HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-12-29, Page 51
While Mr. tand Mrsf. J. tA., Datlas:
-were Visitklg iat Seettorth the latter
Sell down the cell*. etairs, Ana besides
the shoek wa,S badly bruleed.- Ain
Garnet Case of 'Toronto isevietting hie
.plrents, ,Mr. and Mrs; Geerge Case.
Lis MeeKey who. is, attending the
UniVerSit,y at Toroat.o, is home for the
horelase.-Sen Robert Drysdale of
Sandusky. Alich, attended the feneral
ef hissister, the lete Mrs. Pexce
Richardsen.-Alessra John Passmores
John Murdock, IS.olsert Caldwell and
Wre. Craig were en Graderielt acting
oe She jurse-A erer.y1 sad death oe.-
curree here on Dee. 11th ,• when Mrs.
Percy Richardson of Consort, Alte.,,
passed .away. Mrs. Richardson had
be in good health for sometime
t„ came east hoping, to he iraproved
e the change. She -reached here en
tb2 15th. in •weakened e•enditioes end
the end soon catnefront leekage of the
Itears. Deceased was .born et, Drysdale
the Sanely home, sonte40 years ago.
Sht spent most of her life here until
see eters .aga wheat „slue was married
• 'ane meved la the west. Besides her
ittisbend and tw> sons, she is survived
by her father, L J. :Drysdale of Hee-
sere IllVesisterS,_:Nirs). 'At R. MeNell
of Consort. Its W. Stowell of Gads-
by, Alta, Mrs, W. A. „MeLaren of, Hen
sell ;four brolietrs, Robert of San-,
ditsky,ehlielt., Ralph a. Dabnc,
•Jaels Vancouyer end G.. M. of Hen-
eall. The f•uneral took place in Ilene
Sall Santrslay aftemoon, Dee. 24th.
Airs.j lehichs has seed her •dwell -
tile on Rielenond S. to Misses Janet
an; Barbara Frr:s o Tuckersmith
-hirs, Fred Sinallaeombe and daeghter
Jean •of iiinsearth, Man, tormerlY of
iisnsall, are s.pendhig fewmondts
visiting her mother, J. Ellie • and
sister, alies M. Ellies-Mr. and ;Mrs.
Nieltolas Horton who ha'ee. been lathe
West' So.r the past year or so visitiag
with metabers of their family, .res
turned to Hensall.
Air. Thomas Parlxner, fortnerlY
ths eontecticesery and grocery bust. -
sues in liensall 'for several ,yeers, has
eurehassti groeere business of
Themes Dely • ha S4afartie
. '1,;h
ser' ..cs restart 'het Mr,
ErnSst lei VOTy buin or
sUy reeovery.-4 s Lo.tie Gal-
avr, who has been the past NeabOn as
tr4Ilif0r n.Waetelote itts returned to
her home here.-Alr, Theo. AlcAdams
of sits Brons=ost Line, reeently had the
raistortunt to break a ritt-Ale.,srs.
Wagteir and Lloyd Kalbileisch, who
are attending the Waterloo Sim aerie
ars home for vacation. -Mr. !terry
Zapte of the Town L'ele, Stanley. at
Blake, has recently sold Wrs 100-aere
farm to Mr. Leon Jeffrey, jr., posses -
/den '10• 13`.' given. next Sir. We
understand Mr. Zapfe an:1 family will
move to Brueefield
. _
NEWS TOPICS OF -WEEK Mere tteia-ups emir at Toronto. [FORSPLINT LAM NESS
Theusands new dyin.g in Russja's
famine area.
British submit proposal to abolish
Allied Premiers get closer in yiew
OU reparations. ;
Vote on amendment in" 'Dail
against de Valera.
Britain has no political position
regarding eiberia,
Washington Conference will last
till mid-January.
The .Spauiards are winning their
way in ]iorocco. 'ere
"Pussyfoot" Johnson returns from.
Indian campaign.
Dail Eireann adjourns treaty de-
bate over Claristmas.
Toronto police seize another still
in northwest part a city.
Hamilton telephone girls pool
funds to treat needy children.
Five provincial by-elections
uent iii rince Edward Island.
One robber killed and anotlaer
wounded on streets of New York.
Montseal clerk orders 368 dozen
Pairs of pants, instead of 368 pairs.
Tillsonburg man electrocutee on
Hydro line between Hespeler and
The election of J. T. Shaw, pro-
gresstve, W. Calgary, is UCIW CCM-
London eitizena eagerly aPplying
for housing Wan% offer 20 per cent.
"Midget" Smith outpointed "Pete"
Hermate former bantatuttreight
The .. tablets were unveiled in Ade
tnInis.retion Building, Board of Edu-
cation, Toronto.
Univeralty of Toronto basketball
team defeated the Unlversity of Ro-
chester, 29 to 21.
Richard N. Pride. aged eight, dies
trona scalds through upsetting fath-
er's ebaving rater.
Detroit merchants are new coyly
attesepting to woo back their former
Windsor customere; Canadian Money
taken at Par.
impqrtant Events Which Have
Occurred During the Week.
The Busy World's Happenings Care-,
• itdly Compiled and Put Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Paper — A
Solid Hopes' Enjoyment.
Dail still ird'utsTuDY
• setlilmi Anglo-Irish
• De Valera calls paet an ignoble
France likely to agree to Hughes'
nevai sett°.
Lloyd Sleortes and .1,:ieed canter on
Chinese armi,.3 nu..y es -operate to
nave Manchuria.
Important eaticite of Pregressive
party at Saskatoon.
Million thallare deeesee on Niagara
river by 95 -utile tette.
Vancouver exp :. a, a :he eeldest
weather in two et -es
Nova Scotia coa r rejee. pre -
Pose' a wage reducelen.
Colin Groat appointed Pub/lath'
Commiseloner for Alberta.
Woodetocke Out., meet tli etelden-
le after election cautpaign.
Several important amendments in
Marking Net announced.
Sudbury hockey players den' al-
leged rough play in Boston
Japanese make offer for return to
China of Shantung- itallWaY.
Progressive candidate wins North
Oxford provincial by-election.
An Armenian a. Termite ellocts
cousin and turns gun on himself.
C. Kent Duff, Hamiltonaccepts
position on the facuLy of a college
ha China.
Relations of Spanish River Com-
PanY with Conservative Goverunteut
ItniversitY of Toronto defeated
Kitchener in a S. P. A. game by
3 to 2.
An artificial ice plant will be In-
c alled in the new Live Stock Arena,
Briet extraordinary session of the
British Parliament ended, the Lords
and Commons being prorogued until
January 31.
Bolshevists are planning to seize
Dail diseusses the treaty in open
More arrests of agitators in Cat-
eutta, India.
Liberals in Toronto form Macken-
ele King Club.
JaPs-ChInese negotiations onShau-
tung Postponed.
Faber of Chicago leads the Amer-
ican League pitchers.
France accedes to Hughes' naval
ratio for capl'al shins.
Lt. -Col, 11. R. Abbott, prominent
London dentist, is dead.
University of Toronto raises mat-
riculation requirements.
St. Atary's was defea:ed by U. ot T.
for tbe7S. P. A. trophy.
Premiers Lloyd George and
Briand confer en reperatiens.
Sir Gearge Perley Mike of resign-
ing High Contmlesionerablp.
Quebee Lisloor Clommission ends
daYn of the "rubber sandwich."
Earth uakes ;reeked both ends of
nee've 4114 C`1°111/41°"; °U niel"" thz. 'Small American ceitinent,
of the Public Utilities Ciomniiseien The 'U. S. Senate passed the bill
and three members for the Board of for $20,000,000 for Russian relief,
Education. And further notice is The Legislature Committee sug-
gests thenges in the Insuralice Aet.
Ex -Con troller Hubert Asttplant,
London business man, dies, aged 70.
The University of Toronto senior
basketball team lost to Colgate, 35
to 24.
Mount Horeb Wthilail killed and
husband seriously hurt by train near
George White, colored, reaenes a
Toronto hospital In tuaddened stete
from drugs.
The crew of the Concrete and
liglakeepers, feared lost in storm,
reach Kingston.
British delegation ask for
session of conference to
elimination of submarine.
Public Notice is hereby given tha
a meeting -of the Electors of the Vil-
lage of EXOter Will be held in the
at the hour of 12 o'clock noon
$40' the purpose of making and re-
ceiving nominations for the oilief!
hereby given that in the event of
more candidates being Mote:Mod for
any particular office than requirol to
be elected, the proceedings will be
adjourned until MONDAY, JANU-
ARY 2, 1922, when polls will be
opened at 9 o'clock at the following
places, as fixed by the Village BY1aesh
Polling Sub -Division No. 1.—Mrs,
E. A. Handford's residence, Main St.,
E. Treble, D.R.O., S. Davis, P.C.
Polling Sub -Division No. 2.—Town
Hall, Main St., W. Johns, D.R.O., J.
H. Grieve, P.C.
Poling Sub -Division No. 3.---,Mit-
ebell's office, Main and Wellington
Sts., G. Anderson, D.R.O., A. Gam -
brill, P.C.
Polling Sub -Division No. 4.—
North End Town Hall, F. Witwer,
D.R.O., john Kydd, P.C.
And all Electors are hereby re-
quested to take notice and govern
themselves accordingly.
Returning Officer.
Exeter, Dec. 7, 1921.
Notice to Creditors
In bile matter Of the Estate -of Cath-
' anne LoeghEn, !Wm lolf, the Town-
ship Of McGillivray, County of
...Middlesex, Spins t er; Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant
to seetien 56 of the Trustees At, R.
S. 0. 1914, Chap. 121,' that all .red -
hors and others having elitims or de-
mands against the testate of the said
Catharina Loughlin, who died am • or
about 01.4 19th day Of \ AtKost,.,1921;
at Townshb of ,Mc•GillivraY, are requir
ed, on or 'before 'the ,10th .dayott Jan-
-nary. 1922, 1922; send by oast prepaid
for deliver to Herbert l, Eltber, at
Cred2ion .E. 0., the adminCisitr,ator.
of the' last Wilt and Testament of •the
shd deceased, their Christian names
d 'surnames, addresses and clescriP-
s, the :full particuppra,- in' writing.
-Of their claims, a statetnent of their
aecounth and the nature' of tbe se-
curity,' if any, held by them. .'
.AndYtake notice that, after such last
..mentkrnied date, the airaintstrator will
'proceed to distribute the assets ef
-said deceased among the parties en-
titled thereGai having sregeed tertlY41-0,
such elite& Of which notice shall have
beea genas abovesrequired; and the
!seisl adsbithr 9iIiiot`..'he lialle
ble 1 oijd MiI, ccit.„'),k,Ly paitl„there,-"tl;
(Of, to any tieVsokitIJOWireirgnib`f hci(se.
claim tlhls tic s halP not; b
been . reeelsied e brie at the -eine s of ;
ssuch dlitribetioreh,?,1"ss
'Ierbrt It. Eitlb ere
".;! .
War looms on Siberian horizon.
IL S. Senators lining *up against
Gandhi willing to negotiate on In-
dian crisis.
Allies Supreme Council to meet
at Cannes.
May have to be another armament
cqnference. • ,
Japan to adopt subtler pollcyeto-
ward China. .
Oeunsel in timber 'Probe Witte at
bxfstence of ring. •
Canedisens defeated Hamilton 3 to
1, et ,Mtrietreal. ,
St. Patrick's defeated the Senators,
5 to 4, in Ottawa.
The New York A. C. swimming
team beat' McGill.
Passenger -train from Paris and
Rome express collide.
The T. A. H. A. plans to embrace
other cities next season.
Russian smashes 21 plate glass
windows In Parry Sound.
Finance Minister's review says
business is slowly improving.
New Brunswick prohibition order
to go into force January 15.
Pere Marquette car shops at St.
Thomas close down indefinitely.
Premier peure persists in refusal
to, recognize -Vote on Hydro -radials.
Judgment 'reserved on. Bell Tele-
phone application for higher rates.
A provincial police agent was
stabbed in the presence of comrade.
Controller Maguire elected Mayor
of Toronto for 1922 by acclamation.
Attorney -General -Farris, British
Columbia, resigns f or business
Wintry Weather grips Toronto;
thetuahnlitervrAegisters .;.1".% degrees
above zero. - t•-•^4'
(.( Furriishing store,ln-ColumlinS, 0.,
wIcile filled with shopperEe -wrecked'
by' an, 7."1"k411( f'
,One hundred and sixty
cars. to..be 1*(3k-en tit forP,!fuel for
St. Thc(tos poor.
• ...Six nepublica.M3 ,were killed
and 20 *.ound4d, in, a battle between.
Sinn Foiners=and eons'abulary In the
How to Veal Witt fhs Troub!e 1wish tc thank th's feriurs' Mr:5' Wm. 41'1411liaras c"fit"
low ,zo generously gv
ien leo ee her bfid with severe attatie of
in Young liorses,their patronage sinee I started the brorleb4ts•-iOrte of then
e Oldest ' ,
. soee.s
chop/4,g elat at c "tuella awe ce: this towe ea the peon of Pateck
•4 Hone euTecunu Young Animals nis aihnynaapareoautdp,,,r4a)lulsaNMeewrryy• earChrist- Logan Passed ave ay recently, tuml the
„ funeral took ttae to St Pateick'a
Host Commonly Affected—eymp- 2 WM.. J. SMITH, Prop. eenteierY.‘Hes we., 84 years ef age -
.d Treatment I
Mrs. J. „forgers, serouslyji,her-
ing haat two p•,,eralythe strokes last week
Offered. • t Mr. vv. cxasviii, who .has been. inlhe esmr, Roy Nal e ecaig ai large im,
thement shop.; He 47.hgent for artura
(C°4tribil4rdlcitYlt°urnet.'ArTiec'rePeetPoultmeat Q4 I W «st for some time, has returned. ,
Miss Dinah Woods of London is vis- her of teetorh,hestrhapahuh school
!iitn.ligr. bRerexauntiltsis thise iihofilis4sseyeffi:Slarialstc,xsaiis 0,.27:1,1, ,iirte.yr gachvstatagahoodeonphreo,r4t.raomm. the
PLIN'T lameness Is a common 1
complaint ii young horses, i'll'c'TznhttehSeurresday Sheol Christmas Con -
and occasionally seen in horseset and Tree which was held last
or any age. 11 is rarely noticed Wednesdey 4venlng, was quite asue- - A1LSA CRAIG -John MeDougall of
We place, whe dropped to, the. ground
in the hand limbs.
' c 'Isshin auerr.;hwleIr-vices were held on from a. third story w:ndaw
elate the trouble it is necessary to SehuunrdelY, In 1112 b3'senlent 'c't the eslin; his Chr' s Vara 3 ,dnTr Sunday
In order to understand and appre- new terse Hospital ,Londons shortly after
abtoilltet aulnYfeltonlfoteetlitillt.:e11;7111ill:lepr4arr°1:IfItsttlibueesutikilnelY.ye dci,"1:Ilistfaslat.:(1,s17:11e1.1.101._is elictsred !own, for seem. esee etohhey 1.t.h4,1... He 1p4
the former's par- Ha was net married.
hten a pat'ent at the hospital :or
called the cannon. It eons's% of three sres over the holidase
Ser. an.a airS. rrnms .1.....:w.s ow, Lon- ere. weeks and wee 55 year:, he h,...;,z.
bones: one large eanusbn hone extend- Mr. Herb flantoe. or London wring the whole diet:Luce, trom the knee ''-h-h' are he It?.1tiose.
in the fore limb. and front the hose en‘e,ieri atbrete Alcrhsr.stitastepsbuhrn.011-o4fay5LCulwdon;
n the hind limb to their respective •r in c=i other friends .7..n. this '
fetlools joints. This bone has a bread
Capt. William Crawford. Torun
is dead.
Irish newepapers strongly favor
e treaty.
Grimsby's new arena will be open-
ed next week.
Nomlna.tIons for municipal office
In some places.
French. delegates oppose eliminat-
ing submarines.
President says no entanglement in
four -power treaty.
Strong flow of gas etruck in well
In Dover township.
Government liquor stores report
dull Christmas trade.
Stelling in Toronto, $4.47 41; at
New York,
South American volcanoes cove
great area with ashes.
Vincent Massey elected president
of Massey -Harris Co.
A woman dropped dead at Christ -
Mas festival in Winnipeg.
• Child dies in Montreal from falling
into tub of boilIng water.
Farmer near Lonsdale drilling for
water finds gas at 118 feet.
The International League will have
el new umpiring staff in 1922.
R. E. Kent nominated tor alder-,
man in Kingston for 2601 time,
President Harding grants freedom,
but not pardett, 1.0 Soclellst leader
Tommy Coyne, Toronto, defeated
eurBareyetion at the Hamilton boxing
to the pollee that a
HarilltOP. reggent4lilarITriePlyotol
over him with a revolver while the
gunnian's conips.nions removed sixty
cases. of whiskey from his cellar.
The arrival of the steamship Cen-
tennial State, the first steamer to
toucb Queenston, Ireland, from
the United States since landing re-
strictions at. Irish ports were remov-
•ed, was made an occasion of civic
Detect at! Cretleiere .thee.22na day of .....-isainiens et .County Tyrone.
December, 1921. 1
Lost His Christmas Spirit.
GUELPH, Ont., Dec. 26. — Jacob
Schwartzman, of Toronto, landed in
Guelph at a late hour Thursday night
with his car loaded down with
liquor, and a short time after he
landed in the police station, along
with his supply. The police had
received a tip to the effect that
Jacob was coming and they were on
the lookout for him. He had five
sacks of Scotch vsniskey, containing
about two dozen bottles in each.
Friday morning he pleaded guilty
and was fined $1,000 and costs or
three months in jail in default of
payment, and ine'addition three
months at the Ontario reformatory.
he liquor was confiscated.
n eltberhoed.
1 Nil. end "Mrs areas and familv Wtre
awl somewhat tlat posterior surface. tn..' Ifeer,e; set' -es the ;
Lo each edge of ells eurtace M et- esr.-Ttee Mrs. Thompson w.,tre
ached (by liteetnentous attachment) as Brantford for the. holidays.,
sse ease slap or t14( postertor upset
f the later hone. a re s inches above
lie fetlock.
A eyeleti onsists bony union
letwe.n tla. la.rge =tad small bones.
is set up, usually by
Pone'srulon during travelling, espe-
elan!, on herd roads. As a result of
SuilentutatIon an exudate Is
titruian out, and the ligamentous at-
eicleuent is deetroyed. The exudate
I's. of eourse, soft at first, but soon
"come converted into bone and
inh'.-s the large and cmall bones by
bony- union. An enlargement of
greater or less size can usually bo
en, which, In most cases, graft -
ally disappears, by absorptlon until
nothing can be noticed, and in many
cases cannot be Istected even by
manipulation; at the same time the
°stale (bony) union between the
bones is permanent. Hence a horse ton equal L. Grafton, G. Glutton. A.
that once has a splint will always Hare:non, J. Allitser and R. 'Grafton
have it, although ell risible syene. :qua!, V. Gratton, L. Alollard, F. Pol-
We often hear peoete say that .A lock. No. on roll 38, average 35.
toms may have dappeared.
horse over seven years old never has Room jataerdac.her.L.
splints." This arises from the fact Taylor. B. Gratton, B. Ravnie, V.'etnaa
that the visible enlargement tali uS. Wiirs DFSjardinz, T. Gil% I. Disler-
ually disappeared, but the union ot din:, S. Ravallet Jr. H., W. Disiardme
the bones remains. This absorption R. Statton, Bossenberry, G. Disjar-
does not always occur. It AS not un- dins, J. Pat terscm., Grettors. c.
common to observe well marked
eplints in horses of any age. In some
cases the splint itouble—that is,
an enlargement Is neticahle on each
-ef-pm *one
Mr. • Class:nee Vetter Serree
holisley at hht berne bees.
hties 'Clam thi'utee t)eroit, ia
siting with letr parente.
Al'. and Mrs. Geo. isehterrnart are
visiting Chesley.. •
Mrs. DersSeirt arid esn Saw,Mich., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
,Gmyba, sr.
Mr. • and Mrs. 'Welber Grayisr:11 est'
Woodsteek ars visiting Mr. and Mre.
J. W. Graybeil. • •
Mrs. Humble and elchdren. Mr. and
ts at ghgate.
Mrs. IL Els se 'and Air. and Alm D.
and Mrs. Heighway are speed- Pfaff .and son Clifford of Sarnla are
'mg ftw. days at the home of the holiday visitars in • towie •
formssee .sieter, hfre. jolut Essery. • le...shi,IJ.nal'S.;11.iiiitsillesosaterTi ohfere4Peterberce is
'eir. and Aire. N. E. Debuts art
ending the - holidays ra Haeover.
Dr Gsee Snt,der Ceedihrgthn. Ohio.
sp:tit Chr2steaas with he perents, Mv.
h and Mrs. Wm. Snisitr,
Mr, I•ttentr Gutradier of Waterless,
small somewhat 11 tangulateshaPed Mr. anti Mrs. Weft, ne-r
one, of considerable size Above, tetteers at the. former's paro
ent.: ver
weere 11erlieth
ttlat. s with e boneshotelav.
4)f tith linee .101111. 9,110.1 gradually de- Miss Lilliau of Dstrisit spent
creases in size est it extentis deem- Christmas et her home here.
vards, besoming quite entail, and Mr. iietigson -Torones vls-
rminatinequail somewhat :tad ut the hems over the heliday
peaeempeenoeule, little more than .hirs. Lloyd Hodgson end scat ar:
t woeitirde down the large Immo. visiting for P. few days with her par -
1'h'' nodules. can i• readily felt. ane Hi
Grand Bend
duzt. spent tbe end, eit h home.
Room I. -Sr. IV., M. Disjarclint, M. Mr. and Mrs, iheen. Perk and daugh
otenstets et, Stibbegts. Ht Gretteta, wieh. Mr. end Mrs: Ch2e..?s SICelzhai;eu
Pa6tt*rson and Fsdrie. Giil equal. ht. Bette ess eetaerstbusg arj„; giersa4/1g
Brtnner, H. Gill, A. BossenberrY, C. Mr. lierb Ge:ser tiff Da.rtelt wilt-
BeSsenberrie F. ev--Ne2e; Jr. IV., E. tug ze hie hems here over the ha:days
Siatton, W. Ravelle, Ravelle. Mr. Esitannd Ewa: had Vitt ra:.sfor-
Lesjardins. B. Webb, W. GI, C., 01-• tuns of haring his finger take3 9fr
Gui and P11.1;yRE,I. sheQ'reettled. arlreUllanCa; :DIV2Tir.g•Nr'inInte:Ir Frnaltes141V3i ..tetalltd1:-epent
equel, E. Lcir:g and,Rt ;Peg* equal; Jr. Chrehmee with his parents • .
HI, C. Taylor end B. 5tattort equal, " Guenther :s Venire; ire
Patterson, D. Greene end A Grate D'trolt this week. • -
Mr, fIarry Gunther Vadsor
test, st1 hs parser,. lover Christmas.
Mr. Earl Gar has opened a new
ska.ine rink. Skating every afterneon
and evening. - • . : • •
Mr. and, Alm E. G. ,KraS and fam-
Lly and ,1'41fr. •end Mrst rIzr Preeler
spsin Christmas in. Landon,
Mr. Milford Cook and sIse 'r Alma
o1 )rGl,:11yrtl.:: and Alter et et
London and Mrs. Dal: os W4140in
twr. M Green, 1. G7(3, G. Grove Asited duets- ;parents, 'Mr, aqui
K. .Lo, B..Gratton, C. Coln Mre.Geo. Cook over the hthelay
Wileene E. HoN. B. Met, V.
•Ravalle; Sr Primer, G. Brenner, M.,
side of the limb. In 3:4er( cases there Hamilton, R. Patterson, E. Bossees SCHOOL REPOthr
Is usually a bony leyosit extending harry, G. Brenner, R, Mollard, A Gill 0: Roont 11, band on e....:'aSCia!'ss"ii
across Ole posterior surface at the E. AltSt`;rt E. Devine; Jr. Pemer, Bhand 4.14)... work. Sr, la, ;G. Givnill,•2r
large bone. from Otte SPlint to ale Green, R. Pfaff, D. Gll LDielittd- 271, 'el Manama 253, C. es r 2:f1
other. This often causes an irritation int. No on. roll 39, average 33. .st„ Sitinhagsn. 168, Fe Kleiese'ver 11,1.
to th estispensory ligament (which Annte V PaA: teacher.. IF.. Wilds 15 W Hauov..r 147, 'A..
passes down this surfae.e) and causes Witlai. 140, H. .Hartlatb VS; 3n Ilk
permanent lameness. Splints stidons.l,Burnmister 265, T. Hat msr 764, ."
OshawaBoy Badly Wounded.
osa.vivA,,.Ont., Dec. 26. Basil
Mosier, aeyoung lad, 15 years old,
was shot in the stomach Thursday
night with his own revolver, a 38-
calibre weapon, which he purchased
from a man named Scott, here,
about the end of July. Mester was
with a chum, Charlie Blo*, 'stand-
ing on the King street bridge about
11 o'clock, and the two boys were
playing with the revolver when it
accidentally went off. The boy was
rushed to the hospital, 'where the
bullet was, extracted. Present indi-
cations are that he will recover;
, Send Fire Alarm by Radii,.
NEW YORK, Dec. 26.—The first
fire alarm sent by radio in New York
came from the police boat John F.
Hylan at 3 a.m. Friday.
The Hylan was cruising past East
60th street, when William Lee, radio
operator, saw a blaze near the river.
He sent a wireless to Sergt. Pierce,
In charge of the radiesetationtsetePes
lice Headquarters, who, nalfteds'Fire
Headquarters. WiterintefeW.minutes
two trucks, three'" engines, •tsvck.ltire-
beats: and two battakilonkelilefs,,(were
be. their way toetheefiese--------.
FinedalktiOnniat Cornwall.
CORNWilkt.i: 'Ont., Dec. 26iesh,
"Pidiee.t1Magistra.•to Cline handed .• ,:kat •
tte Stiffest 'sentence eller imposed In
the"Cornwall Police Ceurt for an in-
fraction of the 0. T. A., Friday, when
he fined W. P. Workman, (Vving "Abr.
risburg as Ills address, $2,006 and
coats or an alternative ef six months.
caeges persistent 21 permentett ettr- r.f. Whalen. sehe zee. E. tesehete Sie.
ness. The eliss'em Band will hold their 206, G B sutler 203, A R.41,4:..raey.:r 171
eh-mete/212,1e many easie ee• monthly stemtIng at the home of Alre:I. Linp:rd 175, E Hansae-e. 11'11! I
lameness is caused. The first Frtnk Gunning ,on Friday afternoen„-iMerner 160, E. Ai:enter 151, M.Wit e
tion of the presence of splint is the Mr. Clarence Gunning has been, sust.1150, M. Graupnsr 125, C. Pfaff 111, N
appearance of the enlargement, ailed t.o buts room suffering from a Fassold 25; Sr. II, G. Burmsister 713
which usually gradually disappearg,, severe attack of appoddieleSse.-Meetnel L. Zimmer 188, W. Evelin 188, L. Ben -
In other cases lameeess is well mark- Mrs. George Mardlin of Londda Town 188,, P. Bender 186, S. Gettitner
ed, and is usually characteristic, 4 ' sh'n sp2nt Suridey et the home or thet170, F. Wein 152, E. Wiiwer 105.
horse lame from splint will usually laiter's parents. -Mr. Plehlist 13rooks '61 Tena Edmeston, teaeher.
stand and walk sound, but if asked abla es sit ap again after be'dg eon, -
to jog or trot will show well marked fined to his bed for sometime,- Nfr. I
Tameness, the bead dropping decided-
ly when the foot of the sound leg
touches the ground. The lameness is
often noticed before there is any vis-
ible enlargement. The lameness is
more marked when the horse trots
down grade, and the intensity of the
lameness usually increases as exer-
cise is continued. Manipulation will
usually reveal the seat of the trouble.
By pressing between the thumb and
finger the line of attachment between
the large and small bones from the
knee downwards, the seat can be lo-
cated by the horse flinching when the
seat of the trouble is pressed. And, if
severer pressure be applied he will
often rear on his hind legs. The
usual seat of splint is on the inner
surface of the fore cannen, or it may
be on the outer surface, or both, and
Is usually one to three inches below
the knee, but may be either higher
or lower. The hind limb is seldom
affected, but when it is the seat is
usually on the outer surface.
Treatment, ---Lameness is usually
present only during the inflammatory
stage. When the exudate becomes
ossified (converted into bone) the in-
flammatory action ceases and lame-
ness disappears, except the enlarge-
ment be of sufficient size; or so sit-
uated that it irritates the suspsnsory
ligament or involves the joint,. 1-1(,nce
treatment should be directed to allay
inflammation as promptly as possible.
Splint lameness- usually appears very
suddenly. A horse may go .perfectly
sound and after a rest of a eatsp,ble
duration when taken out to drfve
again, may show the • characteristic
symptoms noted. '
The patient should be given per -
Rest rest, and the seat of the splint
should be showered with cold water
frequently, or pounded ice kept to it
for a few days. This will often be all
that is neeessary. In other cases
lameness is more teeraistent, and it is
necessary to apply a blister. A blister
made of ,one dram each of biniodide4-
of mercury and cantharides mixed
with one oz, vaseline, and applied in
he ordinary ,way will usually eff5c,t,
In some calms it ie,necessarY
Niger OW seconahtimest( irk) abouk
olitt*Ilti',rared41SeSiitin SineratiOh
§y'a, vetetitiatianehttneeettSarye „ es
, When tenseness Is: not shown, it Is.
seldom considered necessary to treat
splint, as;Athe enlargement usually;
gradua11 disappears, without treat-
ment.—J. H. need, 'V.8.; O. A. Col-
lege, Guelph:
and Mrs. John Stevenson, s,pent Chest: cete-To.,N. _ Norman 1111,3 Cele .s
mas with friends at Del.i.zes,.- M
East got 3t1 days in *jail for lehes
David Long of Leman: .' sPending thedrunk and aitacIsing a constable, Me,
holiday with friends in, this vicinfty.- Robtrt :Walsh. Thursday tieht
Mr. Walter Pollen and 'son Clifford e •
of London are spending the 'Christmas
vacation at -the hoine of 'Ire. Frank
Gunning.-Nfrs. Wilson ,and . famiAly of There Es vs: geo1 field iio, . ,7110.04e
London. are spending •the holidays at from in 'the Mittereihel Election th,s
th, home of her mother, Mrs's, Harry yoar. Considerable new blood ba3.
Rodd, :. baen nom:natal.
SAW years of leadership -k& giving good Value, heaping satisfaction
and real service! That'S why the -Gilson 'name wins respect and
confidence front coast to coast. That's Why- we are proud to sell
this dependable farm equipment.
• 1
The famous Gilson "Goes Like Sixty" En-
gine -any size for ani pgirpose-can be pur-
chased on the easy paymenk,plan. • Let it
pay for itself. Its econotax land depend-
abilit3: have made it the biggest selling en-
gine in Canada. Let us.'-dtiMmistrate on
your farm.
The ilylo Sy1oinsnres
sweet, fresh, succulent en-
silagh cloWn to -the last
forkful. It is bult to !rot
indefinitely. Exclusive
patented features, of de-
sign and constZnetion
explain why •the He° is
chosen by the discnmin-
"The Wonderful Gilson" stands supreme.
More Gilson Silo Fillers were sold io Canada
last year than any other make. It is guar-
anteed to be the lightest running blower -
cutter made. •, ,
Be independent -get a Gilson Silo Filler and
fill your own silo -with your own engine.
4 hp. or larger -at the proper tin3e, when
your corn has the greatest feeding value.
sting fanner. PayX for Manure is the beat fertilizer. You have it.
itself in the first season. Use iti The WeSt,Menure Spreader -made is
Then year after year, pays the Gilson, Nifily? _It his a wide spread.
100 per cent. fifofit on it istow down. te)titk'svighe draft, ,It will
your investment:: ' Can take a reel loaxi. /VA)is'I'free• 'from clutches,
you, beat it?. gears and' an epnia*rect-Parts:' ' "
Call and see our nearest clealori name below. He will 'esi•Mz,nd xnake.,youmoneyon
iiluatteted. artitori Gilson Threihere, Tibrle,4Aca„;Tr„aFtOte: W60,1 Sows,
Grinder., Pump Jacks, fleritr for Catalog.
T. „
• Call and See Nearest Dealer •,
Oren S''.17i-rt r - Exeter, Ont