HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-09-21, Page 20PAGE 20--GODERICHSIGNAlaSTAR. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 21.1978 Council. ignores C e 11 BY DAVE SYKES Goderich town council took no action on a recommendation from Police Chief Pat King to enforce time restrictions m municipal parks. In a letter to cotmcd received September 5, Chief King proposed prohibiting loitering in any municipal parks between the hours of 2 and 5 Chief King stated in his letter that there is an increase in the number af people who remain in the parks almost all night and in some cases. all night. He added that in an effort to curb acts Cif vandalism and rowdiness on' the Square the restriction would have an -effect on the problem_ Council delayed discussion on the letter at the September 11 meeting and after some discussion voted to receive and file the letter Monday_ Councillor Stan Profit suggested that crow,ds are congregating at eating establishments between the hours of 1 and 2 a.m. but if these establishments closed earlier, there would be no tneefing place. Profit ,claintedlhat it wasn't just. youngsters who were congregating in the early morning bouxs either. Councillor John Doherty saidbehaa received calls from elderly people eorrailalning hht squeeling tires early in the morning, "Young people sitting in the park don't distrub anyone," Doherty said. "The park is there for the use of the citizens but itis themes that are making the noise." Councillor Don Wheeler said it wasa difficult problem that was a symptom ef the times. "The problem is the law itself. Viltatcanthey say or do to someone who is not breaking the hard law?" Wheeler questioned_ "There is no vagrancy law and it's the social structure and law that should be etateged?* Deputy -reeve Ft -leen Palmer reiterated Doherty's comments that tire squealing is the major problem on The Square in the early morning. "I had calls so 1 sat in the park one Friday evening from 12:30 to 2:30 a_m. and didn't see a jailieeman<or Tan:" $141V $514441 hm*`was1W5 TREOlblillatililEiPtfitity.du the gzailkilatittheimua hat -Peddles thing ateattarinE was toontaaatathat between ipeejle acoons tin thairian anti soinetixnestbreeithareafa." 3?21.1311.RT Was .flitixik add that ailittoegb She did auxt see 21 gailiteman oar as gutlanl aur *ea talght, they were [May ditilagttlitinThijnbattadber lortatinnstattowa Countillm• ierdtatelban he:hewed that:take ailittffts suggeated atestriation was tiara title stilittima.Bat said it was difffirailt !for n =until tto gikwe testeictionsamatatailalsatutivdtiera Profit stddit was the gmblinitytthat ambled:he nroblean aaffiffixtult time adttilag tibia dite glass Bid limit:aim 4annatirig thettontfiloPlicouate .mtbiali he claimed was jjaett n anfftattumtte etholeanTworals. ibommillor Elsa iliaaadtm tad dthtaifitticheaihnizie of words was antforumate in Wits atthtramtattantse adtlinn that the press anattely alined aes meter BEItibmtating an the pailitte mom- taitainres trsherenre tto Zama Efilitutte /Panik ats Council proceeds with garage adatti n BY DAVE SYKES Goderich town council agreed to a bid of $43,845 by- Wayne and Harold Smith Con- struction Company, Seaforth to build an ex- tension to the public works building on Cam- bridge Street. In a recorded vote. with councillor Don Wheeler voting against the awarding of the contract. council accepted the only bid sub- mitted for the project. Construction on the 44 by 42 foot extension to the existing building will begin within a week and is expected to be completed before the snow. The addition will provide the works depar- tment with an additional bay as well as room to house equipment and provide repair facilities_ a, Despite only one dissenting vote there was mild objection to the contract around the council table. Anticipating the need for ad- ditional facilities at the garage an estimate of 5,000 for the work was obtained in 1975_ The project was continually shoved aside due to budget constraint but was secured in this year's Works and Engineering budget at the same 1975 estimate of $25,000. But only one tender was submitted at a cost of $43,845. Wheeler pointed out that the price was 518.000 over the estimate and ha respect to the other financing council undertook Monday (sidewalks and highway 21) he ;Raked: "Where do we find theextra money?" Works and Enghteering chairman, Dave Gower, said he could justify the additional expense for a budding of that nature and said that costs had escatated since 1975 when the first estimate was done_ He intimated the town had additional funds this year resulting from prepayment of school board and county levies and investments. Wheeler said he couldn't support the addition claiming that if the town had -additional funds he would like to spend it on the beaches or the "You can't pick up money here and there and spend it willy nilly," Wheeler said_ Reeve Bill Clifford supported the etgaenditure saying that as the term's network of roads grows and as more equipment is purchased it should be kept inside and properly maintained. "This has always been a discretionary item that has been dropped for something else in previous years," he aa id. "It isn't going to be any cheaper to put it off again so we ahraild proceed with it." Want out of 24 hour service Goderich taxi cab operators want the town's • police commission to remove theclause in the town's taxi bylaw that forces cabs to operate 24 hour service. Bruce t ettles, owner of Goderich Taxi, and ob Prouse, owner of Bob's Taxi, appealed to the commission Friday to drop 24 hour service requiring the two firms to operate from six in the morning 10 11 at night_ The two taxi operators told the commission that the 24 hour service is costly and seldom used. Both felt that there was no need for the town to have the taxi cabs on call because emergency vehicles were already -available if needed_ • "There's no money in it," claimed Betties. "By the time you hire a dispatcher and a driver for the night shift you can end up going broke." ettles said the 24 hour service was demanded by the police commission when the taxi bylaw was dream up to have the cabs available for emergency use. He said am- bulance services are on call in Goderich 24 hours a day and with fire and police vehicles there is no need for cabs to be made available_ Beatles su ested that it was not the taxi firm's duty to be available to drive a pregnant woman to the hospital to have a baby. "I would presume that would be the job of the ambulance," said Betties, "hut some people would rather pay us one dollar for the ride than pay five dollars for an ambulance." Prouse added that the only other calls the cabs receive are from police to drive drunks home, He said the calls are very infrequent during the early morning hours adding that people are "just as safe in bed at that time in the morning". Town clerk Larry McCabe advised the commission that it may be a requirement of the Municipal Act that cabs do operate 24 hours a day. McCabe said the Act specifies what ser- vices cab companies have W offer for permits to operate adding that the commission would have to check before it could give the cab operators permission to refuse calls after 11 p.m.• Betties said under the present bylaw the operators are required to pick up a fare anytime but are given a break for calls in the early morning_ He said any fare calling for a Laundry • • from page when we lost our administrator," 'commented Chairman Jo Berry. There is some indication that the County of Huron or the Town of Goderich might assist the hospital to raise the necessary 540,000. The hospital's finance committee has also `• ap- proached the Sully Foundation and made some "tentative inquiries" with an eye to getting the money from "outside sources". There was even a suggestion that the board sell bricks to private individuals - buy so many t - bricks, get your name on one_ The matter is still under investigation by the board. Tender... • from page 1 bid of over 51 million by Curran contractors Ltd. The second lowest bid on the contract came from Levis Contracting Company Ltd_ at 5756,154. Council voted unanimously in favor of ac- cepting the tender price in the third recorded - vote of the evening that prompted Councillor Stan Profit to remark: "You mean we were anonymous on that one?" "BARBADOS" KINCARDINE TRAVEL SERVICE Queen Kincardine CALL TOLL FREE ZENITH 314Si The arigimil marmites e the admit= were prepared hy the Eleirdelt ORTIP131, 110:012b311 aintl 41145 41/KgIRTSII -111E23:1313TALCATSCITIE der. ttender. DizspiTty--1"RIBMEE1linen ilhaihner tank texceptima tto Kleinfett's intailatement stating that thew prebably soared .aff bids mum derail =RI - /maims. Weeks Ceurntiasiumer Ken lThur email/rimed that ' 1Kleitifelot bati prepared the crnijind1sikat- claes Hunter said the was azIKiSEil 115(110TTniiillto proceed lArith libEMS and tendams Iturtibenattsedhe tow' engineer was entracte maatiettote anayttimetto the larojeet ire bad Eleiniett tip aittaik aand award theamoject, (Comaillor Shan Thalia said Cf1333/ZE vREECEwilititby ih elSiiiadilAtilth WAD wine tag When the jolt tame tihrtimateil ata $25,0110. it just makes .a -ntor*eryjff tthe hours Akte spent 'wetking mit the budgets,- fite said `TigureS ZIT stunk in rthe budget !Thr (113M- -ThigeimiRE thatureautrilisractliartitottimh butsurface later:" Profit said be was indlined th dirtagatet With the budgeting tar the nth:Minn ab the Nwiniks garage but wotild -taste hi nvnr air promeeding withtheproject cab between the hours of 11 tem. and six attn. is charged double_ He added however that if the fare rails prior to 11 tem_ and asks to be picked tip at four am. the cab driver is obligated to pick him up and because he booked the ride early the fare is only (-barged regular rates. He suggested that if the COM -Tr iSSiOT1 rarnOt permit the cab companies to drop 24 hour service it may enable them to charge double for rides after 11 pan. He said What they really wanted however was to be given permission to refu..e calls in the early mcaning. The commission did agree to grantingthetwe companies an increase in rates forcabs booked on an hourly rate and for standing time for the eahs Betties explained that the taxi meters are set up to operate on the rates fixed by the commission but are also set to function .at SD an hour when the car is not moving. He asked t the cothmission to up the rates set in the bylaw from 58 an hoer for hourly hiring and from $6 an . hour standing time to $10 an hour for both. UREMIRMIMIMMEIMERIIIII11111111111111IIIIIIMMIIIIIMMIMIIIIIIIIMIMIIIMIIIIIIM = = "FAMILY FORUM" i week Informal session concerning 'the modern 'family. E- RI Programme inchales video-tapes, 'films, books disansion. Chaired by Mrs. riloira Cooper aillaylield, - family eduastar. First session: Thmsdoy, October 12:-.7.4. ' ' • at 37--1- a- 176. BAYFFELD BRANCH iins LIBRARY my MAIN STREET -1:110P.IDOIP.M. • vs▪ , a AIOR = GODERICH BRANCH E LIBRARY ▪ 0 = E = 52 ITIONTREAL ET- -ibilOP.M.-10:11013.111. = 0 Nominal charge: a =- 0 = = 'SAO Per Evening = ,__---- noLGO Per Ii week session -z- • 411P .61 I 1 ••::,*..A. -i•••••:.7 •• ;: • . • : • tt. to atQlitcome siitt Sloe Weak affiltarte OttetiefffEhRet rtheihrefftergatikamOttibttimta. “ItiltedlettlarileirtMeditaaeemilattitileita autiltihealliiallatsaoitffitOmMtlhit ditaxtetteaair 'Theemelhemebnenandinocr ihatautnes Butt alley awn the =tutted' am ante Whet= sad Site Will stalk thee goiliza mane- nriWain tap agolnift tap the wattle addint that thewoannnttelilah*aa$whid/tinnetbasareahre trusitinatitegark. Iteanacalern mantherottheFeEttival mettle .4.`nts eacemutinek,suh thattabies,4 4 4 2, and a &natant lime he smashein in, the park over 35EMM. 3i=SitigfceStASE Sathething should be dinneallmattftenandttliatra ilthe fintteiiirth 3IIInOQlormnietitum hawMt) caulatinue aa aucaaargria az hence al =diem eastadileihoti un Gnitonith as am adifedi town gar offiiness ttb ccanfrriil wrattiditgam im Mown. dlnintritarann areenduna cguesaitmedi gnat* add& Mat Ming att as anitecinv lihrithey WantitItW %trim iffthni off vkauthdhurn imBirth vweate taw an &wan andi what tate antritieml meta tatteptayers bete Ube arterriteersinlIt theft aa =thew away peanut annatalbless tot ltrataik ateataaloathawoottazadags rprritri Cla a; .144 o viinactiity eaunt oi k, and! hogerh Emhart thee aid' off tatmas tto resmatt tto palliate atnyttancittilitoxittheywiluents. Mine BIrtag ma:cattail tto tit caumnitasitan tibia ttieere were 1114 inaitileates aff wiUflifl ctimragge cftrnin dife =nth elf 1t1117 LUiini10110±hand1 dime off thirst 114, setemillIAORMAI rot kunvilinv cikuwn soup an sitgrEs att iittenseatinnssini 2131M11. Tithe ailitiff said Ittardittliana armee:meth ttat drown fhtum gaeat. wears that Witt thattirott die cowgtss amenromthisregocot .11Loadkibedi that iff nmenr un camolliaithittm that suntentee ante urp at gpandhan aff fitomenss tfta1liff wouith no:Median anompikiint as rthisailibil. }Re soidi tit was wanyi fflInIiI t title fib:meets andi aopatikaattrdehotittt ttnttailete Mae atillptitt. BIM be titan titiimititent mats nothitag shunt off vandiellannumii9Thnlithtbectaailtwittiattwrialineino • PTiirellE arm Salta the aronglaintt maw he the cority tine tile tanmaznai- gidine andlitt wkat, inmantantt that the rprd ne fhilb3w alp that • hityn &dire 1E%. Manner sea tthe Iltaa criffiprmalitz, maw the serval tin aroy one ihafitlettt off mane:Wham thin the matter twdItltht assitt witch it/1%31314ms &Shim. tiledrEedafalilii lie aa ligtittlieneirraa 17141x tfieca than its diastroWasEl wEErrditil hrt casasil trt) ninitipl 5. very. quickly both in atuatherranttittvue -Weecanitt inst page gee those cases and. pass 1u'}1 Run Mamma stgostett that the chief report that avant off vandal casea. car a monthly hasitsatadiitatiedethectiettatclanrage% Rawson saidl taxa:wen% roam,- mart react tit the mtmber of inciihnsts hut tnawneact if thew fctund out it cost seAemell • inuniteli Mitens. sant it may en- castumaae mute atsaidienth aE Oliva to, he am the watoliaranstrelpartzvAFFT~cnn: trtgej ehieff Witv saidithe fffilfrTrater. of damages tor thttrateffaslitgis knew:W.411 omen wasaboat Safi for eaoin one. liEe silt damages from those alone WESKe COMM' Wife that tt mining seven oasmhadincodtunagesestinsatect. The chief sat& polite oanasionally have their ham tiedi her-awie there iS rur byttem they can enflame tot hetet& upt geongs that seenr to be al/ma:late& wait vandalism incidents, lite said die groups gather- an The Square and quite afters smoothing end utp damaged before they time& tup trz gfo home itt;the early morning thtuns.saw iff the town: had a curfew the gelitese could] enfitrae and send the wings home ittrnawifteanotlienaidibtredeningvanolaiisnt. Ivaiguipxthatki-riamear wipe it out hut we can. neditmeiticousittensW'saiehief Pigh*- sea he anal& -aPPreeiatethe Coareniti cronntill ha di Aram patviirtw a curfew hylaw. agneeing that/ sonieseople could'sieeg in a gads andinewarvatise anl&-trottas titwhe,gaintedaut ithatttha ameemasions when, geogie do cause tocothie an& banana e the/sada, no bylaw there is nothinggolioacaradin Fra,saitEifthe-afficei-s had athy,leywandieindithey:coulduse it where neoessanyz " think the geogle- ciftiecting to the terns flop- house wouliii arm object tru a motorcycle gang sleegitigiintliegark.:-saidthechiet JAVEX BLEACH •• 112110f1.(07... 1.1 • EBRAWCRIVAIN SPAGHETTI: SAUCE L LEIPTEIN ealliaZISINEDOrla • CCUTHRIONITYKNVEDAZIVAXEMLE E RIB STE thE KS tiEREPaRaTZOit _TIP& RNED BEEF R TME PAPER riViA1113EUMATMEILLOMEDWitto :IR $1 9 CJIMERICTIWCF04111111,45T1211EXEIEE ; 3' Re 1, LfrL79' 41 TKAPLEJSKEPPIIELYCCOCKEED ao HAIM g. - OPEN TO EVERYONE • SPONSORED Trf HURONZOLINITTILIBRATLY 9TiAll BATH SIRUCEMAtiCERS 'got NA 211TETCRI5N7561K ;PORTION EBYTHE KIGEM IFILLIDYCITC/XM2111:261BEEES We haven't been a thriving hardware for over 25 years just because we're one of the few stores in town that carries over 1500 sizes of nuts bits or even because we happen to self heavy-duty hobby horse springs . we're what we are because we make it a point to have what you need—no matter how far-fetched it may sound! YOU LAN FIND IT AT SERVICE DOMINION • Annaion.nznewmen IIUY BH 140 11z. CRYSTAIS 411xnaaelt. mast • 0 • EREDITOP 011 V FOOD • ,13r:321TIOS 1 alb • SURSPUN MAMMA E LTI5Lic Si m99 51089 891' KEW - 23Z. Ting ELER.ERIKE, GE55415R412E• *AC APPLES maz."1,1 -4: ()V 69c =Mr"A MANSESa.949 Ei niM111M Mili:D.TIOWNVES11510KAY etrasrEirREIEROSE ‘,..a911.V • coFFEE $2 99 • FOR • 6' 9‘'l , • • 0 4Cat EC TINS 7.0ittantaireattitat. ilaa.anansnaa 99 411/ TOMATO • JUICE • OIMESEEMB12011MMIIMIt • fararamsmarweaE. lecgi ARE JWcF COCKTAIL illre..ttMMECkslmrog212SEE.MEI...IIE • TS34:4141M.INTII) NEKT/Thitrif SA AU PIXACEIMIE COMM NOW FENit A MEM WED TUMMY ifelltEHANIESGIVINTS EVSNS*113 1016 01. VOWS , TRUZCOCIIIMICIPILIB 17/2252. al itit1 4,1 mAi—, *1 77160FRETIES .59 LPL CU Lc?' 112.PLIMALLEff p WeLAREPCS HES DILL PICKLES SetteSitatid 9r, 0 COFFEMACARONI N CHEESE E TT CIZAAR WHITENER _894 surisplac ed MP& VilArniiiiEFfeartatitASTER 94;WC/171rellASII_ 03ZPIRK4i. ofinfialfalreafinThitiatti4IVOMMirCilateralTilri , IPRIESpilliifEKRWKIIIWKWEK1,2filit221,PirTS artitetlerSie 111. PALI OPEN SUNDAYS 4141041000414100000 Ilicarrutaftpam 0 0 P