municipel Council elect WON FIRST O. II: A. GAME, for leen met ee the pewit Chamber The Exeter-Zn*.ch ,hockey teamo,s c� �IondaY Jan 9. ie"ak and subserxb- T erscia, ee'enf;n;; iast wen the first 'y.1 t� the neaessaryr oath ,gf office, of the (. H. A. games, w-hert they as a asers;s For Coup hors, Joseph Iiav- cam_ up agee s. Neitcb+ .l sextette an . Day - Ale Exeter :..e, do ublin,, the score on''s Frederick Eller'rnoicnr, Bietle 1L. .leser openents, 6-3, .A, good crowd Fr1rc s and Chas. F. kioop.r• ssi+n:ssed the game, which was a :�Oa .nlene ' of ,th:: Reeve; Rev.,A. A. '1 i urn r was ;erasene and opened lime ranee:. thane are.cessary, osvon:; �' t to that that the referee, wee.. 'h''7,, With: prayer, afterwards of Seaforth, letting the players get; .addr.ss.ui ,he Conned f,n a ve:y gut o:' hani ro th.: start.. The play,'fraenflay In �aaacluding la's =e_. _',asvever was fast iron start eere Fan- 'm;irks referred to the drain rarn- isla, and ken.; the spectators !an their nn alo;► Ant1r'ely street and as af- fee..nom property ;: � ,. t there,and a so this h tee p p y1 the as=ked lin to ire �r 2e, Te xst .p b. god i, wb'ael ,property. On motionof Coon- 2, the zcores be°say, n.:sllor Hooper . vie oti thanks was Calm - made alternately by Exeter and 'errs 4<cnrlered to Res. Truro er, wheel was o.dk. Yousrg „peen nt dinarsbed the ferret secenrded by Councillor Ellerin :on for .'� lt'Kai;;s, ewe Iiandmarstr the sec-,;, one. In .h,: set`o:td ped 'tai "'tS iia hark i nils: "lir" -rn rat ated the meat s. ;rid airs., but before the irarrt$�' g ul .rs u e hF nort :heir cls.,.t He ,r. ended Sebcrt, Big Dodo r and. Handl lint the citizens would ie theft thee mersie hae SCOT .;$ '.o thee^ grad t, mak- a `.ad standhrrg 5-3. Aa by ft rood an'1 fai`hful Councsl to lone :tally L de Dodo in. tJie. third period end- G;ipa of+er the intezests of the anani eel the s.:ar:ng by both sides. Wh;ilett;ipaiatir, floffinen boys, Hrtdruarsh and S bert did the stewing for the lav a',s a playing of Robxayon and Mei ra- i ssuz good_ any. wale tt► godi :lid se.ne ieue work, tend ..estuary see,ats • t:t :n the job we're. Ii' rtineer..lt's gr.n, defence .stark and tact rustzes :s . re .a tex.u.o ,of the, game:. More ear. must be exercises to avoid pen- ;. ..s en. future; ns there was a dans g vans period ora Thursday nigh. when .' a{.7tave had .. Work the who:e a<.,send itn, elope for two minute;, nu h'e 4 ertaistly did at well. The n�HT Several centers were then reterred e• . That of drainage beere. the most .,mpnrtantree.l Thm3 b(aretng alari'.haenst, clserhaste1,,n, wagtheaf n�:d t raging of the bee q. the nett was ireorly don=.. 11:11 inspee='on, was a nue-ter for .the Board of ',Health to deal web. Public: ',works Fen general-• 'r: council should be careen! as to prep:r expenditure. Painting of the town Hall, et,3. A motion was then asked for to 'one n S:rikin; Committee, .P, r Hooper land Ellerltr on --'that el .4111 boys are n husky crunch 01( ra Reed. and C°unmallors Fraaeasand as to yrs. Sas and good stint hen-ltt'rar td?' jj b tate Striking, Cornn'.ltte. -C le sh:ol d e,ev: good a:eoute, A>i { J umuaa. i to jneej ;at 730 a . uusa lues. esporein fly :in their home .00.s. ratty h113N ) learei to Make ▪ ss ,, _s:lei, however, one ge es, er en Der. near b=in.; gtelty tel loatin; very t requent.e . Th lane up-- ExeterZurich---goal, Cook; r. de- fence, Htndmarsh; 1. defence, Clay- ton Hoffman; centre Clarence Hoff- man; left, Seibert; right Robinson; nubs. McKinnon and Califas, 'Mitch.elI--goal, Campbell; r. de- fence, Sawyer; 1, defence, Eizzermau centre, R. Thorne; right, Blowes; left Gatenby; subs,, Balfour and Da- vison. WON SECOND GA1hs. On \lontlny right on heavy* i,•:e they Ex.Mter-Zurich hockey boys repeated their performance of Thursday night by defeating the St;, Marys team Irt the second O. H., A. game by a score of 6-3. In, sp'iee of the soft i,,:e the tame was a ,fast on,e, The r''nk was peeked with interested spectators wino unfortunately were, kept waiting un- til neatly nine oedock before , the game eomm,'enced, .owing in the visit- ors not getting Isere on, time;. This delay should not bel and ,people who come out to see the game should be prat°eeted against that kind of thing' as far as possibl t The locals opened the game with a rush, an,d for twenty minutes poured shot after shot en the St Marys' ;goad„ but Sims peayed a, wonderful game, and stopped nine- teen out .of twenty, or ,therepbou ga in, this period Clarence. Hoffman and Robinson succeeded in, scoring Iwo and the period ended_ with the locals 2 and the v itors nil. In. the second period McKinnon gteckly tallied one, St Marys followed with two,. and Hoffman marked up another before time was called. The score then be - mg 4-2. In .hz, last frame I•Ioefnutn and McKinnon again scored, and St, Marys got another a .few, seconds be- fore time was called. The heavy lee it is noticed plays havoc with both in, dividual axush,es and combination ation work batt, the latter es, the, only method ,of securing goals otn ice: of that nature. The puck has a peculiar habit .of roll- ing instead ,of sliding, and it is much harder to .:anry ,successSul,lya. The referee, Legg, was parU ularly sharp on off-sidres and kept the game well in hand. Hewas somewhat impartial, however, on ,penaltiies, the locals dis- tinctly getting the worse; of 'the death, T.htere are better referees than Legg, but there are oertafaly many worse. The line up— St. Marys Sims La valle Tuer Smith Cowan Sianclair Crosier Newman Exeter-Zur. goal Harness r. d. liindm,arsh 1. d. Hoffman r. w. 1VIc Innen +.:entre Hoffman 1. w. Siebert spare Robinson spare Callfas SPLIT RANKS. OF METHODISTS. An Ottawa despatch says :—"Whale steps 'looking toward church nndionare intermittently before members of the various -eoe gregia'laons, san, a:ppld,cation for chiart r ,,whLch :�s :comfnig ;before.the neat session of: Parham,ent, 'wilt prove of interest iinasmuch, as it i„ a request to ieg:ailirce two bodies of the, Methodist Church in Canada,, Lsgi,Jl<a'iion us .o lie inita-oduued to provixte for 'the incorploiratiloln, of the Connexiotnal Vleilhia iiht Church of Cane ada, which •is unders',tooR to be along the sante lines as the.Weiltyair`Metho- dist.Church tie;'Bar'talha and ,the Unitt ed States The in orpoiu',f!ion whrich is beim ,sought would tgivlc tl•i[s church power to . owin', ,•vid . acqu,'re. .real estate and enjoy powers, similar to those now 'en:'- joved" by other bodies-ilncorporated as. such. It is understood that provincial legtslaia n, is also ,being, sought to ,glee .the elmech the sIamet powers in, the province' of Quebec, where apparently su..h 'special provitecila,l rights are n,ec- a sarv. The Couneit met as peradaournnhnnt All ,,Ire members pretea*,t. The Mal - U. ,:s i}i the morning session were read and approved. A .tireuler ,letter Was read from' the Wunicipal World!, Per 'Davis and l raau4s—That five copies of the 4Mun :VIDA 1,1reteed be subscribed for;—C'd, l'r Francis and Ellerington-- That $10.00 be forwarde ,'to the Children's Aid, Goderielt,—Carred.. An appileation for a License to Ler>aaltect a billiard puler was read from Reginald W. Ca. Floor !if Ing- ersoll, Per Hooper and Fr;ut. b—That a lieense be not granted.—Carried. Th.' resigna:taon jof ide John W. Taylor as a member ,of the Pu:bile 1,.'brary Board was read and ;wept- • ort o eeptpan motion of Hooper and Davie, The report .0d. the Striking Com- mittee was 'read as foliows,— Financ.e—Hooper and Ellerbegton,. Propeety—Francis and ,Hooper. Cemetery and Spe,:ial — Ellerington and Davin. Roads—Davis and Fran is. The Reeve a member of all eom- mittees The same was adopted on motion of Frvt%is and ,Davis. The nights of meeting were set for the second and fourth Mondays of each 'month. The following were elected as, members of the Library Board; Mr, J. A. Stewart for a three year term; Mr. Jesse Elston for a t'ivo-year term filling tbe vacancy caused by the re- signation of Mr. J. W. Taylor. Adopt- ed on motion of Hooper and Davis, Mr. Jas. Weekes and Mr. Wilbert Martin were appointed to the Ceme- tery Board on motion of Francis and Hooper. Mr. C. H. Sanders was reappointed as a member of the Board of Health on motion of Ellerington. and Francis Messrs. Joseph Hawkins, Geo. An- drew and W. J. Bissett were reap- pointed as fence viewers on motion of Davis and Hooper. Per Hooper and Francis that a by, law be prepared fixing the salaries of the members of the council, and the Public Utilities Commission at $30.00 each, the reeve to receive the. sum of $55.00. Per Ellerington, no seconder, that the members of the council do not receive any salary tor the year. The reeve declared the motion carried. Per Ellerington and . Hooper that the clerk and treasurer's salary be fixed at four, hundred dollars for the year.—Carried. Per Ellerington and Francis that the street commissioners salary be $760.00 for the year. The municipal auditor is to re- ceive the sum of $50.00, on motion of Francis and Hooper. Per Francis' and Davis that Mr. R. Hunter be re -appointed ,assessor, sal- ary $115.00; and $5.00 added for preparing truant officers book. Per Ellerington and Davis that the necessary municipal printing be se- cured, at the Advocateoffice.---Car- ried. The clerk was instructed to make inquiry as to securing an electric ap- pliance for the ringing of the _ton bell. • of more seating for the Library. room Poll clerics e2.a0 each. ° asking that they be allowed the use Adjournment by Davis. JOS. SENIOR, Clerk. ed on motion of Ellerington and,g of chairs from the Town Hall. Grant - t Davis, The use of the Town Hall was granted to the 1-luz'tcuitural Society,, for a meeting on January 11th. The fallowing lowzn accounts u nts were read dI. and passed: II; Biexling, team labor 1.30, supplies 3.00; H. K. Eilber c treas. Tp. of Stephen, tile, 13.05; D. l Russell. blaeksmithing, 7.35; J. Dig- ; nan & Sou, blackernithing, 5.50; F. Mallett, laabor, 3.75; S. Martin .& Son The renting of . the weigh scales was left with the Property Com. to report. Mr, Thos. Coliingwood was again appointed truant office, salary $10 on motion of Hooper and Davis, Thedate fixed ,,hat, all owners of dogs within the mueicapality, t hall have dog ;tag, as supplied by the council, securely fixed to -a collar on the dog, was :set for April 1st, 1922,. and Davis. on. motion of Francis O. C. Ward addressed the council re the.securing of a cigaertte license. Per Hooper and Francis that for the "present no cigarette li- censes be granted' Carried. The officers of the Salvation Army addressed the council re the securing Istationery, 51.10; H. T. Rowe, coal, town hail, 18.40; C. H. Skelton. la- bor, Library acct., 2.00; Cecil Ford, labor, cemetery, 4.00; Wm. Smith. labor. cemetery. 1.00; Bell Tel. Co, 4.09; 'owners of polling booths 2.00 each; deputy returning officers and _BIRTH egan---At Mt, Carmel, .eat Jan, 7, la Mr. end lira. G:tri. Regan, a daugh- ter. em'.ng--in McGillivray, 12th Con., on Jan. 9, to Mr. and ,Mrs. P. F7farr.3- ng. a son:. DEATHS a ;i —A. the residence of her daugh- ter, Nies. Breen, i en dn:n, on Jan. 4 Mn, ` wile of James Nagle, a :her 54th year. Interment at i<ueaaa CIF Saturday. CM'Uton, on January 3rd, Mr a Nott, S t ;t d " r years. r s. J O. H. A. Hockey Match Monday, Jan. . 16th NTON vs. EXETER -ZURICH Great Smashing Prices oij FurqhlurB During JANUARY & FEBRUARY. In order to keep business booming we are go- ing to offer our entire stock of Furniture at prices, that will make it move. ALL PROFIT TO BE YOURS. We have a big stock and a gold one, but every thing goes at the big cut in prices. Phone 20w, Resid. 20j. R. N. ROWE J. A. STEWART Phone 16 " THE BIG STORE WITH THE LITTLE PRICES." i Stock Taking Sale. REMNANTS OF ALL KINDS :WILL BE FOUND ON OUR TABLE AT GRetATISe" REDUCED PRICES. LADIES' COATS AND FURS. Every Ladies' and 'Misses Writer Coat must be sold • reg- ,gard1ess of :.prn..c You can: surely "Save Dollars" by buyingnn„ sup •`o: -date Coat or allee set of Furs now; also,odd Muffs and Stoles. PURE WOOL SERGaS.. Ladies' pure wool Serges iri: Navy, B1we, Brown, G;reenb Grey and Black in Remnant 1'oa Dresses Skirts a' W tis ts, •ox Ends.:. eon, Children's Dresses at ,exa.,tly haailf pratve .'. LCOTTON STOCKINGS. Ladies' and Children's St!o. kings.-bla.k foin,ly lin' dale plafin: or fine ribbed, 25:;: per ,p,atir or 4 pair Lor 95.;, NEW SPRING GINGHA, vtS Our ,firstshiipnilerut of S,prinig Goods in new in Stock. See our fuB. rangte of New G ngha,ins, i,n, the very latest ,pa,tttern,stand ;colors, • GROCERY. SPECIALS ,Be sure and.:Visit our Grocery Department ,: when .wa t of rash ,groceries at the Laowcst, Prices ,Hiighpsjtt Pries- :peed ' ler tall Produce, J: A. STEWART Highest Prices pawl for Po ultry and all Produce.