HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1978-09-07, Page 22PAGE 2ATHE GODERICH SIGNAL,: -STAR, THURSDAY, SE'; EMrBER 7.1878 When Alison Scott h ds her pet goose Donald, the young bird loves to put his head on her shoulder. Iis Instance, it took the goose some doing, but he finally poked his beak through her long hair. (Photo by Jim Hagarty) eover.....aae • from p : ge IA Donal i appreciates a good oke. 0 e day, she took `her pe with her to meet her c • ssmates at Victoria ublic School. He had a ball. • The kids were shown a film that day, an • - old comedy classic as it turned out. Donald sat attentively watching the flick, and when a part in. the movie showed one man pushing another into a river, he started honking like mad. Try proving to Alison ---that Den-ald.-ieally-wasn't enjoying a good goose laugh that day. ona • s • een back to school since then and really laps up all the attention the kids lavish on him. But he has his moods. He spent a couple of weeks holidaying on• the farm this summer and when the Scotts went to pick him up, he was really mad. He'd -been chased all over the place and never really warmed up to the other geese. -.Basically though, Donald's a pretty easy- going goose, and a real nature lover. One day this summer, Alison looked out the window to see how her goose was surviving a flash rain storm: and there he was, sitting on the lawn in the middle.. of the downpour, loving every minute. Donald the Goose loves to lean his long neck on Alison Scott's shoulder. He's justa young bird and has been with Alison since shortly after his birth in May. Without doubt, the girl is Donald's favourite human being. (Photo by Jim Hagarty) - ___.____.._._Alison-Scott-agreed-to-give-her-peLgoose -a-peek -on-the-beak, but -checked -around first to make sure her mother wasn't watching. Josephine Scott is afraid a goose kiss might contain a few geniis. As for Donald the Goose, he just loves attention and affection. (Photo by Jim Hagarty) DONALD THE LOVER In goose time, Donald's about two -and -a -half years old. He'll soon be entering__his_adolescence and will no doubt soon be faced with a lot of un- familiar sensations common to his oncoming ganderhood. What I'm trying to say, is that Donald's soon going to be on the lookout for a girlfriend. He'll soon be getting his big chance. On Sunday, he and AIison moved to Milton where the whole family's moving to live in another month. Donald's going to board for the winter on a nearby farm. There'll be other geese there, and when the young females get a load of `city -slicker Donald in his blue cowboy hat and pink-ca.p.e'_l►e'l•I be lined.up..:. for dates weeks ahead. But Alison is a bit a p p rT h eTrsive Ire doesn't want Donald taking up with the first flirty thing in feathers that catches his eye. You see, when geese mate, it's for life. There's no trial marriages, no separations, no divorce. If a • mate dies, the. goose remains'single fpr the rest of 'bis life. So you can see what a stew (forgive the 'expression Donald) the poor guy • would be in if he ever. hitched up with the wrong bird. Personally speaking, if I were a girl goose, I'd be shining up to Donald. He's quite a hunk of honk. I should know. He jumped in his tub and took a bath right out in the open while Alison and I were talking. And he's pretty af- fectionate. When Alison holds him, Donald flops his long neck on her `shoulder and loves it when she pets him. Donald walked down the street and stood watching me until I was out of his sight. His last three "Honk! Plonk! Honks" did it to me. I whimpered all the way back to work. You know, I wish the government had never closed the Goderich Psychiatric Hospital. I think I could° use a little rest. Donald the Goose is a fashion -conscious bird. For lounging around the yard, he often wears a blue cowboy hat and pink cape. On more formal' occasions, Donald sports a tuxedo bow tie. His wardrobe advisor and owner is Alison Scott, Gibbons Street, Goderich. (Photo by Jim Hagarty) SINES.SSINESS Di.RECTO.RY R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square 524-7661 Ronald L • McDonald Durst, Vodden SBL Bender CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 47 CHURCH ST., 524-6253 Goderich. Ontario ,. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS DIESEL Pumps and Injectors Repaired For Alt Popular Makes ., Huron Fuel injection Equipment Bayfield Rd. • 483-7971 H.O. JERRY LTD. Complete line of PAPER'PRODUCTS PARTY SUPPLIES Products for every user. .• H.O. JERRY LTD. "The Paper People" 185 Park St. GODERICH _.._._524-20_53 _............... • Cards Fore: X:>,r"yw All Occasions *Gifts ?*Books *Stationery Supplies *Records 37 West Street Goderich, Ont. 524-2011 ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE. 33 EAST ST. GODERICH l For FASHION RIGHT SHOES The Place To Go is ROSS SHOES The Square Goderich WEST ST. COIN -OP LAUNDROMAT & DRY CLEANING 54 West St. 524-9953 PET SUPPLIES OPENING SOON IN GODERICH Everything for the Fish & Bird Enthusiasts IN FILM DEVELOPING ° LOW PRICE OR.. REPLACEMENT FILM COLOR N� FILMS DEVELOPED to, d PR/NTED o 33' �1IALL 12 EXP. ‘410 /COLOR NEG.FILMS DEVELOPED & PRINTED Pt, A REPLACEMENT FILM t4COLO R NEG. FI LMS DEVELOPED.... FpR PRINTED O!YL DEVELOPED& PRINTED jA' REPLACEMENT f%LM PHARMACY SHOPPERS SQUARE, GODERICH 524••7241 CAME TO SAY GOODBYE In our short time together, Donald and I really didn't get to know each other very well. I petted his head a few times, but most of the time he just stood at a distance watching me. Probably taking mental° notes so he'll have a good story to tell his buddies on the farm near Milton, about this furry -faced human he met in -G-oderich. The only time he ever showed any friendliness was when I went to take his picture. "He loves to have his picture taken," explained Alison. "But he gets mad if anyone else tries to get in the picture with him." You )snow, I felt sort of emotional when it came time to leave the Scotts. • Knowing I'd never see him again, left a little lump in my .throat. I looked at Donald and saw that he had a lump in his throat too, but Alison said it was just some food he was trying to swallow. . I climbed in the car to head back to the office, sort of teary-eyed and all, and I asked Alison if Donald ; wasn't going to come wish me off. She yelled to the back yard where the goose was playing tri"its tub, "Come on Donald. Come say goodbye to the nice man." - Donald waddled up the driveway and stood by the car While 1 wished him luck in Milton. As 1 drove away, @ecoratinc Ltd 33 Huron St., Clinton Box 337, Clinton NOM 11.0 482-9542 529-7939 Paints, Stains, Min Wax products. Wall coverings, Draperies, Floor Sanding, Texturing Interior & Exterior ' Contracting FREE ESTIMATES Open Daily -7 a.m..11 p.m. Drycleaning MacGifrivray&Co. RONALD E. TAKALO, C.A.. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ACCOUNTANTS RESIDENT PARTNER 40 THE SQUARE RESIDENT PARTNER SQUARE GODERICH, ONT. 524-2677 •MONTREAL' TORONTO BRAMPTON HAMILTON ST. CATHARINES PORT COLBORNE. LISTOWEL WINNrPEG CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER GODERICH 8:30 to 5:30 p.m. RADIO SERVICE THE Co-operators GEORGE TURTON INSURANCE Life, Auto, Residential and Farm 319 Huron Rd'., Hwy. 8 Goderich 524-7411 THE COACH HOUSE TRAVEL SERVICE 59 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524-8366 OPEN: Monday -Friday 9:00-5:30 Saturday 9:00 -NOON CITIZEN BAND - MARINE - BUSINESS WARRANTY & AFTER WARRINTY SERVICE ONTARIO RADIO P.O. BOX 131 GODERICH 524-4786 Radios may be picked up and dropped off at MR. STEREO, 40 WEST ST.. GODERICH RADIO SHACK (ASC) 40 HAMILTON ST. FULLY APPOINTED FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE TRAVEL GULBRANSEN GALANTI WURLITZER the Best in Organs and Pianos FREE Organ Lossobs Low•Cost Rental Plan All this and more at PULSIFER MUSIC SEAFORTH 527-0053 Closed Wednesdays AN OLD FASHIONED HARDWARE STORE * PIpe cut and threaded *• Windows Glazed * Screens Repaired * Keys cut * Bulk nUlis 8, screws * Free delivery * Personal Service * Quality Products * Competitive prices PHIL MAIN HARDWARE For Home, Farm & Industry (formerly H2O. Jerry) 114 KINGSTON GODERICH 6666 I \Rf,I ". VISAira mom 5244071 Sfience and Fashion In Hair Care • M'Lady complete hair care services • M'tords hair cutting & styling — Tues., Thurs. evening • Senior citizens discounts Wednesday afternoons Plus • Nucleic acid & protein hair treatments Where??? AT The Beauty Lounge "Naturally" 81 East St., GODERICH 524-8994 Peter S. MacEwen INSURANCE AGENCY Residential - Commercial Auto -Life 38 St• David St., Goderich Ph.- 524-9531 or 524®2522