HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1921-12-29, Page 4The eommittets Sm ch arge are to be The Exeter Advocate congratulated rngratu.atedd upon .the success of the evening's preig? m. The Townsiarp Nomination held era ,;h Proprietors • „ Heil tan. Monday afternoon Election Cards. THE. PUMP IN THE HOUSE Sanders et Cree , tltM Town Hai fiubswrip,ion Przt'e>h advance, 5150 ryvaa�ar attens ended. ire, e 4ede fFolaorvieeig ect k (Snell for Reeve pas Year in Canada; Sari , _n the ' All subscriptions not Ales. Neeb and David Webb; F•cr, United tater. don acre, n a}es paid in advance SUc,, strx charted, y" o -s,• TO THE ELLCTORS OF EXETER Geo. Penna„ e "Wm S e , 7 ver an Elmer �� iter, and hareem served you• to the were made by aieeve, and �d :,none. i1, , ., - Al -hest of m ' abF.Ii,ty the council, th well a �.._...... _..._._...... •� 1 tit ° e ''s n def � et in the Baal: have consented to ?et' m` Mme ag:- jani Ruben Goetz; for CourteilF a ry +tzar John 1p -to -date Pumps THI3RSDA.X, DEC. 29th, 1931 d E4 ' Lawson). Speeches for election to the Reeve -WV Means Comfort and Convenience for the Farmer's Wife.. Water Indoors moped From Out- Do ut Do the ,Joh Save Time door Wellse--How to Hayes, Edward Disaardine, Harry ilea- Haring been strongly urged tof to d ll a • the new ,-and-dates b y in Crediton -. erg a r _ e .. ; of and solicit 5 -our l • � that after the „grant news pear on the ba,�l , lie news shown �, r, ; rel lrem the Government on the vete and influence to secure my el- a xeen.l tore made for Roads, turd T3rid- e.tt%on as. Re e • V ,he Tewash:n would have around sp . tfuljy yours. C. B. SNE LL A Happy New Year `.a all the excel Sete) a the good. Mr. Neeb gave a s rel-nei-:a repast of ,the, business trap- ra •e the A,'tvo.".tte, saa•e r'1 by the County Council dun~:n I`r-cax*an \ia.lo.:1: has bou;.;h". cu * s es, from the ext.*. tit{ rs �4 'c. r. The". appea.rs to be a on- esf z lt.. burin t ler4bee da,sa efa, tiro come n'sng the Elect Hooper *,tate of the lata* B. Brie relent 'n t C= od Roads srst.nt'at p t:nl�an now, and l �,. �)� ,«,�n� T.iC't1,tLL?I4,a ,�rC' being ti�;rti1l«- r ,eeae that ; „le end o:'k rr '1 horse throughout the Townsifeo petit- me. etit- taail a le g lry' eaa s nd of the week:, the Government to have the TO THE ELECTORS OF EXE -r FR r.t �l� 'o` - •s R young 'man serenea 'duet the a' syr ens an of de_ lee ,x l t d t 1 and Genre H b `a n k th there"Ex.ter. l talo th i*lz �1r, anal 'airs. 'I'arlier and Mande et' all e' " .. .. - r p'e:n e: so La '" s an en's:emery.— wing eetz aeitutat �:+•s .'.n.e olio, than is e: - ,� c 't,;� patron -tee dY. t`tt. j23tla'� , . :e�5_:c'&�y T'�iCnS�2.jbS 1v-1 1Al3x9..'sn tica':r prevailed upon to I,et ntY mare" nA) ,.ra•.: i° in '&e nave roads may be re estala'skacd. Up p p tlr . rr wet bee •nary success to (r'�locl; on Tuesday resignat',a,-i Cor .r 1 take. t.ri?lor for the ,,Vada of lrus.n.S,, is o sy tunny o£ rr• : :'eel rr:.1a waz� .lex_ w:th s;*'i,:ii'n� your nota and znfiva'nee, and lb and the s- J 11 �! ''n -t Etna Fl R I2 d '�� 'bb 'are rt. tirtlt that th Reeve , ex -Neeb if e e,:te:l well de what I rain .for the ry .Reeve, .fit L<.tr:l(ar;a are vw :,,nn„ , s . u.-. '' ty ":'whey c,er s., a,vi t. , � " h:asc interests of the va«iaa;s �.t n, , e l OM following . C hr'stnras , Mee tee by aceluazat'son_ wee an els a:- Cr, F. HOOPER- rsitar:; is town --Herb Heist, 'Murray titan up',l be held for council. The l ?er 3 lir. and "Airs, Mark and tiaud„dat,:s .are,—George Penhale.' WmMrs lin ,er' Detre;1; kienry wave:,+ SW erer,.John H ;ayes and Elmer Lane- z'r of ls, :w.rener; i Miss Lyle, Bohn of son, ie ° Them ms, M;ss •Treys Hodg'ns o;' I. *nden, \Ir. and :qrs. Herb Young s,e+':ni, t„krry 4e -en n l'acistoce. herb Bearer raw D :r.< t and Jos. Keenan +na.Guelph The carver ;'t. -en `t, the Town Hall las. Thursday evenng. under the: eueeeees ee ;wee, Woman's Institute has tan o is bast held 'it the r-::iage for soins 1*nfortunatelY on ea - a -wt ee of th 're bepg so many other • entertainments ;teemed here durLLt 4 the Christmas week, the attendance was. get what .t d:served. The pupils a: the Crediton and s•hool south of the village'took ,part in the tionusesand ,d.,.eased was. ,62 years, of age, horn drills rrb,. , the Musical seletetions by n Usborn Township, near here, he of ssrs Lorne Brown, and Mr. Gayle nvhsa a yaung ,man ,taught se itool :n, and Been o= Toronto were rnu,clk ap- . Essex County, later going to. the Can,- p:ret�;a:ed. The monologues by hut tail en Were, where he taught and also Cavite were ,of a very h`e h 'hara(iert.farm it until about ten years ago, at "and =hrou;hout th? •prc'grem he Was a, to a a In lint: taereturned to Kerkton.t der:gee to hear. Rev, 'Brook made wan , ; r ,.3e,. He never mauled, Five ideal e•ha:rman: We assure the bee br eh'rs ` and two sisters survive, Adel a,itaute a better attendan,.e witenftbee ,,.;n of Biansltard, Joseph of Brandon, t.ceneet), could be repeated at a later Nitta, Amos, Robert;, Nathan, • Mrs, chat•. s FI ,.her Swe:tzer and Miss Kate of \iunenatioa for Police Trustees was $-rk,'On. The funeral. tool: pia:.a to heal -n the Town Hadi on ehen(lay th' ttitrk.to¢a .emetery on Friday. neerdag, Thos, Trevethick as ted ars s Kirkton - i): ed Suddenly.—Mr. ,Jacob troupe, ,v..> has been residing w th his sister ele,s Kat. Daupe, ala the, vllage, was found deal on. Wednesday rnor eng on the floor beside the kktehen stove. - A par.ntly he had risen as usual and being troubled somewhat with a weak h • tri it sudd :niy failel tern and be (reed amme.i;aely. When ,his sister e atn.e MI) the room he was dead. The i t tatrn'mg oft.ieer and received the fel 1 Dan y1,:Isaae, George Mawh.nney, Ler,- NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS era Feist, Garnet Srr.eetzer ;and heft lowieg nominations, Chas Zwi.ker,. Vote for Francis TO THE ELt.CTORS OF 'EXETFR At the request of 04 Iarge number of ratepayers, I am seeking election as a member of the Municipal Conn - of Exeter, fund shall be pleased to hone you mark your ballot for me en EI:s tion Day:. 1 M. FRANCIS Vote EE.lerington and Energy, (Contribuut�edc yltOnterrttture ornep Department or The writer recently described in these columns how to safeguard the farm water supply against contamin- ation. All will agree that this ruat- ter should receive foremost attention. In this and subsequent articles var- ions means for getting the water, whether well. spring, or eistern water on tap in the faro? home will be described. In the first place 1 desire to emphasize the fact that it fregnzently a very: common thing for the farriers' wives to carry the 1 water from the pump over the well to the house, where the pump could be loeated inside the house, and all .voided the labor of cat ryirng water a and witnout very lf.tle more labor expended its pumping. Distance of house Pump from Well. Note this question When can the pump be located to one side of the wall, and how far away? If the water supply is no more than 150 or 200 tent from the hoose. and the level of :he water at the supply. say the well is never more than 20 or 22 feet below the level of the ground lovel at the house, the pump may be put inside the house, and tile water drawn in quite satisfactorily. It would not cost very tnuelr to make this change in the pump arrange- ment. and consider what a great sav- ing of labor and time, inconvenience, and exposure to bad weather would be elteccted by merely moving the pump Inside. Perhaps you have never thought of this matter, 'How about it? Then, too, the well can be more securely' guarded from surface con- tamination than when the pump Is directly over It. The Majority of 'Wells Are Shallow.. TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETFR I am in tin'= field for elect»oni as Count•.iiior of Exe aver `os the platform; of eaononwv and stn salary, and your vote and influeroe, to secure my el- e.:tion is resitectfuuly solecited, FRED 'FI LbRINGTON We Wish THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON To All Our Frien . ma( THE HE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid UP $15,000 ,000 Reserve Fund $15,QOQ,0OQ A F. A. Chapman, Manager - R. S. Wilson: Manager Exeter Branch, Creditoa Branch, Dashwood Branch, In many districts of our :ountry* the majority of the wells are shallow ,1 and within a short distance of the house, and readily lend themselves to the pumping sks em described above. It is the nearest approach to water on tap, and the system should be far more common .in the rural districts than it is. It In the future some time an up-to-date water sys- ._.—_ tem should be Installed in the .home, Orme. For some reason or other the water line from the house to all nonce -tees withdrew with the 'result g y the well would be already Installed. that a new n^•m'aaat:on has been rail- and no changes in it would be necessary. Hints on Installation. Before passing on, a few features concerning installation of the water pipe to'the well or supply should be emphasized. These are: The best quality of galvanized pipe should be used, the joints in the line should be absolutely air -tight, the pipe line should be deep enough to be always safe from frost, the pipe should slope slightly towards the well, and there should be a check valve and strainer on the bottom of the pipe in the wall in order to maintain the pipe line full of water up to the pump.itself and to keep back sticks, stones, ete., that might clog the pump valves. The size of the pipe (inside diameter) should be at least one-half the dia- meter of the pump cylinder, the greater the horizontal distance water is drawn the larger the pipe. The type of pump used may vary con- siderably. The ordinary out-of-doors pump may be used. in this case the pump would be located in the wood- shed, for instance, and installed over a dry well. This consists of a shal- low pit cribbed up securely in which the pump cylinder is located, and it has a tight top like an'ordinary well. It would be a much easier matter to repair the pump, cylinder than when pump is over the well, and much easier to protect the pump from frost in severe winter weather. A single or double acting low down force pue�,ap similar to'the type used on threshers' water tanks might be used. It might be located in the cel- lar or any convenient place inside; no dry well would be necessary in this case: Rave a Good Quality of Pump. Even the kitchen pump would serve the purpose very well if it were somewhat heavier in' construction and better designed than the cheaper ones of this class. Another' ijpe would be < the semi -rotary "pu`mp which is fastened securely to the wall of the kitchen or pantry at one side of sink. It is operated by a short handle moved back and forth in a semi=circular manner. The:: same pump at the kitchen.sink"may be used also for pumping up the water. from the cistern by having a three' way valve installed in • the pipe line, at It point just below the sink. When the valve is set one way, 'the well water can be•pumped into the house, when opposite the cistern or soft water can, be pumped. In this short article: an' endeavor has been made to explain a few simple and inexpensive means of re- ducing the labor of getting the water into the farm home, in others to fol- low more up-to-date systems will be dealt with. Our Department at the College solicits inquiries regarding the problems of equipping the farm' home with, water systems, plumbing, sewage disposals : lighting systems, etc. Write fora copy of; Bulletin No. 267; it ist free:=R. "R,, Graham, 0. A. Coliegh,• Guelph ' Aunt Ada's Alton -iv- Someone has air4i. that a farm is'a ` eltel# ds'Iwit'l 'liome,attached;, but the beet /arms .. eh homeswith business , a s n IA n ass- 'a ttached: �,r EI'm„maple, or even nut trees.and,: fruit trees are good �+fo plant along highways. The objection to fruit and nut trees, is that they may be.broken down: by' over -zealous collectors of fruit. This ;is not apt to happen if they are ; common on the highway. Re -Elect Penhale. TO THE ELk.CTORS OF EXETFR, I am w a n offer? myself as a candidat:.fo,r the Exeter Council and Contieued from Page 1. ed for Monday, Jan( 9th, at 7 pen. We %he gave the nriansial report, said, soslleit you sualaart to secure my el - trust a good attendaxtc:e v.Iiii1 be there that the. rates in town were no h e,her cotton, promising you, if elected to, az. matters of•zonsderab1e importance then that of other towns of equals:ee g•y the affairs sof the town my ,:are- are ie be discussed, and it re very ex-l'rl a government grant toward 'Alain ' fur and earnest consideration,. sandal that our •^tillage be represented and Wall°n:teen Streets was 16,123.79. Respectfully yours, by men of ashelisay who can tran.act l dr. H. Huston Pgave an outline of W 1z, PENIIALE, our business with credit to,thcroselves the Pubtlt' Utilities branch,. and die village. Th.e:Trustees of tide, F, Ell' r?:ngton in hes address and past year ,did their mark well and we appeal so the electors created ehearty trust that if they are ,renemseeeed: they , eche when he ;:intimated his ,willingness will sedans*,ler the_r a(: tions of se- Le s:rrie the town grates, or, if paid sigma; and act as officials for th.w ih the. rest or the .counetl, to hand Village, We are, ,on 'the eve of some over the salary rezeatved for sozn be- y:ivic cmproveme4s—especially in the novo ent purposes.. Other asp.raats liebSang ,s our streets and business else spoke:, Re -Elect Davis TO THE ELECTORS OF EXETER p rc,es an'.1 ret as up Leo us as citiaens i Lastly followed .Mr, ire W: Gladman I” thank the ratepayers of ,,Exeter to, take an interest .n the affairs of, of the Board of,Education,, for the generous vote they gave me °the village. 1 He bane e fail and complete account last year, and isol ei,t your vote and On Monday ,emeniasg the annual of the. work done du -.mg ,the year,. influence to secure my re-election to Chiesenes Festival of the Evangeeca1 1 Ta t school has been raised to the the Council of 'thee Village. If elected Sunday School was held. The chtdd- i ' status sa,f a Hugh , astead of a Covent- .I shall give the town's interest my ren upheld their reputation, of givinguet]an School; e. new scjen.ce room most, careful attention). a splendid entertainment. The church; las been •equipped; rvaih a quala:f ted JOS; DAVIS was beautifully decorated with ever- l master in charge, and the. teachers' green trees, bunting and bells which gave Es. quite a festive appearances Tea' nrograin eras d_L dad inua two salar.os o° both ?Uhler,. and H:gh Sehoo1 have been. raised to a 1W:rig wags on - a ileve .Neale those paid °gin Re -Elect Beavers parte.The e first ;part e:onsisted of other towns. The Adoeese;ent Act mixed numbers by the chsee, wend the compelled children to continue their chi/dr - a of the schotes p 1 rvh''e art two studee til sixteen, hats caused the was a�ea•itata entitled, ""The Rose of 'Faurih .beta h•er ea be added to . the TO THE ELECTORS AND RATE--; Bethelem." The entire program was H.gh School... There are 185 in the PAYERS OF ,EXETER. f one of .the bent ever rendered in the Public. Schnell weth five teachers, and cbure:h. In 'thee second pat the cos -1 120 in •th. High School evv.th four Altar be`ng urged by al large sintnr- t,ae:h;ars, ber of the brtiaaens, add, at their re - tames worn by the different per- formers were very picturesque and ap- propriate for the parts which they took After the :entertainment, pres- :ents welre distributed to the children I yD EY TROUBLE? "The reidneysare the Blood Filters— When ilters— Wn n they Weaken and Stop Up, the System Becomes Overloaded s with Uric Acid Niagara Falls, Ont.—"I have used e earIyf all . of Dre Pierce's medicines and take great.;. pleasure in giving sceteeSele them a boost. The Anuric Tab- lets are the' great est benefit to man: kind. I was suf- fering with kid- ney trouble and was rejected by 5 ;e different insur -� ance companies. Today I am -hold- see ,= ing three good ..,policies. All I :ask the readers of this is to give the Anuric Tablets -.a trial, and become . a life user in the facture."—Williattx. Dempsey, 32 Bridge St. .,,HEALTH IS YOUR MOST VALU- ABLE ASSET Montreal, Que.—"I cannot praise 'Dr. Pierce's Anuric enough for what it has done for me. • For three months I was under the doctor's care and got ,: no better. I was always complaining of my kidneys, Finally' I made up niy mind to try Dr. 1eierce's Anuric Tablets. I took two packages and don't complain any more, I: have gained in weight and .am s W.;' gaining My : appetite is great ,a,,Akigleep�'tas,:,etje to me hthe Anurie i whatie Tablets have rdone for me, 1 truly recommend them .f:.. tto;thosb:eello"tfe ='b fferin from kide+ ney ailments" the way i did. They. :are mi' hty good, though not expen ".; hard to beat. buy,bu,, a "s tod is sive; y , -T.,A.s Brown, 415.Dorehester St., W. A3troy nearest druggist forr An- --uric , tet tahiet torch, or send 10e to Dr, Pierce's Lehoratory in Bridge - burg Ontario, for trial pkg. and ;write fee le.ae eeedical advice. STEPHEN TOWNSHIP Reeve—Alex. H. Neeb, re-elected. Deputy—D. Webb, re-elected, • Cou,ecillors=George Penbale, Joinn Hayes, Wm Srt*e;1zer, Elmer Lawson T,hr:e 'iso be;°efet'eted: USBOI12,NE TOWNSHIP s.eteds;reeve by ac- 4lamatnon. Councillnre.Morgainesef 1921 - retired Old, Couneel,lors ate.-tsomruna:t,ed are- Joshua Johns, Johod anna, Fred Stew- art; new mieai;.nomt:nlaled, Edd. West - cote Jas Jecke]sl Frlvsel Sur the field, four to be ie'reicbedr , > . LUC AN-Fdr,-reeve; ,j. 131. Armeta;ge by acclamation, For'counc.idlors, Tohn Casey, W. B. koungsten, Robert .Col - tinder, R E. Abbeet, W. J. Smith. B1DD:flLPH.Fbr eeve, Rich. Hod- gns by acclartidelent. For councillors, Henry McFalis, George. Coursey, A, Isaacs, James- IGelay; ' P( Dickens. McGILLIVp les council by acclamation Rseve A. Rosser, Dep- uty, 1). L was:;';', tssHuncil, H. Billings, W ivfagu'xe, J. A>llats0n. BLANSHARD Reeve, Gen. Cook, Tames Robeson, Councillors, James Moore; Geor,ge'Kevth scar Bennett, Gu ifard Copieaaiisd , ntd,, mdney Adam- sane e GODEI UCFI-i.T.P..:N. W. Treteartba fourth tees l arsysree1e, also counciil .by, acc:lamai on,., t ,• 13L' YTIi-iReOvee II: P cat,,.;A siroy iat, yVh: is-i,,C'nun •t;, W. zE Yv'niiga' E +, f h.irtt- d, 7. A1pfen, entero ,1icGi1. Er'LSt1>gi W. ,p! kiQ e':�+yr '�ampbe2b .R 44"411rncft? Buchanan, ;xn, , e unc 1, A, l b?rrean, Johns G:I1 spie, AV:" 8,6Vet; ki? :,j� 'Leesharn,, J. Sto,n,e- r' �a�c. . f.z-./A �_�..., I1JiL4�� � yes. . •.rAr et r an g, •�iglunculors•':John3arre L1:1..Gia,rakarwEsnes$ Adams, Alex... 'wing:. ; quest I am offering ,myself as .:ans- a' d:atte ifor the reeved -tip for the year + 1922. If my past nervecie as a, reeve has been satisfactory I solicit your votes and if elected ,wfal give the office,the same careful attention as; in the past. Yours vespectfteey, . B. W: F. BEAVERS. Vote for Elston TO THE CITIZENS OF EXETER In view of the heavy Debenture debt on the town, .hued the ,rapidly •increase ing 'tax rate, I seanid .far the careful economical pdmannistrati n of the town business in all depelettinentk I solicit your supports - Yowls eespectfully, J. E1.S.T,ON.` . Vote for J H . Grieve for the Board of Education. ote dor T estcott Inu'orporeted in 185:.1 ,CAPITAL RESERVE $tl,t io,A:00 Over 130 Branches THE. SOL--NS.BANK. Buy Canadian Goods—and hep to keep Canadian workmen busy, it will help you. Buy wisely and 'save as much as possible and deposit your savings in The illolsons Bank: Courteous Service to all, EXETER, i3;kRA.l:vOH T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business daily. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch. M. E. G INER Furniture Stock U'p-to-date General Funeral Director & Embalmer, License No. 447 Auto Hearse and Horse Epuipment Phone 74,E and 74w Opera House Block, Exeter Tp T,b;J,,.CTO:. S OF; USBORNEE 't: .c a u , d i:�c+d is u .: been nn1 U ..,.i. lt�sy« �..: �... . i I r : �,J dYr' .': ' S B ' ,> "Gh:�oith l � tet ., G r, �# >` zt, b Br � (t l k f this -'through MAR fgAitv,Iri fitiia nrhr 11#15,*e Have:' an 'e1.•et:t2ostty t s w&''wettesled skty' b lie've that'only the Cour would qual. How ever a fit th hie; ,,at, the least ,uaoment, :I, sol:iciteyour vete, and isnflu-.,ruse to secure. :my elect;on1.•. Respect:fu'y ,t'our`s. ED. r WESTCOTT • Here's for A Prosperous New Year to AIL Wilson's Grocery A Christmas Gift For Your Friends And An Investment For Yourself The Farmer's Advocate a YEARS FOR $3.00 The most reliable farm and homepaperin Canada. Our own 200 acre experimental farm and constant travelling among farmers keeps- our editors in close touch with the problems of the farm. The "Farmer's Advocate its owned, published and edited by farmers. Each member of the family will be hummed In some department and all will enjoy our serial . caries. • OUR sF;E-cIAL: OFFER NEW PRICES ONE YEAR TWO YEARS THREE YEARS $1.50 $2.50 $3.00 IN ADVANCE (FORMER PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE.) WRITE TODAY:- Send us your ceders without delay'so that your subscription, will start with•eur splendid ?Gras number. The Wllliem, Weld Col `London',: onta• no DL sphayAdvertistng—Made known sine ....per;insertion, .rr:.iv4-:�4 .. . . ._ �4tyse.a an; .. t pvsa plfcationtthan 25c; ,Carddeof.,T',biank Sc, St�aY Animals-Oneinsertion 50c., .A Etron S ses..113e for,one three insertions $1.00en $150•,:for ',easchr subsequent >; in - Miscellaneous articles of• not more sertiion if under five inches:•,rxn length. than 'fi . lines, For. Sale To Rent 'Legal advertising '10e..:and 5c., :aline. Wanted each insertion 50c. Lost -and Farm or Real �t ltie '.for sale SOc Found locals 25c. an 'insertion.. each insertion for,one month of, : four .• . Local reading notices, etc., 10c. _per tnsertions, .