HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-12-29, Page 8EXETER A11 TUGATE, TiiIIRtinaI, 11EU1 Re, Leal Exeter Markets aI.ANGED EVERY WEDN.ISDAY Ii te..at ..'• .. 1.10 13ar,ev x.. 48 to 55 Oats .. : 34 to 40 'fit' sieobtes Rest tFlour `.... . 4.157 Fa telly k;our ......... 3.95 P.e� ry Flow- 3 Z F el blear2.ed Shorts 1.5; Brent 1.50 Creamery Butter 43 le 47 reery Butt 'r 38 to 40 New Laid Eg s ,..,.,,,.... 65 F.g,s. h.,l1 .-40 Lerd ,,,-,. .18 Local Doing Rev, Tramper :and ',family spe-i the holiday itz Lonrlo* Hatay Sweet was home front i Nir..1, Aria strong is improving trolls Wianclsar this week, Week, 'lir. Reg Bissett of Chattham was The hockey y bays hard choir fia-'°m; "^+•m; for Chr;,isl work Out on Tteesday razght, 1 Miss Hilda Horton of Toronto is Don't forget that ai vote for Ilooper home for the holidays, is a, vote for the best interests of air. Aquina Sheer* aaf Detroit In E'<. -ter. stints relatives a re 1Srs.. John. Caldwell has received he '1r ss Lorena`Johns of London was ws ere her brother, Mr. Herbert home ,for 'tile t'k veecalf F rd of Lawson, S4k4, bad lost his littl'V daughter, aged t4 months and 18 firs. Apt();sprent Chr stt,ras with days. a-lztices ;n hi Gi)livray. A heave coat belonging to one cif \1r. Frani: 13oy1e spez t Cb,r atmos %n she se. tie nauen. was stolen From the Lendoe. with hies '.mother. Hay eer ;;.n, $15 to $16 G. T. It. -toothous3 one night last 1 'Ss lee° .reek. The 1o' h11 been broken and he deo :greed off. Tracks were seen #ne snow a.u:1 were traced as far z+ HEnsatl before The heavy snowfall :t you nave anything to set; .fro ;•;_red ,hem, poor ra> tee. try The Advocate °ant Column I, cher rn ug'boliday even: was The t Altai OF 'THANE;:*. :Ore. Jer' e Whyte azd ettt- .,: tees `e t t teeny .:rn.15 to7 tel teeve,re derone eeeeee. leeereeveeee.re, eel awning ',VteiteOs CARL) 01• = Fi.31i:S. Nle. James- D gna w oad 'staff! ".•? tater iti th ' h'bo s sled tee ess mese n el tresses -.h . n tltir:tiag the i eteSs a d. Subsequent deeds h• oto, Mr. etienese ARI) OF THAIvh'S, 'lir, end; :airs: Gail Ski u ler es:* to thank th rirrey friends for •sy, rae ete,Or} bee eaverneett Q lwsing thess of the'r rills daughter. The reg utter nieetieg of the Exe- ter l'.F.O. wil he held, in Senior's hall. Tisuis s'.ay evening. Dee. 29, in- stead cif Wedues 'y evening. .4 good ar +rte.? is requested to bear the ;me .,.a , -port. '....„7,SE FOR SAL E, - N w Corey Isouse a a :. oer.eo nz ;gees, dor save. t, ;n+ ;o- o:wo 9 a n irsee es. beered,etC 3 C sac B. SNELL.. Ez ar whet:h gook place: on :+Ianla5 rneoa at the home of Rev. Dr.Sir and firs Cha , e, - a o. London, formerly of Cent pmary and Forbes s sesee r h:n Anna, daughter o; eire were. in London for Christmas nisi Mrs. Jams Neilson, of Londoo'lir. Rig. Taylor of.. London spent tea a s'`r was marr, ed to iglu Fr„d 1? the week end at his ,,home her. n of New York, Rev. Dr. Salton,? \ir. AJ,ex. Stewart .of London, spent .ricer ,.a the groom offcc.iatng. QChratmas with his Amity here„ The Tomes Street Sunday Seboo1 Mr. Miller, tea.,her, is • spending tlae C,nr.e,nnws Tree and Entertainment was holidays at h:.s home in Rodney. argeiy aoteaded on WeJrixsciay ev-, lir. Harry Fuke of Taront 'spelt ag o* last wee1. The Tree was Chr strnas -with, his parents. town deM orated aa" contauterl many Mr. Morley Wilson of Dresden spent pr Sseca or The Children The ;aro grana was a pleasan„^ tan., ortsist:taa holiday11y: �. W, 1?o�v�lla of songs by tI>,: Prma.ry Classy Li/e-h Ws. Lszdran.i.s quitie itt at ttie Flinger. Roy Seeders, Keeneth Hoek- erne of her daughter, Masi E. Treble y and PyMart ^z, dee SIAM- p ;sir Gordon Tatler of Windsor saws'. • and jCan sheave, drials by AfitT- a Christmoe vieitor with his parents. qtr. Cecil Jos rasion of TQront.Medw. teal School is herxte for .the holidays Mr. Daniel Sanders of Woodstock tiis:ted telattves stern. for Christmas. Mss Curtiss, after The millinery sea - lees ecturned to her home Axa, Bol- ts. Messrs 1]ouglas .and W frill Stews art of Toronto were home for Christ- mas. ltrs. Chapman of Auindee. is ;visiting herparents, ,,'►fr, uxysl ,tifree 1-1. Rey - s. ttss Woods of StreAford epant xeoday with ber brother, Zr. T. S. II'oods. Mr. and Mrs, Paler R+yiaertsoza of S' tfard scent Christmas here with r,slatives. Mr, T. R. Foreuson spent Chr stmaa watts Mrs, Ferguson and children In T'. eswater ,sirs. D D. Smith of Toronto s vis- ing leer parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. A nn$tronC - Mr. Melville Gladman err the West- ern University, London, is home for the tias:ado:is , Mr. end Ctrs. Wm. Josses are spend- ing the Christmas holidays in, London. with datives, Mr. Burton Prszcator of Detroit s spendi<ig the holidays with his par eats in .Exeter.. Mr. and hir3. James Jewell spent,the` Chri Steri hPlidays :n London with their daughter. 1Z•'ss Ruby Treble of Toronto spent a few days with Oxer parents, \Ir. and hire Wm. Treble. ' hir. Arch's., Davis and a Trend of Toronto visited the former's parents it re for 'Christmas, Miss May Ford is /some from Tar - onto Normal ;and Miss Versa Jones from Stratford Normal. Mrs. Inwood and,daughter Cathar- ine cheat • the week enti with Miss Vesper and Miss Sandere, 'Air. and Mrs. A. E. Andrew of Pontlex, Sask„ arrived here last week tc� spend sometime with. relatives, JIr, Fred Hawkshaw of Toronto was ft visitor for .,Christmas nlit1i . his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John; Hawkshaw, \Ir, Leon Treble and, lady frienl of Toronto were holiday visitors with 'ha formers .parents, 'Mr, and Mrs. E. Treble. jr.lJoe Davis of Merlin, Mr. Over Davis ' To-xit-a pit1 Mr. Edward Tuesday -8 p.m., Cottage Meeting at Davis o' For -s>. stent Celstmas here home of- Mrs. 'Webster, .in North End e► itta their parents. Thursday and Friday—Hensall, Cen- trace. and Crediton visited. • Cant. MacGillivray Lieut Parnell .11r Will Amos of Stratford spent Sunday. with 14r*, Antos. Liss A. I. Sanders of Ilra3erloo is hos:laying at her home here. Mae Vivian of Mitchell is visiting her daughter, Mrs,. H. W. Doerr. #iss Gregory of Brantford _s hole. jai:ng with, leer mother here. classes, ;rtstrumentels by Mar - et Martin and hiildre-,1 Harvey 34- diaaogtte. The appearance of Claus end his. distributing. the e ; was a feature, N. II. L. GROUP. The Exeter-Zurahh senior hockey am in the Northern League has been .ped with Clinton for two home and itonx- gores. •'T',, R, use is he converser to arrange dates. -de home and boatel games have arrenged instead o the double e,-- er on Januarys 23 January'. 28 11"-R Fi.r*U) BULL FOR ^BALL. P d gree oe b erne iced --z god oao—ready :o- sere;$'e, it rr.oelhs eld, Reg.! seasonable, Frank Coetes. t cxatralia P.O. Leat II' Cdr 3. i'sbornr, Iiav rte t ur.' hased h Buteher Busi- n:ss :rano Mr. A. Paul. I sorei: your pe.t'reneese I intend to keep tidal ro:Kg, awl esT seal at lige lowest grin tsoss bl e, . FRANK WOOD, Phone 9. Your 'Severs Battery needs sjtie!al ett:ntioa at this tine of he year: We have apace equipment for properly taking o'ar et' batteries over wisher. LI; W': tent' .:re of youir W. �. `BEER, Lester WANTED—By two gentlemen, two or three iurn*eheti -ao:ns is Exeter, heated Apply P. O. Box 110. TEta .:orrect way and the .easiest way to dispose ot some property or sell SOW. small article, find a tennant for your house, or an arUIC you leave lost or help when you want :,t, is to inert a Email advt, in the "Want Column" of th t. Advocate. COAL HEATER AND WOOD, HEATER FOR SALE. Apply at the Advocate Ofiitc, HOW IS TITE PUMP? New tram Pumps and Fittings in Stock Iron f+r wood pumps repaired, Wells nuanced out or cleaned. S. J. V CAN N. Phone 115 Dir. JOHN WARD, Ch`roprae,tor & Optician Chiropractic and Electrical Treatments for Cbroree and Nervous Diseases. Spectacles scientifically fit- ted Hours 10 to 12; 2 to 4; and by appo'ntm:at Office—William and Sanders Sts,. Phone 43. FARM FOR SALE. The undersinned is offering nor sale that desirable ;farm in the Township of Sttephen, being Lot 15, Con. 2, known as the Leathorn Farm, „cone tain:in; 100 acres. There is on prem - ices a commodious two-story frame house and two good bank barns. The farm is well` drained and. fenced, has a nice orchard, spring creek with a plentiful supply ,of water the year round; fine for stock; 15 acres seed- ed down, all fall plowing done, and there are 10 acresfall wheat Pos- sessiion given April 1st, 1922. Far parti ulars apply to L R. CARLING e ;enter, Solicitor for the Admiestra tor.. , Contracting We wish to call the attention of the Public of Exeter and surrounding dis- trict that we are open to accent, or tender for contrasts for all kinds of building We are experienced wo.rk- men and by strict attent i on to busie ness we hope to share in the contract work of this district W kRES & PRYDr., Exeter. Dray and Baggage Anything you have to move we move it reasonable 'Motor Truck and Horse Dray at your Service„ ' Auto Livery Hors -e Livery NOTICE' gilt :Miss McDonald's business taking possession Tine continued patronage of her ustomers is desired by me. 1 ladies cordially invited to call. A YEI.LAND TI Hawing disposed o my minium leuyiness to eliso Y ellantl I desire to thank my many customers for their past favors and wish them . a very bailie' and prosperous New Year. ,All accounts are now due and must be paid onor before Jan, 70, Atter that date they will be placed for eolleetton its I am leaving town. MISS 1IeDONALD Liberal. Convention The annual meeting of the Liberal .Association for South Huron will be held in the TOWN HALL, HJ :MSALL TUESESD.a1Y, JANUARY 10, 1922 at Lao o'clock p.m., for, both Prov- incial and Federal purposes. Ladies are especially invited to be present. HY, SMITH, Federal President JOHN ESSERY, Local President SALVATION ARMY SERV ICLS Sunday—Public Library. 11.00 a,m.—Holiness :Meeting ?,30 p,m,—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Salvation Meeting 3.00 elm. --North End. Mrs. Green's home „JY.P.G A. Gut your lelembershi, secured this week at Mr. Dole's Drug ,Store. Rooms Only open to members from Jan. 1st and on,. , Get`axeady 'for the Rig Social. night Trritt Memorial Church Regular services next Sabbath at 11 a;fn. and 7 pan. r,. Tyle regullar Services as usuel next Sabbath. Rev A,, A. Tramper, Rectort 47AVEN PRESBY'tLRIAN (7HUBOH Rev. James Foote, 8. A., Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible classes. The Minister JAMES ST. 'METHODIST , CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Willson, B.A. 11 : am. --"The Power .oaf' an Ertd2ess Life,,, 3 p.m.—Sabbath School and Bible Study.. 7,00 p,m. "The Time Limit." Choir and ' Congregational Singing,. All We1cptne, MAIN ST. METHODIST CHURCH Rev Geo. McAlister, M. A. Phone • 21r3 11.00: a.m.-A. Rtrospeee, 3.00',.p;m:;—Bible Study Classes: 7.00. p'm.—"Looking Forward!' AT BETItM Y BAGSHAW'' & EASTON 2,30 p.m.—New Year, Dr. and Mrs,. S. R. 1, Hewitt and two .children of Toronto spent the holidays at the home, of Mrs. Hewitt's father, Mr. Alex. Dow. Nies. B.:.iford and Miss Dorothy of Lyndon, and me and Robert rape of Lander. :pent Christmas with Mr.and Mrs, VV • 71. Armstrong. Mr, Rufsasell Flynn and wife of Tor- onto end Mn. and Mrs. Richard Treble, of London spent Christmas with Mr. and. Mrs,. Thomas Myna :Miss Mildred Norry of Leedom, and Miss Flosence Norry of Windsor were Christmas visitors at home, The lat- i er is staying ;for sometime. Mr. Wm. iShosienbergy of London spent Monday at 'the: home ,of Mr. T. H. Newell, Mr. Shosenberg leaves London this erek to reside in Halifax JVIr, and Mrs?,' WM. Heenan; and Mr. and Mrs, A. M. 'Healman and son Jack of London spent 'the holiday at the 'mime of Missend Mrsj W. J. Heantan;. Nl,r. Barry And Mn and Mrs, Harry ;Sower and faannily of Itgersgill, and Mr. and .Nies{, John Bowers of Lon- don spent a, ;few days, as the home of Mr. R. G. 'Seldom, Mr, and Mrs: W. H. Le nett, Mr. and Mrs .Chas; Dale of London„ Mr. and IV.Trs. 'Garvey Acheson of Se Thomas and ir, Beverley ,Acheson of Wood- stock were holiday visitors at the Cen- tral Hotel with -Mr. and .Mrs. Acheson Mr, G. S. Howard attended the funeral of a relative, Mrs, Percy Richardson; nee Mary A,. Drysdale, in 1=Iensall on Saturday. The deceased was brought home from Saskatchewan for treatment. and died a flew' 'days after 'reeehing heir father's home ,in Hensall. For the first, lime in several years; Mr. and Mrs. W, H. ,Johnston, .Andrew Street have .had the great pleasure of having dols whole family home for Christmas those present being, Free - barn of the Ca:inse& Inieltat tom: ,of Wash ngton who has 'just r -turned from a se,etellic'cruise';to Ne,w Zee- land, and ether P-a:tfic (;r9 oup,; Albert and Ceci'. from 'To ootto, and Dr,` :Mary from Hanihttori PRONE 32 JONES .4: 'MAY PHONE 32 Wel Extend to All our Best Wishes for Happy and Prosperous New Year WE LIBERAL THROUGH TILY -TEJA n TRONAGE IN THE CUSTOM RS FOR THEIR AST AND TRUST THAT FAIR. DEALINGS AND GOOD SERVICE Wt. MAY MERIT A CONTINUANCE OZ SA. IX 1. R. Carling, B.A Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public Commissioner, Solicitor for the .Mol - sons Bans£, Etc. INVEST YOUR FUNDS in Victory, Dominion of Canada, Pro- vincial and Municipal Bands, all legal investment for Trust Funds, At existing prices from 6 Der cent. to 7 nee cent, can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me. Money to loan at lowest rates of initerest Office—Carling Bk., Main 'St, Exeter A . Prosperous and Happy New Year R. N. ROTE FUNItRAL DIRECTOR THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTe, Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Ua mxeelaed dining car rtervice Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cgs on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, ca C. E. Horne ing District Passenger Agent, Taroetlo N.J. Ot, Ezeter Phone 44w_ WINTER TERM FROM JAN 3rd CENTRAL S'rRATFOft M.. ONT. Western Ontario's best commercial school with. Comanierciia7., Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments, We give individual tinier= tiotn, hence"Entrance; Standing" is pot necessary Gradu- ates assisted to positiionse Get • our free catalogue for rates and oth:er particulars, D. A; McLachlan, Principal TH OTT PHONE -134 BROS. PHONE 134 We wish you a Happy and Prosperous, New Year. Southcott Bros. DR. HENRY .A, CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter gChallls promptly attended to, day or DR. A E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon McDoneil's, Stables, John St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. VianngJ Phone 26w MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUER by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of - fine. Strictly confidential; no witaellt Dr. G. F. Rouiston, L. D. S., D. D.S. I DENTIST ^' Office over Carling's Law Office c r Closed Wednesday afternoons. Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate Toronto Uni'vereity Office—over Madman & Stanbury,'S Office, Main Street, Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron :. Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Fart Stock Sales, a Speccialty. Office at ' Central Hotel, Exeter, Ontario. FRANK) TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middleserz Prices Reasonable and -Satiefaetion Guaranteed, Crediton, On'tarno. If you went to ,order a daily:'papes or magazine,,or renew a `present su sicrrption, leave your order at tam;,! Advocate Office. We save you paper, envelope postage stamp and cost of money order .and when clubbing elite tie - more besides. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on ,farm -and, vitiate, vii agte, property at low rates of .interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter.