HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-09-21, Page 27i 1 This Sunday September 24 at 8 p.m. GO°' *so yr" 1- SPECIAL MUSIC WILL , BE PROVIDED HURON MEN'S CHAPEL AUBURN Everyone welcome "SEVEN DAYS WITHOUT BEING IN CHURCH MAKES ONE WEEK" New pastor at First Baptist Y JOANNE WALTERS The First Baptist Church in Goderich has a new pastor. He is Mr. Ed Anderson. Mr. Anderson will be ordained following the completion ' of his Southern Baptist Seminary Extension course in pastoral ministries. He has a two-point charge. Therefore, he will be preaching in Clinton as well as Goderich. Mr. Anderson began studying for the ministry while he was still in the furniture business. He served- as an ' interim pastor in Capreol, Ontario, a small CNR railway town 20 miles north of Sudbury. Having lived that close to Sud- bury, he feels that he is ready for winter in this pai-t of the country. Mr. Anderson, his wife Phyllis and two teenage daughters, Cathy and Marianne, have been living in Goderich for two weeks now. They are just getting settled into their new home on Picton Street. They are very impressed with the town, saying it is both scenic and convenient to get around in. The Andersons are . musical family. They play a variety of in - Romanian honeymoon A quiet garden wedding took place in London on Saturday, August 19 when the Rev. Kenneth Gallagher of Gethsemane United Church officiated at the marriage of ' Anny Ruth ' E ibel and Bruce Douglas Johnston. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Eibel of McGregor, Ontario and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Johnston of Goderich. , The reception and dinner were held at the Fanshawe Golf and Country Club. After returning from an ex- tended trip to Romania and Austria the couple' will reside in London. struments including piano, organ, guitar and accordion. Cathy and Marianne sing harmony and naturally, will be joining the church choir. The family hopes to provide special music at services from time to time. Having the Goderich church and the Clinton church both under one minister is a new arrangement and Mr. Anderson is extending a warm welcome to people to attend these churches. Goderich services will be held each Sunday at 9:45 a.m. and C1intQn.services.. will follow at 11:15 a.m. There will also be a mid- week Bible study ' and prayer meeting in Clinton at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays and in Goderich at 8:30 p.m. on Wednesdays. Mr. Anderson gave his first sermon in Goderich and Clinton this past Sunday and looks, for- ward to serving the people of. both . com- munities in the capacity of Baptist pastor. The Reverend 'W. H. McWhinnie retired as pastor of the First Baptist Church in Goderich earlier this year. He still serves as the pastor at Huronview. Mr. Ed Anderson is the new pastor at the First Baptist Church in Goderich. He also has Clinton in his charger He will hold Goderich services each Sunday morning at 9:45 and will then travel to Clinton where he'll hold services at 11:15. (Photo by Joanne Walters) Heaven is our eternal home BY THE REVEREND LEONARD WARR M. TH. RETIRED UNITED CHURCH MINISTER The mention of the word "Heaven" raises at once a number of questions. "Is there really such a place?""And if so, where is it?" What's heaven like?" .."Will everyone 0—that 'eternal home. This man's existence ends at the grave. True children of God, however, do believe' in a beautiful place called Heaven, and they look forward to eternal life within its gates. Based upon their faith in God's Holy Word, they an- ticipate with delight the joys that await them in there or just a certain privileged few?" And then, some will ask, "Do we go there immediately at death, or does the soul "sleep" for awhile?" For many in this last quarter of the twentieth century these questions are not relevant. They scoff at the idea of life after death, and ridicule belief in a Heaven of eternal bliss and a Hell of everlasting punishment. They are convinced that comforting thought brings' healing of the wounds of their earthly existence, and quenches their sorrows. The place to find out about heaven is the Bible. The word "heaven" in its singular and plural forms occurs more than 600 times in Scripture. We are given much in- formation about our eternal home, and in this article we will consider it carefully in two aspects: first, as the habitation of iVflnister; Y God; and second, as the dwelling place of saints. The Bible often speaks of Heaven as God's "habitation," and ex- plicitly declares that He dwells there. Isaiah wrote, "For thus saith the high and lofty One who inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy: I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also who is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones" (Isaiah 57:15). - Solomon also recognized Heaven as God's home when he prayed, "And hearken Thou to the supplication of Thy servant, and of Thy people, Israel, when they shall pray toward this place, and hear Thou IN HEAVEN THY DWELLING PLACE; and when Thou hearest, forgive." (1 Kings 8:30). This does not mean that God is absent from earth. His presence is everywhere but His dwelling place ' is in heaven. He abides there, and from that location He is present throughout all His creation. Not only is 'Heaven God's, habitation, but it is also the place where His saints will dwell forever. Yes, we can rightly call Heaven "our eternal home". Contrary to what is believed by many today, death does not end all. The soul lives on -- and, for the believer, immediately at death it enters forever into the very presence of God. Some false religionists teach otherwise. They refer to those who die as being "asleep" and by Turn to page 8A • Your public library now offers a lot more than books With Ontari&s public library network, you get a complete information centre. Your local public library- is much more than a source of books for }Measure reading and study. It is part of an Ontario -:wide network of fourteen - library- systems which,cooperate and share their resources. Because of this, Many libraries now offer important additional services, such as: 1. Films, records and videocassettes; 2. Special programs such as story hours, speakers, demonstratf(►ns and exhibits; 3. Books in many different languages; 4. Reference -information services; • 5. Books by mail for,5hut-ins and vetlple f[7 isolated areas.; 6. Urge print and tacking hooks for rhe handicapped; • 4161v* Ot. 7. Interlibrary loan services to help you get the hcxlk you want, wherever it is; 8.. Nevf'spapers, magazines and government information publications: There's something special for evetyone of all ages. Make it a point to visit your local public library soon. Reuben Baetz, Minister of Cultrre and Recreation William Davis, Premier Province of Ontario GODER ICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, SEP MBER 21, 1978—PAGE 7A DonnybrookU.C.W. meets BY MRS. WM. HARDY DONNYBROOK U.C.W. Mrs. Ray Hanna opened the September meeting of Donnybrook U.C.W. which was held at the home of Mrs. H. Jefferson on Monday night September 11 with a good attendance. "Saviour Teach me Day, by Day" was sung followed with Scripture from Psalm 736. Two poems were read entitled, "We Went to School Together" and "To my Teachers". "0 Master, let me Walk with Thee' was sung followed by a prayer by Mrs. G. Mason. Legion Auxiliary meeting again The first fall meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to Goderich Legion Branch 109 was well attended with 57 members present. These --members--wished- to express thanks to the town for their support of tag day in August. It promises to be a busy fall as usual: catering • to weddings and parties of all kinds; and attending sports events in the zone such as bowling, euchre, darts and cribbage. Dates were set for the annual Snowflake Bazaar November 16th and for the Christmas party for about 50 veterans from Westminster Hospital and the local • nursing homes. There will be a Church Parade on October 8. SUPERIOR MEMORIALS ESTABLISHED' OVER 50 YEARS Goderich Area Representative.. ROBERT 'McCALLUM iTCiimbriia Road Goderich 524-7345 Clinton-Seaforth Area Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Street • Clinton 482-9441 Mrs. Ray Hanna gave a reading, "A 4ong of Service" followed with two poems being read by Mrs. R. Jefferson and Mrs. M. Wilson. "Peacefully Round us the Shadows are Falling" was followed by another hymn, prayer read in unison. Mrs. G. Mason gave the benediction. Mrs. H. Jefferson took over for the business. Asocial time was enjoyed with Mrs. R. Jefferson and Mrs. S. Chamney helping _ the hostess. CHURCH NEWS - Anniversary Service for Donnybrook Church is on September 24 with Mrs. A. Tiffin as guest speaker, at 11 a.m. .•a..�.. �.• .4......,......1...�.•�.. �.. sem•• .....- �:.-....,...•.�•.�..,..�......••�..: . HOLINESS BIBLE MISSIONARY CHURCH ? L . j Sunday school 9:50. a.m. t 1 ' Classes for all ages Worship: Service 11:00 a.m.`' i 1 1 Prayer 6:30-7:00' p.m. 1 [ Evangelistic -Service 7:00 p.m. i Wednesday Night Prayer and Praise 1 i j/ • Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God Huron St. & Walnut St. Matthew 5:8 1 E 1 524-2785 t .i.i.�.....( i THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., M. DIV.Minister 1 BEREA-BY-THE-WATER 5 THE REV. RONALD C. McCALLUM, Assistant ( LORNE H. DOTT.ERER, Director of Praise' 1 iSUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1978 i jj Divin.e Worship - 11:00 a.m. e e Sermon: "SUSTAINING POWER 1 ., j (Nursery 'Facilities) PREPARATORY SERVICE lSunday School Retires From The Service i 1 / Enter to Worship Depart to Serve 1 L Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle i ? North Street United Church 1 11. G. Clair Sams , Pastor Knox Presbyterian Church 1 LUTHERAN CHURCH Gibbons St. at Suncoast Drive SUNDAil', SEPTEMBER 24, 1978 9:15 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL 10:3,0 A.M. WORSHIP SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY DAY Marvin L. Barz,Pastor 524-2235 "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all" Acts 10:36 Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Ca naa d The Rev. Ralph King, B.A., B.D.; Minister i 1 3i L• 1 SERMON: "BIBLICAL SEPARATION" Cornerof Elgin and Waterloo Streets Pastor: C Fred red Day SUNDAY SCHOOL — 10 A.M. MISSIONARY PUPPET SHOW MORNING WORSHIP — 11 A.M. EVENING WORSHIP — 7 P.M. Special Music Messages by the Pastor Tues. 8 p.m. Bible Study Fri. 7:30 p.m. Youth Meeting "Come and Bring the WhOle Family" Miss Clare McGowan, Visiting Assistant Mr. Robert Blackwell, A. Mus., M. Mus. Director of Music .9:45 a.m. - Sunday School for Grades 7 and over. '• 1 nSunday School for ages 4 through Grade 6 from worship j f at 11 a.m. jC jBIBLE SOCIETY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1978 Worship - 11 a.m. 1 SERMON: "THE BOOK NOBODY READS" t 1Preacher: The Rev. D.L. Howlett Secretary, Western Ontario District St The Canadian Bible Society ` ! Anthems: Blest Are The Pure In Heart - Eaton t1 Let All The World In Every Corner Sing - Whitehead `_"••••""^""^"^'^-' -^-.1.4.1,..••1 1 Nursery facilities Come and Worship With Us CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BA YFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC — FUNDAMENTAL REV. R. BRUBACHER Pastor FOR FREE BUS TRANSPORTATION CALL 524-9497 OR 524-6650 10 A.M. FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. -MORNING WORSHIP 6:00 P.M. - WORD OF LIFE CLUB 7:-30 P.M. - MR. ARTHUR TAYLOR MISSIONARY - WELLAND CANAL MISSION WED. 8 P.M. PRAYER MEETING WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH • i l ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Rector: The Reverend Robert J. Crocker Organist -Choirmaster: Joseph B. Herdman 18th Sunday after Trinity September 24th 1978 I 8:30 a.m. - Holy Communion ( 11:00 a.m. Church School and nursery 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer. Continuing a sermon / series on the Creed: "Pontius Pilate". 7:00 p.m. CONFIRMATION SERVICE and Holy Communion. tLq The Right Reverend Morse C. Robinson, Bishop Suffragan of Huron. — You are always welcome at St. George's — • (Llirlstinn eft1rut t(1 L.Ilurcli Services held each Sunday at 10:00 a.in. and 1:30 p.rti. Robertson Memorial School Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Listen to CKNX Radio Sunday at 10:30 a.m. for the „Back to God Hour„ i 11 l tt j t 1 (ass`a...a•d•.vasasweew.•.•a...•w.sws.naeaoe.O1,0- .-w.r.saesavwasa•aaq. 9 t ] t FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 1.t 1(Baptist Convention of Ontario and""'Quebec) 1� SMontreal Street (near the Square) y 1 ( Edward J. Anderson, Pastor t 1 Organist Mr. Frank Bissett A.M. MORNING WORSHIP '' j 9 L l t 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL (1 1 Everyone Welcome j THE SALVATION ARMY 18 WATERLOOST. S. 524-9341 9:,45 a.m. (Sunday School) Christian Education for all ages - 11:00 A.M. MORNING ARMS -RIF 7:00 P.M. EVENING SERVICE -COMING SOON - THE FILM - "BLOOD & FIRE" WATCH I=OR IT — (The hand of God in the Heart of Goderich) Officers Lieutenant & Mrs. Neil Watt All Are Cordially Invited To Join Our Fellowship Victoria Street United Church 1878/978 Minister: Rev. John D.M. Wood, 'B.A.B.D. Organist and Choir 1Direcfor: Mrs. J. Snider 10:00 A.M. WORSHIP LAND SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:15 A.M. BENMILLER WORSHIP. AND SUNDAY SCHOOL Guest Minister: Rev. R. McCallum WELCOME 1,1 B 1.. 4• M 4 �=���- �'�:J� �-... •Ili .S'.�1,..�:.